If you love television like I do, then you probably also know most of the words to the theme songs of your favorite shows. If this sounds familiar, then you might enjoy the following YouTube video by a Swedish guy who put together a medley of him singing some of the more famous TV show theme songs. It's seven minutes long, which may seem like a lot, but once you're watching you'll find yourself reminiscing about the shows he is singing about. It induced a nice trip down memory lane.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Parenthood: Sometimes being accepted is the greatest gift
On this week's Parenthood episode we saw a new side to the Braverman family, one that is not always perfect and where everyone is just looking to be accepted. Below are a few of these moments.
- When Haddie can't babysit Sydney, Julia decides she just won't go out on her date night with her husband. But then Sarah suggests Amber babysit. From the very beginning we see that Julia is worried about this, so when she cancels on Amber we weren't really surprised. Amber wasn't all that disappointed, but Sarah went to Julia to get her to realize Amber is capable. This proves Sarah's desire to show she, and her kids, are good enough.
- When Crosby has to take Jabbar to the hospital, he tries calling Adam and Sarah but they do not answer, so he then calls Julia. She saves the day and comments about how she was impressed he called her and not one of the other siblings. And when Crosby comments about how she is a good mother, it is enough to make Julia feel like it may actually be true despite all her worries.
- Adam and Kristina find out Haddie has a boyfriend who she has been seeing for more than a month. What makes it worse is that his family knows her and all about them, yet they didn't even know the boyfriend existed until they snooped around her room and on her computer. But at the end of the episode, after rebelling against her parents for a few days, Haddie brings her boyfriend to meet the entire extended family, in the hope that their acceptance would end their feud.
- When Haddie can't babysit Sydney, Julia decides she just won't go out on her date night with her husband. But then Sarah suggests Amber babysit. From the very beginning we see that Julia is worried about this, so when she cancels on Amber we weren't really surprised. Amber wasn't all that disappointed, but Sarah went to Julia to get her to realize Amber is capable. This proves Sarah's desire to show she, and her kids, are good enough.
- When Crosby has to take Jabbar to the hospital, he tries calling Adam and Sarah but they do not answer, so he then calls Julia. She saves the day and comments about how she was impressed he called her and not one of the other siblings. And when Crosby comments about how she is a good mother, it is enough to make Julia feel like it may actually be true despite all her worries.
- Adam and Kristina find out Haddie has a boyfriend who she has been seeing for more than a month. What makes it worse is that his family knows her and all about them, yet they didn't even know the boyfriend existed until they snooped around her room and on her computer. But at the end of the episode, after rebelling against her parents for a few days, Haddie brings her boyfriend to meet the entire extended family, in the hope that their acceptance would end their feud.
90210: When you get dumped and can't get over it, join a rock band
This week's 90210 episode was a lot of the usual. No real drama, just the kids acting like adults. Below is a recap.
- At first things between Dixon and his mom are a bit awkward. But once they are alone and can really talk, things start looking up. Oh, and after his mother mentions she gambles online, Dixon starts too. Every mom wants her son to follow in her footsteps and become a gambling addict.
- Jasper is stalking Annie. Everywhere she goes, she turns around and he is there. We already know he is dangerous, but this is a bit extreme. And, in other Jasper news, Dixon's car goes missing while he is surfing and the police find it stripped. Jasper then tells Annie he did it to get rid of all evidence linking her to his uncle's death. CREEPY!
- Teddy and Silver are out on a date and there are constant reminders of what a player Teddy used to be - girls call his cell phone, girls come up to him and kiss his cheek, etc. So after some awful advice from Naomi, Silver reads an email on his computer and has a friend spy on Teddy while he meets some girl. He tells the girl he is in a relationship and that should have made Silver happy, but she felt so guilty for her actions that she tells Teddy about spying on him. Now it is Teddy's turn to not trust Silver and he tells her he needs a break.
- At the beginning of the episode Navid tells the guys he still plans to take down Jasper, while also admitting he is doing it to protect Adriana. Then, after being pressured by his friends, Navid asks out his friend Lila to prove he is over Adriana. He has low expectations, and is obviously nervous on the date, but by the end he realizes he is really into Lila. He also decides to back off Jasper.
- Adriana and Gia keep bonding. So when Adriana is still very obviously heartbroken over Navid, Gia tells Adriana she should audition for this band that is looking for a lead singer. When she gets in, Adriana is happy that she will have a new distraction. Then she finds out Navid's new girlfriend is in the band, which freaks her out. And in a moment where the two are almost fighting, Gia has no choice but to admit she has feelings for Adriana, since not saying it would have been lying. Now we'll see if this lesbian storyline will actually ever happen.
- At first things between Dixon and his mom are a bit awkward. But once they are alone and can really talk, things start looking up. Oh, and after his mother mentions she gambles online, Dixon starts too. Every mom wants her son to follow in her footsteps and become a gambling addict.
- Jasper is stalking Annie. Everywhere she goes, she turns around and he is there. We already know he is dangerous, but this is a bit extreme. And, in other Jasper news, Dixon's car goes missing while he is surfing and the police find it stripped. Jasper then tells Annie he did it to get rid of all evidence linking her to his uncle's death. CREEPY!
- Teddy and Silver are out on a date and there are constant reminders of what a player Teddy used to be - girls call his cell phone, girls come up to him and kiss his cheek, etc. So after some awful advice from Naomi, Silver reads an email on his computer and has a friend spy on Teddy while he meets some girl. He tells the girl he is in a relationship and that should have made Silver happy, but she felt so guilty for her actions that she tells Teddy about spying on him. Now it is Teddy's turn to not trust Silver and he tells her he needs a break.
- At the beginning of the episode Navid tells the guys he still plans to take down Jasper, while also admitting he is doing it to protect Adriana. Then, after being pressured by his friends, Navid asks out his friend Lila to prove he is over Adriana. He has low expectations, and is obviously nervous on the date, but by the end he realizes he is really into Lila. He also decides to back off Jasper.
- Adriana and Gia keep bonding. So when Adriana is still very obviously heartbroken over Navid, Gia tells Adriana she should audition for this band that is looking for a lead singer. When she gets in, Adriana is happy that she will have a new distraction. Then she finds out Navid's new girlfriend is in the band, which freaks her out. And in a moment where the two are almost fighting, Gia has no choice but to admit she has feelings for Adriana, since not saying it would have been lying. Now we'll see if this lesbian storyline will actually ever happen.
Life Unexpected: "I cannot let her down again"
This week's Life Unexpected was more of the same, with Baze trying to be a better father and Cate trying to get Lux's approval. Anyway, this time they threw in the possibility of Lux being taken out of Cate and Baze's care, which led to a bit more drama. Below is a quick recap of the episode.
- Bug is trying to change his life for Lux, but to do that he needs a job. Cate tries to get him a job at the radio station, but when that falls through, Baze hires him to work at the bar.
- Lux, Cate and Baze have to go to an evaluation with Lux's social worker. Since things with them are not going well, especially since they are all fighting/mad at one another, their plan is to lie through the evaluation. Of course the social worker sees right through them. The social worker realizes they are not confronting their problems so she pressures Lux to say what is really on her mind. Lux finally opens up and says she is still mad Cate never checked on her or tried to get to know her. The evaluation shows that they are a real family, mostly because they do fight, and the social worker tells Cate and Baze they should file to have their parental rights reinstated, basically meaning Lux could not be taken away from them. They just need to convince Lux that they do not want to lose her again. And, in the end, Cate tells Lux she understands she is mad at her; Cate doesn't want forgiveness, she just wants to make it right.
- Lux realizes that she has more fun with Baze when she is not living with him. She wants to be his friend and when he is trying too hard to be a dad that doesn't work. So she moves back in with Cate, after Ryan tells Lux to give Cate another chance. And, taking a piece of his own advice, Ryan decides to give Cate another chance too. Ryan and Cate are back together and Lux is back home. Things are looking up for Cate.
- Bug is trying to change his life for Lux, but to do that he needs a job. Cate tries to get him a job at the radio station, but when that falls through, Baze hires him to work at the bar.
- Lux, Cate and Baze have to go to an evaluation with Lux's social worker. Since things with them are not going well, especially since they are all fighting/mad at one another, their plan is to lie through the evaluation. Of course the social worker sees right through them. The social worker realizes they are not confronting their problems so she pressures Lux to say what is really on her mind. Lux finally opens up and says she is still mad Cate never checked on her or tried to get to know her. The evaluation shows that they are a real family, mostly because they do fight, and the social worker tells Cate and Baze they should file to have their parental rights reinstated, basically meaning Lux could not be taken away from them. They just need to convince Lux that they do not want to lose her again. And, in the end, Cate tells Lux she understands she is mad at her; Cate doesn't want forgiveness, she just wants to make it right.
- Lux realizes that she has more fun with Baze when she is not living with him. She wants to be his friend and when he is trying too hard to be a dad that doesn't work. So she moves back in with Cate, after Ryan tells Lux to give Cate another chance. And, taking a piece of his own advice, Ryan decides to give Cate another chance too. Ryan and Cate are back together and Lux is back home. Things are looking up for Cate.
Castle: Nikki will burn
This week's Castle episode was the first in a two part event that involved a serial killer whose goal is to kill Beckett herself. The murderer contacts Beckett multiple times, leaving her clues along with dead bodies and trying to lead her to him. He is a fan of Castle's Heat Wave and is murdering people as a way of egging on Beckett. Through it all Beckett is in danger, but then they find the guy and watch as he commits suicide, so they think the drama is done. But then Castle realizes the guy they watched die is not the actual killer. He calls to warn Beckett but she does not pick up her cell phone. Castle is on his way to her apartment and gets there just in time to see the building blow up.
Scenes for next week's conclusion episode do not show Beckett and we are left to believe that she is dead. But in the world of television we know how unlikely it is that they would kill off one of their main characters. Still, you couldn't help but watch that last scene and feel worried. It was a great cliff hanger and I can't wait to see what happens, and find out if they find the real killer, when Monday's episode airs.
Scenes for next week's conclusion episode do not show Beckett and we are left to believe that she is dead. But in the world of television we know how unlikely it is that they would kill off one of their main characters. Still, you couldn't help but watch that last scene and feel worried. It was a great cliff hanger and I can't wait to see what happens, and find out if they find the real killer, when Monday's episode airs.
GG: "Stop pretending that you care about me"
Did you all catch the shout out for New York Magazine's Daily Intel on this week's Gossip Girl? I did and the people over at the blog didn't miss it either. Here is the link to their weekly reality index and below are a few additions of my own. And, as always, feel free to add some of your own thoughts in the comment section.
- This isn't necessarily a thought about this one episode, but I am really finding it difficult to believe that Nate and Serena love one another. All they seem to do is have sex and when they are not having sex they are fighting. Minus only one, when it should be much more, because I guess relationships when you are 19 years old always seem like love.
- Even though Rufus and Lily are still fighting, as soon as Rufus saw Jack near Lily he swooped in to stand up for her. Plus two because at least he still has loyalty and knows that Jack is a dick.
- How ironic was it when Damien walked out on Jenny and called her just a kid? What did he think he was getting into when he started dating a 16 year old? I guess this deserves a minus one for Damien's stupidity. And while we're on this subject, would Damien really have been smart enough to rent a different hotel room as a way of hiding from Nate, Rufus, etc.? Did he really want to have sex with Jenny that badly? And couldn't it have waited until the next day? It would have been cheaper that way. Minus two.
- Dan doesn't say all that many funny things, but when he comments about Vanessa's "not friends only" dress, I actually laughed out loud. Plus one because I have to agree with him.
- Jack is a schemer and I know he has a lot to gain from taking control of the company, but are we supposed to believe that this 20-something or even 30-something year old has nothing better to do than sit around and plot how to take down his nephew? Minus ten because I don't think Jack actually cares this much. He is still a Bass and would have been able to find a way to build his own fortune.
- This isn't necessarily a thought about this one episode, but I am really finding it difficult to believe that Nate and Serena love one another. All they seem to do is have sex and when they are not having sex they are fighting. Minus only one, when it should be much more, because I guess relationships when you are 19 years old always seem like love.
- Even though Rufus and Lily are still fighting, as soon as Rufus saw Jack near Lily he swooped in to stand up for her. Plus two because at least he still has loyalty and knows that Jack is a dick.
- How ironic was it when Damien walked out on Jenny and called her just a kid? What did he think he was getting into when he started dating a 16 year old? I guess this deserves a minus one for Damien's stupidity. And while we're on this subject, would Damien really have been smart enough to rent a different hotel room as a way of hiding from Nate, Rufus, etc.? Did he really want to have sex with Jenny that badly? And couldn't it have waited until the next day? It would have been cheaper that way. Minus two.
- Dan doesn't say all that many funny things, but when he comments about Vanessa's "not friends only" dress, I actually laughed out loud. Plus one because I have to agree with him.
- Jack is a schemer and I know he has a lot to gain from taking control of the company, but are we supposed to believe that this 20-something or even 30-something year old has nothing better to do than sit around and plot how to take down his nephew? Minus ten because I don't think Jack actually cares this much. He is still a Bass and would have been able to find a way to build his own fortune.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Apprentice set to return, minus the celebrities

Parenthood: "This kid thing, it's stressing me out"
While I have liked all three of the first episodes of Parenthood, I have one small problem, I hate how there always seems to be a reason for the whole family to end up together, whether it be a charity dinner, a school recital, swimming lessons, a family dinner or a baseball game. In reality, things like this don't happen, especially with extended family. There is no way all of their schedules are conducive of these spur-of-the-moment family events. And before Sarah moved back home did they all meet up regularly? I think not. But the rest of the show is still entertaining so I'll keep watching. I just hope this doesn't go on in every episode, or at least it becomes less contrived so I can overlook it. Anyway, below is a quick recap of this week's episode.
- Max has a meltdown in school and is kicked out. His parents then go crazy trying to get him into a special needs school where they would be able to assist in his development. By the end of the episode, and after showing that they are their son's No. 1 cheerleader, Max is accepted.
- Crosby has been spending much more time with Jabbar. They play games, go on car rides and hang out. Crosby even takes Jabbar to work with him. While there Crosby's girlfriend asks Crosby who he is and he lies. Crosby then has to later explain to Jabbar why he said he didn't know who he was. This makes me wonder, what is it going to take for Crosby to tell the truth?
- Sarah breaks up with Jim, saying the timing is off. Her car then breaks down and is beyond repair so she has it towed away, reluctantly. When her parents offer to buy her a new car, she refuses, noting that she has already allowed them to help her too much. We also see that Sarah and Amber are sharing a twin bed. Things are much too cramped so Sarah considers sleeping on the couch in her father's office in the backyard. At first Zeek is freaked by this idea, which leads Sarah to ask him about the condoms she found in his desk drawer. Zeek later admits he and his wife are having problems, but he also agrees to allow Sarah to sleep in his office. At the end of the episode we also see Sarah go to Jim's house and give him another chance, but was I the only person who thought this came out of the blue? What made her change her mind? This seemed too unexplained for me.
- Adam and Kristina have been so caught up in Max's situation lately, that they have put their responsibilities as parent to Haddie on the back burner. When they forget about her soccer final, they feel awful, but Haddie has no choice but to forgive them. She also has a heartfelt talk with her father about how just because Max has now been diagnosed, doesn't mean anything has changed for her. She points out how things have always been all about Max because of his special needs and now they just have a name for it.
- Julia continues to be jealous of Racquel, mostly because she keeps realizing how a part of their lives this stranger has become. After Adam points out that Julia needs to make the time she does spend with Sydney count, Julia decides she wants to teach her daughter how to swim in her own way instead of having her attend classes. At first this plan fails and Sydney yells at her mom for almost drowning her, but not too long after Sydney swims on her own, a moment that makes Julia feel especially proud.
- Max has a meltdown in school and is kicked out. His parents then go crazy trying to get him into a special needs school where they would be able to assist in his development. By the end of the episode, and after showing that they are their son's No. 1 cheerleader, Max is accepted.
- Crosby has been spending much more time with Jabbar. They play games, go on car rides and hang out. Crosby even takes Jabbar to work with him. While there Crosby's girlfriend asks Crosby who he is and he lies. Crosby then has to later explain to Jabbar why he said he didn't know who he was. This makes me wonder, what is it going to take for Crosby to tell the truth?
- Sarah breaks up with Jim, saying the timing is off. Her car then breaks down and is beyond repair so she has it towed away, reluctantly. When her parents offer to buy her a new car, she refuses, noting that she has already allowed them to help her too much. We also see that Sarah and Amber are sharing a twin bed. Things are much too cramped so Sarah considers sleeping on the couch in her father's office in the backyard. At first Zeek is freaked by this idea, which leads Sarah to ask him about the condoms she found in his desk drawer. Zeek later admits he and his wife are having problems, but he also agrees to allow Sarah to sleep in his office. At the end of the episode we also see Sarah go to Jim's house and give him another chance, but was I the only person who thought this came out of the blue? What made her change her mind? This seemed too unexplained for me.
- Adam and Kristina have been so caught up in Max's situation lately, that they have put their responsibilities as parent to Haddie on the back burner. When they forget about her soccer final, they feel awful, but Haddie has no choice but to forgive them. She also has a heartfelt talk with her father about how just because Max has now been diagnosed, doesn't mean anything has changed for her. She points out how things have always been all about Max because of his special needs and now they just have a name for it.
- Julia continues to be jealous of Racquel, mostly because she keeps realizing how a part of their lives this stranger has become. After Adam points out that Julia needs to make the time she does spend with Sydney count, Julia decides she wants to teach her daughter how to swim in her own way instead of having her attend classes. At first this plan fails and Sydney yells at her mom for almost drowning her, but not too long after Sydney swims on her own, a moment that makes Julia feel especially proud.
90210: "You should punch me"
After last week's episode where we saw a continuation of melancholy with 90210's characters, this week things changed and we saw the characters take steps toward altering their futures. Maybe from here these kids can actually do something rather than just mope around and be mean to one another. But, then again, maybe I am being too optimistic. Nevertheless, here comes a recap of this week's episode.
- Following last week when Harry and the police found coke in Navid's locker, Navid has been suspended from school and no one has heard from him.
- For most of the show Dixon is still waiting to hear back from his birth mom, but at the end of the episode she shows up at the house wanting to talk to him.
- Gia and Adriana continue to bond, this time over them both having broken hearts. So when Gia's ex girlfriend asks Gia to give her another chance it seems like the thing she really should want to do is say yes. But instead Gia turns her down and goes to hang out with Adriana. It seems like Gia has more than friendly feelings for Ade, so who knows where this relationship is going.
- Ryan asks Naomi how she is doing following the whole Jen incident and while talking Naomi slips about how Jen was only dating Ryan because she didn't want her rich boyfriends to think she was only in it for the money. This leads Ryan to feel even worse about himself. Apparently he has been drinking and while at a bar he is picked up by an older woman. The two sleep together and we then find out that this woman is Ivy's mother.
- Dixon is still hoping there is a possibility he and Silver will get back together. But after she turns him down again, Dixon goes to Teddy and tells him about the lies he has been telling. When Silver finds out, Teddy assumes she will jump into his open arms, yet she still doesn't think she can trust him so she won't give him another chance. Though Silver seemed set in this decision at first, after more pondering she realizes she cannot be too afraid to try and at the end of the episode Teddy and Silver kiss.
- Jasper wants things with Annie to return back to normal, but Annie is so disgusted with Jasper that she can't do this. When they are together she gives him constant attitude and shrinks away when he tries to touch her. After a while it seems like Annie can't take it anymore so she stands up for herself, telling Jasper to go to the police as long as it sets her free of him. But she is also smart enough to through in a disclaimer that if he wants there to be even the slightest chance that in the future they will get back together, then he won't go to the police. So, in the end, that is what they agree on. He wants there to be the chance that they may get back together so he agrees to leave her alone and also not go to the police.
- Naomi and Liam continue to have nothing to talk about. So when Naomi sees how much fun Ivy and Liam have when they are together, Naomi asks Ivy for help. Ivy plans a hiking trip for the three friends, but by the end Naomi has caught on to Ivy's plan. Naomi threatens to make Ivy's life hell if she doesn't back off and before long the two end up in a catfight on the beach. Naomi freaks and yells about how she knows the real problem is with Liam and her and she then storms off. While this may seems like it precludes Liam and Naomi breaking up, think again because this was actually what they needed to reconnect. Now that Naomi is no longer trying to make sure everything is perfect and is actually showing her angry side, they can go about loving one another for themselves and not the people they think the other wants them to be.
- Following last week when Harry and the police found coke in Navid's locker, Navid has been suspended from school and no one has heard from him.
- For most of the show Dixon is still waiting to hear back from his birth mom, but at the end of the episode she shows up at the house wanting to talk to him.
- Gia and Adriana continue to bond, this time over them both having broken hearts. So when Gia's ex girlfriend asks Gia to give her another chance it seems like the thing she really should want to do is say yes. But instead Gia turns her down and goes to hang out with Adriana. It seems like Gia has more than friendly feelings for Ade, so who knows where this relationship is going.
- Ryan asks Naomi how she is doing following the whole Jen incident and while talking Naomi slips about how Jen was only dating Ryan because she didn't want her rich boyfriends to think she was only in it for the money. This leads Ryan to feel even worse about himself. Apparently he has been drinking and while at a bar he is picked up by an older woman. The two sleep together and we then find out that this woman is Ivy's mother.
- Dixon is still hoping there is a possibility he and Silver will get back together. But after she turns him down again, Dixon goes to Teddy and tells him about the lies he has been telling. When Silver finds out, Teddy assumes she will jump into his open arms, yet she still doesn't think she can trust him so she won't give him another chance. Though Silver seemed set in this decision at first, after more pondering she realizes she cannot be too afraid to try and at the end of the episode Teddy and Silver kiss.
- Jasper wants things with Annie to return back to normal, but Annie is so disgusted with Jasper that she can't do this. When they are together she gives him constant attitude and shrinks away when he tries to touch her. After a while it seems like Annie can't take it anymore so she stands up for herself, telling Jasper to go to the police as long as it sets her free of him. But she is also smart enough to through in a disclaimer that if he wants there to be even the slightest chance that in the future they will get back together, then he won't go to the police. So, in the end, that is what they agree on. He wants there to be the chance that they may get back together so he agrees to leave her alone and also not go to the police.
- Naomi and Liam continue to have nothing to talk about. So when Naomi sees how much fun Ivy and Liam have when they are together, Naomi asks Ivy for help. Ivy plans a hiking trip for the three friends, but by the end Naomi has caught on to Ivy's plan. Naomi threatens to make Ivy's life hell if she doesn't back off and before long the two end up in a catfight on the beach. Naomi freaks and yells about how she knows the real problem is with Liam and her and she then storms off. While this may seems like it precludes Liam and Naomi breaking up, think again because this was actually what they needed to reconnect. Now that Naomi is no longer trying to make sure everything is perfect and is actually showing her angry side, they can go about loving one another for themselves and not the people they think the other wants them to be.
Jessica Simpson should stick to singing
Maybe it was a fluke that Jessica Simpson's reality show with ex-husband Nick Lachey, Newlyweds, was a fan favorite. When Jessica's new show, The Price of Beauty, premiered Monday only about one million people tuned in, which is a dismal turnout for any show, especially one VH1 has tried so hard to promote. Here is the full story. I didn't watch and had no intention of doing so, but even I understand how poorly this did. The UsMagazine.com story points out that a show on the History Channel was actually watched by more people. I'm not sure about exact details, but I think it is safe to say VH1 will probably cancel the show if more people do not show up to watch in the future. And, as for Jessica, maybe she should try something else. Singing hasn't been coming all that easily for her lately, but if she starts showing us again how stupid she is, people may just be reminded why we liked her.
Life Unexpected: "High school dances suck, no matter how old you are"
Here is a quick recap of Monday's Life Unexpected.
- Lux refuses to even talk to Cate, which is making it difficult for Cate to fix their problems. Cate's plan is to not go away until Lux forgives her. When that doesn't work, Cate makes sure she is within close proximity to Lux, first while dress shopping and then by agreeing to be Math's date to the dance. But by the end of the episode, things between Cate and Lux may be slightly better, but they are still not back to normal.
- Jones and Lux are still friends so when he asks her to the school dance, she says yes. In the meantime, Bug returns and though Lux doesn't immediately forgive him, it doesn't take long for the two to end up in bed together. But when Bug finds out that Lux has gotten close with Jones, he freaks, again making her feel like shit when he should be supporting her. So Lux goes to the dance with Jones and has a pretty good time. Then Jones finds out Bug is back and Lux is with him again and he is crushed. He really likes her and she keeps picking Bug. Then Bug shows up at the dance as a romantic gesture that does not go unnoticed.
- Lux points out that all Cate does is badger and demean Baze. It takes a while, but Cate realizes she has been punishing Baze for 16 years. So Cate makes a promise to let go of the past and move forward, something she hopes Lux will do also.
- Lux refuses to even talk to Cate, which is making it difficult for Cate to fix their problems. Cate's plan is to not go away until Lux forgives her. When that doesn't work, Cate makes sure she is within close proximity to Lux, first while dress shopping and then by agreeing to be Math's date to the dance. But by the end of the episode, things between Cate and Lux may be slightly better, but they are still not back to normal.
- Jones and Lux are still friends so when he asks her to the school dance, she says yes. In the meantime, Bug returns and though Lux doesn't immediately forgive him, it doesn't take long for the two to end up in bed together. But when Bug finds out that Lux has gotten close with Jones, he freaks, again making her feel like shit when he should be supporting her. So Lux goes to the dance with Jones and has a pretty good time. Then Jones finds out Bug is back and Lux is with him again and he is crushed. He really likes her and she keeps picking Bug. Then Bug shows up at the dance as a romantic gesture that does not go unnoticed.
- Lux points out that all Cate does is badger and demean Baze. It takes a while, but Cate realizes she has been punishing Baze for 16 years. So Cate makes a promise to let go of the past and move forward, something she hopes Lux will do also.
GG: "I've tried all my tricks"
As always, here is the link to the New York Magazine Daily Intel reality index posted following Monday night's new Gossip Girl. And as usual, I have a few additions to make. You can find them below.
- In what world is there a large bowl of freshly whipped cream just sitting on the top shelf of your refrigerator? Minus 10 because this is completely unrealistic, even in Chuck Bass' world.
- As I recall, Nate is a pretty good liar. So when he goes into Chuck's room to get his cell phone so it can be hidden from Blair, why does Nate suck so bad at coming up with an excuse? Minus two for his lack of on-the-run lying abilities. Of course Blair saw right through him.
- Not only was I amazed that Serena was wearing a men's button down that was so obviously not Nate's, I was more amazed with how the costume designers managed to make it look so so slutty without it actually falling off Serena. Plus five because this is exactly something Serena would wear in her world of "I have great boobs and I like for them to always be on display."
- Vanessa and Dan's backward theorizing about how they are actually ruining their friendship by not hooking up almost makes perfect sense. Plus one for them taking something that makes no sense and twisting the words to get what they want. Sometimes these kids are too smart for their own good.
- I had almost forgotten what it looks like for Chuck to actually smile. When he met with his mom at the end of the episode and he smiled, not smirked, but smiled, I couldn't help but smile back. Plus 100 because it was becoming a little unbelievable that this person didn't smile. Everyone smiles and I'm glad Chuck finally did.
- In what world is there a large bowl of freshly whipped cream just sitting on the top shelf of your refrigerator? Minus 10 because this is completely unrealistic, even in Chuck Bass' world.
- As I recall, Nate is a pretty good liar. So when he goes into Chuck's room to get his cell phone so it can be hidden from Blair, why does Nate suck so bad at coming up with an excuse? Minus two for his lack of on-the-run lying abilities. Of course Blair saw right through him.
- Not only was I amazed that Serena was wearing a men's button down that was so obviously not Nate's, I was more amazed with how the costume designers managed to make it look so so slutty without it actually falling off Serena. Plus five because this is exactly something Serena would wear in her world of "I have great boobs and I like for them to always be on display."
- Vanessa and Dan's backward theorizing about how they are actually ruining their friendship by not hooking up almost makes perfect sense. Plus one for them taking something that makes no sense and twisting the words to get what they want. Sometimes these kids are too smart for their own good.
- I had almost forgotten what it looks like for Chuck to actually smile. When he met with his mom at the end of the episode and he smiled, not smirked, but smiled, I couldn't help but smile back. Plus 100 because it was becoming a little unbelievable that this person didn't smile. Everyone smiles and I'm glad Chuck finally did.
Join the I love Betty White club

Friday, March 12, 2010
PP: "It's up to you to choose"
In similar fashion, I owe you a post about last week's Private Practice as well as last night's. So here they come.
- William and Naomi are still dating, which is keeping Naomi happy. But then Fife, who we have known has been jealous of this relationship, tells Naomi he loves her. While Naomi is content with William, she can't deny that she also has feelings for Fife.
- Cooper and Violet have been on a vacation and though they were both supposed to return on the same day, Cooper returns on schedule, but Violet decides to stay on vacation because it is helping her recuperate. While Cooper was away, Charlotte kept thinking about their hookup in the bathroom at Maya's wedding. But then Cooper announces he is ready to move on, and Charlotte continues to be mad at him. She even has sex with Sheldon, which Cooper walks in on. Obviously that is going to lead to trouble.
- Addison and Sam have not spoken, but when they are forced to work together on a case she knows he cannot continue to ignore her. But she is equally freaked out when things go almost too well and Sam is almost too polite to Addison. Then Addison finds out Sam has a new girlfriend and she is essentially an Addison clone: she is beautiful, smart and works in the same specialty as Addison. By the end of the episode both Pete and Addison are complaining about how Sam and Violet seem to have moved on, so I am wondering how long it is going to take them to realize that they can be good together.
And on to the latest episode...
- Cooper doesn't think Charlotte really likes Sheldon but that she only slept with Sheldon to get to him. Their tension leads to them getting into a fistfight at the office. For a while after the fight we think Cooper may have been right, but then Charlotte and Sheldon sleep together again and we can't help but think that they may actually have a connection.
- William and Fife are working on an experimental drug and are pushing Naomi to agree to test it even though they should wait for approval by the FDA. But when Pete puts together the pieces, we find out that William is rushing Fife because William himself suffers from the disease and needs the treatment.
- Naomi still finds herself torn between William and Fife. So when, at the end of the episode, we see her kiss Fife, we know more drama is on the horizon.
- Addison is spending time with Lucas and was even mistaken for his mother while at the park. Pete even announces that he thinks they can have a future together, which spooks Addison. Because Addison cannot have children she is afraid to get attached to Lucas just in case things with her and Pete do not work out. But after a while she comes to her senses, realizing that she cannot put her life on hold, and she chooses Pete. She has already made up her mind that she cannot be with Sam, and he has his new girlfriend anyway, so she needs to find happiness.
- Naomi walks in on a moment between Sam and Addison, one that was not romantic but was perceived as such, and Addison blurted out that the two recently kissed. After going to such lengths to save Naomi from their possible relationship, I cannot believe Addison would tell Naomi their secret, especially after finally moving on with Pete.
- William and Naomi are still dating, which is keeping Naomi happy. But then Fife, who we have known has been jealous of this relationship, tells Naomi he loves her. While Naomi is content with William, she can't deny that she also has feelings for Fife.
- Cooper and Violet have been on a vacation and though they were both supposed to return on the same day, Cooper returns on schedule, but Violet decides to stay on vacation because it is helping her recuperate. While Cooper was away, Charlotte kept thinking about their hookup in the bathroom at Maya's wedding. But then Cooper announces he is ready to move on, and Charlotte continues to be mad at him. She even has sex with Sheldon, which Cooper walks in on. Obviously that is going to lead to trouble.
- Addison and Sam have not spoken, but when they are forced to work together on a case she knows he cannot continue to ignore her. But she is equally freaked out when things go almost too well and Sam is almost too polite to Addison. Then Addison finds out Sam has a new girlfriend and she is essentially an Addison clone: she is beautiful, smart and works in the same specialty as Addison. By the end of the episode both Pete and Addison are complaining about how Sam and Violet seem to have moved on, so I am wondering how long it is going to take them to realize that they can be good together.
And on to the latest episode...
- Cooper doesn't think Charlotte really likes Sheldon but that she only slept with Sheldon to get to him. Their tension leads to them getting into a fistfight at the office. For a while after the fight we think Cooper may have been right, but then Charlotte and Sheldon sleep together again and we can't help but think that they may actually have a connection.
- William and Fife are working on an experimental drug and are pushing Naomi to agree to test it even though they should wait for approval by the FDA. But when Pete puts together the pieces, we find out that William is rushing Fife because William himself suffers from the disease and needs the treatment.
- Naomi still finds herself torn between William and Fife. So when, at the end of the episode, we see her kiss Fife, we know more drama is on the horizon.
- Addison is spending time with Lucas and was even mistaken for his mother while at the park. Pete even announces that he thinks they can have a future together, which spooks Addison. Because Addison cannot have children she is afraid to get attached to Lucas just in case things with her and Pete do not work out. But after a while she comes to her senses, realizing that she cannot put her life on hold, and she chooses Pete. She has already made up her mind that she cannot be with Sam, and he has his new girlfriend anyway, so she needs to find happiness.
- Naomi walks in on a moment between Sam and Addison, one that was not romantic but was perceived as such, and Addison blurted out that the two recently kissed. After going to such lengths to save Naomi from their possible relationship, I cannot believe Addison would tell Naomi their secret, especially after finally moving on with Pete.
Grey's: "We just want to remember the view from the top"
This is going to be a two for one blog post. Below is a recap of last week's Grey's Anatomy episode, followed by a recap of last night's episode.
- Meredith lectures Lexie about Alex, but Lexie swears she is not emotionally involved. On the other hand, Mark is sleeping with tons of random women to deal with his breakup and Sloan leaving. Neither seems to be handling their breakup correctly and things will continue to go downhill if they do not realize soon that they have made a mistake.
- More and more signs are pointing to how Cristina and Teddy are perfect for one another. And in an attempt to make things more comfortable for everyone, Cristina gives Owen permission to be friends with Teddy, though who knows if they are actually ready to take this step.
- We see Richard back at the hospital on his first day after completing rehab. He has to do drug tests daily, which he finds embarrassing, plus he is having a difficult time reporting to Derek.
- Jackson's grandfather is a famous doctor who awards surgeons with a prestigious award yearly, so when he is admitted to the hospital, everyone wants a glimpse of him. He also makes specific requests about who will do his surgery and how, but Derek eventually puts his foot down, acting like the chief he needs to step up and be.
And on to this week, which was an episode about the highly competitive nature of surgeons.
- Right now Mark is jumping from sex with one woman to another though what he really wants is to find someone to settle down with and start a family. With some help from Callie he realizes this is true. But when he asks out Teddy, she thinks he is in it only for the sex and that is the only reason she agrees. It takes some persuasion, but Mark gets Teddy to agree to a lunch date during which they will get to know one another. Alex overhears this proposal and tells Lexie who breaks down because she is crushed now that Mark is moving on even though she was the one who broke up with him.
- Ben and Bailey make dinner plans and it isn't until Callie points out that the third date is the sex date that Bailey starts freaking out. But we also get a glimpse of the couple on their date and we realize that Ben refuses to let Bailey treat him like she treats everyone else and we notice they have potential to be great together.
- Callie is excited that throughout the day she has been approached for relationship advice. She thinks this means her and Arizona are seen as the stable couple everyone emulates. But then in conversation Arizona says she never wants to have kids and we can see that Callie is devastated by this news. Things were going so perfectly for these two that I guess it was inevitable that something like this was going to rear its ugly head and change everything.
- Meredith lectures Lexie about Alex, but Lexie swears she is not emotionally involved. On the other hand, Mark is sleeping with tons of random women to deal with his breakup and Sloan leaving. Neither seems to be handling their breakup correctly and things will continue to go downhill if they do not realize soon that they have made a mistake.
- More and more signs are pointing to how Cristina and Teddy are perfect for one another. And in an attempt to make things more comfortable for everyone, Cristina gives Owen permission to be friends with Teddy, though who knows if they are actually ready to take this step.
- We see Richard back at the hospital on his first day after completing rehab. He has to do drug tests daily, which he finds embarrassing, plus he is having a difficult time reporting to Derek.
- Jackson's grandfather is a famous doctor who awards surgeons with a prestigious award yearly, so when he is admitted to the hospital, everyone wants a glimpse of him. He also makes specific requests about who will do his surgery and how, but Derek eventually puts his foot down, acting like the chief he needs to step up and be.
And on to this week, which was an episode about the highly competitive nature of surgeons.
- Right now Mark is jumping from sex with one woman to another though what he really wants is to find someone to settle down with and start a family. With some help from Callie he realizes this is true. But when he asks out Teddy, she thinks he is in it only for the sex and that is the only reason she agrees. It takes some persuasion, but Mark gets Teddy to agree to a lunch date during which they will get to know one another. Alex overhears this proposal and tells Lexie who breaks down because she is crushed now that Mark is moving on even though she was the one who broke up with him.
- Ben and Bailey make dinner plans and it isn't until Callie points out that the third date is the sex date that Bailey starts freaking out. But we also get a glimpse of the couple on their date and we realize that Ben refuses to let Bailey treat him like she treats everyone else and we notice they have potential to be great together.
- Callie is excited that throughout the day she has been approached for relationship advice. She thinks this means her and Arizona are seen as the stable couple everyone emulates. But then in conversation Arizona says she never wants to have kids and we can see that Callie is devastated by this news. Things were going so perfectly for these two that I guess it was inevitable that something like this was going to rear its ugly head and change everything.
Parenthood: "I don't know how to deal with this"
Below is a recap of the second episode of the new series Parenthood.
- Crosby is reluctant, but he is trying to form some kind of a bond with his son by spending time with him. But he also continues to not tell his girlfriend about the child, instead making up excuses as to why he cannot spend time with her.
- Sarah is applying to jobs now that she is settled back at home. She is applying for mostly bartending positions, but her parents, mostly her dad, want her to aim higher. So she applies for a job she doesn't think she has any chance of getting and gets called for an interview. What she doesn't know is that her dad and brother pulled strings for her to be brought in. But once on the interview she shows her potential and the recruiter seems pleased with her. We see Sarah get her hopes up but then she doesn't get the job because she does not have a college degree.
- The new school wants Sarah's daughter, Amber, to stay back a year because her grades are not that great. At the end of the episode Sarah fights for Amber, giving the principal a heartfelt speech about how he only has to have a little faith in Amber and she won't let him down.
- Julia is jealous of another woman who has been spending a lot of time with her husband and daughter while Julia is at work. At an auction the two bid an out-of-control amount of money on a parking spot and Julia comments, accidentally into the microphone, about how the other woman doesn't even work, which leads to Julia being even more on the outs with moms at her daughter's school.
- Adam finds pot in the woods behind his house and cannot figure out who it belongs to. Later in the episode, and after first denying it, his daughter admits it was hers and we see that even the children who are supposed to be perfect sometimes make mistakes.
- Adam and Kristina get confirmation that Max has Asperger's and they begin to realize just how much work helping him live a comfortable life will be. While at first it was obvious they were scared by this news, by the end of the episode we see that they are beginning to cope and learning to deal with their new situation.
I'm still liking this show. For me to stop watching it will have to get much worse. I still see so much potential. How about you? Are you watching? And, if so, are you liking?
- Crosby is reluctant, but he is trying to form some kind of a bond with his son by spending time with him. But he also continues to not tell his girlfriend about the child, instead making up excuses as to why he cannot spend time with her.
- Sarah is applying to jobs now that she is settled back at home. She is applying for mostly bartending positions, but her parents, mostly her dad, want her to aim higher. So she applies for a job she doesn't think she has any chance of getting and gets called for an interview. What she doesn't know is that her dad and brother pulled strings for her to be brought in. But once on the interview she shows her potential and the recruiter seems pleased with her. We see Sarah get her hopes up but then she doesn't get the job because she does not have a college degree.
- The new school wants Sarah's daughter, Amber, to stay back a year because her grades are not that great. At the end of the episode Sarah fights for Amber, giving the principal a heartfelt speech about how he only has to have a little faith in Amber and she won't let him down.
- Julia is jealous of another woman who has been spending a lot of time with her husband and daughter while Julia is at work. At an auction the two bid an out-of-control amount of money on a parking spot and Julia comments, accidentally into the microphone, about how the other woman doesn't even work, which leads to Julia being even more on the outs with moms at her daughter's school.
- Adam finds pot in the woods behind his house and cannot figure out who it belongs to. Later in the episode, and after first denying it, his daughter admits it was hers and we see that even the children who are supposed to be perfect sometimes make mistakes.
- Adam and Kristina get confirmation that Max has Asperger's and they begin to realize just how much work helping him live a comfortable life will be. While at first it was obvious they were scared by this news, by the end of the episode we see that they are beginning to cope and learning to deal with their new situation.
I'm still liking this show. For me to stop watching it will have to get much worse. I still see so much potential. How about you? Are you watching? And, if so, are you liking?
90210: What happens when the chemistry deflates? You dress naked under a trench coat
Tuesday's 90210 episode was the first since before the holidays and we were supposed to believe that is had only been a few weeks since we last saw our stars. Though I found it difficult to hear while they were all walking around asking how your holiday break was, in California, where it is always sunny and there aren't any real change is seasons, the show could easily slip into this time frame. Anyway, below is a quick recap of the episode.
- Ever since Debbie pointed out to Harry that Kelly has a crush on him, Harry has been avoiding Kelly. So when an annual dinner event comes up, Harry would rather skip it. But Debbie refuses to hide and the two attend, knowing that Kelly will also be there. When they bump into one another at the dinner things are awkward, but instead of moving on, Debbie insists on confronting Kelly. The two talk and Kelly promises she would never have an affair with Harry. By the end of the conversation Kelly and Debbie are making plans to go to yoga together like old pals. Then at the yoga class Kelly points out that the instructor has a crush on Debbie and we see that this is news she finds flattering.
- Adriana is still having a difficult time finding a place to fit in since Silver and Naomi are not meeting her with outstretched arms. Then Adriana helps Naomi when she needs advice and things seem to be back on the right track. At a party later in the episode Adriana takes a sip out of a cup and freaks when she realizes it was rum and coke. She immediately calls Gia, who she recently found out is also in AA. Gia helps her calm down and when Gia's ex girlfriend shows up at the part with her new girlfriend, Adriana repays Gia by kissing her in an attempt to make the ex jealous. If this is all we get after months of Adriana is bisexual teasing, I will be a bit disappointed.
- Naomi and Liam seem like the perfect couple, but then they go on a date and realize they have nothing to talk about. At first both seem freaked by this and Naomi worries they have no chemistry left, but then Naomi decides to conduct an experiment and finds out they still have plenty of sexual chemistry.
- At the end of the last new episode, Dixon and Silver kissed. When this episode started we find out that while Dixon is ready to give their relationship another try, Silver thinks the kiss was a mistake. Throughout the episode we see Dixon continue to lie to Silver and Teddy so that he is, what he thinks will be, one step closer to being back with Silver. But it is only a matter of time before his lies become known and this plan blows up in his face.
- Following finding out that Jasper is a drug dealer, Annie is disgusted with Jasper. But when she sees him at school he threatens to go to the police and tell them she was the one who hit and killed his uncle unless she continues to be his girlfriend. No one can seem to understand why she is still with Jasper and everyone is worried about her, but she can see no way to escape. Meanwhile, Navid hatches a plan to plant drugs in Jasper's locker so that during locker inspections he will be busted. But somehow the drugs end up in Navid's locker instead. Jasper is still dealing while Navid is the one who finds himself in trouble.
This is a show I don't usually look forward to. But after a few months without it, I was starting to miss the drama. While this is far from one of my favorite shows, it is easy to step into the privileged lives of these teens for an hour every week. I just hope the show continues to be as exciting as it has been lately.
- Ever since Debbie pointed out to Harry that Kelly has a crush on him, Harry has been avoiding Kelly. So when an annual dinner event comes up, Harry would rather skip it. But Debbie refuses to hide and the two attend, knowing that Kelly will also be there. When they bump into one another at the dinner things are awkward, but instead of moving on, Debbie insists on confronting Kelly. The two talk and Kelly promises she would never have an affair with Harry. By the end of the conversation Kelly and Debbie are making plans to go to yoga together like old pals. Then at the yoga class Kelly points out that the instructor has a crush on Debbie and we see that this is news she finds flattering.
- Adriana is still having a difficult time finding a place to fit in since Silver and Naomi are not meeting her with outstretched arms. Then Adriana helps Naomi when she needs advice and things seem to be back on the right track. At a party later in the episode Adriana takes a sip out of a cup and freaks when she realizes it was rum and coke. She immediately calls Gia, who she recently found out is also in AA. Gia helps her calm down and when Gia's ex girlfriend shows up at the part with her new girlfriend, Adriana repays Gia by kissing her in an attempt to make the ex jealous. If this is all we get after months of Adriana is bisexual teasing, I will be a bit disappointed.
- Naomi and Liam seem like the perfect couple, but then they go on a date and realize they have nothing to talk about. At first both seem freaked by this and Naomi worries they have no chemistry left, but then Naomi decides to conduct an experiment and finds out they still have plenty of sexual chemistry.
- At the end of the last new episode, Dixon and Silver kissed. When this episode started we find out that while Dixon is ready to give their relationship another try, Silver thinks the kiss was a mistake. Throughout the episode we see Dixon continue to lie to Silver and Teddy so that he is, what he thinks will be, one step closer to being back with Silver. But it is only a matter of time before his lies become known and this plan blows up in his face.
- Following finding out that Jasper is a drug dealer, Annie is disgusted with Jasper. But when she sees him at school he threatens to go to the police and tell them she was the one who hit and killed his uncle unless she continues to be his girlfriend. No one can seem to understand why she is still with Jasper and everyone is worried about her, but she can see no way to escape. Meanwhile, Navid hatches a plan to plant drugs in Jasper's locker so that during locker inspections he will be busted. But somehow the drugs end up in Navid's locker instead. Jasper is still dealing while Navid is the one who finds himself in trouble.
This is a show I don't usually look forward to. But after a few months without it, I was starting to miss the drama. While this is far from one of my favorite shows, it is easy to step into the privileged lives of these teens for an hour every week. I just hope the show continues to be as exciting as it has been lately.
Big Bang: "The sarcasm's a little stale though"
The guys buy a box of "junk" at a yard sale and find some collectible memorabilia inside it. Most of the stuff is rather junky, but then they stumble on a Lord of the Rings ring, which they later find out is real. Each guy has an idea about what they should do with the ring or the money they would get by selling it, but they, of course, can't agree. So they have a contest to see who can hold onto the ring the longest. The next morning Leonard tells them that in the middle of the night, while they were sleeping, everyone must have dropped the ring and he found it on the floor. He tells the guys he put into motion his idea for the ring, mailing it back to the director, but in reality he kept it for himself, a fact Sheldon later figures out and he attacks Leonard for lying. This was a funny episode, as always. This is the one show that consistently makes me laugh, and I appreciate it for that.
Life Unexpected: Nothing like a wedding expo to help Cate get over her failed engagement
No surprise that things are awkward between Cate and Ryan at work now that the ugly truth is out there and their engagement has been called off. But that wasn't the only excitement happening on Monday's Life Unexpected episode. Below is a quick recap.
- Lux is having a difficult time getting over Bug so Baze takes matters into his own hands and tries to help her make new friends. When Jones shows up at the bar under the veil of dropping off homework Lux has missed, Baze gives him all the means to take her on the perfect date. Jones picks Lux up and drives her three hours to visit Tasha. But once they are back home, Jones ruins things by being honest with her. She walks away from Jones and is rightfully mad at Baze.
- For the sake of the show, Cate and Ryan have to pretend they are still engaged. They also signed up to cohost a wedding expo, something they can not pull out of, so they are stuck doing it. In a moving moment when Cate was trying on wedding dresses, it seemed like Ryan was willing to forgive Cate, but then reality hit and he realized she is, above all else, a liar.
- Baze is still jealous of Ryan because Lux continues to turn to Ryan when she feels like she has something she needs to talk about. Baze even confronts Ryan about this, saying that he will continue to crowd Ryan and show up at work events as long as Ryan is infringing on Baze's turf. By the end of the episode Baze and Ryan come to an understanding and acknowledge that they are both a part of Lux's life.
- Lux is having a difficult time getting over Bug so Baze takes matters into his own hands and tries to help her make new friends. When Jones shows up at the bar under the veil of dropping off homework Lux has missed, Baze gives him all the means to take her on the perfect date. Jones picks Lux up and drives her three hours to visit Tasha. But once they are back home, Jones ruins things by being honest with her. She walks away from Jones and is rightfully mad at Baze.
- For the sake of the show, Cate and Ryan have to pretend they are still engaged. They also signed up to cohost a wedding expo, something they can not pull out of, so they are stuck doing it. In a moving moment when Cate was trying on wedding dresses, it seemed like Ryan was willing to forgive Cate, but then reality hit and he realized she is, above all else, a liar.
- Baze is still jealous of Ryan because Lux continues to turn to Ryan when she feels like she has something she needs to talk about. Baze even confronts Ryan about this, saying that he will continue to crowd Ryan and show up at work events as long as Ryan is infringing on Baze's turf. By the end of the episode Baze and Ryan come to an understanding and acknowledge that they are both a part of Lux's life.
Castle: "I prefer slippery to sticky"
This week's Castle episode was filled with sexual innuendos, surprisingly mostly coming from Beckett, but it also was an episode that continued to surprise me. I love that up until the very last second of every episode you don't know who the killer is. And when they finally tell you, it is in no way someone you suspected. In a way, this is something a lot of crime/police shows do, but for some reason on Castle I think it is more appreciated. In your mind you are considering the four or five possible killers, but at the last second Castle has an epiphany and the killer is revealed as someone out of the blue. But then it all makes sense. This keeps the show fresh and helps it not become stale. Thanks, Castle writers, for continuing to hold my interest and for keeping me on the edge of my seat.
GG: "Everyone needs to play games"
Gossip Girl aired its first of 10 new episodes Monday following a much too long break. Here is the link to the recap on New York Magazine's Daily Intel blog. And below are a few additions of my own. And while we're at it, I have to admit I almost missed the blog recap more than I missed the show these last few months.
- Lily, who has always had a difficult time fitting into her role as mom, actually took Jenny aside and tried to parent her when Damien showed up at the apartment. Plus one for the attempt, but plus five for Jenny completely blowing her off and rolling her eyes at Lily.
- As much as I dislike Vanessa's character, this episode made it abundantly clear that without Vanessa (unless you count Nate) Dan has no friends. Remember when he was dating Serena and he was considered one of the cool kids? Minus one because now I can't help but feel bad for him, especially with him living alone at the loft in Brooklyn.
What did you think of the episode? I loved the scene where Blair demanded all of Chuck's attention, again reminding us that she thinks she is the center of the universe and all must revolve around her. As for Serena and Nate, I'm not sure I believe their relationship yet. I hope it gets a chance to grow though because I'd hate to see Serena end up back with Dan, especially since they are now related.
- Lily, who has always had a difficult time fitting into her role as mom, actually took Jenny aside and tried to parent her when Damien showed up at the apartment. Plus one for the attempt, but plus five for Jenny completely blowing her off and rolling her eyes at Lily.
- As much as I dislike Vanessa's character, this episode made it abundantly clear that without Vanessa (unless you count Nate) Dan has no friends. Remember when he was dating Serena and he was considered one of the cool kids? Minus one because now I can't help but feel bad for him, especially with him living alone at the loft in Brooklyn.
What did you think of the episode? I loved the scene where Blair demanded all of Chuck's attention, again reminding us that she thinks she is the center of the universe and all must revolve around her. As for Serena and Nate, I'm not sure I believe their relationship yet. I hope it gets a chance to grow though because I'd hate to see Serena end up back with Dan, especially since they are now related.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Dirty old men
There aren't too many words for the following montage, except, as an introduction, The Price is Right host Bob Barker is a bit of a dirty old man.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Memorable Oscar moments
For those who missed last night's Academy Awards, here is a countdown of the 11 top moments from the ceremony put together by the people at TvGuide.com. While I agree with them all, I think a few are missing. I loved Neil Patrick Harris' opening performance; Jeff Bridges speech about his parents was very moving; and there was another acceptance speech by someone winning an art award where he told kids to never let anyone tell them to stop creating that seemed so from the heart that it made me smile. Let me know if there are any moments you think I missed. What were the evening's highlights for you?
DWTS cohost named

Friday, March 5, 2010
SVU: "It was all part of our game"
Law and Order: SVU returned to Tuesday nights with a vengeance this week with two new episodes, both featuring outstanding performances by guest stars. In the first, Kathy Griffin played a radical gay rights activist in an episode where the detectives are trying to find a man who is raping and murdering lesbians in an up-and-coming lesbian neighborhood. And the second featured Mischa Barton as a hooker who was attacked and must overcome her fear of confronting him in order to keep him from murdering more and more prostitutes. Both episodes reminded me why this is a much watch show. I'm glad it is back on Tuesdays where it belongs. Now let's just hope viewership picks back up.
Is anyone watching the Marriage Ref?
When I first heard about the new Jerry Seinfield created show called The Marriage Ref, I thought the show sounded like it would be really stupid. But after seeing previews and hearing feedback from people who have watched, it actually seems like it could be really funny. So I want to hear from you. If you have been watching, tell me the reasons why I should or should not give it a try.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Life Unexpected: "This is the only thing I'll ever ask you"
On this week's Life Unexpected it became even more clear that Ryan and Baze hate one another, especially when their competitive sides came out. This was also the episode where Ryan learned Cate's secret, which led to Cate being completely alone by the end of the episode. And, in an attempt to prove he could be a good parent to Lux's friend Natasha, Baze actually proved he could be a good parent to Lux, so he received joint custody, thus meaning Lux can live with him if she wanted to.
Next week Life Unexpected moves to its new timeslot, 8 p.m. Mondays to make way for the return of all new episodes of Gossip Girl at 9 p.m. (This is me jumping up and down in excitement.) Here's to many more entertaining episodes of Life Unexpected leading into exciting and dramatic episodes of Gossip Girl.
Next week Life Unexpected moves to its new timeslot, 8 p.m. Mondays to make way for the return of all new episodes of Gossip Girl at 9 p.m. (This is me jumping up and down in excitement.) Here's to many more entertaining episodes of Life Unexpected leading into exciting and dramatic episodes of Gossip Girl.
Hollywood's big night
The Oscars air Sunday night starting at 8:30 on ABC. Sadly, I will be working so will not watch it until I get home later that night, but for those who want to know what to expect there is this slideshow filled with predictions, as well as information about who got robbed, presented by the Globe's Wesley Morris and Ty Burr. Any predictions of your own? Do you think Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin will do well as hosts? Feel free to leave comments on this post while you watch. I'd be live blogging if I was not working.
Parenthood: Meet the Braverman family
While I have been hearing mixed reviews from people who watched Tuesday's series premiere of Parenthood, I really enjoyed it. I agree with the two major criticisms I have heard - most of the episode was already shown in previews and they threw so much at the viewers - but I also think they set up the series nicely; there is a lot of room to grow from here. I also already feel like I know these characters, all of whom have believable storylines.
1) There is the adult daughter who is low on money and moves with her two teenage children back into her parent's house.
2) The son who wants nothing more than to have the perfect family, but then learns that his young son may have a kind of autism.
3) The daughter who is a workaholic and whose young daughter openly prefers spending time with her dad, which leads to her actually snubbing her mom.
4) The son who is afraid of commitment and does not want to settle down and start a family with his girlfriend, only to be approached by a girl from his past who introduces him to his 5-year-old son.
5) Then there is these four kid's father who is a perfectionist and thinks he always knows best, butting into his children's lives and feeling as if he has a right to do so.
I know this show isn't perfect, but it did strike the right balance between funny and heartwarming. I know where I'll be next Tuesday at 10 p.m. Will you be watching also?
1) There is the adult daughter who is low on money and moves with her two teenage children back into her parent's house.
2) The son who wants nothing more than to have the perfect family, but then learns that his young son may have a kind of autism.
3) The daughter who is a workaholic and whose young daughter openly prefers spending time with her dad, which leads to her actually snubbing her mom.
4) The son who is afraid of commitment and does not want to settle down and start a family with his girlfriend, only to be approached by a girl from his past who introduces him to his 5-year-old son.
5) Then there is these four kid's father who is a perfectionist and thinks he always knows best, butting into his children's lives and feeling as if he has a right to do so.
I know this show isn't perfect, but it did strike the right balance between funny and heartwarming. I know where I'll be next Tuesday at 10 p.m. Will you be watching also?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
DWTS season 10 cast announced
Below is the full list of the stars who are set to perform on the tenth season of Dancing with the Stars, which begins March 22, as well as the professionals dancers with whom they are paired.
- Astronaut Buzz Aldrin is paired with Ashly Costa (DelGrosso)
- Actress Pamela Anderson is paired with new pro Damian Whitewood
- ESPN reporter Erin Andrews is paired with Maksim Chmerkovskiy
- Actress Shannen Doherty is paired with Mark Ballas
- Reality show actress Kate Gosselin is paired with Tony Dovolani
- Olympic gold medalist Evan Lysacek with Anna Trebunskaya
- Comedian Niecy Nash is paired with Louis van Amstel
- Football player Chad Ochocinco is paired with Cheryl Burke
- The Bachelor Jake Pavelka is paired with Chelsie Hightower
- Singer Nicole Scherzinger is paired with Derek Hough
- Soap opera star Aiden Turner is paired with Edyta Sliwinska
Now that we know the cast, do you already have an idea about who you plan to root for? Or do you already have predictions about who you think will win? Or, better yet, who do you think will fail? And as for the other question everyone is asking, who do you think will/should join Tom Bergeron as host?
- Astronaut Buzz Aldrin is paired with Ashly Costa (DelGrosso)
- Actress Pamela Anderson is paired with new pro Damian Whitewood
- ESPN reporter Erin Andrews is paired with Maksim Chmerkovskiy
- Actress Shannen Doherty is paired with Mark Ballas
- Reality show actress Kate Gosselin is paired with Tony Dovolani
- Olympic gold medalist Evan Lysacek with Anna Trebunskaya
- Comedian Niecy Nash is paired with Louis van Amstel
- Football player Chad Ochocinco is paired with Cheryl Burke
- The Bachelor Jake Pavelka is paired with Chelsie Hightower
- Singer Nicole Scherzinger is paired with Derek Hough
- Soap opera star Aiden Turner is paired with Edyta Sliwinska
Now that we know the cast, do you already have an idea about who you plan to root for? Or do you already have predictions about who you think will win? Or, better yet, who do you think will fail? And as for the other question everyone is asking, who do you think will/should join Tom Bergeron as host?
Parenthood premieres tonight

Monday, March 1, 2010
Jay returns to the helm of The Tonight Show

What do you do after you have won a few Olympic medals?
If you are Lindsey Vonn, you are offered a guest spot on Law & Order. According to this blog post, Vonn will be a jury foreman on an upcoming episode. This follows Vonn making it very clear that she is obsessed with the show. So does that mean I only have to win a few medals and then I will be invited to appear on Glee?
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