Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spoiler: ER - "You're all here because of this guy"

Let me start this post by saying that I really enjoyed this week's episode. That said, I feel like this season, since it is the last, there are not really any overarching storylines. Instead, the writers are doing all they can to write in plots that allow for old stars to return. This week it was William H. Macy's turn to return to the show. I looked on and it looks like he was one of the original cast members.

So here is what happened. An old man, who looks like he has been beaten up, stumbles into the ER. He keeps seeing flashes of a different, older time period. We find out that he used to work at County and that his name is Oliver. The flashes he is having is him seeing the hospital from when he worked there. Morris recognizes the name and says he is a legend; he even helps the doctors who had misdiagnosed a woman with cancer when she really had tuberculosis. Then Macy shows up and tells us that he may have flashes of memory, but he does not talk and "does not interact with the present." He is DNR so they take him off machines and he eventually dies.

If nothing else I bet this episode was fun to film. In Oliver's memory flashes some of the main characters, Sam, Brenner and Morris in particular, were dressed in old style doctor and nurses uniforms and had different hair styles. It was fun to see how much things have changed.

In other happenings, I like Neela and Brenner together. But what is with Lucien? Is he jealous? He is definitely acting strange around Neela.

And how about Sam's storyline. Other than mention of her son, Alex, and his father, there has never been any real discussion about her family life that I can remember. When her sister showed up, I was caught off guard. And then we got to hear some of the details of Sam's life. Apparently, when Sam got pregnant at 15, her mother kicked her out of the house and would not allow Sam to communicate with her younger sister. I wonder if they will pursue this storyline any further in coming episodes.

Well that's it for now. NBC keeps teasing big guest appearances. Who will be next? I'm still watching, I hope you are too.

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