Tuesday, December 8, 2009

GG: "We all have to live with our choices"

As always, here is the link to the New York Magazine Daily Intel reality index and below are a few additions.

- When Serena ever gave that speech about how she is willing to lose everything and start over with Trip, I wanted to throw something at my television. How can she be so completely naive? Serena, an 18-year-old with no job and no family support, has NOTHING to lose in comparison to Trip who is a recently elected Congressman. Minus five for her being so selfish and thinking only of herself.
- Eric thinks all he has to do to take down Jenny is turn her friends against her and then she will be dethroned. Has he actually met Jenny? She is much better at this game than he is. Minus one for this inconsistency.
- Serena is bored so Nate points her in the direction of his hidden pot stash. At least Nate is reliable for something. Plus two.
- After the accident, Trip gets out of the car, sees Serena is bleeding and not moving and calls ... Maureen? I guess she really is the brains of the operation. He may need her more than he expects. No points because his stupidity and her necessity even out.
- Jenny has so much money because she is now a drug dealer? Minus one just because this storyline is going nowhere good.

Though I was already getting sick of the Serena/Trip storyline, this episode was a pretty entertaining one. It was nice to see how Blair and Chuck's relationship has evolved and my heart broke a little when Dan told Vanessa he loves her and she pretended to not take him seriously. I'm sad we will have to wait a few weeks for a new episode, but Gossip Girl is always worth the wait.

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