Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spoiler: Entourage - The case of the missing underwear

Here is what happened on this week's episode:

- Vince hears someone in the house in the middle of the night. At first nothing seems to be missing but then Vince and Turtle realize that all of their underwear is missing from the laundry room. Ari freaks out because he thinks Vince has a stalker. Ignoring Ari's advice to contact a security person, Vince and Turtle decide to buy guns instead. They were told multiple times to be careful with the guns but as soon as they got them in their hands Drama fires and breaks a glass door. They then decide that calling Ari's security guy is a less dangerous option.
- After last week's fight with the executive, Drama is called and told he is "not needed" on his show's set anymore. Turtle and Jamie say they truly appreciate what he did, but the guys agree that his job is important so he should apologize. After a few semi-funny scenes where Drama bribes the security guard and barges into the executive's office, Drama is told he is not fired but that instead the executive is going to torture him.
- Eric starts his new job and within minutes pisses off a fellow employee who seems to be a real jerk. The new office is supposed to work so well because all the employees work as a team, yet this guy refuses to let E help him. In the end, E looks like the hot shot and the other guy lost his chance to sign someone, which will probably lead to more drama between them in future episodes.

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