I was expecting Twilight to win a ton of awards and they did. But what I was not anticipating was how awkward Kristen Stewart would be throughout the night. From the constant hair touching to the stoic line reciting and even the dropping of the golden popcorn, it was actually difficult to watch her. I found myself cringing. I have decided that she is either 1) a REALLY bad actress or 2) on lots and lots of drugs. Which do you think? And do you agree that she was awful?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Spoiler: The Hills finale - Say goodbye to Lauren

So anyway, tonight, prior to the start of the MTV Movie Awards, the one hour season finale of The Hills premiered. It was much less monumental than I was thinking it would be, but here is a rundown nonetheless.
- Lauren and Lo are moving out of their house. They want to throw a party to commemorate the event and celebrate the good times they had. The night of the party, we see that the get-together is rather low key. Lauren even points out that those invited were invited for a reason and that they represent the girls' true friends. At this party Brody pulls Stephanie aside and, following the trend of the episode, apologizes for doubting her and not trusting her at the beginning.
- Lauren tells Lo she has absolutely no sense of what is next for her. Lauren even meets and talks with her People's Republic boss Kelly about what she should do with her life. Kelly's advice is to take some time off and let all that she has learned sink in. The most important thing she did tell Lauren was to be brave.
- Lauren and Brody meet for dinner and they talk about how they both think Heidi and Spencer's wedding is a mistake. But he does tell her to really think about going because he thinks she will regret it if she doesn't attend. Later in the episode, Brody meets Spencer for lunch and Spencer says he really hopes Brody comes to the wedding. Spencer also goes on and on about how he is a changed man and how therapy has changed him so much. Brody, throughout this all, laughs at Spencer and when he is done says he does not believe this transformation happened. Brody says he thinks Spencer is actually only pretending.
- Spencer meets with Heidi's mom and apologizes for all of the pain he has caused in the past. He says he is trying to be better and even tells her he forced himself to grow up because of his commitment to Heidi. Darlene says she believes he is trying and even gives him her blessing to marry her daughter.
- Heidi tells Stephanie that Holly is going to be her maid of honor and Stephanie almost cries. At the bridal shower Stephanie keeps pointing out to Audrina how Holly is not fulfilling her maid of honor duties so Stephanie is just doing it all, even though she does not have the title. Then comes the rehearsal dinner and Holly is acting so immature. At one point she almost spits her gum into her mother's hand and then throws a piece of potato at her brother. The potato falls and ruins Heidi's expensive purse, which angers Heidi. Holly then storms away from the table, followed by Darlene. Heidi sends Spencer to retrieve them and when he points out that Holly was being rude (which I agree that she was) Holly freaks out and insists on leaving the dinner. The next day Holly talks with Heidi and says she is not aware of the proper etiquette and that since Stephanie is around it more then maybe she would make a better maid of honor. But Heidi stands by her sister and Holly remains the maid of honor.
- The day of the wedding arrives and the question on everyone's mind is: Will Lauren show up? Spencer's friend, the one who always hangs with him at bars, brings Stacey as a date. I was expecting this to lead to drama, but it wasn't even brought up. Who knows if Heidi even noticed. While preparing, one of Spencer's groomsmen brings up the expectations of the wedding kiss, which momentarily freaks Spencer out since he and Heidi did not practice. Kristin, who we found out earlier in the show was invited by Heidi through Holly, shows up at the wedding and everyone is asking why. We also find out that she is the person who introduced Heidi and Spencer, but her presence is never explained. She also, at the end of the ceremony, caught the bouquet. Up until the night before the wedding Lauren was positive she did not want to attend. But she did not only show up, she went to the room where Heidi was preparing to walk down the aisle and talked with Heidi. She gave a speech about "as long as you're happy" blah blah blah. The ceremony happens, Heidi and Spencer say I Do and the episode ends. There wasn't even a reception.
So there wasn't really a huge deal made in regards to this being Lauren's last episode. The majority of the episode actually focused on Heidi and Spencer. And, to my disappointment, Kristin's role was never really discussed. I had already decided that I do not want to watch next season, but following the preview they showed I am even more certain. The promo literally said "The bitch is back." Kristin is obviously only there to cause drama. And since the show is already drama-filled enough, I don't really see why she is needed.
Now it's time for tons of questions: What did you think of the episode? Are you happy this season is done? Are you sad Lauren will no longer be on the show? Will you watch The Hills without her? Are you happy Kristin is back? What are your expectations for next season? Leave it all here.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Leno's last as Tonight Show host - "Thank you for sticking with us"

As Jay walked onto the stage to do his monologue, he was welcomed with a round of applause that would not end: "Have a seat. I have jokes," he said, though that didn't seem to quiet the audience any sooner. He went on to call the episode his "season" finale, hinting toward the fact that he is only saying goodbye for a few months before he returns with his nightly primetime show at 10 p.m. And as his first joke he said he wanted to thanks those who without he would not have had a show - Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
As said above, Conan was Jay's guest and as a goodbye Jay said, "You were the only choice; you were the perfect choice." You can tell that Jay is happy with his replacement and has faith that Conan will succeed. (Though I am not as sure. I have never been a Conan fan.)
Jay ended the show by thanking his wife, assistants and other important people. Then he talked about the legacy he wanted to leave behind. As his legacy, he brought on stage the 68 children who have been born in the past 17 years to couples who met because they both worked on the show.
So what did you think about the finale? Are you sad to see Jay go? Will you follow him to 10 p.m.? Are you excited to see Conan as the Tonight Show host? Let me know your thoughts on the topic.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Shows - new and returning - on TV this summer
Boston.com has this slideshow highlighting the new and returning shows airing this summer. Which returning shows are you most looking forward to? Are there any new shows you plan to watch?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
SYTYCD episode three showcasing the audition rounds
Here are a few thoughts about tonight's So You Think You Can Dance episode.
- How adorable was it when judge Adam got on stage and lindy hopped with the woman auditioning? And then past contestants sat at the judge's table and critiqued him. It was too cute and reminds us how these judges/choreographers are actually really great dancers in their own right.
- I cannot believe how badly those who auditioned during day 1 in Seattle sucked. How could only four dancers make it to Vegas? Out of hundreds!
- I thought the Sex vs. Leo dance off was in no way entertaining. Though I do think this was a better way to handle Sex than simply having Nigel yell about how awful he is, I felt like it was a waste of my time.
Overall, more than 170 dancers made it through to the next round in Las Vegas. I am excited to watch next week and find out who makes it into the top 20.
- How adorable was it when judge Adam got on stage and lindy hopped with the woman auditioning? And then past contestants sat at the judge's table and critiqued him. It was too cute and reminds us how these judges/choreographers are actually really great dancers in their own right.
- I cannot believe how badly those who auditioned during day 1 in Seattle sucked. How could only four dancers make it to Vegas? Out of hundreds!
- I thought the Sex vs. Leo dance off was in no way entertaining. Though I do think this was a better way to handle Sex than simply having Nigel yell about how awful he is, I felt like it was a waste of my time.
Overall, more than 170 dancers made it through to the next round in Las Vegas. I am excited to watch next week and find out who makes it into the top 20.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 2 of SYTYCD auditions
After watching tonight's episode of So You Think You Can Dance I have two things I would like to point out. 1) I love when the contestants get Cat to dance with them. 2) It never ceases to amaze me that there are really awful performers who audition and think they are great and are amazed when the judges tell them they are less than wonderful.
Tomorrow night concludes the initial audition phase of the show and then we head to Las Vegas. That is when things really heat up. I have to admit that I have yet to truly be blown away by an audition. So what about you guys who are also watching. Do you already see standouts and have favorites?
Tomorrow night concludes the initial audition phase of the show and then we head to Las Vegas. That is when things really heat up. I have to admit that I have yet to truly be blown away by an audition. So what about you guys who are also watching. Do you already see standouts and have favorites?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Get married or break up, those are the only choices

Time for reminiscing and goodbyes
This week is Jay Leno's last as host of The Tonight Show and last night's show was full of laughter and looking back. One part in particular that was extremely humorous was what Jay called "The things that have gone wrong the last 17 years." It was a package of some of the blooper moments that happened during filming, some that had never before been seen. I tried to find the clip so I could embed it, but it wasn't online. But if you find it I recommend watching it. And as for tonight's memory package, there is going to be one full of some of Jay's funniest political sketches, interviews and jokes. If you like Jay, then this is the time to watch as he says his goodbyes and gets ready to move to 10 p.m., which is where he will be stationed starting in the fall. Are you sad to see Jay leaving The Tonight Show? Will you watch him at 10 p.m.?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Another summer show I love...

Spoiler: The Hills - Don't hang up yet
A lot happened in this week's 30 minute Hills episode; more than usual. Here is a rundown.
- Audrina mentions that she and Brody are still not talking and have not seen one another since her run in with Jayde a while ago. So when they both end up at a party and they sit at the same table, Stephanie points out that it is like there is a wall between the two sides, which obviously makes it awkward for everyone at the table. And then Brody starts talking crap about Audrina right in front of her, going into detail about how he doesn't care if he is her friend or not. Audrina's feelings were rightfully hurt and she leaves the party.
- There is a cute scene during the episode where Lo, Stephanie, Audrina and Lauren are out to lunch together reminiscing about the past and it is pointed out that at one time or other they all hated one another. Lauren then finds the pattern and shows that it is Spencer who led to them hating each other. But what is important is that they are now all friends.
- While at an event hosted by Kelly Cutrone, Kelly confronts recently fired Stephanie. Stephanie says she had a hard time at the job because the boss was never there and Kelly laughs at her for trying to blame her own inadequacies on someone else.
- On a side note, why is Lo even invited to Heidi and Spencer's wedding? When were Heidi and Lo ever friends?
- Heidi once again reiterates that before the wedding, one relationship needs to be mended. While eating with Stephanie, Heidi asks Steph to invite Lauren to the wedding. When Stephanie does, Lauren says she won't go. While trying on wedding dresses, Heidi talks about how it seems like the wedding will be perfect especially because Lauren will be there and Stephanie has to break the news that Lauren will most likely not be there. We then see Spencer golfing with a friend and he says he does not want Lauren at the wedding. The friend then points out that if it will make Heidi happy, then Spencer should just get over it and apologize. Heidi even talks to Spencer about apologizing. She says she wants him to be the bigger person and put his ego aside. In the next scene, we see Heidi hand delivering Lauren an invitation. Lauren takes this opportunity to give a moving speech and she talks to Heidi about how she has visibly changed since Spencer came into her life. Lauren talks highly of Heidi but says she isn't the same person with Spencer. Then Spencer calls Lauren and apologizes for releasing the sex tape and spreading rumors about her. Lauren is speechless at first and Spencer continues to talk. He says he doesn't expect forgiveness but that she should attend the wedding for Heidi. Lauren then reiterates that she does not feel right being at their wedding when she does not agree with them getting married.
UsMagazine.com has this article that says Laguna Beach rival Kristin Cavallari will replace Lauren next season. I had not yet heard this (and would not be surprised if the information is false especially since the same article says tonight's episode was the season finale when that doesn't air until next week) and am a little shocked. How does Kristin fit into the show? I thought the cast was going to remain the same - Heidi, Spencer, Brody, Stephanie, Audrina and Lo - minus Lauren. Would you watch if Kristin became the main character?
As for the season finale, it airs Sunday night starting at 8. The show lasts one hour and leads into the MTV Movie Awards, which begin at 9 p.m. What are you expecting to happen prior to or at the wedding? Are you anticipating any shocking events or surprises? We already know Heidi and Spencer go through with the wedding, but what else are you expecting from the finale?
- Audrina mentions that she and Brody are still not talking and have not seen one another since her run in with Jayde a while ago. So when they both end up at a party and they sit at the same table, Stephanie points out that it is like there is a wall between the two sides, which obviously makes it awkward for everyone at the table. And then Brody starts talking crap about Audrina right in front of her, going into detail about how he doesn't care if he is her friend or not. Audrina's feelings were rightfully hurt and she leaves the party.
- There is a cute scene during the episode where Lo, Stephanie, Audrina and Lauren are out to lunch together reminiscing about the past and it is pointed out that at one time or other they all hated one another. Lauren then finds the pattern and shows that it is Spencer who led to them hating each other. But what is important is that they are now all friends.
- While at an event hosted by Kelly Cutrone, Kelly confronts recently fired Stephanie. Stephanie says she had a hard time at the job because the boss was never there and Kelly laughs at her for trying to blame her own inadequacies on someone else.
- On a side note, why is Lo even invited to Heidi and Spencer's wedding? When were Heidi and Lo ever friends?
- Heidi once again reiterates that before the wedding, one relationship needs to be mended. While eating with Stephanie, Heidi asks Steph to invite Lauren to the wedding. When Stephanie does, Lauren says she won't go. While trying on wedding dresses, Heidi talks about how it seems like the wedding will be perfect especially because Lauren will be there and Stephanie has to break the news that Lauren will most likely not be there. We then see Spencer golfing with a friend and he says he does not want Lauren at the wedding. The friend then points out that if it will make Heidi happy, then Spencer should just get over it and apologize. Heidi even talks to Spencer about apologizing. She says she wants him to be the bigger person and put his ego aside. In the next scene, we see Heidi hand delivering Lauren an invitation. Lauren takes this opportunity to give a moving speech and she talks to Heidi about how she has visibly changed since Spencer came into her life. Lauren talks highly of Heidi but says she isn't the same person with Spencer. Then Spencer calls Lauren and apologizes for releasing the sex tape and spreading rumors about her. Lauren is speechless at first and Spencer continues to talk. He says he doesn't expect forgiveness but that she should attend the wedding for Heidi. Lauren then reiterates that she does not feel right being at their wedding when she does not agree with them getting married.
UsMagazine.com has this article that says Laguna Beach rival Kristin Cavallari will replace Lauren next season. I had not yet heard this (and would not be surprised if the information is false especially since the same article says tonight's episode was the season finale when that doesn't air until next week) and am a little shocked. How does Kristin fit into the show? I thought the cast was going to remain the same - Heidi, Spencer, Brody, Stephanie, Audrina and Lo - minus Lauren. Would you watch if Kristin became the main character?
As for the season finale, it airs Sunday night starting at 8. The show lasts one hour and leads into the MTV Movie Awards, which begin at 9 p.m. What are you expecting to happen prior to or at the wedding? Are you anticipating any shocking events or surprises? We already know Heidi and Spencer go through with the wedding, but what else are you expecting from the finale?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
In a technological world, would we survive without TV shows on the Internet?
This is the question at the center of this wonderful Matthew Gilbert article. He points out that since television shows can almost always easily be found online, people who usually feel bound to their television sets have a little more freedom as to when and where they watch the shows they follow. Gilbert does make the claim that watching shows on a television is ideal, and I agree, because it is a different experience, but how many times have you been saved by the presence of a show online after running late from work and forgetting to DVR a show? Gilbert even talks about future implications:
I know, I know: Watching TV is far from a sacred act. But the more engagement we offer good TV shows, the more we reinforce quality work by their writers and producers.As someone who frequently watches shows online, I agree with his argument. I cannot imagine what my life as a TV blogger would be like if I did not have DVR and online viewing options. How do you feel about the subject? Do you also depend on Internet viewing?Such is life between models, when the easiest and least costly way to watch a missed (and not DVR-ed) episode of a TV show is on our computers. I love the convenience, but I'm looking forward to the more common presence of streaming TV screens. It may only be a few more feet to the den, but it's going to be a few more years before our TV on-demand culture reaches its peak.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Glee makes me smile just as much as I expected
So I finally found some time to watch the Glee premiere and I have to admit, I kind of loved it. The show is not overly funny but it is at times humorous and extremely sincere. There are times when you cannot help but smile while watching. Here is the basis of the show including a recap of the action of the first episode.
High school Spanish teacher Will Schuester wants to take charge of the school's glee club after the previous coach was fired. Will says all the kids need is to find joy again. It is clear that the people in charge at the school favor cheerleading and other such successful sports, leaving glee club behind and underfunded, but Will sees promise in the club.
During the try outs we see the members of the glee club perform and they are each very talented. We also get to know a few of the students a bit better. Rachel, who is obviously the most talented of the five on the club, is so intense. She almost tries to hard and after their first practice, when it is pretty clear that the club isn't too great, Rachel gives a speech to Will about how she is made fun of and wants being a part of glee club to make her cool by association since being great at something helps you be seen as great.
After seeing a competing school perform, Will goes looking for new talent because he hears from a friend that if the popular kids join, then others will follow. After no one new shows interest, Will blackmails the star football player into joining after hearing him sing and the student begins lying to his friends about what he is doing. This is where the show turns a little High School Musical. The football player is conflicted about whether or not he should be a part of the glee club. He worries about his reputation but in the end decides to do both. He even encourages the other club members to work together and use their strengths to make the group better through areas like costumes, recruitment and choreography.
Will, throughout the episode, even after seeing glimpses of his less than perfect marriage to his high school sweetheart, is continuously devoted to making the club the best it can be. But after he finds out his wife is pregnant, he quits his teaching job to become an accountant because he thinks he will make more money in this new profession. But, right as the episode is about to end, Will reclaims his devotion to the club and foreshadows a trip to nationals.
For those who missed it, embedded is the hulu copy of the premiere episode. I suggest watching it. If not today, remember you do have until September since the rest of the season does not beginning airing until Fox's normal fall schedule starts. For those who did watch, did you enjoy it? Did this premiere episode leave you wanting more? Will you continue watching once fall rolls around? Let me know your thoughts.
High school Spanish teacher Will Schuester wants to take charge of the school's glee club after the previous coach was fired. Will says all the kids need is to find joy again. It is clear that the people in charge at the school favor cheerleading and other such successful sports, leaving glee club behind and underfunded, but Will sees promise in the club.
During the try outs we see the members of the glee club perform and they are each very talented. We also get to know a few of the students a bit better. Rachel, who is obviously the most talented of the five on the club, is so intense. She almost tries to hard and after their first practice, when it is pretty clear that the club isn't too great, Rachel gives a speech to Will about how she is made fun of and wants being a part of glee club to make her cool by association since being great at something helps you be seen as great.
After seeing a competing school perform, Will goes looking for new talent because he hears from a friend that if the popular kids join, then others will follow. After no one new shows interest, Will blackmails the star football player into joining after hearing him sing and the student begins lying to his friends about what he is doing. This is where the show turns a little High School Musical. The football player is conflicted about whether or not he should be a part of the glee club. He worries about his reputation but in the end decides to do both. He even encourages the other club members to work together and use their strengths to make the group better through areas like costumes, recruitment and choreography.
Will, throughout the episode, even after seeing glimpses of his less than perfect marriage to his high school sweetheart, is continuously devoted to making the club the best it can be. But after he finds out his wife is pregnant, he quits his teaching job to become an accountant because he thinks he will make more money in this new profession. But, right as the episode is about to end, Will reclaims his devotion to the club and foreshadows a trip to nationals.
For those who missed it, embedded is the hulu copy of the premiere episode. I suggest watching it. If not today, remember you do have until September since the rest of the season does not beginning airing until Fox's normal fall schedule starts. For those who did watch, did you enjoy it? Did this premiere episode leave you wanting more? Will you continue watching once fall rolls around? Let me know your thoughts.
So You Think drama already brewing
If you watched this week's SYTYCD premiere episode, then you saw the two men who performed same-sex ballroom dancing. Well, following Nygel's comments both to the men on the show and later via Twitter, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) responded by releasing a statement: "It's unacceptable for this kind of blatant homophobia to occur" GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano responded. "Fox Entertainment and Nigel Lythgoe owe Misha, Mitchel and the whole LGBT community an apology." For the whole story, click here. Here's your chance to voice your opinion. Did you take what Nigel said offensively, or do you think the people at GLAAD are overreacting?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Chad and Hilarie really leaving Tree Hill
I guess this is the final word: Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton are really leaving One Tree Hill. Here is a TvGuide.com article where CW entertainment president Dawn Ostroff tries to put a pleasant spin on the news. I still want to know how they are going to write them off. Any thoughts on how they should go?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Actor or English teacher? Can you really be both?

I love summer if only for the return of SYTYCD

I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. The show makes me happy in ways no other show does. I love that there are so many different dance forms in the world and they are all represented. Also, when watching the show there is such variety in the choreography, which makes the episodes so interesting to watch. It doesn't hurt that the host, Cat Deeley, is adorable and lovable or that the judges are always constructive and kind when critiquing. The show just has a different aura than other reality competition shows and you find yourself constantly sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the next great dance move and performance.
Now that I have written that rant, let's get to the meat of the post. Tonight was the season premiere episode. During the opening rounds people perform and one of three things happens: the really great dancers are given a ticket straight to the second round in Las Vegas, the really bad dancers are sent home and those who are pretty good are sent to the choreography round where they have to prove that they can perform other dance forms. Tonight's episode featured the audition round in New York and Denver. While the talent was noticeably better in New York, Denver delivered also. Next week the show travels to Memphis and Miami, both of which should elicit many esteemed dancers.
I wouldn't lie to you, if you enjoy dancing or watching dancing and you are not watching this show, you have to start. If you are not satisfied, I would be shocked. It is my summer guilty pleasure (that will soon be a year round guilty pleasure following the announcement of a fall season of the show!). I can't praise the show enough. You have to watch to understand, the show moves you in ways I cannot even explain, especially when the top 20 is decided and the dances are choreographed by professionals. So, pretty please watch! And let me know if you are also pleased. I hope you are :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
American Idol winner named

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Spoiler: 90210 - The day the volcano exploded and everything changed
This week really is the week of season finales. Here is a summary of yet another one. And, boy, was it just a tad bit crazy.
- Dixon is still mad at Silver because of the speech she made last week after being named prom queen. Dixon admits to Ethan that his relationship with Silver is never easy but that he loves her anyway. It is, again, very obvious Ethan has romantic feelings for Silver, though it seems as if no one else has yet caught on. When talking with Ethan later, Silver questions her relationship with Dixon and forces Ethan into saying the two make a good couple. Near the end of the episode Dixon confronts Ethan and says he knows Ethan likes Silver. Ethan at first lies but eventually admits it and even Silver hears. Silver chases after Ethan and he kisses her. When she tries to deny she has feelings for him, Ethan then asks her why it is that she followed him instead of talking to Dixon.
- Adriana's water broke at the end of last week's episode. This week we see her in labor. Adriana freaks out because it is three weeks early and, thus, she feels she is not ready. The baby's heart rate drops and the doctors have to perform an emergency c-section. Following delivery, Navid brings in the baby, a girl, but Adriana refuses to hold her. We do find out that the adoptive parents are on their way. Brenda shows up, in a Cleopatra costume, and takes Adriana on a walk. They walk past a door where the patient's last name is Walsh and Brenda says it is her father who is on his death bed. Then a dragon shows up and we find out it was a dream. But it proves to Adriana that she needs to say goodbye to the baby or she will regret it. So she goes to the baby and holds her. Ty also stops by the hospital, and in an act I was not expecting, steps up and tells Navid he respects how he has been there for Adriana. The real Brenda, not the dream one, then comes to the hospital and talks Adriana through giving up her baby by talking about the importance of adoption, something she knows first hand having just returned from China where she adopted a baby.
- Naomi is begged by a fellow classmate to throw the post-prom party. Jen tells her she can't, but since Naomi is paying for everything she says it really is her house so she makes the call and agrees to host the party. But then Naomi hears that Adriana is in labor so she goes to the hospital instead of to the party and leaves Annie in charge of looking after the house. Meanwhile, everyone is still mad at Annie because they think she is the person who told her father about the planned party, though she was not. At the party, Liam draws a picture of Annie as a volcano and notices that she is nearing her breaking point. Also, while Liam is by himself near the pool, Naomi's sister Jen starts conversation with him, saying she is a neighbor, and tells him she knows about his past, a story he told Naomi in confidence. While, for the beginning of the episode, things were looking up for Naomi and Liam, and he was acting surprisingly compassionate, his personal life being passed around as gossip was enough to make him angry at Naomi. So when Jen, masquerading as someone else, propositions sex, he takes her up on the offer. Naomi walks in on Liam getting dressed and, seeing a wrap Annie wore earlier in the night, assumes he slept with Annie. Naomi then goes downstairs looking for Annie. Meanwhile, upstairs, Jen slips that she is Naomi's sister, which pisses Liam off because he realizes the action was in spite and he actually calls her a bitch. Naomi confronts Annie and kicks her out of the house. Annie finally does reach her breaking point and slams the front door enough to break the glass. She then calls the cops complaining about the noise coming from the party. As the episode ended, there were three scene flashes that concluded the season. First, we see Jen comforting Naomi as she cries about Liam, when in reality it was Jen's doing. Second, we see Liam calling and leaving a message for Naomi apologizing, followed by two men bursting into his room and taking him to military school. Last, we see Annie driving with a partly-empty bottle of vodka sitting on the driver's seat. In the closing seconds Annie hits something, freaks and drives off.
So there it is. The 90210 remake's first season is complete. Were you pleased with how it ended? I was looking down taking notes just as Annie hit the "thing" in the road. Did anyone see what it was? Is it a person or an animal? Overall, did the episode leave you wanting more? Leave it here.
- Dixon is still mad at Silver because of the speech she made last week after being named prom queen. Dixon admits to Ethan that his relationship with Silver is never easy but that he loves her anyway. It is, again, very obvious Ethan has romantic feelings for Silver, though it seems as if no one else has yet caught on. When talking with Ethan later, Silver questions her relationship with Dixon and forces Ethan into saying the two make a good couple. Near the end of the episode Dixon confronts Ethan and says he knows Ethan likes Silver. Ethan at first lies but eventually admits it and even Silver hears. Silver chases after Ethan and he kisses her. When she tries to deny she has feelings for him, Ethan then asks her why it is that she followed him instead of talking to Dixon.
- Adriana's water broke at the end of last week's episode. This week we see her in labor. Adriana freaks out because it is three weeks early and, thus, she feels she is not ready. The baby's heart rate drops and the doctors have to perform an emergency c-section. Following delivery, Navid brings in the baby, a girl, but Adriana refuses to hold her. We do find out that the adoptive parents are on their way. Brenda shows up, in a Cleopatra costume, and takes Adriana on a walk. They walk past a door where the patient's last name is Walsh and Brenda says it is her father who is on his death bed. Then a dragon shows up and we find out it was a dream. But it proves to Adriana that she needs to say goodbye to the baby or she will regret it. So she goes to the baby and holds her. Ty also stops by the hospital, and in an act I was not expecting, steps up and tells Navid he respects how he has been there for Adriana. The real Brenda, not the dream one, then comes to the hospital and talks Adriana through giving up her baby by talking about the importance of adoption, something she knows first hand having just returned from China where she adopted a baby.
- Naomi is begged by a fellow classmate to throw the post-prom party. Jen tells her she can't, but since Naomi is paying for everything she says it really is her house so she makes the call and agrees to host the party. But then Naomi hears that Adriana is in labor so she goes to the hospital instead of to the party and leaves Annie in charge of looking after the house. Meanwhile, everyone is still mad at Annie because they think she is the person who told her father about the planned party, though she was not. At the party, Liam draws a picture of Annie as a volcano and notices that she is nearing her breaking point. Also, while Liam is by himself near the pool, Naomi's sister Jen starts conversation with him, saying she is a neighbor, and tells him she knows about his past, a story he told Naomi in confidence. While, for the beginning of the episode, things were looking up for Naomi and Liam, and he was acting surprisingly compassionate, his personal life being passed around as gossip was enough to make him angry at Naomi. So when Jen, masquerading as someone else, propositions sex, he takes her up on the offer. Naomi walks in on Liam getting dressed and, seeing a wrap Annie wore earlier in the night, assumes he slept with Annie. Naomi then goes downstairs looking for Annie. Meanwhile, upstairs, Jen slips that she is Naomi's sister, which pisses Liam off because he realizes the action was in spite and he actually calls her a bitch. Naomi confronts Annie and kicks her out of the house. Annie finally does reach her breaking point and slams the front door enough to break the glass. She then calls the cops complaining about the noise coming from the party. As the episode ended, there were three scene flashes that concluded the season. First, we see Jen comforting Naomi as she cries about Liam, when in reality it was Jen's doing. Second, we see Liam calling and leaving a message for Naomi apologizing, followed by two men bursting into his room and taking him to military school. Last, we see Annie driving with a partly-empty bottle of vodka sitting on the driver's seat. In the closing seconds Annie hits something, freaks and drives off.
So there it is. The 90210 remake's first season is complete. Were you pleased with how it ended? I was looking down taking notes just as Annie hit the "thing" in the road. Did anyone see what it was? Is it a person or an animal? Overall, did the episode leave you wanting more? Leave it here.
Dancing with the Stars champ crowned

This season's winner was announced a few minutes ago and Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas beat out Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke by less than 1 percent, said host Samantha Harris as the winner was crowned. The two beat out third place finisher Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani. Personally, I thought Gilles was going to win. Is anyone else shocked Shawn won? Or are you happy with the outcome?
Fall TV announcements
TvGuide.com has the low down on which shows are and are not returning next season as well as the new shows premiering. Here is the latest on Fox's fall schedule, here is the most recent news from NBC and here is the updated list of ABC's show schedule. UPDATE: Here is the info about CBS' fall lineup. ANOTHER UPDATE: The CW just announced their fall lineup, here it is.
Reminder about new show airing tonight
For those interested, this is a reminder that the show Glee airs its pilot today at 9 p.m. on Fox following American Idol. The first episode airs tonight and the rest of the season does not air until the fall season starts in September. I will not be watching because the 90210 season finale airs at the same time, but I plan to try to find it somewhere online at some point this week. If you do watch, let me know what you think.
Spoiler: GG - In honor of graduation, let's lead with the cliche "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"
So much happened in last night's season finale of Gossip Girl. Here is the New York Magazine Daily Intel post and following my own tally I will add a few other details I think need to be pointed out before we lay GG to rest for the summer.
- Am I the only person who noticed that not only did Serena have her tassel braided into her hair but that she was not wearing a cap? Minus four because that is totally not allowed. When you graduate you were the ugly cap and gown and deal with it. Everyone else does.
- Would all of the graduates really have checked their phones in the middle of the ceremony? They are graduating in a church! Minus only two because while this does seem unlikely I guess this is the time period we live in.
- And while on that note, are we supposed to believe that the show's five main character are the only ones worth Gossip Girl labels? Minus only one because they are the most important people.
- Of course Dan would laugh it off that his name was left off the list of graduates. He also sees the irony in it. Plus two.
- Plus three for Cyrus' speech to Lily and Rufus about dating "at their age." hahahaha
- Plus two for Serena's naiveté in thinking Gossip Girl would actually meet her at the bar. What fun would it be if we knew her identity?
- Plus five for the scene where Blair gives Jenny her headband as a symbolic passing of the torch and Jenny then immediately saying next year there will be no more headbands.
So here are some other points of interest worth pointing out.
- I loved when Gossip Girl announced she would be following them to college and that because all of their secrets are now out, everyone has a clean slate. How long do you think that one will last?
- Would Vanessa have really forgiven Nate that quickly and let him join her on the backpacking trip? I'm not so sure she would.
- I loved the subtlety of Scott, Rufus and Lily's son. But if Dan really does go to Yale and not NYU, then they won't get to be friends.
- I know it isn't terribly realistic that Georgina requests Blair as a roommate and it just happens, but that promises to be an interesting twist come next season. Though, what are the chances of Blair living in the dorms? She would totally just rent an apartment near campus.
- Did I miss something or did everyone else find it totally random when Carter showed up claiming to know where Serena's dad is? I didn't realize he was missing or that she was looking for him.
- How perfect was the end of the episode where Blair and Chuck actually ended up together? I just really hope they can stick it out for at least the summer because I would love to see scenes next season of them being all lovey-dovey.
So what did you think of the episode? Are you satisfied with the way things ended? What are you looking forward to most for next season? Feel free to answer these questions as well as leave me comments about you own reality points.
Until next season: You know you love me. xoxo GG
- Am I the only person who noticed that not only did Serena have her tassel braided into her hair but that she was not wearing a cap? Minus four because that is totally not allowed. When you graduate you were the ugly cap and gown and deal with it. Everyone else does.
- Would all of the graduates really have checked their phones in the middle of the ceremony? They are graduating in a church! Minus only two because while this does seem unlikely I guess this is the time period we live in.
- And while on that note, are we supposed to believe that the show's five main character are the only ones worth Gossip Girl labels? Minus only one because they are the most important people.
- Of course Dan would laugh it off that his name was left off the list of graduates. He also sees the irony in it. Plus two.
- Plus three for Cyrus' speech to Lily and Rufus about dating "at their age." hahahaha
- Plus two for Serena's naiveté in thinking Gossip Girl would actually meet her at the bar. What fun would it be if we knew her identity?
- Plus five for the scene where Blair gives Jenny her headband as a symbolic passing of the torch and Jenny then immediately saying next year there will be no more headbands.
So here are some other points of interest worth pointing out.
- I loved when Gossip Girl announced she would be following them to college and that because all of their secrets are now out, everyone has a clean slate. How long do you think that one will last?
- Would Vanessa have really forgiven Nate that quickly and let him join her on the backpacking trip? I'm not so sure she would.
- I loved the subtlety of Scott, Rufus and Lily's son. But if Dan really does go to Yale and not NYU, then they won't get to be friends.
- I know it isn't terribly realistic that Georgina requests Blair as a roommate and it just happens, but that promises to be an interesting twist come next season. Though, what are the chances of Blair living in the dorms? She would totally just rent an apartment near campus.
- Did I miss something or did everyone else find it totally random when Carter showed up claiming to know where Serena's dad is? I didn't realize he was missing or that she was looking for him.
- How perfect was the end of the episode where Blair and Chuck actually ended up together? I just really hope they can stick it out for at least the summer because I would love to see scenes next season of them being all lovey-dovey.
So what did you think of the episode? Are you satisfied with the way things ended? What are you looking forward to most for next season? Feel free to answer these questions as well as leave me comments about you own reality points.
Until next season: You know you love me. xoxo GG
Monday, May 18, 2009
Spoiler: OTH - "Believe that dreams come true everyday because they do."
Whenever I watch One Tree Hill I expect the worst. Maybe because in the six seasons of the show we have seen a brother murder his brother, a school shooting, fires started, limousines run off bridges, etcetera. So when it seemed liked everyone was going to be happy as the season came to a close, I was waiting for something awful to happen. But that never came. Instead, everything did end happily for once. Here is exactly what happened tonight (and as a recap of last week, all that is really important is that after the wedding Lucas found Peyton on the ground bleeding, which closed the episode).
- Lucas carries Peyton, who is covered in blood, into the hospital. He then watches as she has surgery. We then get a glimpse of Lucas at home with a baby, but it cuts to commercial before we find out if Peyton is OK. We find out that it has been four days and Peyton has yet to wake up from the surgery. And just as Lucas is complaining about how he is in over his head and does not even know what to name their daughter, Peyton wakes up to tell him the baby's name is Sawyer. Brooke sees Peyton is awake and leaves to bring the baby in, only it isn't Brooke who carries the baby to Peyton, it is Karen. Peyton, once home, talks with Karen and thanks her for raising such a wonderful son. In the next scene, Lucas himself thanks his mom for being such a great parent. In final glimpses of the new family, everyone looks happy and healthy.
- Dan is back and he looks like shit. He goes to see Whitey, who points out to Dan that he has always had a heart problem. We also find out that Whitey has a gun that he bought just in case Dan ever came to visit him. Whitey could easily stage it as self defense and has no problem telling Dan this. Dan then admits to Whitey that his life changed when he refused to play the fourth quarter of the championship game in high school. Dan says he is sorry for that day and every day since. He then apologizes for everything, including killing Keith. Dan says he was supposed to die months ago and that his hell is being alive since he cannot be a part of the lives of those he loves. Dan then picks up the gun and tells Whitey to kill him, which of course he does not. Whitey says there is still time and watches Dan leave. On his way out Dan hears news about Nathan, which will be discussed in a minute. Dan leaves Whitey's and goes to Lucas' house. Peyton is outside with the baby and asks to hold her. He says she is the only person in his world who does not know what he's done and Peyton does let him hold the baby.
- Nathan is discouraged that he has not yet been called to the pros, especially after his teammate is. Jamie, who always sees his dad as his hero, is not as discouraged because, as he says, "at least you're still a chief." Nathan goes to his next practice to find that his locker has been cleared out. While I immediately jump to the conclusion that he has been kicked off the team, we find out that he has been called up to the NBA! As a family, Nathan and Hailey have Jamie watch the news where Nathan's news is announced. Jamie slowly begins to understand and gets so excited. The family then travels together to Charlotte to be there for Nathan's first game. His dream finally came true.
- Mia's new record is out, which means she is leaving Tree Hill to go on tour. This obviously makes Chace sad. But he follows her to her first CD signing and when she signs his CD she writes that she loves him. There is definitely a future for them.
- Millie decides she does not want to go back to New York. She plans to go to Brooke and tell her she can't go back. But before Millie can demand to be relocated, Brooke tells Millie that the Tree Hill store is almost ready to be re-opened and that she needs Millie to be there to run it. So Millie moves back in with Mouth and he mentions how his life is now perfect.
- Victoria, not surprisingly, does not tell Brooke that Julian stopped by the store looking for her. And throughout everything happening with Peyton, Julian is there to support Brooke. Just as Julian is saying his goodbye, Brooke kisses him. They sleep together but when she wakes up, he is gone. Later, Victoria announces that she is going back to New York since the company is stable again. She does have a list of demands for Brooke, one of which is to tell Julian she loves him. Victoria says she was once in love but walked away and does not want her daughter to have similar regrets. Victoria also gives Brooke total ownership of the company, saying she would rather have her daughter than the company. Brooke then says she wants her mom to stay and it is clear, in this moment, that regardless of what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future that they love one another. Brooke, in the final moments of the episode, goes to LA to see Julian and tells him she loves him. She is finally letting herself be happy.
As the episode neared the end, someone said, "Remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be," and that truly was the message of the episode. Everyone is content in their life, as it should be for characters who have all been through the worst together. I am pleased with how the season ended. Feel free to leave me your thoughts about the episode and the season in general. Also, what are you expecting for next season? Rumor has it that Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton are not returning. How do you think they will be written off? And would you watch the show if they were not on?
- Lucas carries Peyton, who is covered in blood, into the hospital. He then watches as she has surgery. We then get a glimpse of Lucas at home with a baby, but it cuts to commercial before we find out if Peyton is OK. We find out that it has been four days and Peyton has yet to wake up from the surgery. And just as Lucas is complaining about how he is in over his head and does not even know what to name their daughter, Peyton wakes up to tell him the baby's name is Sawyer. Brooke sees Peyton is awake and leaves to bring the baby in, only it isn't Brooke who carries the baby to Peyton, it is Karen. Peyton, once home, talks with Karen and thanks her for raising such a wonderful son. In the next scene, Lucas himself thanks his mom for being such a great parent. In final glimpses of the new family, everyone looks happy and healthy.
- Dan is back and he looks like shit. He goes to see Whitey, who points out to Dan that he has always had a heart problem. We also find out that Whitey has a gun that he bought just in case Dan ever came to visit him. Whitey could easily stage it as self defense and has no problem telling Dan this. Dan then admits to Whitey that his life changed when he refused to play the fourth quarter of the championship game in high school. Dan says he is sorry for that day and every day since. He then apologizes for everything, including killing Keith. Dan says he was supposed to die months ago and that his hell is being alive since he cannot be a part of the lives of those he loves. Dan then picks up the gun and tells Whitey to kill him, which of course he does not. Whitey says there is still time and watches Dan leave. On his way out Dan hears news about Nathan, which will be discussed in a minute. Dan leaves Whitey's and goes to Lucas' house. Peyton is outside with the baby and asks to hold her. He says she is the only person in his world who does not know what he's done and Peyton does let him hold the baby.
- Nathan is discouraged that he has not yet been called to the pros, especially after his teammate is. Jamie, who always sees his dad as his hero, is not as discouraged because, as he says, "at least you're still a chief." Nathan goes to his next practice to find that his locker has been cleared out. While I immediately jump to the conclusion that he has been kicked off the team, we find out that he has been called up to the NBA! As a family, Nathan and Hailey have Jamie watch the news where Nathan's news is announced. Jamie slowly begins to understand and gets so excited. The family then travels together to Charlotte to be there for Nathan's first game. His dream finally came true.
- Mia's new record is out, which means she is leaving Tree Hill to go on tour. This obviously makes Chace sad. But he follows her to her first CD signing and when she signs his CD she writes that she loves him. There is definitely a future for them.
- Millie decides she does not want to go back to New York. She plans to go to Brooke and tell her she can't go back. But before Millie can demand to be relocated, Brooke tells Millie that the Tree Hill store is almost ready to be re-opened and that she needs Millie to be there to run it. So Millie moves back in with Mouth and he mentions how his life is now perfect.
- Victoria, not surprisingly, does not tell Brooke that Julian stopped by the store looking for her. And throughout everything happening with Peyton, Julian is there to support Brooke. Just as Julian is saying his goodbye, Brooke kisses him. They sleep together but when she wakes up, he is gone. Later, Victoria announces that she is going back to New York since the company is stable again. She does have a list of demands for Brooke, one of which is to tell Julian she loves him. Victoria says she was once in love but walked away and does not want her daughter to have similar regrets. Victoria also gives Brooke total ownership of the company, saying she would rather have her daughter than the company. Brooke then says she wants her mom to stay and it is clear, in this moment, that regardless of what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future that they love one another. Brooke, in the final moments of the episode, goes to LA to see Julian and tells him she loves him. She is finally letting herself be happy.
As the episode neared the end, someone said, "Remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be," and that truly was the message of the episode. Everyone is content in their life, as it should be for characters who have all been through the worst together. I am pleased with how the season ended. Feel free to leave me your thoughts about the episode and the season in general. Also, what are you expecting for next season? Rumor has it that Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton are not returning. How do you think they will be written off? And would you watch the show if they were not on?
Spoiler: Quite a few bad days in The Hills, surrounded by one very happy couple
Here is a very quick run down of the two main highlights of tonight's episode.
- Heidi's dad comes to LA to meet Spencer. The two, surprisingly, hit it off and when Spencer asks for permission to marry Heidi, her father gives him the go-ahead. So Spencer takes Heidi, who is afraid of heights, on a ferris wheel and proposes. She says yes but not before telling him there are steps that need to be taken - mainly that he has to make peace with Lauren and her mom - before they wed.
- Lauren tells Brody she has to fire Stephanie and he says it will ruin their friendship. Lauren fires her and Stephanie cries in front of the entire office. From later conversations it seems like Stephanie is pissed it happened and blames her boss, Kelly, for being satanic, not taking responsibility for her own mistakes.
Next week there looks to be a lot of action. And, as promos pointed out, there are only two more Hills episodes with Lauren before the season finale and she moves on. Thoughts?
- Heidi's dad comes to LA to meet Spencer. The two, surprisingly, hit it off and when Spencer asks for permission to marry Heidi, her father gives him the go-ahead. So Spencer takes Heidi, who is afraid of heights, on a ferris wheel and proposes. She says yes but not before telling him there are steps that need to be taken - mainly that he has to make peace with Lauren and her mom - before they wed.
- Lauren tells Brody she has to fire Stephanie and he says it will ruin their friendship. Lauren fires her and Stephanie cries in front of the entire office. From later conversations it seems like Stephanie is pissed it happened and blames her boss, Kelly, for being satanic, not taking responsibility for her own mistakes.
Next week there looks to be a lot of action. And, as promos pointed out, there are only two more Hills episodes with Lauren before the season finale and she moves on. Thoughts?
Spoiler: Grey's - "You weren't you. You were gone."
Following last week's episode, I had pretty high expectations for the Grey's Anatomy season finale that aired Thursday night. And I am happy to report that I was satisfied. The episode (or should that be plural) was a bit long; two hours seemed a bit much. As for my post about the finale, I am going to give less details than usual. I am going to give the facts of what happened, highlighting the high points chronologically.
- Derek figured out a way to get the tumor out of Izzie's brain. The surgery could lead to Izzie losing her memory and not being able to speak, but it would mean she could live.
- Cristina wants Owen to go see his mom, who thinks Owen is still in Iraq.
- An injured soldier comes into the hospital and wants his healthy, but pain causing, leg cut off so he can get a prosthetic leg and return to war.
- The chief bought a new surgery machine that makes surgical experiments possible. He lets Bailey use it and it is obvious he is trying to lure Bailey into staying with general surgery instead of specializing in pediatrics.
- Sloan asks Lexie to move in with him, but she at first doesn't get the hint and then tells him she would need 10 years so that she could get her life in order first.
- Everyone begins taking sides on whether or not Izzie should have the surgery or stick with treatments that may never work.
- Owen realizes he cannot commit to his new life because he still feels like he is at war. He then says he wants to go back to Iraq and Cristina says she will not support him.
- The soldier who wants his leg cut off explains himself and it becomes clear that the doctors would not be doing harm by performing the surgery but would instead be allowing him to return to war to save hundreds of other lives.
- The cancer miracle case, a woman who should not have survived but responded wonderfully to treatment and was living a full life, takes a bad turn and ends up on a ventilator with possible brain damage. Seeing her friend near death makes Izzie realize that the surgery may be a good idea. But the twist: Izzie signs a DNR.
- Meredith and Derek talk about going to City Hall to get married the next day. They no longer want to wait after Meredith realizes how precious life is.
- Cristina gives a speech about how being the best does not matter because no matter what they do their patients still die. She then tells Owen she can't let him die. Cristina then goes with Owen to see his mom.
- A few of the doctors are down on themselves because they cannot see why they are doctors when it seems like more harm than good is completed. Bailey takes them to see the joy of saving a child's life, thus reminding them why they are important.
- In a twist I totally didn't see coming, George enlists in the army!
- Alex, Cristina and Meredith slept in Izzie's room following the surgery and are waiting for her to wake up.
- Bailey is offered the pediatrics fellowship but does not seem happy.
- Izzie wakes up, has a memory and can talk. Everyone gets excited until she begins repeating herself. She cannot remember past a few seconds, which could be a normal haze or because of a minor bleed during the surgery. Alex begins working with her, trying to get her to remember.
- Owen tells Cristina that he slept for the first time in months without nightmares and that he thinks this means he can be a better man for her now.
- Meredith tells Cristina her plan to go to City Hall to get married later that day and Cristina gives her a blue post-it with an old shopping list written on it and a pen: her something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.
- An unidentified man is brought in. He pushed a young woman out of the way of a bus and he himself was subsequently dragged under the bus. He is in rough shape.
- Everyone is pissed at George for joining the army and plan to stage an intervention.
- Bailey won't talk to Arizona about the fellowship and when she finally does we find out that Bailey's husband threatened to divorce her if she took the new position because the new position would mean more unpredictable hours.
- Arizona hears about George joining the army and she says she thinks it is awesome, which angers Cali. We later find out that Arizona's brother died in Iraq because there was no doctor around to save his life, thus she thinks what George is doing is courageous.
- The girl who was saved from being hit by the bus refuses to leave the side of the man who pushed her. She thinks he is her prince and says he literally swept her off her feet.
- Cristina, in a move that seems very out of character and girly for her, tells Owen she loves him. He then tells her to meet him half way. Their storyline ends with them kissing and happy together.
- Alex, thinking Izzie would not remember, yells at Izzie for forcing him into a situation where he has to deal with her health problems. He even yells about his plan to kill her if it comes to that. But, surprisingly, Izzie remembers!
- Bailey goes to the chief and asks to be let back on as a general surgeon. She also tells him she plans to leave her husband because their marriage is already shattered, but the general surgery schedule is easier since she would now be a single parent. She then gives a moving speech about how everyone is scared in life.
- Meredith and Derek realize that there will always be some kind of crisis that gets in the way of their wedding so they write promises to each other and sign them like a contract. They have their own make-shift wedding.
- Meredith realizes the unidentified man is George after he writes in the palm of her hand 007, his nickname. All of the doctors then jump into action and try to save him.
- Meanwhile, Izzie stops breathing and because she is DNR they are not supposed to save her. But after Alex pleads with them, the chief agrees to try to save her.
The episode ends before we find out for sure whether or not George and Izzie live or die.
So here come the questions: Do you think both Izzie and George are dead? Were you completely shocked when we found out it was George who had been hit by the bus? Why do you think the writers chose to have George hit by a bus in his act of heroism if it would have been just as simple to send him to Iraq as a means to write him off the show? Were you also moved by Bailey's speech about how everyone is scared and life is scary? Do you think Meredith and Derek's exchange of vows was just cheesy enough to be lovable? Leave me comments about your overall thoughts on the episode and also feel free to leave comments about your expectations for next season.
- Derek figured out a way to get the tumor out of Izzie's brain. The surgery could lead to Izzie losing her memory and not being able to speak, but it would mean she could live.
- Cristina wants Owen to go see his mom, who thinks Owen is still in Iraq.
- An injured soldier comes into the hospital and wants his healthy, but pain causing, leg cut off so he can get a prosthetic leg and return to war.
- The chief bought a new surgery machine that makes surgical experiments possible. He lets Bailey use it and it is obvious he is trying to lure Bailey into staying with general surgery instead of specializing in pediatrics.
- Sloan asks Lexie to move in with him, but she at first doesn't get the hint and then tells him she would need 10 years so that she could get her life in order first.
- Everyone begins taking sides on whether or not Izzie should have the surgery or stick with treatments that may never work.
- Owen realizes he cannot commit to his new life because he still feels like he is at war. He then says he wants to go back to Iraq and Cristina says she will not support him.
- The soldier who wants his leg cut off explains himself and it becomes clear that the doctors would not be doing harm by performing the surgery but would instead be allowing him to return to war to save hundreds of other lives.
- The cancer miracle case, a woman who should not have survived but responded wonderfully to treatment and was living a full life, takes a bad turn and ends up on a ventilator with possible brain damage. Seeing her friend near death makes Izzie realize that the surgery may be a good idea. But the twist: Izzie signs a DNR.
- Meredith and Derek talk about going to City Hall to get married the next day. They no longer want to wait after Meredith realizes how precious life is.
- Cristina gives a speech about how being the best does not matter because no matter what they do their patients still die. She then tells Owen she can't let him die. Cristina then goes with Owen to see his mom.
- A few of the doctors are down on themselves because they cannot see why they are doctors when it seems like more harm than good is completed. Bailey takes them to see the joy of saving a child's life, thus reminding them why they are important.
- In a twist I totally didn't see coming, George enlists in the army!
- Alex, Cristina and Meredith slept in Izzie's room following the surgery and are waiting for her to wake up.
- Bailey is offered the pediatrics fellowship but does not seem happy.
- Izzie wakes up, has a memory and can talk. Everyone gets excited until she begins repeating herself. She cannot remember past a few seconds, which could be a normal haze or because of a minor bleed during the surgery. Alex begins working with her, trying to get her to remember.
- Owen tells Cristina that he slept for the first time in months without nightmares and that he thinks this means he can be a better man for her now.
- Meredith tells Cristina her plan to go to City Hall to get married later that day and Cristina gives her a blue post-it with an old shopping list written on it and a pen: her something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.
- An unidentified man is brought in. He pushed a young woman out of the way of a bus and he himself was subsequently dragged under the bus. He is in rough shape.
- Everyone is pissed at George for joining the army and plan to stage an intervention.
- Bailey won't talk to Arizona about the fellowship and when she finally does we find out that Bailey's husband threatened to divorce her if she took the new position because the new position would mean more unpredictable hours.
- Arizona hears about George joining the army and she says she thinks it is awesome, which angers Cali. We later find out that Arizona's brother died in Iraq because there was no doctor around to save his life, thus she thinks what George is doing is courageous.
- The girl who was saved from being hit by the bus refuses to leave the side of the man who pushed her. She thinks he is her prince and says he literally swept her off her feet.
- Cristina, in a move that seems very out of character and girly for her, tells Owen she loves him. He then tells her to meet him half way. Their storyline ends with them kissing and happy together.
- Alex, thinking Izzie would not remember, yells at Izzie for forcing him into a situation where he has to deal with her health problems. He even yells about his plan to kill her if it comes to that. But, surprisingly, Izzie remembers!
- Bailey goes to the chief and asks to be let back on as a general surgeon. She also tells him she plans to leave her husband because their marriage is already shattered, but the general surgery schedule is easier since she would now be a single parent. She then gives a moving speech about how everyone is scared in life.
- Meredith and Derek realize that there will always be some kind of crisis that gets in the way of their wedding so they write promises to each other and sign them like a contract. They have their own make-shift wedding.
- Meredith realizes the unidentified man is George after he writes in the palm of her hand 007, his nickname. All of the doctors then jump into action and try to save him.
- Meanwhile, Izzie stops breathing and because she is DNR they are not supposed to save her. But after Alex pleads with them, the chief agrees to try to save her.
The episode ends before we find out for sure whether or not George and Izzie live or die.
So here come the questions: Do you think both Izzie and George are dead? Were you completely shocked when we found out it was George who had been hit by the bus? Why do you think the writers chose to have George hit by a bus in his act of heroism if it would have been just as simple to send him to Iraq as a means to write him off the show? Were you also moved by Bailey's speech about how everyone is scared and life is scary? Do you think Meredith and Derek's exchange of vows was just cheesy enough to be lovable? Leave me comments about your overall thoughts on the episode and also feel free to leave comments about your expectations for next season.
I am kind of getting sick of The Hills drama
I certainly do not want to rehash what happened on last week's Hills episode, but I do have a few thoughts:
1) Does anyone else agree that Stephanie is the worst employee EVER?
2) How can what Spencer and Heidi have be considered a functional relationship?
3) How many times on the show have we watched Audrina break up with Justin? Does it ever really stick?
The season must almost be done and when it is, so am I. I cannot deal with this high school drama anymore. Is anyone else finding themselves fed up with the show? Or are you still enjoying it?
1) Does anyone else agree that Stephanie is the worst employee EVER?
2) How can what Spencer and Heidi have be considered a functional relationship?
3) How many times on the show have we watched Audrina break up with Justin? Does it ever really stick?
The season must almost be done and when it is, so am I. I cannot deal with this high school drama anymore. Is anyone else finding themselves fed up with the show? Or are you still enjoying it?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Gossip Girl reality check
For those who look forward to the New York Magazine Daily Intel blog posts about Gossip Girl, here is the reality index check of this week's episode.
UPDATE: I just finished watching last week's episode and, though I don't really want to admit it, I enjoyed the flashback scenes. I think I would have enjoyed the spinoff show. What were your thoughts of the episode? Were you too touched when Chuck helped make Blair's prom as perfect as her dream?
UPDATE: I just finished watching last week's episode and, though I don't really want to admit it, I enjoyed the flashback scenes. I think I would have enjoyed the spinoff show. What were your thoughts of the episode? Were you too touched when Chuck helped make Blair's prom as perfect as her dream?
DVR debacle
Hello everyone. I got back from Florida late last night (but luckily in time for SNL) only to come home and find that three shows had been deleted from my DVR. I am blaming my brother whether he wants to take the blame or not. The worst part is that they were the three CW shows - Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and 90210 - so watching them online won't even be that easy. If anyone has any suggestions on where online I can find the shows I would greatly appreciate the advice. As for the other shows, the plan is to watch Grey's ASAP and write about the finale following viewing, and I also plan to have watched the Hills by the time the new episode airs tomorrow night. Thanks again for hanging in there while I was on vacation. I hope to be back on track really soon. And as a reminder, So You Think You Can Dance premieres Thursday at 8 p.m.!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!
SNL season finale delivered at times, but overall failed
I had pretty high expectations for last night's SNL season finale, hosted by Will Ferrell, mostly because Ferrell is usually so funny. And while there were a few funny skits in which he shined, as well as a bunch of guest appearances, there were some pretty bad skits mixed in and even ones where Ferrell played a limited (read not funny) role. Here are two of his funniest skits. I also wanted to post a Weekend Update segment where past host Amy Poehler made a special appearance, but it wasn't updated on the website yet. Also not here is the season's final skit in which every cast member, and even a group of special guests, was on stage together. I thought this skit especially was not funny. As soon as it is posted on the website, I will get it on here. In the meantime, what did you think of the episode? Did you like the final skit?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'm leaving on a jet plane...
... except I do know when I'll be back again. As a graduation present I am going to Florida on a vacation for a week. I leave early tomorrow and return late Saturday. Because of this I will not be posting during that time. My plan is to return Saturday and catch up on viewing all of the episodes I missed - from Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and 90210, to The Hills, Grey's Anatomy and others. While most of the episodes are just normal ones, this Thursday is the two hour season finale of Grey's. I plan to post about that show asap when I return. As for posts about the other shows I regularly follow, it is likely that I will just have to skip summaries. If I have time, I will post about the episodes as I watch them, but I can't make promises. I do promise to watch all of the episodes so I am prepared to write about the finales that will follow the week I return.
Thanks for your patience. I will write again soon.
Thanks for your patience. I will write again soon.
The return of Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake once again hosted Saturday Night Live last night. While the show was funny, Justin resorted to many of his staples to get by - Jimmy Fallon as Barry Gibb, appearances by his girlfriend (this time Jessica), a digital short with Andy Samberg, tons of singing, a Target lady skit and plenty of special guest appearances. This doesn't mean the episode wasn't funny, it was just very formulaic. Below are a few of the funnier skits. There were other funny ones, so I do recommend watching the entire episode if you get a chance. And as a side note about Ciara, I actually enjoyed both of her performances. She was better than I expected.
And in honor of Mother's Day:
Next week is the season finale. Will Ferrell hosts and Green Day performs. I hope it is as funny as I am expecting and hoping. I really do not want to be let down.
And in honor of Mother's Day:
Next week is the season finale. Will Ferrell hosts and Green Day performs. I hope it is as funny as I am expecting and hoping. I really do not want to be let down.
In honor of Mother's Day...
... here is the link to a slideshow featuring the 14 craziest moms on television, according to the Globe's Matthew Gilbert. Are there any missing you would have added? Which moms do you think are the absolute craziest?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Spoiler: Dollhouse - It's always about saving the girl
Previews for the Dollhouse season finale promised all questions would be answered. I don't know if I would go that far, but a lot was reveled. Here is what we did learn and a few other interesting plot points for last night's episode:
- Dr. Saunders is not a real doctor but only another active and she used to be the most popular, most requested active. Alpha, who always had a thing for Echo, wanted Echo to be No. 1 and that is when Alpha slashed Dr. Saunders' face.
- Paul helps DeWitt and Boyd get rid of cops when they are called to the building and also goes out with Boyd to do some research on who Alpha was as a person before he became an active. Paul, in this case, is helping his enemy.
- Alpha has his own imprint chair and stole all of Echo's old imprints. He and Echo also kidnapped a woman on their way to Alpha's "lair." This other woman is imprinted as the original Echo, in other words, as Caroline. Meanwhile, Alpha keeps short-circuiting and speaking in the voices of other people. We find out that when Alpha went crazy and on his killing spree, he was in the midst of an implant and there was a computer glitch; Alpha was imprinted as 48 people at once. This is then what he does to Echo; He imprints her with all her past identities. But instead of doing as he tells her, Echo lashes out on Alpha. Alpha tells Echo his plan is to keep imprinting women as Caroline, slash them and then kill them. Paul and Boyd find Echo and Alpha and Paul catches the wedge containing Echo's identity. Through this act he saves the girl.
- At the end of the episode, Alpha is still free, which opens up a lot of possibilities for future episodes (that is if the show isn't canceled).
- Paul trades his freedom to work for the dollhouse in exchange for one woman's freedom. And wow was I surprised when this woman was not Caroline but instead Mellie.
I was more shocked with last week's episode that included the return of Alpha, but this episode was satisfying. Now I guess all there is to do is wait for the word about whether or not the show will be back for another season. Were you pleased with how it ended? Would you like to see the show return? Let me know.
- Dr. Saunders is not a real doctor but only another active and she used to be the most popular, most requested active. Alpha, who always had a thing for Echo, wanted Echo to be No. 1 and that is when Alpha slashed Dr. Saunders' face.
- Paul helps DeWitt and Boyd get rid of cops when they are called to the building and also goes out with Boyd to do some research on who Alpha was as a person before he became an active. Paul, in this case, is helping his enemy.
- Alpha has his own imprint chair and stole all of Echo's old imprints. He and Echo also kidnapped a woman on their way to Alpha's "lair." This other woman is imprinted as the original Echo, in other words, as Caroline. Meanwhile, Alpha keeps short-circuiting and speaking in the voices of other people. We find out that when Alpha went crazy and on his killing spree, he was in the midst of an implant and there was a computer glitch; Alpha was imprinted as 48 people at once. This is then what he does to Echo; He imprints her with all her past identities. But instead of doing as he tells her, Echo lashes out on Alpha. Alpha tells Echo his plan is to keep imprinting women as Caroline, slash them and then kill them. Paul and Boyd find Echo and Alpha and Paul catches the wedge containing Echo's identity. Through this act he saves the girl.
- At the end of the episode, Alpha is still free, which opens up a lot of possibilities for future episodes (that is if the show isn't canceled).
- Paul trades his freedom to work for the dollhouse in exchange for one woman's freedom. And wow was I surprised when this woman was not Caroline but instead Mellie.
I was more shocked with last week's episode that included the return of Alpha, but this episode was satisfying. Now I guess all there is to do is wait for the word about whether or not the show will be back for another season. Were you pleased with how it ended? Would you like to see the show return? Let me know.
Leno's last week looms, promises surprises

Jay Leno's run as host of The Tonight Show is almost complete. Here is a run down of some of the guests expected during his last week. The last episode with Leno at the helm airs May 29. Conan O'Brien takes over starting June 1.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Spoiler: Grey's - The biggest, most important, regular day
I called it! I called it! Read my prediction here. And, guess what? It came true. I knew it! OK, enough gloating.
Last night's Grey's Anatomy episode made me cry (read: streaming tears) three times and I choked up at least one other time. Maybe it was because I recently graduated and as the college students kept dying, I kept choking up, and by the time Alex said his vows, I was nearly hysterical, but all I know for sure is that I couldn't help it or stop. The episode takes place on the day of Meredith and Derek's wedding day. Everyone is at work that day and the ceremony is planned for that night. Throughout the day a lot happens, so here is a rundown.
- Cali is working an extra shift in the ER. While at the desk she says it is slow, which obviously jinxes the day. Then a trauma is called in. A group of soon-to-be college graduates were in an SUV on their way to their graduation when they got into a horrible car crash. They are all in really bad shape. Those in the car are among some of the best of the class - the valedictorian, a student who was the first in his family to go to college, etc. While in the hospital, they all impart knowledge on the doctors. One says to Alex, "I was doing school and then I was going to do life." Another says to Cristina, "Love is love. It doesn't matter that you're not supposed to be together." Both of these words of wisdom can be expanded and pertain to the lives of the person they were saying them to. Throughout this all, six of the students die; Many at the hands of George who at one point goes to Hunt and tells him he is in over his head. But Hunt has faith in George and at the end of the day congratulates him on a job well done regardless of how many deaths he feels responsible for.
- Owen and Cristina's relationship is still rocky. He does acknowledge that it was her ceiling fan that triggered his attack. It is clear they still care for one another and throughout the episode Owen tries to reach for Cristina's hand to hold it. At the end of the episode, Cristina uses a hammer and bangs at the fan.
- As Derek's "wedding present" to Meredith he provides Meredith with her first solo surgery. To oversee the surgery, the chief scrubs in. But instead of supervising, he participates and passes judgment, something Meredith does not let go unnoticed. In the end the chief tells Meredith her mother would have been proud of the surgery and Meredith says this was the best wedding present ever.
- Something is visibly wrong in the relationship between Arizona and Cali and Arizona questions what happened. Sloan makes reference to Cali's need to talk about the real problem, but Cali won't admit this real problem to Arizona. This leads to Cali pushing Arizona away. Cali, at one point, even says that maybe they should end their relationship. Finally, Cali breaks down and tells Arizona the problem: Cali has no money and does not feel like she can afford to date. Arizona is very understanding and agrees to only set up low key dates from now on.
- Izzie starts seeing Denny again. She is convinced that this means she has another tumor. Izzie has Derek and Bailey run some tests, but everything comes back clear. Izzie is not as sure; She knows that if she is seeing Denny, then something is wrong. Derek then tries something never done before. He asks Izzie to make an hallucination happen so that he can see in what part of the brain it is originating. She struggles to make Denny appear, but in the end succeeds and Derek does find a very small tumor. The tumor is so small and so tucked away that he cannot do anything to remove it. Derek says to Bailey that there is nothing else he can do for her and Bailey hints that there is something he could do. Instead of Meredith and Derek getting married, Alex and Izzie do. And Alex's vows, a speech that is similar to the speech the college valedictorian practiced on him earlier in the episode, were so heartfelt and perfect. Once back in the hospital, Izzie shaves her head after realizing throughout the day that she was losing her hair. She is embarrassed by her bald head but Alex keeps reminding her she is beautiful: "My wife is hot," he says to her. At the end of the episode Izzie talks about how she didn't even know the biggest day of her life was happening until it happened.
Next week is the two hour season finale. It looks promising. I bet a lot happens. The one question I want answered, do you guys still think Izzie is being killed off? And do you think she will die during the finale? How do you see this season ending and which loose ends do you want to see tied? Leave me your thoughts.
Last night's Grey's Anatomy episode made me cry (read: streaming tears) three times and I choked up at least one other time. Maybe it was because I recently graduated and as the college students kept dying, I kept choking up, and by the time Alex said his vows, I was nearly hysterical, but all I know for sure is that I couldn't help it or stop. The episode takes place on the day of Meredith and Derek's wedding day. Everyone is at work that day and the ceremony is planned for that night. Throughout the day a lot happens, so here is a rundown.
- Cali is working an extra shift in the ER. While at the desk she says it is slow, which obviously jinxes the day. Then a trauma is called in. A group of soon-to-be college graduates were in an SUV on their way to their graduation when they got into a horrible car crash. They are all in really bad shape. Those in the car are among some of the best of the class - the valedictorian, a student who was the first in his family to go to college, etc. While in the hospital, they all impart knowledge on the doctors. One says to Alex, "I was doing school and then I was going to do life." Another says to Cristina, "Love is love. It doesn't matter that you're not supposed to be together." Both of these words of wisdom can be expanded and pertain to the lives of the person they were saying them to. Throughout this all, six of the students die; Many at the hands of George who at one point goes to Hunt and tells him he is in over his head. But Hunt has faith in George and at the end of the day congratulates him on a job well done regardless of how many deaths he feels responsible for.
- Owen and Cristina's relationship is still rocky. He does acknowledge that it was her ceiling fan that triggered his attack. It is clear they still care for one another and throughout the episode Owen tries to reach for Cristina's hand to hold it. At the end of the episode, Cristina uses a hammer and bangs at the fan.
- As Derek's "wedding present" to Meredith he provides Meredith with her first solo surgery. To oversee the surgery, the chief scrubs in. But instead of supervising, he participates and passes judgment, something Meredith does not let go unnoticed. In the end the chief tells Meredith her mother would have been proud of the surgery and Meredith says this was the best wedding present ever.
- Something is visibly wrong in the relationship between Arizona and Cali and Arizona questions what happened. Sloan makes reference to Cali's need to talk about the real problem, but Cali won't admit this real problem to Arizona. This leads to Cali pushing Arizona away. Cali, at one point, even says that maybe they should end their relationship. Finally, Cali breaks down and tells Arizona the problem: Cali has no money and does not feel like she can afford to date. Arizona is very understanding and agrees to only set up low key dates from now on.
- Izzie starts seeing Denny again. She is convinced that this means she has another tumor. Izzie has Derek and Bailey run some tests, but everything comes back clear. Izzie is not as sure; She knows that if she is seeing Denny, then something is wrong. Derek then tries something never done before. He asks Izzie to make an hallucination happen so that he can see in what part of the brain it is originating. She struggles to make Denny appear, but in the end succeeds and Derek does find a very small tumor. The tumor is so small and so tucked away that he cannot do anything to remove it. Derek says to Bailey that there is nothing else he can do for her and Bailey hints that there is something he could do. Instead of Meredith and Derek getting married, Alex and Izzie do. And Alex's vows, a speech that is similar to the speech the college valedictorian practiced on him earlier in the episode, were so heartfelt and perfect. Once back in the hospital, Izzie shaves her head after realizing throughout the day that she was losing her hair. She is embarrassed by her bald head but Alex keeps reminding her she is beautiful: "My wife is hot," he says to her. At the end of the episode Izzie talks about how she didn't even know the biggest day of her life was happening until it happened.
Next week is the two hour season finale. It looks promising. I bet a lot happens. The one question I want answered, do you guys still think Izzie is being killed off? And do you think she will die during the finale? How do you see this season ending and which loose ends do you want to see tied? Leave me your thoughts.
Lily a no show

Even though Monday's episode of Gossip Girl features flashbacks of the character Lily as a teenager and the show was supposed to be a back door pilot of the Lily spinoff, it was announced today that the spinoff is no longer in the works. The full story is here. I have some of the same questions. Was anyone really looking forward to this new show? As much as I like Brittany Snow, I had little interest in watching this. Is anyone torn up about it not coming into full form?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Spoiler: SVU - "The law hasn't caught up with new technology. They don't realize the consequences of their actions."
Last night's Law & Order: SVU was awesome not only because it tackled a timely and interesting topic, but also because there was a huge twist at the end. I am not going to summarize the episode, but I will highlight a few high points, including the vocabulary lesson I got.
- Most of the episode was based on this new fad called sexting. This is when someone takes a naked picture and sends it via text to different people. This has been happening a lot recently and the kids who do it often don't realize that they can, if caught, be charged with distributing child pornography, which is what happened in the episode.
- While I knew all about sexting, I had never heard of spoofing, but I learned about it last night. Apparently there are websites that through the site you can call a phone number but make it so that the number picked up on caller ID is another number. So by using these websites you are deliberately faking the caller ID. I can see how this one will be used for evil.
- Following the sexting scandal, doctors tell the detectives that someone is beating the teenager regularly. In the end it turns out to be her boyfriend, but what worries me is that this couple was so young. I know it must happen, but it is scary that teenagers now have to worry about domestic abuse.
- Wow what a twist at the end! The girl was being charged for child pornography only as a way to get her to talk about her abuser. Once she identified that person, both lawyers agreed to drop the porn charges. But the judge ruled against them and found her guilty for the porn charge, a charge she was never supposed to face. The judge was obviously making an example out of the case but sentencing her to a rehab facility for a year was too much. So the detectives do a bit of digging into the judge's past and find out there is a clerk she is paying off to pad her dockets with cases where the acts could be construed as sexual offenses. The judge, whose brother owns a facility, would then send the children, as punishment, to this place and get a payout for filling a bed.
I love when shows make me gasp and last night's SVU did just that. Was anyone else shocked at the end? Did anyone else enjoy the episode?
- Most of the episode was based on this new fad called sexting. This is when someone takes a naked picture and sends it via text to different people. This has been happening a lot recently and the kids who do it often don't realize that they can, if caught, be charged with distributing child pornography, which is what happened in the episode.
- While I knew all about sexting, I had never heard of spoofing, but I learned about it last night. Apparently there are websites that through the site you can call a phone number but make it so that the number picked up on caller ID is another number. So by using these websites you are deliberately faking the caller ID. I can see how this one will be used for evil.
- Following the sexting scandal, doctors tell the detectives that someone is beating the teenager regularly. In the end it turns out to be her boyfriend, but what worries me is that this couple was so young. I know it must happen, but it is scary that teenagers now have to worry about domestic abuse.
- Wow what a twist at the end! The girl was being charged for child pornography only as a way to get her to talk about her abuser. Once she identified that person, both lawyers agreed to drop the porn charges. But the judge ruled against them and found her guilty for the porn charge, a charge she was never supposed to face. The judge was obviously making an example out of the case but sentencing her to a rehab facility for a year was too much. So the detectives do a bit of digging into the judge's past and find out there is a clerk she is paying off to pad her dockets with cases where the acts could be construed as sexual offenses. The judge, whose brother owns a facility, would then send the children, as punishment, to this place and get a payout for filling a bed.
I love when shows make me gasp and last night's SVU did just that. Was anyone else shocked at the end? Did anyone else enjoy the episode?
Latest star forced to stop Dancing
... is, surprisingly, Lil' Kim and her partner Derek Hough. Lil' Kim was sent home instead of Ty Murray and Chelsie Hightower, who seem to be struggling now that they are down to the last few couples.
Next week is the semifinals. Here is who made it to the top four:
Ty Murray & Chelsie Hightower
Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke
Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas
Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani
I thought Lil' Kim had a chance to be there at the top. Obviously Ty has to go next week and I still think Gilles has the best chance to win. Thoughts?
Next week is the semifinals. Here is who made it to the top four:
Ty Murray & Chelsie Hightower
Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke
Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas
Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani
I thought Lil' Kim had a chance to be there at the top. Obviously Ty has to go next week and I still think Gilles has the best chance to win. Thoughts?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Spoiler: 90210 - Apparently it is only in Tree Hill where 16 year olds actually go through with the marriage
Tonight's 90210 episode was full of lies, throwing up, threats and other ridiculousness. Here is what happened.
- Naomi, again, voices her opinion and proves she is not supportive of Navid and Adriana's decision to get married. The couple continues to stand up for themselves even when their friends and family keep pointing out that getting married is not a good idea at such a young age. But in a surprise turn of events, all of their friends come to their senses and decide to throw Adriana a bridal/baby shower. The shower is beautiful and all of Adriana's friends and family are there. It is even one of those crazy showers where there are activities and games. While the girls are having fun at the shower, the guys - Liam, Ethan, Dixon and Navid - go to a burlesque club as a bachelor party. Meanwhile, back at the shower, Navid's mother shows up and goes on and on about how the two are making a huge mistake and ruining their lives. Adriana then goes to the bathroom and downs a handful of pills. At the club, a group of sorority girls join the guys. One spends the majority of her time with Navid and before she leaves she whispers in his ear that she doesn't think he should get married. Navid then rushes home because he needs to talk to Adriana. While I was thinking Navid was going to want to call off the wedding, he instead told Adriana that he is so happy to no longer have to search for a soulmate. After his bachelor party, he was even more ready to marry his true love. But Adriana tells Navid about taking the pills and admits that she still may have a drug problem. Though she threw the pills up, the impulse to take them proves something is wrong. This is when they realize they are not ready to raise the baby. They are also no longer rushing into marriage, though they will remain a deeply devoted couple.
- Dixon apologizes for pushing Silver and they are both very understanding. Dixon even says he is fine with keeping their relationship hidden at Silver's house while Silver gets used to things. But then he asks her about going to prom, and the idea seems to stress her out a bit. While at the bachelor party, Dixon gets really drunk. He spends most of the night blabbering about his relationship with Silver. Liam even has to help Dixon walk and get home because he cannot do so himself. Annie finds them in the back yard of the house, Dixon throwing up and Liam standing by. It is obvious Annie and Liam still cannot stand one another. She has all these theories about him and the way he acts and he says he also has a theory about her; He says he thinks Annie is no good girl and that she is actually a volcano waiting to explode, thus he wants to be around for the big explosion. This only further cements in Annie's mind her hatred for Liam. But back to Dixon and Silver, Silver runs into Ethan again and he gives her some more advice. (Side note: Are we supposed to see a connection between these two?) Silver knows she is disconnected from Dixon, but Ethan helps her realize, though I don't think this was his point, that she needs to be doing her part in their relationship. At the end of the episode, as her sacrifice and to show she is working on their relationship, Silver asks Dixon to prom.
- Naomi's dad is still being a jerk and trying to put up a happy front even though his daughter actually hates him. Naomi and her older sister, Jen, gang up on their father and Jen tells him Naomi deserves to get her trust now instead of when she turns 21 so that they can buy a house together. Jen even has knowledge about a past affair that she can use as blackmail if he does not agree. The sisters, in another scene, go shopping. Jen is being sketchy and seems to be trying to spend all of Naomi's money. Also while shopping, Naomi runs into a girl from school, whose mother is filing the sexual harassment lawsuit, who has been making Naomi's life hell. Jen decides to talk to her and when that doesn't work Jen slips a piece of clothing into the girl's bag so it looks like she was trying to shoplift. Meanwhile, Jen and Ryan run into one another at the Peach Pit. They flirt and he asks her out. He also lies about having written a novel, which he has not, but he was trying to sound cool. When Ryan comes clean about his lie, Jen is cool about it. She even then confesses her own lie: She blew through all of her trust money and is broke. At the end of the episode, it is clear Jen is hiding something and she continues to let Naomi pay for everything, even the house they want to live in, making up lies about how her money is lost in the exchange from Paris. Something fishy is going on with her and I have a feeling it won't be long before we find out the real reason she is in town.
Next week is the PROM! Oh, am I waiting for drama, drama, drama.
- Naomi, again, voices her opinion and proves she is not supportive of Navid and Adriana's decision to get married. The couple continues to stand up for themselves even when their friends and family keep pointing out that getting married is not a good idea at such a young age. But in a surprise turn of events, all of their friends come to their senses and decide to throw Adriana a bridal/baby shower. The shower is beautiful and all of Adriana's friends and family are there. It is even one of those crazy showers where there are activities and games. While the girls are having fun at the shower, the guys - Liam, Ethan, Dixon and Navid - go to a burlesque club as a bachelor party. Meanwhile, back at the shower, Navid's mother shows up and goes on and on about how the two are making a huge mistake and ruining their lives. Adriana then goes to the bathroom and downs a handful of pills. At the club, a group of sorority girls join the guys. One spends the majority of her time with Navid and before she leaves she whispers in his ear that she doesn't think he should get married. Navid then rushes home because he needs to talk to Adriana. While I was thinking Navid was going to want to call off the wedding, he instead told Adriana that he is so happy to no longer have to search for a soulmate. After his bachelor party, he was even more ready to marry his true love. But Adriana tells Navid about taking the pills and admits that she still may have a drug problem. Though she threw the pills up, the impulse to take them proves something is wrong. This is when they realize they are not ready to raise the baby. They are also no longer rushing into marriage, though they will remain a deeply devoted couple.
- Dixon apologizes for pushing Silver and they are both very understanding. Dixon even says he is fine with keeping their relationship hidden at Silver's house while Silver gets used to things. But then he asks her about going to prom, and the idea seems to stress her out a bit. While at the bachelor party, Dixon gets really drunk. He spends most of the night blabbering about his relationship with Silver. Liam even has to help Dixon walk and get home because he cannot do so himself. Annie finds them in the back yard of the house, Dixon throwing up and Liam standing by. It is obvious Annie and Liam still cannot stand one another. She has all these theories about him and the way he acts and he says he also has a theory about her; He says he thinks Annie is no good girl and that she is actually a volcano waiting to explode, thus he wants to be around for the big explosion. This only further cements in Annie's mind her hatred for Liam. But back to Dixon and Silver, Silver runs into Ethan again and he gives her some more advice. (Side note: Are we supposed to see a connection between these two?) Silver knows she is disconnected from Dixon, but Ethan helps her realize, though I don't think this was his point, that she needs to be doing her part in their relationship. At the end of the episode, as her sacrifice and to show she is working on their relationship, Silver asks Dixon to prom.
- Naomi's dad is still being a jerk and trying to put up a happy front even though his daughter actually hates him. Naomi and her older sister, Jen, gang up on their father and Jen tells him Naomi deserves to get her trust now instead of when she turns 21 so that they can buy a house together. Jen even has knowledge about a past affair that she can use as blackmail if he does not agree. The sisters, in another scene, go shopping. Jen is being sketchy and seems to be trying to spend all of Naomi's money. Also while shopping, Naomi runs into a girl from school, whose mother is filing the sexual harassment lawsuit, who has been making Naomi's life hell. Jen decides to talk to her and when that doesn't work Jen slips a piece of clothing into the girl's bag so it looks like she was trying to shoplift. Meanwhile, Jen and Ryan run into one another at the Peach Pit. They flirt and he asks her out. He also lies about having written a novel, which he has not, but he was trying to sound cool. When Ryan comes clean about his lie, Jen is cool about it. She even then confesses her own lie: She blew through all of her trust money and is broke. At the end of the episode, it is clear Jen is hiding something and she continues to let Naomi pay for everything, even the house they want to live in, making up lies about how her money is lost in the exchange from Paris. Something fishy is going on with her and I have a feeling it won't be long before we find out the real reason she is in town.
Next week is the PROM! Oh, am I waiting for drama, drama, drama.
As Matt said, this is the first high school show he actually wants to watch
On May 19, a new Fox show, Glee, about a high school glee club, will premiere. But after that first episode, the second episode will not air until the beginning of the normal fall season. In a different technique, Fox thinks the premiere episode will keep people talking for months. The whole story is here. And below is an extended trailer. I hope you watch it. The show looks really great. I too, along with Matt, may be watching it both May 19 and come the fall. What do you think? Is this a risky move? Does the trailer make you want to watch? I'd love to hear other people's responses to this.
How many judges will return for more next season?

After speculation the last week or so, Simon Cowell announced today that all four current American Idol judges - himself, Paula, Randy and Kara - will return next season. The full story is here.
Spoiler: GG - "I keep trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't"
Last night's Gossip Girl episode was pretty great and, as calculated in the New York Magazine Daily Intel post, pretty realistic. Go here for that list. And here are my own pluses and minuses.
- Plus two for Georgina looking at Chuck's flask like it was a snake when he offered her some alcohol.
- Nate tells Blair "Serena needs me" can no longer be an excuse to get out of discussions with him. Plus three because Nate finally realizes how quick Blair is to run off whenever someone calls saying they need her.
- Minus five for Serena, Chuck and Blair even thinking they could get the money back without calling the police. This obviously wasn't something a group of teenagers could handle.
- Serena meets with Gabriel and he tells her Poppy has the money. They then let Gabriel leave. Minus 10 because why is it, after everything else he has done, they still believe and trust him! He is a scam artist. They shouldn't have let him out of their sight.
- Plus two for Dan knowing Serena could not handle the problem herself and that he needed to tell Lily. Serena may be angry, but he did the right thing. (But the way Lily then wanted to handle it leads us to a minus five. I know she has billions of dollars, but how could she just watch Poppy get away with all the money only to move on and work the scheme on another group of people?)
- Plus one for Georgina saying, "Jesus loves me as I am." Too funny.
- Serena calls Blair after Lily finds out about problem and tells Blair to put the plan on hold. Plus two because of course Blair does not put the plan on hold.
- Plus five for Blair making Georgina wear a headband. I thought only Blair could pull them off, but it works on Georgina too.
- Dan answered the phone when the person in charge of the investment called, therefore helping him figure out that something fishy was happening. Minus five because there is no way this would happen twice. Why don't people ever ask for Rufus and just talk to the person who answers.
- Plus four because both Blair and Nate refer to what Chuck needs to do as letting her loose. Only they would see it that way.
- I almost cried when Chuck admitted to Serena that he let Blair go because he loves her and knows he can't make her happy. Plus five because only a high school show with crappy actors could pull off that scene and make an adult emotional.
- Rufus finds the file with the names and amounts of the investors. Minus two because why is it that Lily can't learn to hide things better?
- Plus five for Blair jumping to the conclusion that Serena getting arrested instead of Poppy was all part of Georgia's plan. And that this fight leads to the bitch being back makes the ending complete.
- This one won't get points because it only makes sense, but luckily Nate and Blair both realized moving in together was too grown-up a step for them.
- Plus a million for the phonecall Chuck is making while on the steps of the police station. He is on the phone asking the person on the other end to dig up as much dirt as they can about the precinct Serena is being held in. Only Chuck would try to blackmail the police into releasing Serena.
I had a lot to add this week. Feel free to add your own.
- Plus two for Georgina looking at Chuck's flask like it was a snake when he offered her some alcohol.
- Nate tells Blair "Serena needs me" can no longer be an excuse to get out of discussions with him. Plus three because Nate finally realizes how quick Blair is to run off whenever someone calls saying they need her.
- Minus five for Serena, Chuck and Blair even thinking they could get the money back without calling the police. This obviously wasn't something a group of teenagers could handle.
- Serena meets with Gabriel and he tells her Poppy has the money. They then let Gabriel leave. Minus 10 because why is it, after everything else he has done, they still believe and trust him! He is a scam artist. They shouldn't have let him out of their sight.
- Plus two for Dan knowing Serena could not handle the problem herself and that he needed to tell Lily. Serena may be angry, but he did the right thing. (But the way Lily then wanted to handle it leads us to a minus five. I know she has billions of dollars, but how could she just watch Poppy get away with all the money only to move on and work the scheme on another group of people?)
- Plus one for Georgina saying, "Jesus loves me as I am." Too funny.
- Serena calls Blair after Lily finds out about problem and tells Blair to put the plan on hold. Plus two because of course Blair does not put the plan on hold.
- Plus five for Blair making Georgina wear a headband. I thought only Blair could pull them off, but it works on Georgina too.
- Dan answered the phone when the person in charge of the investment called, therefore helping him figure out that something fishy was happening. Minus five because there is no way this would happen twice. Why don't people ever ask for Rufus and just talk to the person who answers.
- Plus four because both Blair and Nate refer to what Chuck needs to do as letting her loose. Only they would see it that way.
- I almost cried when Chuck admitted to Serena that he let Blair go because he loves her and knows he can't make her happy. Plus five because only a high school show with crappy actors could pull off that scene and make an adult emotional.
- Rufus finds the file with the names and amounts of the investors. Minus two because why is it that Lily can't learn to hide things better?
- Plus five for Blair jumping to the conclusion that Serena getting arrested instead of Poppy was all part of Georgia's plan. And that this fight leads to the bitch being back makes the ending complete.
- This one won't get points because it only makes sense, but luckily Nate and Blair both realized moving in together was too grown-up a step for them.
- Plus a million for the phonecall Chuck is making while on the steps of the police station. He is on the phone asking the person on the other end to dig up as much dirt as they can about the precinct Serena is being held in. Only Chuck would try to blackmail the police into releasing Serena.
I had a lot to add this week. Feel free to add your own.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Spoiler: OTH - "We are not going to ruin today by crying"
In tonight's episode, directed by James Lafferty, we saw quite a few goodbyes, or at least attempted goodbyes, which lead to a lot of tears. On a side note, I like how many of the main characters are getting the chance to direct episodes. They are always interesting. Now on to the good stuff; here is a recap.
- Peyton is making a video for the baby, telling him or her lessons for life and rules to live by. She even apologizes to the baby for leaving him or her without a mom. Also on the video, she tells the baby to take care of Lucas. When Lucas finds Peyton making the movie, he freaks, again refusing to accept that Peyton may die. Peyton even tells Lucas she wants to get married before having the baby and Lucas says he doesn't want to do anything just in case, thus refusing to rush the wedding. Lucas then goes to the garage to work on the car with Jamie. The two, together, go through Peyton's box of memories and Lucas softens to the idea of marrying Peyton. Meanwhile, in the house, Peyton's baby shower is taking place. Did anyone else find it weird that it was only the main characters at the shower? Does Peyton really have no other family or friends? And it is not possible that four people supplied that many presents. Anyway, by the end of the baby shower, Peyton is near tears obviously because she knows it is possible she will not be around to use any of the gifts. At the end of the episode, Lucas agrees to rushing the wedding if the doctors say it is OK. But he makes sure to point out that this rush is not because of the baby or their "situation," but because they love each other and should be married.
- Skills prepares for his third date with Jamie's teacher. He goes to pick up Lauren and finds that one of her students was not picked up at school and therefore she has to watch him. Skills offers to take the kid on their date. Lauren starts to like Skills even more because of how sweet he is being by allowing the child to come on their date. But the kid keeps getting in the way, making it impossible for the couple to kiss. Skills returns home, upset at how the night went when Lauren shows up at his apartment to kiss him. Very romantic.
- Nathan, before leaving town for a game, drops Jamie off with Lucas and the two are planning to work on the car. Nathan also talks with Lucas and helps him realize that maybe getting married is a good idea since Lucas and Peyton really do love one another. Nathan gets to the game and the coach tells him that a scout from the Clippers is there to watch. As a side note, does anyone else find it weird that Mouth is still covering Nathan? No matter which team Nathan plays for, there is Mouth. Way too coincidental. Back to the game, at halftime, the coach reminds Nathan to remember to make himself look good as well as make the team look good. After the game, Nathan does not hear from the scout right away and seems discouraged.
- It has been one month since Sam first met with her mother and the two seem to be getting along well. Victoria, who is still spending a lot of time with Sam, realizes that they may be losing her and wants to prepare a case against Sam's real mom. Brooke tells her to back off and we see she has her own plan up her sleeve. As for Sam, she finds out that her mom was forced to give her up by her parents because she was too young. It is obvious Sam is considering moving to live with her birth mom. We then find out Brooke is preparing to adopt Sam and make their arrangement official. In the background is Victoria who is, as Brooke points out, again trying to push away anyone who Brooke gets close to. Brooke tells Sam about how she wants to adopt her, and Sam says yes, but looks sad. The first thing she asks is whether she will still be able to see her real mom. Brooke realizes she is pushing Sam into the adoption and chooses to let her go. Brooke tells Sam it is OK if she moves in with her mom and that she can always come back. The two bond, tell each other they love one another and cry. Even Victoria cries as the three say their goodbyes.
Tonight's episode was heartfelt. I liked it. Next week is the wedding and it is the return of not only Julian, but also Nick Lachey, both of whom think they are Brooke's date to the wedding. That will definitely lead to some drama. What did you think of the episode? How do you see this Peyton "situation" playing out in the long run? Leave your thoughts below.
- Peyton is making a video for the baby, telling him or her lessons for life and rules to live by. She even apologizes to the baby for leaving him or her without a mom. Also on the video, she tells the baby to take care of Lucas. When Lucas finds Peyton making the movie, he freaks, again refusing to accept that Peyton may die. Peyton even tells Lucas she wants to get married before having the baby and Lucas says he doesn't want to do anything just in case, thus refusing to rush the wedding. Lucas then goes to the garage to work on the car with Jamie. The two, together, go through Peyton's box of memories and Lucas softens to the idea of marrying Peyton. Meanwhile, in the house, Peyton's baby shower is taking place. Did anyone else find it weird that it was only the main characters at the shower? Does Peyton really have no other family or friends? And it is not possible that four people supplied that many presents. Anyway, by the end of the baby shower, Peyton is near tears obviously because she knows it is possible she will not be around to use any of the gifts. At the end of the episode, Lucas agrees to rushing the wedding if the doctors say it is OK. But he makes sure to point out that this rush is not because of the baby or their "situation," but because they love each other and should be married.
- Skills prepares for his third date with Jamie's teacher. He goes to pick up Lauren and finds that one of her students was not picked up at school and therefore she has to watch him. Skills offers to take the kid on their date. Lauren starts to like Skills even more because of how sweet he is being by allowing the child to come on their date. But the kid keeps getting in the way, making it impossible for the couple to kiss. Skills returns home, upset at how the night went when Lauren shows up at his apartment to kiss him. Very romantic.
- Nathan, before leaving town for a game, drops Jamie off with Lucas and the two are planning to work on the car. Nathan also talks with Lucas and helps him realize that maybe getting married is a good idea since Lucas and Peyton really do love one another. Nathan gets to the game and the coach tells him that a scout from the Clippers is there to watch. As a side note, does anyone else find it weird that Mouth is still covering Nathan? No matter which team Nathan plays for, there is Mouth. Way too coincidental. Back to the game, at halftime, the coach reminds Nathan to remember to make himself look good as well as make the team look good. After the game, Nathan does not hear from the scout right away and seems discouraged.
- It has been one month since Sam first met with her mother and the two seem to be getting along well. Victoria, who is still spending a lot of time with Sam, realizes that they may be losing her and wants to prepare a case against Sam's real mom. Brooke tells her to back off and we see she has her own plan up her sleeve. As for Sam, she finds out that her mom was forced to give her up by her parents because she was too young. It is obvious Sam is considering moving to live with her birth mom. We then find out Brooke is preparing to adopt Sam and make their arrangement official. In the background is Victoria who is, as Brooke points out, again trying to push away anyone who Brooke gets close to. Brooke tells Sam about how she wants to adopt her, and Sam says yes, but looks sad. The first thing she asks is whether she will still be able to see her real mom. Brooke realizes she is pushing Sam into the adoption and chooses to let her go. Brooke tells Sam it is OK if she moves in with her mom and that she can always come back. The two bond, tell each other they love one another and cry. Even Victoria cries as the three say their goodbyes.
Tonight's episode was heartfelt. I liked it. Next week is the wedding and it is the return of not only Julian, but also Nick Lachey, both of whom think they are Brooke's date to the wedding. That will definitely lead to some drama. What did you think of the episode? How do you see this Peyton "situation" playing out in the long run? Leave your thoughts below.
Spoiler: The Hills - "It's no fun when vacation baggage follows you home"
I am not going to write the usual episode summary tonight. Instead I am going to write a few thoughts I had while watching the episode, ones that have more long lasting meaning.
- Why is it that, while at the club, Heidi blames Stacie for all of the problems in her relationship instead of blaming the real culprit, Spencer?
- Jayde is acting like she is in high school. She is insecure, a drama queen and immature. She forces Brody to kick Audrina out of the club, when it is actually more likely that he wouldn't mind her staying.
- What is with the lack of Lauren on the show lately? Other than a few scenes in which she played a role, she was not at the center of any of the storylines this week or last. They seem to already be fazing her out.
- I cannot believe I am about to write this, but I am impressed Spencer went to a therapy session by himself and came to the conclusion we have known for a while: Spencer and Heidi act as if they are one person and do not have their own lives, which is causing tons of problems in their relationship. Good for him for figuring this out. Now, if only he could fix it.
I felt like this episode was full of a lot of whining. What are your opinions? Can you think of any other highlights worth mentioning?
- Why is it that, while at the club, Heidi blames Stacie for all of the problems in her relationship instead of blaming the real culprit, Spencer?
- Jayde is acting like she is in high school. She is insecure, a drama queen and immature. She forces Brody to kick Audrina out of the club, when it is actually more likely that he wouldn't mind her staying.
- What is with the lack of Lauren on the show lately? Other than a few scenes in which she played a role, she was not at the center of any of the storylines this week or last. They seem to already be fazing her out.
- I cannot believe I am about to write this, but I am impressed Spencer went to a therapy session by himself and came to the conclusion we have known for a while: Spencer and Heidi act as if they are one person and do not have their own lives, which is causing tons of problems in their relationship. Good for him for figuring this out. Now, if only he could fix it.
I felt like this episode was full of a lot of whining. What are your opinions? Can you think of any other highlights worth mentioning?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spoiler: Dollhouse - "Did you really think you could just walk into the dollhouse when everyone knows it doesn't exist?"
Friday's Dollhouse episode was the last before next week's season finale and I must say the punches are still being thrown. I have never watched a show like this one, where every episode we learn something new and are consistently shocked every week. Here is a quick and short recap of what happened.
- Echo's storyline this week took a back seat. But the imprint Topher provided her with was interesting. Topher imprinted Echo with the life of a little girl who Echo visited. If the little girl, who had been sexually abused as a child and was living in an orphanage, grew up and turned into the best case person, she would be the person Echo was imprinted to be. They were essentially the same person with the same history. Echo did seem to get through to the child during her time with her. But this story was not the important one from the episode.
- Paul is packing his things and tells Mellie that he is leaving. He won't tell her why and she says she blames herself. She is visibly distraught. Because Paul has left, Mellie's handler comes to take her back to the dollhouse. Paul, who knew she would have to be brought back to the house, follows the van and then knows where the house is located. After some investigating, Paul realizes the house must be underground and he finds who he thinks was the architect who designed the dollhouse. Paul and the architect break into the dollhouse. The architect gets to a computer and turns off all surveillance cameras and other security equipment. Paul goes to find Caroline and is found by Boyd. The two get into a fight and Boyd even tells Paul he is giving him the chance to just walk away. Dr. Saunders walks into her office, where the architect is using the computer and we find out that this architect is Alpha! He immediately slashes Victor's face in his signature style. At the end of the episode Alpha takes Echo, implants her and they kiss. He then says to her, "I told you I'd come rescue you."
Paul, who was only trying to save Caroline, brought the one person who should never be allowed in to the dollhouse. He put everyone in danger. I cannot wait until next week's finale. The previews look crazy. So much is going to happen and the voiceover announcer said all our questions will be answered. The show has not yet been picked up for another season. If it were to end, would you be sad? I know I would be. And as for this week's episode, do you agree that is was an awesome episode during which so much happened?
Here is the season finale's preview.
- Echo's storyline this week took a back seat. But the imprint Topher provided her with was interesting. Topher imprinted Echo with the life of a little girl who Echo visited. If the little girl, who had been sexually abused as a child and was living in an orphanage, grew up and turned into the best case person, she would be the person Echo was imprinted to be. They were essentially the same person with the same history. Echo did seem to get through to the child during her time with her. But this story was not the important one from the episode.
- Paul is packing his things and tells Mellie that he is leaving. He won't tell her why and she says she blames herself. She is visibly distraught. Because Paul has left, Mellie's handler comes to take her back to the dollhouse. Paul, who knew she would have to be brought back to the house, follows the van and then knows where the house is located. After some investigating, Paul realizes the house must be underground and he finds who he thinks was the architect who designed the dollhouse. Paul and the architect break into the dollhouse. The architect gets to a computer and turns off all surveillance cameras and other security equipment. Paul goes to find Caroline and is found by Boyd. The two get into a fight and Boyd even tells Paul he is giving him the chance to just walk away. Dr. Saunders walks into her office, where the architect is using the computer and we find out that this architect is Alpha! He immediately slashes Victor's face in his signature style. At the end of the episode Alpha takes Echo, implants her and they kiss. He then says to her, "I told you I'd come rescue you."
Paul, who was only trying to save Caroline, brought the one person who should never be allowed in to the dollhouse. He put everyone in danger. I cannot wait until next week's finale. The previews look crazy. So much is going to happen and the voiceover announcer said all our questions will be answered. The show has not yet been picked up for another season. If it were to end, would you be sad? I know I would be. And as for this week's episode, do you agree that is was an awesome episode during which so much happened?
Here is the season finale's preview.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Spoiler: The Private Practice episode that has everyone buzzing
Here is what happened on the Private Practice season finale, an episode that was based on the idea that you always have to do anything to protect your family, that aired Thursday night. And may I say right at the top that I really enjoyed the episode.
- Naomi is still thinking about the offer to work at a different practice, building it from the ground up. Though Naomi continues to refuse the offer, William is convinced he can talk her into it. At the same time, Charlotte is worried she is being pushed out of her position at her practice. When she finds out Naomi is meeting with William she becomes jealous of Naomi. Charlotte even tells Sam that Naomi is after the job. When Sam confronts Naomi about it, Naomi talks about how she feels like she is floundering and stuck recently and that the offer could save her, especially after the embryo switch. Sam gets angry. He says that just because he told her they could no longer be best friends does not mean she should leave. When she pushes as to why, he tells her he is still in love with her. She then says she doesn't know if that makes her want to stay or go. As for Charlotte, William tells her she cannot do the job properly because she has no heart. Sam tells Naomi he would not be OK with her taking the job, but she tells him she already took it.
- Two pregnant women come into the practice for check-ups. Because of a disease found in one of the babies, one that requires a parent to carry the gene, Naomi realizes that the embryos were implanted into the wrong women and that each is carrying the other's baby. Everyone jumps to blame Dell who delivered the materials to each room, but Naomi takes responsibility since she was the doctor and should have checked. Addison needs to do damage control and calls a lawyer. As for Naomi, she goes to tell the mothers, who freak out. The lawyer suggests they fire Dell as a way to show to the public that they are not taking what happened lightly and are doing something to fix the problem. But Naomi does not want that to happen. Later in the episode the mothers meet up and talk about their options. After disagreeing for a while, the mothers decide that they will each carry and have the babies, then give the children to the correct mother.
- Betsy's mom shows up at the practice drugged out and tells Dell she needs $10,000. She says if he gives her the money, she will give him Betsy. When Sam hears about this, he tells Naomi not to help and points out that Dell cannot buy his daughter. Later in the episode, Sam gives Dell $10,000, telling him that you have to do anything for family. Betsy and her mother come to see Dell and Dell refuses to give the mom the money, but he does take Betsy.
- Noah's wife, Morgan, sees a glance shared between Addison and Noah and wants to know if Addison is sleeping with her husband. Addison, of course, denies anything is going on. Addison feels guilty about her adulterous relationship. Noah tells Addison he wants to tell Morgan what is going on and Addison essentially tells him to. While all three are in a room together, Morgan apologizes for jumping to a conclusion, not knowing that the conclusion was correct. Addison then starts talking about how nothing is more important than family, in turn telling Noah not to leave his wife. Addison is mad at herself for wishing Noah had left his wife for her, and it is obvious she loves him just as much as he loves her. The two find themselves along in Noah's office and just as they are about to have sex, both their pagers go off. Morgan is in labor. If this is not a sign that they are not meant to be together, then I don't know what is. As for the delivery, Addison cannot go through with it. She leaves the room before the baby is born and asks Dell to deliver the baby.
- Violet is overdue and though she thinks she is in labor at the beginning of the episode, it is a false alarm. Pete, about half way through the episode, goes to Violet blabbering about how he hates fights and fighting. Just when we think he is making no sense at all, he tells Violet he wishes he had fought for her. He says he loves her and wants to be with her, but Violet says it is not what she wants. In other news, Katie, the crazy lady who had a miscarriage a few weeks ago, is back and while at an appointment with Pete he notices she is almost too happy. When Violet sees her, Katie shows a lot of interest in Violet's baby. Katie swears she is taking her medication, but Violet has a feeling she is lying. Violet even talks to Pete about how she wants to have Katie committed, but he points out that they have no real proof to show she needs that. Violet, later in the episode and while reflecting on her life with Cooper, realizes that she never tries to be happy, but instead has just been living and going through the motions. Violet goes to Pete and tells him she loves him. She chooses Pete and decides for the first time to try to be happy. While at home, Violet's doorbell rings. When Violet answers the door Katie is there. Katie thinks Violet stole her baby and says she wants it back. Katie ordered drugs online and uses them to make it so Violet cannot move anything below her neck. Katie's plan is to cut the baby out of Violet following instructions she found online. Earlier in the episode Cooper stood up Charlotte, which obviously made Charlotte angry. Charlotte is mad Cooper always chooses Violet instead of her. So, while on his way home, Charlotte calls Cooper crying. Cooper is at the door, and Violet is inside with crazy Katie, when Charlotte tells Cooper she was fired. Cooper, after the discussion earlier, cannot leave Charlotte alone even though he wants to check on Violet, so he chooses to go see Charlotte. Meanwhile, inside Katie is about to cut open Violet's stomach. Violet, who knows she won't survive the cutting, helps Katie, giving her instructions so in the least the baby will survive. The episode ends just as Katie is about the make the first slice.
Wow! The episode was crazy, mostly because of crazy Katie. Everyone character's storyline was moved forward, and every storyline was summed up yet left undecided at the same time. Are two of the main characters really not going to be there next year? Is someone going to get to Violet's house just in time to save her? What do you think? This is a true cliffhanger. I can't wait until the fall to find out what happens next.
- Naomi is still thinking about the offer to work at a different practice, building it from the ground up. Though Naomi continues to refuse the offer, William is convinced he can talk her into it. At the same time, Charlotte is worried she is being pushed out of her position at her practice. When she finds out Naomi is meeting with William she becomes jealous of Naomi. Charlotte even tells Sam that Naomi is after the job. When Sam confronts Naomi about it, Naomi talks about how she feels like she is floundering and stuck recently and that the offer could save her, especially after the embryo switch. Sam gets angry. He says that just because he told her they could no longer be best friends does not mean she should leave. When she pushes as to why, he tells her he is still in love with her. She then says she doesn't know if that makes her want to stay or go. As for Charlotte, William tells her she cannot do the job properly because she has no heart. Sam tells Naomi he would not be OK with her taking the job, but she tells him she already took it.
- Two pregnant women come into the practice for check-ups. Because of a disease found in one of the babies, one that requires a parent to carry the gene, Naomi realizes that the embryos were implanted into the wrong women and that each is carrying the other's baby. Everyone jumps to blame Dell who delivered the materials to each room, but Naomi takes responsibility since she was the doctor and should have checked. Addison needs to do damage control and calls a lawyer. As for Naomi, she goes to tell the mothers, who freak out. The lawyer suggests they fire Dell as a way to show to the public that they are not taking what happened lightly and are doing something to fix the problem. But Naomi does not want that to happen. Later in the episode the mothers meet up and talk about their options. After disagreeing for a while, the mothers decide that they will each carry and have the babies, then give the children to the correct mother.
- Betsy's mom shows up at the practice drugged out and tells Dell she needs $10,000. She says if he gives her the money, she will give him Betsy. When Sam hears about this, he tells Naomi not to help and points out that Dell cannot buy his daughter. Later in the episode, Sam gives Dell $10,000, telling him that you have to do anything for family. Betsy and her mother come to see Dell and Dell refuses to give the mom the money, but he does take Betsy.
- Noah's wife, Morgan, sees a glance shared between Addison and Noah and wants to know if Addison is sleeping with her husband. Addison, of course, denies anything is going on. Addison feels guilty about her adulterous relationship. Noah tells Addison he wants to tell Morgan what is going on and Addison essentially tells him to. While all three are in a room together, Morgan apologizes for jumping to a conclusion, not knowing that the conclusion was correct. Addison then starts talking about how nothing is more important than family, in turn telling Noah not to leave his wife. Addison is mad at herself for wishing Noah had left his wife for her, and it is obvious she loves him just as much as he loves her. The two find themselves along in Noah's office and just as they are about to have sex, both their pagers go off. Morgan is in labor. If this is not a sign that they are not meant to be together, then I don't know what is. As for the delivery, Addison cannot go through with it. She leaves the room before the baby is born and asks Dell to deliver the baby.
- Violet is overdue and though she thinks she is in labor at the beginning of the episode, it is a false alarm. Pete, about half way through the episode, goes to Violet blabbering about how he hates fights and fighting. Just when we think he is making no sense at all, he tells Violet he wishes he had fought for her. He says he loves her and wants to be with her, but Violet says it is not what she wants. In other news, Katie, the crazy lady who had a miscarriage a few weeks ago, is back and while at an appointment with Pete he notices she is almost too happy. When Violet sees her, Katie shows a lot of interest in Violet's baby. Katie swears she is taking her medication, but Violet has a feeling she is lying. Violet even talks to Pete about how she wants to have Katie committed, but he points out that they have no real proof to show she needs that. Violet, later in the episode and while reflecting on her life with Cooper, realizes that she never tries to be happy, but instead has just been living and going through the motions. Violet goes to Pete and tells him she loves him. She chooses Pete and decides for the first time to try to be happy. While at home, Violet's doorbell rings. When Violet answers the door Katie is there. Katie thinks Violet stole her baby and says she wants it back. Katie ordered drugs online and uses them to make it so Violet cannot move anything below her neck. Katie's plan is to cut the baby out of Violet following instructions she found online. Earlier in the episode Cooper stood up Charlotte, which obviously made Charlotte angry. Charlotte is mad Cooper always chooses Violet instead of her. So, while on his way home, Charlotte calls Cooper crying. Cooper is at the door, and Violet is inside with crazy Katie, when Charlotte tells Cooper she was fired. Cooper, after the discussion earlier, cannot leave Charlotte alone even though he wants to check on Violet, so he chooses to go see Charlotte. Meanwhile, inside Katie is about to cut open Violet's stomach. Violet, who knows she won't survive the cutting, helps Katie, giving her instructions so in the least the baby will survive. The episode ends just as Katie is about the make the first slice.
Wow! The episode was crazy, mostly because of crazy Katie. Everyone character's storyline was moved forward, and every storyline was summed up yet left undecided at the same time. Are two of the main characters really not going to be there next year? Is someone going to get to Violet's house just in time to save her? What do you think? This is a true cliffhanger. I can't wait until the fall to find out what happens next.
Spoiler: Grey's - "When we get it right, 'I'm sorry' is perfect"
I know, I suck, but who knew my graduation yesterday was going to last as long as it did leaving me so little free time. Anyway, here is what was promised - an awesome post about what happened on Thursday's awesome episode of Grey's Anatomy. To start, the overarching theme of the episode was forgiveness, more specifically, when and how it is appropriate to say sorry.
-Izzie is preparing for another surgery and we find out that she has set up a wedding website for Meredith and Derek, one that she updates regularly with obscure details like how the food tastes. Also on this episode, Izzie's mother comes to the hospital. When the mother first arrives, she hits on Alex, and their interaction was cute. When we see Izzie and her mom together, we notice that her mom is a bit much to handle. Later in the episode we also find out that Izzie grew up in a trailer park, one that her mother always knew she was better than. Izzie's mom also refuses to listen to how suck Izzie really is. She calls psychics, looks at tarot cards, anything but listen to what Izzie has to say. When Izzie does hint to how truly sick she is, her mom freaks out and Izzie has to take it back and say she isn't actually that sick. Izzie knows that her mom needs to hear good news or she will not leave. We also find out that Bailey was the one who called Izzie's mom and it was good intentioned; Bailey thinks every parent deserves to know if their child is sick. After Izzie's scan, Bailey goes to the room and tells Izzie's mom that the cancer is gone so that the mom will leave. The real news is not as happy but Bailey remains positive. As the episode ends, Izzie goes into surgery.
- Owen and Cristina are not talking. He keeps saying awkward phrases like "take care now" to her. They work together on a surgery and Hunt only lets George help, not her. At one point during the surgery he even send her running to her car to get a bag, a task she does not appreciate. When Cristina gets back we find out that what she was sent to get was a powder he used in Iraq that is not FDA approved. But the powder worked to help stop the bleeding and it bought them time. As they are leaving the hospital, Cristina catches up to Hunt and gets mad that he treats her like every other doctor. But he says he is treating her differently as a way to let her off the hook. He is trying to make things right. And as for the weird phrases he keeps saying to her, they are casual three word phrases to replace the one three word phrase he really wants to say, but can't - I love you.
- Cali's family is not speaking to her following last week when she told her father she would not move back home and that she did not like how he does not respect her. Cristina mentions that she should just lie and say she broke up with her lesbian girlfriend since it is none of her family's business anyway. On a side note, because her father is no longer providing her with money, Cali has no money to pay rent. Cali is upset because she was expecting yelling from her family but never silence, and she is realizing silence is harder to stand. Arizona even tells Cali that she would support her if Cali decided to lie to her family. But, at the end of the episode, Cali says she refuses to pretend she is someone she isn't.
- Meredith and Lexie's father, Thatcher, is in town. He is just out of rehab and sober. He stops by the hospital and goes to the chief first. Thatcher needs to make amends with those he hurt as a step in his road to recovery, so the chief tells the daughters to hear him out and help him. Meredith listens, wishes him luck and leaves the room. Lexie, on the other hand, forgives him. Lexie even wants Sloan to meet her father, but Sloan is worried and says he does not do well with fathers. At the end of the episode, Sloan arrives at the restaurant where Lexie is having dinner with her father. In this case, actions speak louder than words.
- There are two main medical storylines of the night. The first is about a woman who fell out of the tree she had been living in and broke all of her limbs. We find out that she thinks trees are her friends and the reason she was living in the tree was to make sure it wasn't chopped down. She is trying to save forests. Her sister comes and tries to talk sense into the tree lover. It is obvious the two do not see eye to eye. When the sister starts talking about how crazy her sister is, Cali jumps in and says the word she would use to describe the tree lover is brave. She stayed in the tree even though they were attempting to bulldoze it down because she was trying to make a difference.
- The other storyline surrounds a mom, dad and daughter. The father is brought in having been shot 17 times and we find out that it was his roughly 6-year-old daughter who shot him. The mom immediately tries to explain that the little girl did not mean to hurt her dad. The daughter then asks Meredith, while Meredith is trying to clean up her cuts, why her dad didn't die, which essentially proves it was not an accident. We then find out that the father is abusive and that the little girl was trying to make him stop. As for the dad, he had major internal injuries and needed surgery. But, Meredith stands up for the little girl saying it was a brave thing she did to save herself and that the mother should be ashamed for putting the child in harm's way in the first place. The chief witnesses Meredith's talk with the mother and pulls her aside. Before he can say much, Meredith yells at him for treating her differently than the other doctors in the hospital so he treats her as he would anyone else by yelling at her and threatens suspension. Meredith goes to Derek to complain about the chief and she has to stop and ask Derek to be on her side; She even tells him Richard is not invited to the wedding. Derek confronts the chief and in their discussion we hear from Richard that he treats Meredith differently because of Derek and not his past with her mom. Derek then points out that Richard acts as if he considers Meredith family, regardless of what he thinks. After the chief banned Meredith from talking to the family of the little girl who shot her dad, she does anyway. She tells the mother she has to stand up for her daughter and that she cannot go back to her husband for the daughter's sake. Meredith then turns to the chief and says she will pack her things. The chief goes to the locker room and tells Meredith that he now knows he should have stood up to Meredith's mother while he was having an affair with her as a way to protect Meredith, who was helpless at the time. The two then hug. As for the mom and daughter, at the end of the episode they go to see the father to say their goodbyes. The mother decided to leave him.
During the final moments of the episode we hear Meredith mention to Derek that they need to move up the wedding date so that Izzie can attend and she even slides in that the chief is invited. Next week is the show's 100th episode and it is the wedding everyone has been talking about. Do you think Meredith and Derek will actually get married? And what did you think of this week's episode? Leave me comments.
-Izzie is preparing for another surgery and we find out that she has set up a wedding website for Meredith and Derek, one that she updates regularly with obscure details like how the food tastes. Also on this episode, Izzie's mother comes to the hospital. When the mother first arrives, she hits on Alex, and their interaction was cute. When we see Izzie and her mom together, we notice that her mom is a bit much to handle. Later in the episode we also find out that Izzie grew up in a trailer park, one that her mother always knew she was better than. Izzie's mom also refuses to listen to how suck Izzie really is. She calls psychics, looks at tarot cards, anything but listen to what Izzie has to say. When Izzie does hint to how truly sick she is, her mom freaks out and Izzie has to take it back and say she isn't actually that sick. Izzie knows that her mom needs to hear good news or she will not leave. We also find out that Bailey was the one who called Izzie's mom and it was good intentioned; Bailey thinks every parent deserves to know if their child is sick. After Izzie's scan, Bailey goes to the room and tells Izzie's mom that the cancer is gone so that the mom will leave. The real news is not as happy but Bailey remains positive. As the episode ends, Izzie goes into surgery.
- Owen and Cristina are not talking. He keeps saying awkward phrases like "take care now" to her. They work together on a surgery and Hunt only lets George help, not her. At one point during the surgery he even send her running to her car to get a bag, a task she does not appreciate. When Cristina gets back we find out that what she was sent to get was a powder he used in Iraq that is not FDA approved. But the powder worked to help stop the bleeding and it bought them time. As they are leaving the hospital, Cristina catches up to Hunt and gets mad that he treats her like every other doctor. But he says he is treating her differently as a way to let her off the hook. He is trying to make things right. And as for the weird phrases he keeps saying to her, they are casual three word phrases to replace the one three word phrase he really wants to say, but can't - I love you.
- Cali's family is not speaking to her following last week when she told her father she would not move back home and that she did not like how he does not respect her. Cristina mentions that she should just lie and say she broke up with her lesbian girlfriend since it is none of her family's business anyway. On a side note, because her father is no longer providing her with money, Cali has no money to pay rent. Cali is upset because she was expecting yelling from her family but never silence, and she is realizing silence is harder to stand. Arizona even tells Cali that she would support her if Cali decided to lie to her family. But, at the end of the episode, Cali says she refuses to pretend she is someone she isn't.
- Meredith and Lexie's father, Thatcher, is in town. He is just out of rehab and sober. He stops by the hospital and goes to the chief first. Thatcher needs to make amends with those he hurt as a step in his road to recovery, so the chief tells the daughters to hear him out and help him. Meredith listens, wishes him luck and leaves the room. Lexie, on the other hand, forgives him. Lexie even wants Sloan to meet her father, but Sloan is worried and says he does not do well with fathers. At the end of the episode, Sloan arrives at the restaurant where Lexie is having dinner with her father. In this case, actions speak louder than words.
- There are two main medical storylines of the night. The first is about a woman who fell out of the tree she had been living in and broke all of her limbs. We find out that she thinks trees are her friends and the reason she was living in the tree was to make sure it wasn't chopped down. She is trying to save forests. Her sister comes and tries to talk sense into the tree lover. It is obvious the two do not see eye to eye. When the sister starts talking about how crazy her sister is, Cali jumps in and says the word she would use to describe the tree lover is brave. She stayed in the tree even though they were attempting to bulldoze it down because she was trying to make a difference.
- The other storyline surrounds a mom, dad and daughter. The father is brought in having been shot 17 times and we find out that it was his roughly 6-year-old daughter who shot him. The mom immediately tries to explain that the little girl did not mean to hurt her dad. The daughter then asks Meredith, while Meredith is trying to clean up her cuts, why her dad didn't die, which essentially proves it was not an accident. We then find out that the father is abusive and that the little girl was trying to make him stop. As for the dad, he had major internal injuries and needed surgery. But, Meredith stands up for the little girl saying it was a brave thing she did to save herself and that the mother should be ashamed for putting the child in harm's way in the first place. The chief witnesses Meredith's talk with the mother and pulls her aside. Before he can say much, Meredith yells at him for treating her differently than the other doctors in the hospital so he treats her as he would anyone else by yelling at her and threatens suspension. Meredith goes to Derek to complain about the chief and she has to stop and ask Derek to be on her side; She even tells him Richard is not invited to the wedding. Derek confronts the chief and in their discussion we hear from Richard that he treats Meredith differently because of Derek and not his past with her mom. Derek then points out that Richard acts as if he considers Meredith family, regardless of what he thinks. After the chief banned Meredith from talking to the family of the little girl who shot her dad, she does anyway. She tells the mother she has to stand up for her daughter and that she cannot go back to her husband for the daughter's sake. Meredith then turns to the chief and says she will pack her things. The chief goes to the locker room and tells Meredith that he now knows he should have stood up to Meredith's mother while he was having an affair with her as a way to protect Meredith, who was helpless at the time. The two then hug. As for the mom and daughter, at the end of the episode they go to see the father to say their goodbyes. The mother decided to leave him.
During the final moments of the episode we hear Meredith mention to Derek that they need to move up the wedding date so that Izzie can attend and she even slides in that the chief is invited. Next week is the show's 100th episode and it is the wedding everyone has been talking about. Do you think Meredith and Derek will actually get married? And what did you think of this week's episode? Leave me comments.
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