Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cowell calling it quits

Simon Cowell announced yesterday that he will not be returning to American Idol next season, but instead will serve as a judge and executive producer of an American version of The X-Factor. Here is more information as written by Matthew Gilbert on the Boston.com Viewer Discretion blog.

I stopped watching American Idol years ago, but I do understand the show's appeal. Yet, with all the recent changes - first with adding a fourth judge, then rule changes, followed by Paula leaving and Ellen joining - it seems like a bit much. I know the show has a strong following, but I can't help but wonder if it will continue. While there are people who complain about Simon being too cruel, how many of the viewers watch only because they find Simon entertaining? We'll have to see what happens, but I'd like to hear your opinion. Feel free to leave comments.

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