Below is a quick recap of Life Unexpected.
- Baze is spending a lot of time with Lux at Cate's house, which Ryan isn't exactly thrilled about. After corporate steps in at the radio station because listeners have started hating Cate and they have Baze cohost a show, Ryan begins to doubt Cate and Baze's relationship. So Cate goes to Ryan determined to come clean, but lies to keep Ryan. She does not tell him she slept with Baze, only furthering her lie.
- Bug is facing two years in prison for stealing Jones' car. Lux works some magic and helps Bug out, but when he sees Lux with Jones we see a possessive and almost abusive side of Bug. So Lux tries standing up for herself with Bug, after getting some advice from Cate, and Bug walks out.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
OTH: "This is the time to say goodbye"
Here is a recap of the most recent episode of One Tree Hill.
- Lauren and Mouth agree that they got carried away and that they are better as friends. Lauren tells him she does not want to be his rebound, so things between them return to normal. But after some thought, Lauren agrees that their feelings cannot be ignored so the two kiss, only for Skills to return to Tree Hill a moment later.
- Up until now we have been assuming that Victoria has been dating Julian's father. But this week we find out she is actually dating Alexander. So when she finds out he has been sleeping with Alex, she kicks him to the curb. But then we see a softer side of both Alexander and Victoria and realize they have genuine feelings for one another. By the end of the episode, things with them are back on track.
- At the end of last week's episode Brooke walked into Julian's hotel room and saw Alex asleep naked in his bed. So for much of this week's episode Brooke walks around angry at the world because she thinks Julian and Alex slept together. So when she overhears Alex on the phone in what Brooke takes as confirmation, Brooke punches Alex in the face. Later Brooke finds out Alex is really sleeping with Alexander so she goes to Julian to apologize. She explains herself and the two kiss. It is safe to say that the two are now back together and can work on rebuilding their relationship.
- Hailey's mom's health is deteriorating. For much of the episode she is in the hospital. This episode was very emotional and we saw a side of Hailey we do not usually see, one where she has no control. Their mom dies near the end of the episode, surrounded by family.
One Tree Hill returns April 26 for this season's final four episodes. I'm hoping this is not also the show's series finale, but who knows. And, I was just thinking, we are almost finished with this season and they have yet to tell us where Peyton and Lucas went when they left the show. They mention them in passing at times, but I think this is weird. I still want answers. Anyway, what do you think about the season so far? What do you think will happen in the last four episodes? In One Tree Hill fashion we know we can expect tons of shocking developments in the coming weeks.
- Lauren and Mouth agree that they got carried away and that they are better as friends. Lauren tells him she does not want to be his rebound, so things between them return to normal. But after some thought, Lauren agrees that their feelings cannot be ignored so the two kiss, only for Skills to return to Tree Hill a moment later.
- Up until now we have been assuming that Victoria has been dating Julian's father. But this week we find out she is actually dating Alexander. So when she finds out he has been sleeping with Alex, she kicks him to the curb. But then we see a softer side of both Alexander and Victoria and realize they have genuine feelings for one another. By the end of the episode, things with them are back on track.
- At the end of last week's episode Brooke walked into Julian's hotel room and saw Alex asleep naked in his bed. So for much of this week's episode Brooke walks around angry at the world because she thinks Julian and Alex slept together. So when she overhears Alex on the phone in what Brooke takes as confirmation, Brooke punches Alex in the face. Later Brooke finds out Alex is really sleeping with Alexander so she goes to Julian to apologize. She explains herself and the two kiss. It is safe to say that the two are now back together and can work on rebuilding their relationship.
- Hailey's mom's health is deteriorating. For much of the episode she is in the hospital. This episode was very emotional and we saw a side of Hailey we do not usually see, one where she has no control. Their mom dies near the end of the episode, surrounded by family.
One Tree Hill returns April 26 for this season's final four episodes. I'm hoping this is not also the show's series finale, but who knows. And, I was just thinking, we are almost finished with this season and they have yet to tell us where Peyton and Lucas went when they left the show. They mention them in passing at times, but I think this is weird. I still want answers. Anyway, what do you think about the season so far? What do you think will happen in the last four episodes? In One Tree Hill fashion we know we can expect tons of shocking developments in the coming weeks.
When television shows make mistakes
Here is a slideshow put together by highlighting some of, what they are calling, TV's biggest blunders. It is an entertaining slideshow so take a look.
Friday, February 19, 2010
The CW announces renewals for next season
According to this blog post, the CW has already decided that 90210, The Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Supernatural and America's Next Top Model will be a part of their 2010 fall schedule. While I am very happy to see Gossip Girl on this list, mostly because I have been a little worried lately that the low viewership would lead to it being canceled, I am sad about what is missing. One Tree Hill and Life Unexpected have not yet been renewed. I'm sure they are giving Life Unexpected a little more time to find its footing, but with One Tree Hill I think this is the announcement that it is its last season. I had doubts that following two stars - Chad Michael Murrary and Hilarie Burton - leaving the show it would still be watchable, but I find myself enjoying the show this season. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
The twisted world of Clark Rockefeller to come to TV
We all knew it was only a matter of time before the craziness that is Clark Rockefeller became a movie, so I am not surprised that Lifetime jumped on the opportunity. The commercial for the movie is embedded below. It stars Eric McCormack from Will & Grace fame as Gerhartsreiter. I remember following this story closely and being constantly intrigued. I just hope the movie does it justice. Will you watch?
New Tonight Show ad airs
And this ad in no way makes me want to watch the show. Who was the brains behind this one? Probably Jay himself.
PP: "Sometimes we have to pretend"
A lot happened on last week's Private Practice episode. Namely, things between Sam and Addison continue to be weird following her rejection of him; Pete and Violet have returned to a level of normalcy, mostly that Pete is done being mad at Violet; Dell removes his wedding ring as a symbol of his moving on; Cooper and Charlotte continue to refuse to deal with their feelings for one another and pretend they are fine seeing other people; Naomi still wants no part in planning Maya's wedding; and Addison and Pete have sex, agreeing that it is for sex's sake and that they don't plan to get emotionally involved.
Then comes last night's episode, which featured Maya's wedding. Below is a recap.
- Cooper spends the entire episode trying to prove that Charlotte's new boyfriend is a drug addict and once he does he pushes down the wall he and Charlotte have built between one another and the two have sex.
- At the beginning of the episode Addison tells Sam she is seeing someone else and it does not take Sam long to figure out this person is Pete. Sam is visibly angry about this and says what they are doing is no different than Addison being with Sam, since Pete is Sam's friend just like Naomi is Addison's friend.
- The whole episode we wondered whether or not Naomi was going to pull it together enough to attend Maya's wedding. I had my doubts but then Sam cornered Naomi and gave her a speech about how she has to be a mother and be there for her daughter and I knew Naomi would not be able to reject Maya and not attend. In the end, the wedding was beautiful and both Maya and Dink seemed very happy.
Then comes last night's episode, which featured Maya's wedding. Below is a recap.
- Cooper spends the entire episode trying to prove that Charlotte's new boyfriend is a drug addict and once he does he pushes down the wall he and Charlotte have built between one another and the two have sex.
- At the beginning of the episode Addison tells Sam she is seeing someone else and it does not take Sam long to figure out this person is Pete. Sam is visibly angry about this and says what they are doing is no different than Addison being with Sam, since Pete is Sam's friend just like Naomi is Addison's friend.
- The whole episode we wondered whether or not Naomi was going to pull it together enough to attend Maya's wedding. I had my doubts but then Sam cornered Naomi and gave her a speech about how she has to be a mother and be there for her daughter and I knew Naomi would not be able to reject Maya and not attend. In the end, the wedding was beautiful and both Maya and Dink seemed very happy.
Grey's: "The biggest influences in your life are sitting next to you"
On last week's Grey's Anatomy we saw Meredith having a difficult time coming to terms with being the chief's wife; Mark's daughter Sloan decide to give up her baby for adoption even after Mark offered to adopt the baby himself; and Teddy tell Owen she takes back saying she loves him if it means they can go back to being friends and she and Cristina can continue to work together.
Then there was last night's episode, which took place mostly in flashbacks, following stories told through the eyes of Bailey, Richard and Callie. These doctors were giving lectures as part of a lecture series Derek reinstated. It gave us the chance to see a little about where they came from and what makes them great doctors. More importantly, it gave us a glimpse into Richard's relationship with Ellis Grey when it first began. Overall, I think the episode was well done and very interesting. A friend mentioned that he would enjoy an episode like this one once a season as a glimpse into other doctor's pasts and I have to say I agree. Who knows if it will happen, but I wouldn't be disappointed if this formula was used again.
Then there was last night's episode, which took place mostly in flashbacks, following stories told through the eyes of Bailey, Richard and Callie. These doctors were giving lectures as part of a lecture series Derek reinstated. It gave us the chance to see a little about where they came from and what makes them great doctors. More importantly, it gave us a glimpse into Richard's relationship with Ellis Grey when it first began. Overall, I think the episode was well done and very interesting. A friend mentioned that he would enjoy an episode like this one once a season as a glimpse into other doctor's pasts and I have to say I agree. Who knows if it will happen, but I wouldn't be disappointed if this formula was used again.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Life Unexpected: "I don't know how many more times I can say that I'm trying"
I wrote this blog post before watching last week's episode and was pleased when Cate gave Lux the speech at the end of the episode essentially giving her an ultimatum. Cate notices that Lux keeps running away when things get tough or leaving her to go to Baze when they fight. Cate told Lux she is trying and doing the best she can and that Lux has to accept this, which I think Lux has. And then there was last night's episode where Cate continually showed how jealous she is that Lux would rather hang out with Baze than her. This goes back to Cate's need to always feel accepted and in future episodes I'm sure we will continue to see Cate and Lux's struggle to bond. But I think this makes for good television. The tension between mother and daughter and even father and mother is what makes me want to watch each week. Now that Lux is getting settled and seems to be attempting to make friends at school, maybe she will start to realize that she belongs not only to but with Cate and Baze.
OTH: "Just remind him of the girl he fell in love with"
On last week's episode of One Tree Hill, Hailey, Quinn and Taylor's mom stopped by for an unexpected visit to drop a huge bombshell. She has pancreatic cancer and has decided to not further pursue treatments. Instead she wants to spend what little time she has left with her family. This is the message she continued to send on last night's episode, but her daughters are having a difficult time accepting that she is so close to dying. Hailey, Taylor and Quinn all feel like she is giving up and are almost angry about this decision. But by the end of last night's episode everyone seemed to start realizing that they should cherish the time they have left together.
In other happenings, Julian and Alex's movie has started filming, which has everyone a bit worried. Julian's dad is worried because Julian has so much at stake with the movie and Alex is worried she is going to let Julian down. And then there is Brooke standing on the sidelines. During last night's episode Brooke and Julian admit to other people that they still love one another. And just when Brooke was about to forgive Julian and work on their relationship, she goes to his hotel room and sees Alex asleep in his bed.
Also on the last two episodes, the record executive, Miranda, after much persuasion and embarrassment, got bartender Grubbs to agree to make a record with her despite his belief that it is too personal; Millie is trying to prove herself at Clothes Over Bros and continues on her road to recovery, even going to meetings for support; Just as Millie realizes she wants to be with Mouth again, Mouth goes to Skills' girlfriend Lauren and asks her on a date.
It seems like next week's episode features a downward spiral for Hailey's mom. For people who are constantly surrounded by heartbreak, another death may be too much for them to handle. Especially Jamie who is much to wise for his young age.
In other happenings, Julian and Alex's movie has started filming, which has everyone a bit worried. Julian's dad is worried because Julian has so much at stake with the movie and Alex is worried she is going to let Julian down. And then there is Brooke standing on the sidelines. During last night's episode Brooke and Julian admit to other people that they still love one another. And just when Brooke was about to forgive Julian and work on their relationship, she goes to his hotel room and sees Alex asleep in his bed.
Also on the last two episodes, the record executive, Miranda, after much persuasion and embarrassment, got bartender Grubbs to agree to make a record with her despite his belief that it is too personal; Millie is trying to prove herself at Clothes Over Bros and continues on her road to recovery, even going to meetings for support; Just as Millie realizes she wants to be with Mouth again, Mouth goes to Skills' girlfriend Lauren and asks her on a date.
It seems like next week's episode features a downward spiral for Hailey's mom. For people who are constantly surrounded by heartbreak, another death may be too much for them to handle. Especially Jamie who is much to wise for his young age.
I know, I've sucked at keeping the blog updated
I know the last thing you want is excuses, but I have been busy working extra shifts lately and have found little time to write blog posts. I always watch the shows right away, but then I have a difficult time finding a spare minute to write about them. Honestly, my desire to post as often as usual is lacking. I have little motivation to spend an hour a day doing research and writing blog posts. But I do not yet want to give up on this blog. So I will try harder to post in a timely manner. Please forgive me and keep reading. And as for the posts themselves, I think I've already said it, but don't be shocked if the posts seem to be getting shorter. I'm starting to realize that every little detail isn't actually all that important. Instead I will just be recapping the highlights. Stay tuned.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Apparently people like watching football
I guess I never really thought anyone would take down MASH as the most watched television show in history, and I definitely didn't expect it to be a sports event that dethroned the leader. But here we are and, according to this article, 106.5 million people watched last night's Super Bowl between the New Orleans Saint and the Indianapolis Colts, slashing the 27 year record MASH held. I'm a little shocked by this and want to hear from you. What made this Super Bowl so special? Why did you watch?
Castle fans get a deeper look into their leading lady

People are still watching Life Unexpected

As for me, I did watch last week's episode but never got around to blogging about it. So for now I just want to air my opinion on something. I agree that this show has potential, but I think the characters need to hit some consistency. The "will she stay or will she run away" theme needs to end soon. It is clear that Kate and Baze love her, so Lux needs to get comfortable if only to then be able to grow as a character.
Which Super Bowl commercials made you laugh? put together this slideshow highlighting some of last night's funniest Super Bowl ads. I was at work last night so did not get the chance to watch the big game, but I'm sure I'll catch the ads when they begin playing during regular television. But for now, are there any that are must sees? Advice is welcome.
Friday, February 5, 2010
In the middle of a heat wave, the cops just keep on working

I'm an avid reader and enjoy everything from suspense/thrillers to romances and the classics. This book may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy the show than it may be worth checking out. I had low expectations and really enjoyed it. I hope you do too. And, if you do read it, let me know what you think.
PP: "I didn't get my way"
Last night's Private Practice episode tackled another difficult medical dilemma while also furthering the storylines at the center of this season. Below is a short recap of the episode.
- Dink and Maya decide they want to get married and attempt to raise their child as a family. Naomi is still refusing to deal with the problem, so Sam is stuck handling things on his own. Sam does not want the kids to get married, but then he sees them together while Maya gets her first ultrasound and he sees that she is truly happy. So by the time Naomi is ready to become a part of the discussion, decisions have already been made and Sam had already given them permission to get married.
- Cooper is dating around again and he is also mad that Violet is taking sides by letting Charlotte live with her.
- While talking to Naomi, Violet finally opened up about why she put up a wall between her and her son, Lucas. Violet was not dismissing her child, in fact she loves him dearly. Instead, Violet understood how damaged she was and she gave Lucas to Pete to care for him because she wanted to protect him.
- While Sam is drunk, he and Addison kiss. The next day, they analyze the kiss and almost repeat the event, but Sheldon interrupts them. Later, Addison drops hints to Naomi who laughs about the idea of Addison and Sam together, even going as far as to say it would make Addison a horrible person. So when Sam tells her he wants to be with her, Addison denies him even though we know she really wants to be with him. Addison says she needs to show allegiance to Naomi and tells Sam she can't listen to her heart.
As for the medical drama at the center of the episode, this week was about a family that had a baby so his cord blood could save their twin daughters who both have leukemia. But when there is only enough cord blood to save one child, the family wrestles with having to decide which daughter deserves to live. It was heartbreaking to watch, especially when Cooper had to tell the girls that only one of them could get better.
- Dink and Maya decide they want to get married and attempt to raise their child as a family. Naomi is still refusing to deal with the problem, so Sam is stuck handling things on his own. Sam does not want the kids to get married, but then he sees them together while Maya gets her first ultrasound and he sees that she is truly happy. So by the time Naomi is ready to become a part of the discussion, decisions have already been made and Sam had already given them permission to get married.
- Cooper is dating around again and he is also mad that Violet is taking sides by letting Charlotte live with her.
- While talking to Naomi, Violet finally opened up about why she put up a wall between her and her son, Lucas. Violet was not dismissing her child, in fact she loves him dearly. Instead, Violet understood how damaged she was and she gave Lucas to Pete to care for him because she wanted to protect him.
- While Sam is drunk, he and Addison kiss. The next day, they analyze the kiss and almost repeat the event, but Sheldon interrupts them. Later, Addison drops hints to Naomi who laughs about the idea of Addison and Sam together, even going as far as to say it would make Addison a horrible person. So when Sam tells her he wants to be with her, Addison denies him even though we know she really wants to be with him. Addison says she needs to show allegiance to Naomi and tells Sam she can't listen to her heart.
As for the medical drama at the center of the episode, this week was about a family that had a baby so his cord blood could save their twin daughters who both have leukemia. But when there is only enough cord blood to save one child, the family wrestles with having to decide which daughter deserves to live. It was heartbreaking to watch, especially when Cooper had to tell the girls that only one of them could get better.
Grey's: "The way to win, the way to beat them, is to stop fighting"
On last night's Grey's Anatomy episode we saw the staff at Seattle Grace take sides in the Derek vs. Richard debacle. While most of the staff is mad and thinks Derek stabbed Richard in the back just to take his job, those who know the truth know Derek was looking out for Richard's best interest. Anyway, below are a few other key points from the episode.
- Richard has two options: 1) He can sign a form retiring from medicine and essentially saying he will never practice medicine again or 2) He can sign a different form that enrolls him in rehab while also promising he will be able to resume his job once he has recovered. While the obvious choice is to go to rehab and sober up, Richard has a difficult time coming to this conclusion. After thinking about it the entire day, Richard finally chooses the later option.
- At the beginning of the episode Teddy essentially tells Cristina she no longer wants to work with her. Then Teddy finds herself in a bind during surgery, she pages Cristina because she knows she will be of great assistance. But Cristina is with Owen and he asks her not to answer the page. Later Cristina realizes this was a stupid idea and she gets mad at Owen, which also leads to her opening up to Owen about Burke. Cristina refuses to give up who she is and she tells Owen she will never again choose him over her work.
- Arizona takes Alex under her wing and has him work for the day in pediatrics. We already know he has a knack for it, but seeing him learn more was great. Arizona's main role was teaching Alex how to advocate for his patients since when you are working with kids they often cannot advocate for themselves.
This was another great episode and one that reminded me how much I enjoy Jessica Capshaw as Arizona. This show continues to get more and more interesting as time moves on. After some boring points last season, I think this season is reminding us why we watch. I hope it continues.
- Richard has two options: 1) He can sign a form retiring from medicine and essentially saying he will never practice medicine again or 2) He can sign a different form that enrolls him in rehab while also promising he will be able to resume his job once he has recovered. While the obvious choice is to go to rehab and sober up, Richard has a difficult time coming to this conclusion. After thinking about it the entire day, Richard finally chooses the later option.
- At the beginning of the episode Teddy essentially tells Cristina she no longer wants to work with her. Then Teddy finds herself in a bind during surgery, she pages Cristina because she knows she will be of great assistance. But Cristina is with Owen and he asks her not to answer the page. Later Cristina realizes this was a stupid idea and she gets mad at Owen, which also leads to her opening up to Owen about Burke. Cristina refuses to give up who she is and she tells Owen she will never again choose him over her work.
- Arizona takes Alex under her wing and has him work for the day in pediatrics. We already know he has a knack for it, but seeing him learn more was great. Arizona's main role was teaching Alex how to advocate for his patients since when you are working with kids they often cannot advocate for themselves.
This was another great episode and one that reminded me how much I enjoy Jessica Capshaw as Arizona. This show continues to get more and more interesting as time moves on. After some boring points last season, I think this season is reminding us why we watch. I hope it continues.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
OTH: "We may be in a high school, but we're not in high school"
This week's One Tree Hill episode was dedicated to the late, great John Hughes and scenes from his movies were recreated throughout the show. Everyone forgot Hailey's birthday, Nathan and Clay are stranded on their way back to Tree Hill, Jamie plots his way into being left home alone, Quinn has to cut the hair of a mean girl after she gets stuck in a locker, Brooke and Julian have a heart-to-heart in the pieces of a soon-to-be car in the garage, etcetera. While the episode did not further the show's storylines all that much, it was an entertaining one. Plus, the 80s themed dance Hailey and Quinn put together gave us the chance to see all of the characters dressed in awkward 80s clothes. Julian and Alex's movie will begin shooting in next week's episode and we can expect drama to ensue from there.
Former teen stars join forces for new ABC Family sitcom

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