Monday, March 30, 2009

Spoiler: OTH - "I like it here. You bring something broken and you fix it up"

Tonight's OTH was pretty entertaining and at moments had me yelling at the screen. Here is a rundown of the action.

- The episode starts with Luca having a nightmare about Peyton having complications with her pregnancy. He is obviously really worried about her and even checks with her to make sure she is OK before going out for the day. They also discuss how they should tell people about the complications because as of now, only the two of them know.
- Peyton is promoting Hailey to the record label. But later in the episode Hailey admits that she is not wholeheartedly working on the record because she really loves and misses teaching. More on Peyton - she is back to drawing. At the end of the episode she opens a box and inside is a bunch of memorabilia from her life. Personally, I think she is preparing to die and is trying to put together this box - with her drawings inside - and through the items she is telling her story to her child.
- Both Skills and Mouth have recently been dumped by their girlfriends. Skills decides they should take a road trip to mend their broken hearts and won't let Mouth refuse. Skills drives them to a college party, which also happens to be a party where he knows Gigi will be. Skills says what Mouth needs is no strings attached sex and Skills thinks Gigi should be his target. And Skills doesn't mind being surrounded by hot college girls either. At the party, Mouth is forced into doing a keg stand, but not before pointing out that it is still light out. They are probably too old to be acting in such a way. Mouth does not seem to be in any better spirits at the party than when he was depressed at home. He even starts looking at Gigi and seeing Millie. They leave the party and in a rare moment where Skills opens up about his feelings he says he believes that if Deb were "the one" for him she would come back; otherwise "the one" is still out there. Back in the car, Mouth falls asleep. When he wakes up he sees that Skills drove them to Millie's doorstep. Millie comes home, he tells her he can't live without her and they kiss.
- Sam and Jack have a visible connection in this episode. And they also become partners in crime. The evil principal is filling in as the teacher of Hailey's literature class since she was fired. The principal is a mean teacher and harsh grader, so the class shows her no respect. Sam and Jack organize it so that the entire class is waiting for Hailey at her house during school hours. They took a stand for Hailey. The principal isn't teaching them anything and the students wanted to learn from Hailey so they were willing to take a risk. Hailey tells them to go back to school, but they say they won't leave until they learn something. Hailey gives them a lesson on Catch 22 (coincidence? I think not) but the principal shows up and they eventually do go back to school. Later, when Hailey is telling Brooke about the kids showing up at her house, Hailey says students wanting to learn more is more rare than a unicorn and that Sam is a truly special girl. In a final confrontation with the principal, it is clear that Hailey pities the principal and that the principal is jealous of Hailey's ability to connect with her students.
- Jamie, Lucas and Nathan have a guys day together. They starts at the River Court where they play some basketball. After Nathan mentions that Jamie feels lost and that he is sad he didn't know Keith, Lucas decides to spend some of their day at Keith's garage. While at the garage they work on Lucas' Mustang. (A side note: One line they said bothered me - Lucas tells Jamie that when guys work on cars together they tease each other about girls. Sexist much? Do they really have nothing else they could talk about? Jamie is only 5 years old.) Lucas tells Jamie about Keith and it doesn't take long for Jamie to see and point out the similarities between the two men.
- Julian goes to Brooke and invites her and Sam to move to California to live with him. He says to her that he knows she will think of a million reasons why she should not, but that he has one reason why she should and it is that he loves her. This entire episode only makes Julian look more like the most perfect boyfriend. Brooke says it would be ridiculous to go. As she is thinking about the proposal, she is thinking about everyone but herself. She thinks about Sam, Peyton and the baby, but not herself and what she wants. At one point in the show, Peyton even goes to Julian to make sure he is sincere is his invitation. He says he wants them to be a family (awww) and Peyton warns him that Brooke is very protective of her heart. In the conversation between Hailey and Brooke, mentioned above, Hailey starts talking about how Sam is such a changed girl and that all she really needed was some stability to help her flourish. Without even realizing it, Hailey is talking Brooke out of going to California. Julian meets Sam at the diner and says she is a wonderful writer. He then tells her about his invitation for her and Brooke to come with him to LA. Sam then goes home and packs bags for both Brooke and her. Before leaving the boutique for the night, Brooke holds Peyton's wedding dress up against her and looks really sad. At home, Sam is talking about how Brooke has done so much for her and that she is completely willing to move to California if it will make Brooke happy. Brooke shows up at the airport with no bags and no Sam to find a waiting Julian very happy to see her, at least until he realizes she is not getting on the plane: "If this were a movie it would end different, but this isn't a movie." He says goodbye and leaves. If nothing else, I am so mad at Brooke for never telling him she loves him.

The preview they showed was a montage of moments from the next five episodes, the first of which airs April 20. I love how they throw all of those indecipherable images at us and then leave us to wonder what they mean for a few weeks. If nothing else, this season looks like it will end is true OTH dramatic fashion.

1 comment:

  1. I finally saw the trailer for next week. All I can say is this is it's going to be EPIC!
