Sunday, August 2, 2009

Spoiler: Entourage - You can kiss a lot of models or just call your best friend for a favor

On tonight's episode of Entourage we find out that production for Vince's Ferrari movie has been pushed back so he has nothing to do for the next 12 weeks. He proposes going away, but all of the guys say they have other commitments. He points out that he has all the money is the world and tons of free time yet no one to spend it with.

In other happenings, Andrew does not go home one night and his wife calls Ari's wife looking for him. Ari's wife then immediately jumps to the conclusion that Andrew must be having an affair and Ari lies for Andrew. Andrew swears he has ended his fling with the junior agent but then he sees her flirting with David Schwmmer while trying to seal a deal and Andrew freaks. Ari gives him advice and tells him to think of his children who would not want a father who is a liar. Andrew misconstrues this advice and chooses to leave his wife, further screwing up Ari's life.

As for the storylines of the other guys, we have Eric figuring out that his business - the Murphy Group - has no real purpose so he decides to close it; Jamie taking Turtle back to school shopping and forcing him to buy preppy, Chuck Bass-inspired clothes; and Drama trying to cast a love interest for his television show character. This last plot was actually quite funny. After kissing tons of hot women all day, Drama swears he had no chemistry with any of them. He then begs the director to hire a known actress, though the part is only a one time, few minute thing. So Drama begs Turtle to get Jamie to agree to be his kisser, which she agrees to do.

That was pretty much it. Ashley is still annoying; I still feel bad for Lloyd; and I wish Ari's wife had a name.

Feel free to leave your thoughts on the episode.

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