Friday, February 5, 2010

Grey's: "The way to win, the way to beat them, is to stop fighting"

On last night's Grey's Anatomy episode we saw the staff at Seattle Grace take sides in the Derek vs. Richard debacle. While most of the staff is mad and thinks Derek stabbed Richard in the back just to take his job, those who know the truth know Derek was looking out for Richard's best interest. Anyway, below are a few other key points from the episode.

- Richard has two options: 1) He can sign a form retiring from medicine and essentially saying he will never practice medicine again or 2) He can sign a different form that enrolls him in rehab while also promising he will be able to resume his job once he has recovered. While the obvious choice is to go to rehab and sober up, Richard has a difficult time coming to this conclusion. After thinking about it the entire day, Richard finally chooses the later option.
- At the beginning of the episode Teddy essentially tells Cristina she no longer wants to work with her. Then Teddy finds herself in a bind during surgery, she pages Cristina because she knows she will be of great assistance. But Cristina is with Owen and he asks her not to answer the page. Later Cristina realizes this was a stupid idea and she gets mad at Owen, which also leads to her opening up to Owen about Burke. Cristina refuses to give up who she is and she tells Owen she will never again choose him over her work.
- Arizona takes Alex under her wing and has him work for the day in pediatrics. We already know he has a knack for it, but seeing him learn more was great. Arizona's main role was teaching Alex how to advocate for his patients since when you are working with kids they often cannot advocate for themselves.

This was another great episode and one that reminded me how much I enjoy Jessica Capshaw as Arizona. This show continues to get more and more interesting as time moves on. After some boring points last season, I think this season is reminding us why we watch. I hope it continues.

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