Wednesday, February 24, 2010

OTH: "This is the time to say goodbye"

Here is a recap of the most recent episode of One Tree Hill.

- Lauren and Mouth agree that they got carried away and that they are better as friends. Lauren tells him she does not want to be his rebound, so things between them return to normal. But after some thought, Lauren agrees that their feelings cannot be ignored so the two kiss, only for Skills to return to Tree Hill a moment later.
- Up until now we have been assuming that Victoria has been dating Julian's father. But this week we find out she is actually dating Alexander. So when she finds out he has been sleeping with Alex, she kicks him to the curb. But then we see a softer side of both Alexander and Victoria and realize they have genuine feelings for one another. By the end of the episode, things with them are back on track.
- At the end of last week's episode Brooke walked into Julian's hotel room and saw Alex asleep naked in his bed. So for much of this week's episode Brooke walks around angry at the world because she thinks Julian and Alex slept together. So when she overhears Alex on the phone in what Brooke takes as confirmation, Brooke punches Alex in the face. Later Brooke finds out Alex is really sleeping with Alexander so she goes to Julian to apologize. She explains herself and the two kiss. It is safe to say that the two are now back together and can work on rebuilding their relationship.
- Hailey's mom's health is deteriorating. For much of the episode she is in the hospital. This episode was very emotional and we saw a side of Hailey we do not usually see, one where she has no control. Their mom dies near the end of the episode, surrounded by family.

One Tree Hill returns April 26 for this season's final four episodes. I'm hoping this is not also the show's series finale, but who knows. And, I was just thinking, we are almost finished with this season and they have yet to tell us where Peyton and Lucas went when they left the show. They mention them in passing at times, but I think this is weird. I still want answers. Anyway, what do you think about the season so far? What do you think will happen in the last four episodes? In One Tree Hill fashion we know we can expect tons of shocking developments in the coming weeks.

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