Monday, May 25, 2009

Spoiler: The Hills - Don't hang up yet

A lot happened in this week's 30 minute Hills episode; more than usual. Here is a rundown.

- Audrina mentions that she and Brody are still not talking and have not seen one another since her run in with Jayde a while ago. So when they both end up at a party and they sit at the same table, Stephanie points out that it is like there is a wall between the two sides, which obviously makes it awkward for everyone at the table. And then Brody starts talking crap about Audrina right in front of her, going into detail about how he doesn't care if he is her friend or not. Audrina's feelings were rightfully hurt and she leaves the party.
- There is a cute scene during the episode where Lo, Stephanie, Audrina and Lauren are out to lunch together reminiscing about the past and it is pointed out that at one time or other they all hated one another. Lauren then finds the pattern and shows that it is Spencer who led to them hating each other. But what is important is that they are now all friends.
- While at an event hosted by Kelly Cutrone, Kelly confronts recently fired Stephanie. Stephanie says she had a hard time at the job because the boss was never there and Kelly laughs at her for trying to blame her own inadequacies on someone else.
- On a side note, why is Lo even invited to Heidi and Spencer's wedding? When were Heidi and Lo ever friends?
- Heidi once again reiterates that before the wedding, one relationship needs to be mended. While eating with Stephanie, Heidi asks Steph to invite Lauren to the wedding. When Stephanie does, Lauren says she won't go. While trying on wedding dresses, Heidi talks about how it seems like the wedding will be perfect especially because Lauren will be there and Stephanie has to break the news that Lauren will most likely not be there. We then see Spencer golfing with a friend and he says he does not want Lauren at the wedding. The friend then points out that if it will make Heidi happy, then Spencer should just get over it and apologize. Heidi even talks to Spencer about apologizing. She says she wants him to be the bigger person and put his ego aside. In the next scene, we see Heidi hand delivering Lauren an invitation. Lauren takes this opportunity to give a moving speech and she talks to Heidi about how she has visibly changed since Spencer came into her life. Lauren talks highly of Heidi but says she isn't the same person with Spencer. Then Spencer calls Lauren and apologizes for releasing the sex tape and spreading rumors about her. Lauren is speechless at first and Spencer continues to talk. He says he doesn't expect forgiveness but that she should attend the wedding for Heidi. Lauren then reiterates that she does not feel right being at their wedding when she does not agree with them getting married. has this article that says Laguna Beach rival Kristin Cavallari will replace Lauren next season. I had not yet heard this (and would not be surprised if the information is false especially since the same article says tonight's episode was the season finale when that doesn't air until next week) and am a little shocked. How does Kristin fit into the show? I thought the cast was going to remain the same - Heidi, Spencer, Brody, Stephanie, Audrina and Lo - minus Lauren. Would you watch if Kristin became the main character?

As for the season finale, it airs Sunday night starting at 8. The show lasts one hour and leads into the MTV Movie Awards, which begin at 9 p.m. What are you expecting to happen prior to or at the wedding? Are you anticipating any shocking events or surprises? We already know Heidi and Spencer go through with the wedding, but what else are you expecting from the finale?

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