Friday, March 26, 2010

GG: "Stop pretending that you care about me"

Did you all catch the shout out for New York Magazine's Daily Intel on this week's Gossip Girl? I did and the people over at the blog didn't miss it either. Here is the link to their weekly reality index and below are a few additions of my own. And, as always, feel free to add some of your own thoughts in the comment section.

- This isn't necessarily a thought about this one episode, but I am really finding it difficult to believe that Nate and Serena love one another. All they seem to do is have sex and when they are not having sex they are fighting. Minus only one, when it should be much more, because I guess relationships when you are 19 years old always seem like love.
- Even though Rufus and Lily are still fighting, as soon as Rufus saw Jack near Lily he swooped in to stand up for her. Plus two because at least he still has loyalty and knows that Jack is a dick.
- How ironic was it when Damien walked out on Jenny and called her just a kid? What did he think he was getting into when he started dating a 16 year old? I guess this deserves a minus one for Damien's stupidity. And while we're on this subject, would Damien really have been smart enough to rent a different hotel room as a way of hiding from Nate, Rufus, etc.? Did he really want to have sex with Jenny that badly? And couldn't it have waited until the next day? It would have been cheaper that way. Minus two.
- Dan doesn't say all that many funny things, but when he comments about Vanessa's "not friends only" dress, I actually laughed out loud. Plus one because I have to agree with him.
- Jack is a schemer and I know he has a lot to gain from taking control of the company, but are we supposed to believe that this 20-something or even 30-something year old has nothing better to do than sit around and plot how to take down his nephew? Minus ten because I don't think Jack actually cares this much. He is still a Bass and would have been able to find a way to build his own fortune.

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