Friday, January 16, 2009


For an Online Journalism class I am currently taking we were all asked by our professor to start a blog about a topic we feel passionate about and I chose television. In the coming months you will learn a lot about my television tastes, but as an introduction here are the television shows I watch loyally:

Gossip Girl
One Tree Hill
Law & Order: SVU
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
Lipstick Jungle (rumors say it will be back in the fall, but for now the season is done)
The Hills (when it is in season and if it comes back)

I also dabble a bit into other shows and will be expanding beyond these few in my posts. I look forward to hearing feedback from readers and to fostering a relationship with everyone out there in cyberspace.

Keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. You should watch Battlestar Galactica tonight with me, and blog about that! The last ten episodes can (kind of) be watched on their own, the producers say.
