So anyway, tonight, prior to the start of the MTV Movie Awards, the one hour season finale of The Hills premiered. It was much less monumental than I was thinking it would be, but here is a rundown nonetheless.
- Lauren and Lo are moving out of their house. They want to throw a party to commemorate the event and celebrate the good times they had. The night of the party, we see that the get-together is rather low key. Lauren even points out that those invited were invited for a reason and that they represent the girls' true friends. At this party Brody pulls Stephanie aside and, following the trend of the episode, apologizes for doubting her and not trusting her at the beginning.
- Lauren tells Lo she has absolutely no sense of what is next for her. Lauren even meets and talks with her People's Republic boss Kelly about what she should do with her life. Kelly's advice is to take some time off and let all that she has learned sink in. The most important thing she did tell Lauren was to be brave.
- Lauren and Brody meet for dinner and they talk about how they both think Heidi and Spencer's wedding is a mistake. But he does tell her to really think about going because he thinks she will regret it if she doesn't attend. Later in the episode, Brody meets Spencer for lunch and Spencer says he really hopes Brody comes to the wedding. Spencer also goes on and on about how he is a changed man and how therapy has changed him so much. Brody, throughout this all, laughs at Spencer and when he is done says he does not believe this transformation happened. Brody says he thinks Spencer is actually only pretending.
- Spencer meets with Heidi's mom and apologizes for all of the pain he has caused in the past. He says he is trying to be better and even tells her he forced himself to grow up because of his commitment to Heidi. Darlene says she believes he is trying and even gives him her blessing to marry her daughter.
- Heidi tells Stephanie that Holly is going to be her maid of honor and Stephanie almost cries. At the bridal shower Stephanie keeps pointing out to Audrina how Holly is not fulfilling her maid of honor duties so Stephanie is just doing it all, even though she does not have the title. Then comes the rehearsal dinner and Holly is acting so immature. At one point she almost spits her gum into her mother's hand and then throws a piece of potato at her brother. The potato falls and ruins Heidi's expensive purse, which angers Heidi. Holly then storms away from the table, followed by Darlene. Heidi sends Spencer to retrieve them and when he points out that Holly was being rude (which I agree that she was) Holly freaks out and insists on leaving the dinner. The next day Holly talks with Heidi and says she is not aware of the proper etiquette and that since Stephanie is around it more then maybe she would make a better maid of honor. But Heidi stands by her sister and Holly remains the maid of honor.
- The day of the wedding arrives and the question on everyone's mind is: Will Lauren show up? Spencer's friend, the one who always hangs with him at bars, brings Stacey as a date. I was expecting this to lead to drama, but it wasn't even brought up. Who knows if Heidi even noticed. While preparing, one of Spencer's groomsmen brings up the expectations of the wedding kiss, which momentarily freaks Spencer out since he and Heidi did not practice. Kristin, who we found out earlier in the show was invited by Heidi through Holly, shows up at the wedding and everyone is asking why. We also find out that she is the person who introduced Heidi and Spencer, but her presence is never explained. She also, at the end of the ceremony, caught the bouquet. Up until the night before the wedding Lauren was positive she did not want to attend. But she did not only show up, she went to the room where Heidi was preparing to walk down the aisle and talked with Heidi. She gave a speech about "as long as you're happy" blah blah blah. The ceremony happens, Heidi and Spencer say I Do and the episode ends. There wasn't even a reception.
So there wasn't really a huge deal made in regards to this being Lauren's last episode. The majority of the episode actually focused on Heidi and Spencer. And, to my disappointment, Kristin's role was never really discussed. I had already decided that I do not want to watch next season, but following the preview they showed I am even more certain. The promo literally said "The bitch is back." Kristin is obviously only there to cause drama. And since the show is already drama-filled enough, I don't really see why she is needed.
Now it's time for tons of questions: What did you think of the episode? Are you happy this season is done? Are you sad Lauren will no longer be on the show? Will you watch The Hills without her? Are you happy Kristin is back? What are your expectations for next season? Leave it all here.
I have watched The Hills from the very beginning, mostly because of it was cool to watch Lauren's transformation from teen to adult. The show gave us a glimpse to life in "Hollywood" beyond the red carpet events. I definitely will not be watching next season, I only tuned in because Lauren and Lo seemed to be the only normal ones on the show. A lot of the scenes and drama that developed by some of the other characters seemed staged and forced just for airtime. I believe that Stephanie only applied for the job at People's Revloution to stay on camera and did a poor job so she could get fired. Heidi and Spencer manufacture drama in their relationship to continue to get more airtime, but they aren't fooling anyone because we all know that they are still together. And OMG that whole Justin/Lauren/Audrina incident that took place was completely ridiculous and seemed a little desperate on Audrina's part for more pubilicty for themselves. I think that it is sad that MTV is continuing with this show because it's not reality anymore. If they want to continue with this type of a show, they should formally create a scripted version of The Hills and stop trying to fool millions of viewers that this show is anything more that an attempt for a bunch of twenty somethings to get paid a ton of money to have cameras follow them around. Sorry that was so long.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, no comment is ever too long
ReplyDeleteI think that the hills is honestly goin to suck without lauren because she was my favorite on the show n i pretty much watched it because of her, and i dont think that is the way she shoulda left because there was no goodbye nnothing.. i also think that her and brody should've been together in the end when she was leaving or she shoudln't have leftt.. that is my opinion i dont find it as good with her gone i dont have as much interest in i anymore now that lauren is not on it.. lol