I had pretty low expectations for tonight's episode and almost did not watch, but a lot actually happened. Some of it is interesting, some bizarre and some depressing. Here is a rundown of the interesting plot-points of the night.
- I absolutely love how adorable Silver was at the beginning of the episode because she was in love. Even Naomi mentioned how Silver seemed like a "completely different person." Funny how love does that to people. It is also interesting that the first time Dixon and Silver had sex was on tonight's episode and it was only eluded to and not really shown. And the last thing I want to say about this is ... what the heck was Silver thinking getting a tattoo of Dixon's name as a "permanent way to symbolize" their love?! She went from adorable in love to psycho in love very quickly. We'll see how long their honeymoon lasts and how long it takes for Silver to realize what a stupid idea a tattoo was.
- I hate the Annie/Ethan/Rhonda love triangle storyline. In the next episode Ethan obviously has to choose between the two girls. I hope at that point it will be the end of the needless drama and Annie's crying (isn't she an awful fake crier?).
- I'm happy Navid is standing by Adrianna even those she is a mess, as he put it. That is what true love looks like, kids.
- I am curious to see where the Naomi/adorable bartender storyline is going especially now that we know he is also in high school.
Two end notes
- I love that there aren't really any main characters on this show. Each of the kids have their own storylines and they are all explored. This makes for interesting episodes and well-balanced plots.
- The previews at the end of the episode said the next new episode is not until March 31. That is quite a few weeks away. I wonder why there is such a long break. Are you going to go through withdrawals? I liked tonight's episode and the preview made the new episode look intense so I am intrigued. But I guess I will just have to wait.
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