Friday, March 12, 2010

Grey's: "We just want to remember the view from the top"

This is going to be a two for one blog post. Below is a recap of last week's Grey's Anatomy episode, followed by a recap of last night's episode.

- Meredith lectures Lexie about Alex, but Lexie swears she is not emotionally involved. On the other hand, Mark is sleeping with tons of random women to deal with his breakup and Sloan leaving. Neither seems to be handling their breakup correctly and things will continue to go downhill if they do not realize soon that they have made a mistake.
- More and more signs are pointing to how Cristina and Teddy are perfect for one another. And in an attempt to make things more comfortable for everyone, Cristina gives Owen permission to be friends with Teddy, though who knows if they are actually ready to take this step.
- We see Richard back at the hospital on his first day after completing rehab. He has to do drug tests daily, which he finds embarrassing, plus he is having a difficult time reporting to Derek.
- Jackson's grandfather is a famous doctor who awards surgeons with a prestigious award yearly, so when he is admitted to the hospital, everyone wants a glimpse of him. He also makes specific requests about who will do his surgery and how, but Derek eventually puts his foot down, acting like the chief he needs to step up and be.

And on to this week, which was an episode about the highly competitive nature of surgeons.

- Right now Mark is jumping from sex with one woman to another though what he really wants is to find someone to settle down with and start a family. With some help from Callie he realizes this is true. But when he asks out Teddy, she thinks he is in it only for the sex and that is the only reason she agrees. It takes some persuasion, but Mark gets Teddy to agree to a lunch date during which they will get to know one another. Alex overhears this proposal and tells Lexie who breaks down because she is crushed now that Mark is moving on even though she was the one who broke up with him.
- Ben and Bailey make dinner plans and it isn't until Callie points out that the third date is the sex date that Bailey starts freaking out. But we also get a glimpse of the couple on their date and we realize that Ben refuses to let Bailey treat him like she treats everyone else and we notice they have potential to be great together.
- Callie is excited that throughout the day she has been approached for relationship advice. She thinks this means her and Arizona are seen as the stable couple everyone emulates. But then in conversation Arizona says she never wants to have kids and we can see that Callie is devastated by this news. Things were going so perfectly for these two that I guess it was inevitable that something like this was going to rear its ugly head and change everything.

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