Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spoiler: The Private Practice episode that has everyone buzzing

Here is what happened on the Private Practice season finale, an episode that was based on the idea that you always have to do anything to protect your family, that aired Thursday night. And may I say right at the top that I really enjoyed the episode.

- Naomi is still thinking about the offer to work at a different practice, building it from the ground up. Though Naomi continues to refuse the offer, William is convinced he can talk her into it. At the same time, Charlotte is worried she is being pushed out of her position at her practice. When she finds out Naomi is meeting with William she becomes jealous of Naomi. Charlotte even tells Sam that Naomi is after the job. When Sam confronts Naomi about it, Naomi talks about how she feels like she is floundering and stuck recently and that the offer could save her, especially after the embryo switch. Sam gets angry. He says that just because he told her they could no longer be best friends does not mean she should leave. When she pushes as to why, he tells her he is still in love with her. She then says she doesn't know if that makes her want to stay or go. As for Charlotte, William tells her she cannot do the job properly because she has no heart. Sam tells Naomi he would not be OK with her taking the job, but she tells him she already took it.
- Two pregnant women come into the practice for check-ups. Because of a disease found in one of the babies, one that requires a parent to carry the gene, Naomi realizes that the embryos were implanted into the wrong women and that each is carrying the other's baby. Everyone jumps to blame Dell who delivered the materials to each room, but Naomi takes responsibility since she was the doctor and should have checked. Addison needs to do damage control and calls a lawyer. As for Naomi, she goes to tell the mothers, who freak out. The lawyer suggests they fire Dell as a way to show to the public that they are not taking what happened lightly and are doing something to fix the problem. But Naomi does not want that to happen. Later in the episode the mothers meet up and talk about their options. After disagreeing for a while, the mothers decide that they will each carry and have the babies, then give the children to the correct mother.
- Betsy's mom shows up at the practice drugged out and tells Dell she needs $10,000. She says if he gives her the money, she will give him Betsy. When Sam hears about this, he tells Naomi not to help and points out that Dell cannot buy his daughter. Later in the episode, Sam gives Dell $10,000, telling him that you have to do anything for family. Betsy and her mother come to see Dell and Dell refuses to give the mom the money, but he does take Betsy.
- Noah's wife, Morgan, sees a glance shared between Addison and Noah and wants to know if Addison is sleeping with her husband. Addison, of course, denies anything is going on. Addison feels guilty about her adulterous relationship. Noah tells Addison he wants to tell Morgan what is going on and Addison essentially tells him to. While all three are in a room together, Morgan apologizes for jumping to a conclusion, not knowing that the conclusion was correct. Addison then starts talking about how nothing is more important than family, in turn telling Noah not to leave his wife. Addison is mad at herself for wishing Noah had left his wife for her, and it is obvious she loves him just as much as he loves her. The two find themselves along in Noah's office and just as they are about to have sex, both their pagers go off. Morgan is in labor. If this is not a sign that they are not meant to be together, then I don't know what is. As for the delivery, Addison cannot go through with it. She leaves the room before the baby is born and asks Dell to deliver the baby.
- Violet is overdue and though she thinks she is in labor at the beginning of the episode, it is a false alarm. Pete, about half way through the episode, goes to Violet blabbering about how he hates fights and fighting. Just when we think he is making no sense at all, he tells Violet he wishes he had fought for her. He says he loves her and wants to be with her, but Violet says it is not what she wants. In other news, Katie, the crazy lady who had a miscarriage a few weeks ago, is back and while at an appointment with Pete he notices she is almost too happy. When Violet sees her, Katie shows a lot of interest in Violet's baby. Katie swears she is taking her medication, but Violet has a feeling she is lying. Violet even talks to Pete about how she wants to have Katie committed, but he points out that they have no real proof to show she needs that. Violet, later in the episode and while reflecting on her life with Cooper, realizes that she never tries to be happy, but instead has just been living and going through the motions. Violet goes to Pete and tells him she loves him. She chooses Pete and decides for the first time to try to be happy. While at home, Violet's doorbell rings. When Violet answers the door Katie is there. Katie thinks Violet stole her baby and says she wants it back. Katie ordered drugs online and uses them to make it so Violet cannot move anything below her neck. Katie's plan is to cut the baby out of Violet following instructions she found online. Earlier in the episode Cooper stood up Charlotte, which obviously made Charlotte angry. Charlotte is mad Cooper always chooses Violet instead of her. So, while on his way home, Charlotte calls Cooper crying. Cooper is at the door, and Violet is inside with crazy Katie, when Charlotte tells Cooper she was fired. Cooper, after the discussion earlier, cannot leave Charlotte alone even though he wants to check on Violet, so he chooses to go see Charlotte. Meanwhile, inside Katie is about to cut open Violet's stomach. Violet, who knows she won't survive the cutting, helps Katie, giving her instructions so in the least the baby will survive. The episode ends just as Katie is about the make the first slice.

Wow! The episode was crazy, mostly because of crazy Katie. Everyone character's storyline was moved forward, and every storyline was summed up yet left undecided at the same time. Are two of the main characters really not going to be there next year? Is someone going to get to Violet's house just in time to save her? What do you think? This is a true cliffhanger. I can't wait until the fall to find out what happens next.

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