Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The reason I'm still watching Parenthood

While I have heard from numerous people that they dislike the NBC show Parenthood, I am still watching, and enjoying. It may not be the best show on television and it may not always be original, but the characters are so easy to love. And the foremost reason why I can't stop watching is that I love how the characters say and react in ways you'd expect your best friend to. There was a scene a few weeks ago where Julia thought her daughter may have autism so she went to Kristina for advice. Later in the episode, while talking to Adam, Kristina opened up and said she almost wanted Sydney to have autism because then the two families would have something in common and they could sympathize with one another. Throughout the scene, as the viewer, you couldn't help but think how you would react in the same scenario. While it is awful to want another child to be diagnosed as autistic, you can see where Kristina is coming from and the fact that they wrote that scene to show this side of her makes this show special. Yes, they tackle issues every family drama does, but sometimes the dialogue is so unexpectedly original and true to life that it is refreshing. For me, watching the show is worth it for these special moments no matter how few and far between they may seem.

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