Same deal, this is a two for one. Below are recaps of both last night's and last week's Private Practices.
- Now that Naomi knows about Sam and Addison, Sam wishes they were at least together because as things are now, Naomi is pissed and Sam and Addison are not even happy as they should be. But Addison is still not willing to chance it because Naomi means too much to her.
- The surrogate mother who slipped into a coma last episode is still in a coma with the babies continuing to grow inside her. But her husband wants to take her off life support because he thinks it is cruel to keep her alive and give him and their family false hope. Lawyers are involved and in the end they side with the parents of the triplets. At the end of the episode, against the judge's orders, Charlotte sneaks the husband in to see his wife and he pulls the plug. But then she breaths on her own, shocking everyone.
- Charlotte and Sheldon are still sleeping together but it is just sex. When Sheldon tries to take it to another level, Charlotte pushes him away, which leads to Sheldon analyzing her and telling her to go back to Cooper. But then we have Cooper, who is trying to cut ties with Charlotte. He even paid her back the money she put up to buy him into the practice.
- William left the country and didn't tell Naomi. This is enough to send Naomi into Fife's open arms, especially since she needs a shoulder to cry on after she finds out about Addison and Sam. Naomi sleeps with Fife and things seems to be going well. Then Fife tells Naomi that William is sick and that he went away to get treatment, which makes Naomi feel guilty enough that she gets on a plane and flies to Switzerland to support him. (In the next episode we see that Fife plans to wait for Naomi's return because he feels that strongly for her, but we still have no idea what Naomi is thinking or who she wants.)
- Throughout this episode Lucas is sick. When Pete also gets sick, Addison takes over and does her best to play mom. She struggles, especially when she too becomes sick, but it is a chance for her to bond with Lucas. All the while things with her and Pete seem to be going really well. They seem to have a rhythm going and seem happy together. Then Pete, who has a fever, mutters, while half asleep, I love you, Violet and Addison hears him.
On to the latest episode:
- The surrogate mother's husband brings in a very famous coma doctor and her team to see if they can wake up his wife. He's looking for a miracle, but the doctor says there is no hope. On the doctor's team is Addison's ex-husband, Derek's, little sister, Amelia. When Amelia is fired for suggesting they perform a very risky procedure, she goes to the husband and presents it to him herself. Though none of the other doctors think it will work, she is cocky and wants to do it. The surgery ends up going badly and Addison has to deliver the babies even though they are barely viable. Because of this set back, Amelia loses confidence in herself, so Sam has to help her get back in the mood, which she does and she completes the surgery. In the end, the babies are OK and the mom wakes up, which to Amelia signals success, but Addison points out that it was too risky and regrets trying it.
- Charlotte wants Cooper to do a sex talk at a retirement home with her because she needs someone to help with the male perspective. The talk does not go well, with most of those in the audience being bored, but a couple does come up to Charlotte and Cooper at the end to discuss a problem. Without going into much detail this leads to Charlotte and Cooper first fighting about Charlotte's emasculating ways and then the two working together in an act that seems to foreshadow a friendship between these two in the near future.
- Addison, while in conversation with Amelia, goes on and on about how things are fine when really she is refusing to admit that things are a mess: she still loves Sam but is with Pete, Sam still loves Addison but is with Vanessa, Pete still love Violet but is with Addison, etc. No one is with whom they want to be and Amelia is not too afraid to point out that Addison is settling. When Addison finally opens up to Pete, telling him about how he said I love you, Violet, he says he is not waiting for Violet and that he loves Addison. And, honestly, I couldn't help but believe him. But then, just when they were looking as strong as ever, Violet rings Pete's doorbell.