Thursday, December 17, 2009
America chooses their favorite dancer

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A report right up my alley
According to this article and what is called the State of the Media Democracy report, 34 percent of Americans claim they prefer television as their primary source of entertainment. This was followed, in order, by the Internet, music, books and movies. Honestly, I'm not surprised, except that movies landed in the list after books. But, for me, television is the most accessible while still entertaining media form. I can't imagine my life without it.
Gossip Girl, here: Read below for the scoop on what to expect in future episodes
If you are like me and are going through slight withdrawals without your favorite shows, including Gossip Girl, then this scoop is for you. Click here for an interview with GG show creator Josh Schwartz. He talks about the Jenny/Eric feud, Blair and Chuck's romance, Dan and Vanessa's future, Serena seeming lost this season, etc. He even mentions that in future episodes Jenny and Chuck find themselves at the center of many of the episodes. This is definitely enough to hold me over for a few more weeks.
Golden Globe television nominees
Here is the full list of the television Golden Globe nominees. Let me know what you think. Any show or person missing? Who do you think should/will win?
Big Love
Mad Men
True Blood
30 Rock
Modern Family
The Office
Simon Baker, The Mentalist
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Hugh Laurie, House
Bill Paxton, Big Love
Glenn Close, Damages
January Jones, Mad Men
Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
Anna Paquin, True Blood
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
David Duchovny, Californication
Thomas Jane, Hung
Matthew Morrison, Glee
Toni Collette, United States of Tara
Courteney Cox, Cougar Town
Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Lea Michele, Glee
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
SYTYCD: Last chance to vote before a winner is announced
Below is a recap of tonight's nine dances, as well as a few points I would like to make about this episode of So You Think You Can Dance.
- Kathryn and Ryan danced a samba choreographed by Jason
The tricks in this dance were entertaining, but I honestly didn't love the routine. There were some movements that seemed to be repeated too often, which left me wanting more. I just wasn't as impressed as I wanted to be.
- Ellenore and Jakob danced a Tyce Broadway routine
The Fosse style is always entertaining and I really liked Tyce's choreography for this routine. Ellenore and Jakob were perfect for this style and the funk of the routine fit them well. Tyce also did a great job choreographing so that it showed off both Ellenore and Ryan's techniques.
- Ashleigh and Russell danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Sonya
This routine was like a breath of fresh air. I could see their emotion and, as one of the judges said, the audience was, simply put, carried away. This routine showed off Russell's technique, which, might I remind you, he should not have. He is a krumper with no training! He never stops impressing me. One negative about the dance, the two lifts near the end of the routine seemed a bit too planned and staged for me instead of continuing with the natural flow of the routine.
- Ellenore and Ryan danced a jazz routine choreographed by Gary
This was a very techno dance that contained solely robotic movements. I kept waiting for them to break out of the robotic movements, but they never did. As part of this, the dancers showed no emotion. This made it difficult, as an audience member, for me to connect with the dancers. I do agree that there were some good moments, but overall I didn't enjoy it.
- Ashleigh and Jakob danced a Jean Marc foxtrot
For me, this is the couple of the season. They have such great chemistry and are a great team, which was obvious throughout this routine. They looked like they were having so much fun. Overall, this dance was as great as a foxtrot can be.
- Ellenore and Ryan performed a Jason paso doble
As expected, this was a very passionate and intense routine. There were moments that were wonderful, but there were still some that lacked. Honestly, I caught Ellenore not finishing her arm lines at times, which was a bit distracting. It was ok, but not great.
- Kathryn and Jakob danced a contemporary routine choreographed by Dwight and Desmond
I fully believed the passion and connection between Kathryn and Jakob throughout this entire routine. The dance was full of exciting tricks and had me sitting on the edge of my seat. I literally got goose bumps and agree that this dance deserved a standing ovation. It is one of those dances I want to watch again and again.
- Ashleigh and Ryan danced a Travis contemporary routine
While I almost expected more passion because this was a routine choreographed by Travis, I did love seeing this married couple dance together. They seemed so happy throughout the routine and when they teared up during the critiques I also got a little teary eyed. It was nothing outstanding, but the routine was still a joy to watch. As Adam said, the tenderness in their relationship was obvious in their dancing.
- Kathryn and Russell danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This was a very gangsta routine that was right up Russell's alley. While Kathryn could have lagged far behind, she didn't. Kathryn actually held her own and I appreciated that she continued to be feminine even in this rough style. I was also very impressed that they continued to dance for a few counts while Kathryn was sitting on Russell's shoulders. It was a great trick.
Other thoughts:
- I don't like that there was never a real explanation as to why the finale was following the top six performing instead of the top four. I feel gypped out of a full season. I want more and am sad to have to part with the show one week earlier than I should.
- This was the second episode this season where there were only performances and no pre-dance packages of rehearsal footage. I hate missing this part of the episode. I like seeing how much the dancers struggle while learning the routine because it makes me appreciate the finished product even more. It also lets the audience connect with the dancers. Episodes like tonight's seem almost a little cold without these packages.
- I know I have said it before, but I must repeat: I do not see Kathryn's appeal. I also want to say here and now that if she wins I will be very disappointed. I think she is a good dancer, she wouldn't be in the top six if she were not, but I do not think she has any personality. We are voting for America's favorite dancer and I can't imagine it being her.
So, what do you think? Who do you want to win and who do you think will win? And, be careful, because those are two very different questions.
- Kathryn and Ryan danced a samba choreographed by Jason
The tricks in this dance were entertaining, but I honestly didn't love the routine. There were some movements that seemed to be repeated too often, which left me wanting more. I just wasn't as impressed as I wanted to be.
- Ellenore and Jakob danced a Tyce Broadway routine
The Fosse style is always entertaining and I really liked Tyce's choreography for this routine. Ellenore and Jakob were perfect for this style and the funk of the routine fit them well. Tyce also did a great job choreographing so that it showed off both Ellenore and Ryan's techniques.
- Ashleigh and Russell danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Sonya
This routine was like a breath of fresh air. I could see their emotion and, as one of the judges said, the audience was, simply put, carried away. This routine showed off Russell's technique, which, might I remind you, he should not have. He is a krumper with no training! He never stops impressing me. One negative about the dance, the two lifts near the end of the routine seemed a bit too planned and staged for me instead of continuing with the natural flow of the routine.
- Ellenore and Ryan danced a jazz routine choreographed by Gary
This was a very techno dance that contained solely robotic movements. I kept waiting for them to break out of the robotic movements, but they never did. As part of this, the dancers showed no emotion. This made it difficult, as an audience member, for me to connect with the dancers. I do agree that there were some good moments, but overall I didn't enjoy it.
- Ashleigh and Jakob danced a Jean Marc foxtrot
For me, this is the couple of the season. They have such great chemistry and are a great team, which was obvious throughout this routine. They looked like they were having so much fun. Overall, this dance was as great as a foxtrot can be.
- Ellenore and Ryan performed a Jason paso doble
As expected, this was a very passionate and intense routine. There were moments that were wonderful, but there were still some that lacked. Honestly, I caught Ellenore not finishing her arm lines at times, which was a bit distracting. It was ok, but not great.
- Kathryn and Jakob danced a contemporary routine choreographed by Dwight and Desmond
I fully believed the passion and connection between Kathryn and Jakob throughout this entire routine. The dance was full of exciting tricks and had me sitting on the edge of my seat. I literally got goose bumps and agree that this dance deserved a standing ovation. It is one of those dances I want to watch again and again.
- Ashleigh and Ryan danced a Travis contemporary routine
While I almost expected more passion because this was a routine choreographed by Travis, I did love seeing this married couple dance together. They seemed so happy throughout the routine and when they teared up during the critiques I also got a little teary eyed. It was nothing outstanding, but the routine was still a joy to watch. As Adam said, the tenderness in their relationship was obvious in their dancing.
- Kathryn and Russell danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This was a very gangsta routine that was right up Russell's alley. While Kathryn could have lagged far behind, she didn't. Kathryn actually held her own and I appreciated that she continued to be feminine even in this rough style. I was also very impressed that they continued to dance for a few counts while Kathryn was sitting on Russell's shoulders. It was a great trick.
Other thoughts:
- I don't like that there was never a real explanation as to why the finale was following the top six performing instead of the top four. I feel gypped out of a full season. I want more and am sad to have to part with the show one week earlier than I should.
- This was the second episode this season where there were only performances and no pre-dance packages of rehearsal footage. I hate missing this part of the episode. I like seeing how much the dancers struggle while learning the routine because it makes me appreciate the finished product even more. It also lets the audience connect with the dancers. Episodes like tonight's seem almost a little cold without these packages.
- I know I have said it before, but I must repeat: I do not see Kathryn's appeal. I also want to say here and now that if she wins I will be very disappointed. I think she is a good dancer, she wouldn't be in the top six if she were not, but I do not think she has any personality. We are voting for America's favorite dancer and I can't imagine it being her.
So, what do you think? Who do you want to win and who do you think will win? And, be careful, because those are two very different questions.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Christmas season means Christmas movies...

SYTYCD: The field is narrowed; Who made it to the finale?
I know this is a bit late, but better late than never. I will not critique all of the performances from the So You Think You Can Dance semifinals, but instead will provide a few thoughts.
- Is it only me, or does Kathryn seem like she has no confidence in herself? Honestly, I don't think she should have gotten as far as she has, to me she always looks like she is struggling behind her partners, but especially in the packages this week she is making herself look like the underdog.
- I am so sad Ashleigh did not get to dance this week. She is such a wonderful dancer I honestly think the dances would have been better and more entertaining if she had performed. Similarly, I was almost a little shocked at how bad the "assistants" were - they were dancing in a style they should have mastered! - and I think Ashleigh would have been awesome in both routines.
- And, while we are on this topic, poor Russell was forced to perform with fill-ins instead of his real partner twice this season. Maybe he's the one with the bad luck.
- My eyes filled up a little when Ryan pleading with America to vote for Ashleigh even if that meant he had to give up votes and was sent home instead.
- Mollee and Jakob were the stand outs for me this week. Both of their routines, but especially their Broadway performance, were memorable and among some of the best from the entire season.
In the end, Legacy and Mollee were sent home. Honestly, I was a bit shocked. If it had ended my way, Russell and Kathryn would have left. Either way, I think the winner will be either Ashleigh, Jakob or Ellenore. I can't see any of the other three receiving enough votes. What do you think? Who do you think should win?
- Is it only me, or does Kathryn seem like she has no confidence in herself? Honestly, I don't think she should have gotten as far as she has, to me she always looks like she is struggling behind her partners, but especially in the packages this week she is making herself look like the underdog.
- I am so sad Ashleigh did not get to dance this week. She is such a wonderful dancer I honestly think the dances would have been better and more entertaining if she had performed. Similarly, I was almost a little shocked at how bad the "assistants" were - they were dancing in a style they should have mastered! - and I think Ashleigh would have been awesome in both routines.
- And, while we are on this topic, poor Russell was forced to perform with fill-ins instead of his real partner twice this season. Maybe he's the one with the bad luck.
- My eyes filled up a little when Ryan pleading with America to vote for Ashleigh even if that meant he had to give up votes and was sent home instead.
- Mollee and Jakob were the stand outs for me this week. Both of their routines, but especially their Broadway performance, were memorable and among some of the best from the entire season.
In the end, Legacy and Mollee were sent home. Honestly, I was a bit shocked. If it had ended my way, Russell and Kathryn would have left. Either way, I think the winner will be either Ashleigh, Jakob or Ellenore. I can't see any of the other three receiving enough votes. What do you think? Who do you think should win?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
90210: The Winter Wonderland dance
Here is a recap of this week's 90210 episode, which was also the last before a winter break.
- Teddy asks Silver to the dance, but she doesn't take him seriously, mostly because of his past track record with girls. Teddy even makes a grand gesture and asks Silver for a chance, but she is scared so she rejects him. Naomi tells her to follow her heart and she is just about to tell him she's in when she sees him with another girl, who we know, but Silver doesn't, is his sister. Later, Dixon had the chance to clear Teddy's name, but instead he realizes he wants Silver for himself. Silver goes on believing Teddy is still a player and Dixon tells Silver he regrets letting her go. They then kiss.
- Naomi apologizes to Annie, who doesn't really want to hear it after the hell Naomi put her through. Also, Naomi is almost a bit mad at Liam for taking so long to tell her the truth. It also becomes even clearer that Naomi still has feelings for Liam, but she tells Silver she wants to keep ignoring them. As for Liam and Ivy, they seem happy with one another. They even agree to go to the dance together. But Ivy can only ignore Liam's feelings for Naomi for so long. She asks him to be honest with her and he admits she still has feelings for Naomi. She then sets him free, even going as far as to help Liam and Naomi end up together. Ivy sends Naomi a text and tells her to go to Liam, which she does. While there they both realize they should give their relationship another try. They kiss and all seems to be on the right track with them.
- Navid can't prove Jasper pushed him down the stairs, but he is still determined to expose Jasper as a drug dealer. Navid even goes to Adrianna and asks if she would go to the school administration and tell her Jasper has dealt to her. But because she is still on probation she can't. Everyone is starting to realize that Annie may actually be in danger with Jasper, so they stage an intervention. Adrianna tells Annie she has bought drugs from Jasper and even says she is willing to get in trouble if it means saving other people from him. In the end, Navid tells her he doesn't want her putting herself on the line like that, but Adrianna did regain some respect from Navid, as well as Silver and Naomi, by stepping up in this situation. But to continue with this, Annie then confronts Jasper about dealing. He at first denies it, but then comes clean. She tells him she wants nothing to do with him, only for him to slap her in the face by admitting he knows she hit and killed his uncle with her car.
- Teddy asks Silver to the dance, but she doesn't take him seriously, mostly because of his past track record with girls. Teddy even makes a grand gesture and asks Silver for a chance, but she is scared so she rejects him. Naomi tells her to follow her heart and she is just about to tell him she's in when she sees him with another girl, who we know, but Silver doesn't, is his sister. Later, Dixon had the chance to clear Teddy's name, but instead he realizes he wants Silver for himself. Silver goes on believing Teddy is still a player and Dixon tells Silver he regrets letting her go. They then kiss.
- Naomi apologizes to Annie, who doesn't really want to hear it after the hell Naomi put her through. Also, Naomi is almost a bit mad at Liam for taking so long to tell her the truth. It also becomes even clearer that Naomi still has feelings for Liam, but she tells Silver she wants to keep ignoring them. As for Liam and Ivy, they seem happy with one another. They even agree to go to the dance together. But Ivy can only ignore Liam's feelings for Naomi for so long. She asks him to be honest with her and he admits she still has feelings for Naomi. She then sets him free, even going as far as to help Liam and Naomi end up together. Ivy sends Naomi a text and tells her to go to Liam, which she does. While there they both realize they should give their relationship another try. They kiss and all seems to be on the right track with them.
- Navid can't prove Jasper pushed him down the stairs, but he is still determined to expose Jasper as a drug dealer. Navid even goes to Adrianna and asks if she would go to the school administration and tell her Jasper has dealt to her. But because she is still on probation she can't. Everyone is starting to realize that Annie may actually be in danger with Jasper, so they stage an intervention. Adrianna tells Annie she has bought drugs from Jasper and even says she is willing to get in trouble if it means saving other people from him. In the end, Navid tells her he doesn't want her putting herself on the line like that, but Adrianna did regain some respect from Navid, as well as Silver and Naomi, by stepping up in this situation. But to continue with this, Annie then confronts Jasper about dealing. He at first denies it, but then comes clean. She tells him she wants nothing to do with him, only for him to slap her in the face by admitting he knows she hit and killed his uncle with her car.
Big Bang: "I think it upsets Sheldon..."
This episode was so funny because we got a further glimpse into the world of Penny and Sheldon. After Howard's girlfriend shows an interest in Leonard's work, Penny gets jealous and goes to Sheldon hoping he will be able to teach her a bit about physics, even if only enough for her to hold a short conversation with Leonard. Their teacher/student dynamic was hysterical and, after they both realize she isn't going to truly understand it, she ends up just repeating information Sheldon fed her without understanding it, which helps her look smart for about two seconds. Good episode.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Castle: "You're not saying anything worth paying attention to"
This show still impresses me because even when I think for sure I have figured out the ending, there is a twist that leaves me surprised. Last night, as soon as they mentioned how the amnesiac witnessed the murder, I wondered why they weren't considering him as the murderer. Then the detectives found the gun in his apartment and arrested him for the murder. But at the last second we find out someone else was the real killer, which leaves the amnesiac the chance to have a happy ending with his ex-wife.
This was an episode with a happy ending. It was also funny, especially when Castle and Beckett argued about whether or not Beckett is Castle's work wife. The banter between the two main characters always makes me smile. I look forward to this show because of its wit and the next few weeks without it are going to seem very long.
This was an episode with a happy ending. It was also funny, especially when Castle and Beckett argued about whether or not Beckett is Castle's work wife. The banter between the two main characters always makes me smile. I look forward to this show because of its wit and the next few weeks without it are going to seem very long.
OTH: "This is a song for anyone with a broken heart"
This episode picked up where last week's episode ended, namely with Alex bleeding in the bath tub. Below is a recap of what happened on an episode that was filled with more low points and sadness than happiness.
- Julian finds Alex and pulls her out of the bathtub. He then rushes her to the hospital. He sits by her bed and she does wake up. She is very weak at first, but she is told she will be fine. Once she's awake, Julian doesn't sugar coat his feelings; He tells her is mad at her and that if she ever pulls a stunt like that again he is walking away. He also gives her some good news, though. They received funding for the movie, so these two are going to be spending much more time together in the future.
- Brooke, after some soul searching, realizes that Julian always falls for girls who need saving. Julian tries to disprove her and tells her he really does want to be with her, but also announces his plan to make the movie with Alex. Julian also goes into detail about his relationship with his mother, which furthers his desire to fix Alex, something I don't think Brooke is going to be able to accept. This may be unrelated, but before the end of the episode we meet the new guy who Victoria hired to design the men's clothing line for Clothes Over Bros. Who knows, maybe he will be a new love interest for Brooke.
- Skills is offered the position in LA. It is obvious he will miss Tree Hill and everyone there, especially Lauren, who is also very sad to see him go. At the end of the episode, we see Skills, as well as Mouth, leave for LA.
- Millie comes clean with Mouth, telling him about stealing the dress as well as he new addiction to drugs. She also tells Brooke, who fires her and makes her go to rehab. She checks in, but before the end of the episode we see her climb out a window, thus escaping from rehab before she is fully rehabilitated.
- Dan is in the middle of the live taping of the show from the high school hallway where he killed Keith, when he starts talking unscripted. He gets sentimental and announces that this is his final show, which obviously pisses off Rachel. On air, Dan says he knows he has been profiting from his brother's murder and that he plans to give back. He also shuts off the clock, saying there is no forgiveness. As the episode comes to a close, we find out that Dan is now broke after giving all of his money to charity. He also filed for a divorce from Rachel, who, because Dan has no more money, will receive no settlement. Nathan also gives Jamie a chance to say goodbye to Dan before Dan boards a bus. Jamie announces he forgives Dan, which brings Dan's belief that there is no forgiveness full circle.
- Jamie, who already made this clear, does not want to move to Spain. With some help from Hailey and Nathan, though, he realizes they will all miss home but that the most important thing is that they are together and love one another.
- Clay is still in the process of moving, but then Quinn delivers some news from Clay's assistant that may help him get back into the business. So the entire episode we see Clay busy at work readying a deal, but it isn't until the end of the episode that we realize what he has done. A player on another team would like to be traded so he can be closer to home after finding out that his mom is sick. That trade opens up options and it leads to Nathan finding a place back on the Bobcats. So the family will not only not have to move to Spain, but they will get the opportunity to remain at home, surrounded by family.
- After Clay announces the deal that will keep Nathan a Bobcat, he also announces his plan to fall in love with Quinn. It was so romantic, I may have actually swooned. I am on their team and I want them to be happy together.
The next new One Tree Hill episode isn't until Jan. 18, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Until then.
- Julian finds Alex and pulls her out of the bathtub. He then rushes her to the hospital. He sits by her bed and she does wake up. She is very weak at first, but she is told she will be fine. Once she's awake, Julian doesn't sugar coat his feelings; He tells her is mad at her and that if she ever pulls a stunt like that again he is walking away. He also gives her some good news, though. They received funding for the movie, so these two are going to be spending much more time together in the future.
- Brooke, after some soul searching, realizes that Julian always falls for girls who need saving. Julian tries to disprove her and tells her he really does want to be with her, but also announces his plan to make the movie with Alex. Julian also goes into detail about his relationship with his mother, which furthers his desire to fix Alex, something I don't think Brooke is going to be able to accept. This may be unrelated, but before the end of the episode we meet the new guy who Victoria hired to design the men's clothing line for Clothes Over Bros. Who knows, maybe he will be a new love interest for Brooke.
- Skills is offered the position in LA. It is obvious he will miss Tree Hill and everyone there, especially Lauren, who is also very sad to see him go. At the end of the episode, we see Skills, as well as Mouth, leave for LA.
- Millie comes clean with Mouth, telling him about stealing the dress as well as he new addiction to drugs. She also tells Brooke, who fires her and makes her go to rehab. She checks in, but before the end of the episode we see her climb out a window, thus escaping from rehab before she is fully rehabilitated.
- Dan is in the middle of the live taping of the show from the high school hallway where he killed Keith, when he starts talking unscripted. He gets sentimental and announces that this is his final show, which obviously pisses off Rachel. On air, Dan says he knows he has been profiting from his brother's murder and that he plans to give back. He also shuts off the clock, saying there is no forgiveness. As the episode comes to a close, we find out that Dan is now broke after giving all of his money to charity. He also filed for a divorce from Rachel, who, because Dan has no more money, will receive no settlement. Nathan also gives Jamie a chance to say goodbye to Dan before Dan boards a bus. Jamie announces he forgives Dan, which brings Dan's belief that there is no forgiveness full circle.
- Jamie, who already made this clear, does not want to move to Spain. With some help from Hailey and Nathan, though, he realizes they will all miss home but that the most important thing is that they are together and love one another.
- Clay is still in the process of moving, but then Quinn delivers some news from Clay's assistant that may help him get back into the business. So the entire episode we see Clay busy at work readying a deal, but it isn't until the end of the episode that we realize what he has done. A player on another team would like to be traded so he can be closer to home after finding out that his mom is sick. That trade opens up options and it leads to Nathan finding a place back on the Bobcats. So the family will not only not have to move to Spain, but they will get the opportunity to remain at home, surrounded by family.
- After Clay announces the deal that will keep Nathan a Bobcat, he also announces his plan to fall in love with Quinn. It was so romantic, I may have actually swooned. I am on their team and I want them to be happy together.
The next new One Tree Hill episode isn't until Jan. 18, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Until then.
GG: "We all have to live with our choices"
As always, here is the link to the New York Magazine Daily Intel reality index and below are a few additions.
- When Serena ever gave that speech about how she is willing to lose everything and start over with Trip, I wanted to throw something at my television. How can she be so completely naive? Serena, an 18-year-old with no job and no family support, has NOTHING to lose in comparison to Trip who is a recently elected Congressman. Minus five for her being so selfish and thinking only of herself.
- Eric thinks all he has to do to take down Jenny is turn her friends against her and then she will be dethroned. Has he actually met Jenny? She is much better at this game than he is. Minus one for this inconsistency.
- Serena is bored so Nate points her in the direction of his hidden pot stash. At least Nate is reliable for something. Plus two.
- After the accident, Trip gets out of the car, sees Serena is bleeding and not moving and calls ... Maureen? I guess she really is the brains of the operation. He may need her more than he expects. No points because his stupidity and her necessity even out.
- Jenny has so much money because she is now a drug dealer? Minus one just because this storyline is going nowhere good.
Though I was already getting sick of the Serena/Trip storyline, this episode was a pretty entertaining one. It was nice to see how Blair and Chuck's relationship has evolved and my heart broke a little when Dan told Vanessa he loves her and she pretended to not take him seriously. I'm sad we will have to wait a few weeks for a new episode, but Gossip Girl is always worth the wait.
- When Serena ever gave that speech about how she is willing to lose everything and start over with Trip, I wanted to throw something at my television. How can she be so completely naive? Serena, an 18-year-old with no job and no family support, has NOTHING to lose in comparison to Trip who is a recently elected Congressman. Minus five for her being so selfish and thinking only of herself.
- Eric thinks all he has to do to take down Jenny is turn her friends against her and then she will be dethroned. Has he actually met Jenny? She is much better at this game than he is. Minus one for this inconsistency.
- Serena is bored so Nate points her in the direction of his hidden pot stash. At least Nate is reliable for something. Plus two.
- After the accident, Trip gets out of the car, sees Serena is bleeding and not moving and calls ... Maureen? I guess she really is the brains of the operation. He may need her more than he expects. No points because his stupidity and her necessity even out.
- Jenny has so much money because she is now a drug dealer? Minus one just because this storyline is going nowhere good.
Though I was already getting sick of the Serena/Trip storyline, this episode was a pretty entertaining one. It was nice to see how Blair and Chuck's relationship has evolved and my heart broke a little when Dan told Vanessa he loves her and she pretended to not take him seriously. I'm sad we will have to wait a few weeks for a new episode, but Gossip Girl is always worth the wait.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Entourage coming to a movie theatre near you?

Glee: "That way you get all the glory and you deserve it"
In an episode that showed the glee members finally realizing they should be proud of who they are, a lot happened. Below is what you need to know about the episode.
It is yearbook photo time at the high school, and because the glee photo is notoriously defaced, the glee kids decide they do not want to be in the yearbook, which is good because Sue has already worked it out so they are not pictures as a way to keep them from further humiliation. But, with some help from Rachel, the glee club is cast in a local commercial and this helps boost the team's self esteem. They feel like they are local celebrities and it leads to them feeling proud about being a part of the glee club, something that up until now they had lacked.
In other news, because the kids participated in the commercial and were "paid" in mattresses, they broke school rules and are disqualified from sectionals. Will was the person who opened and used one of the mattresses so he takes the fall, disqualifying himself but not the team. So the team must go to sectionals next week without him. Oh, and Will finally woke up and, after finding Terri's baby padding, realized Terri is not actually pregnant. He says he doesn't love her anymore and considers leaving Terri. And, in a wonderful scene where we see Quinn stand up for herself, Quinn plays Sue's game and blackmails Sue into giving up a page of the cheerios spread in the yearbook to glee club.
So that's what you missed. Next week is sectionals and then we will be forced to live four months without a new Glee episode. What would you like to see resolved before the break? And what did you think of this week's episode?
It is yearbook photo time at the high school, and because the glee photo is notoriously defaced, the glee kids decide they do not want to be in the yearbook, which is good because Sue has already worked it out so they are not pictures as a way to keep them from further humiliation. But, with some help from Rachel, the glee club is cast in a local commercial and this helps boost the team's self esteem. They feel like they are local celebrities and it leads to them feeling proud about being a part of the glee club, something that up until now they had lacked.
In other news, because the kids participated in the commercial and were "paid" in mattresses, they broke school rules and are disqualified from sectionals. Will was the person who opened and used one of the mattresses so he takes the fall, disqualifying himself but not the team. So the team must go to sectionals next week without him. Oh, and Will finally woke up and, after finding Terri's baby padding, realized Terri is not actually pregnant. He says he doesn't love her anymore and considers leaving Terri. And, in a wonderful scene where we see Quinn stand up for herself, Quinn plays Sue's game and blackmails Sue into giving up a page of the cheerios spread in the yearbook to glee club.
So that's what you missed. Next week is sectionals and then we will be forced to live four months without a new Glee episode. What would you like to see resolved before the break? And what did you think of this week's episode?
Which shows were the most watched?
The Hollywood Reporter has compiled this list of the top 10 TV series episodes since 2000. (And, yes, I do realize it is a few years early for the top shows of the decade, but that is what they chose to name it.) While some are expected, like the series finale of Friends, there are others I wouldn't have expected. Check it out and let me know what you think. Did you watch some of these episodes? On my end, I have one confession, I only started watching Grey's Anatomy after the episode that aired following the Super Bowl and now I am obsessed.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
SYTYCD: Voting is in America's hands
As of last night, America was no longer voting for couples but instead for individuals. So, also for the first time, we got to see every dancer perform solo as a part of the Tuesday episode. I hope America got it right, but before we get to that, below is a recap of each dance as well as my opinion on how the dancers performed.
1) Noelle and Ryan danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This was a very sexy hip hop routine. The two dancers were very into the story and were grooving well with the music. The dancing was not hard hitting, by the choreography didn't really call for it. Overall, it was a fun dance.
2) Ashleigh and Legacy danced a contemporary routine choreographed by Garry Stewart
This was a very angry routine and I found the choreography a bit odd. They were supposed to be fighting, I believe, and they were definitely throwing themselves all over the stage. It was a very physical routine, but at times they seemed heavy on their feet. Nigel praised them, but I didn't think it was a routine worthy of votes.
3) Mollee performed the first solo of the night. While I don't really like her, it is difficult to ignore that her solos are always great and they always show her outstanding technique.
4) Every time Russell performs I am reminded how much strength and control krumping takes. I really enjoy him, especially when you get to see his softer side and wonderful personality.
5) Kathryn and Nathan performed a Spencer Broadway routine
This was a cute routine that showed off their adorable, nice personalities as well as their technique. I agree that the pair fit very well into the style and would say the best word to describe the dance is entertaining.
6) I didn't enjoy Noelle's solo at all. She seemed wobbly, wasn't straightening her legs and seemed off in some way. It was weird to watch.
7) Ellenore and Jakob danced a Tony quickstep
While this is usually the dance of death, these two danced the quickstep really well. They seemed so happy and it was a fun dance. While quickstep routines are usually very boring, I found myself enthralled and totally connected to the dancers.
8) Ryan's solo was very masculine and powerful. He was definitely flexing his muscles.
9) Watching Kathryn's solo proved that she is a very graceful dancer.
10) Mollee and Russell danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Mandy
It was very obvious that Russell was a great partner to Mollee is this routine. He was so there for her with all of the lifts, throws and other tricks. While I thought the dancing was great, I completely disagree with Mary. I did not believe their chemistry at all. Because of this, I don't think this performance deserved the praise it received from the judges.
11) While Nathan is always being criticized for acting his age - which is only 18 - instead of being more mature, I love that in his solos he always dances mature.
12) Noelle and Ryan danced a smooth waltz choreographed by JT and Tomas
For me, Noelle's frame seemed off, almost as if she needed to lower her shoulders. But Ryan was very in the moment and very graceful. The routine flowed really well and it was a good performance.
13) Ellenore's solos always stand out because they are not traditional and that makes them special.
14) Ashleigh and Legacy danced a Dave Scott hip hop routine
At times, they seemed off the beat and/or not synchronized. Honestly, I expected so much more, especially since this is Legacy's style. And I agree 100 percent that this is the fault of the choreographer who didn't give them much to work with. It held them back instead of helping them shine.
15) Kathryn and Nathan danced a Tony rumba
This was a very sensual dance; Nathan's hands were all over Kathryn's body. Overall, I only give it an OK, though.
16) Legacy's solo was full to the brim with tricks and I liked it.
17) Ellenore and Jakob danced a Sonya contemporary piece
This is a great partnership and I was completely enthralled by the routine. They were the perfect dancers for the choreography and I agree that it was brilliance on both the dancer and choreographer's part. A good word to describe the dance was artistic and I agree with Adam that it was comparable to The Garden. I think it deserved the standing ovation it received.
18) Ashleigh's solo was exciting regardless of it being a ballroom routine. She kicked it up a notch in speed and it kept you on the edge of your seat.
19) Mollee and Russell danced a jive choreographed by Anya and Pasha
This was a fun, entertaining, high energy routine. They had a great performance value and it was very playful. As Mary said, they brought it to life.
20) Jakob is such a technically great dancer that I honestly didn't want his solo to end.
I think it was weird that some of the dancers failed during the performances because the choreographers did not do well on their end. But I do appreciate the judges not sugar coating it and instead putting some of the blame on the choreographers. I love Legacy and Ashleigh as performers and, because I was worried they would not succeed following their bad hip hop routine, I voted for them a bunch of times. I hope it works out. I would hate to see them go when it is not entirely their fault. How about you? Who did you vote for?
UPDATE: Here's what happened on the results show.
The show opened with a Tyce group performance that was very sassy. There were tons of different styles highlighted and I liked that each dancer was given a chance to shine in the performance.
This was the first week where the pressure was off the judges. That said, it also means the wrong person could easily be sent home. With only a few more episodes until a winner is crowned, every vote counts.
The bottom two girls were Noelle and Kathryn, which for me makes sense because I think these are the two female dancers who do not have a strong following of fans. As for the bottom two guys, they were Ryan and Nathan, which kind of surprised me but then I remembered that someone has to be sent home. The talent level of all of the dancers in the top 10 is so high, I never want to see anyone sent home. Anyway, the two dancers who polled the lowest number of votes were Noelle and Nathan. Honestly, I think next week's results are only going to be harder.
As for a note about the rest of the show, I freaking love Quest. Also, I really liked that there were dancers performing during the musical guest's song. I think they should do that more often because sometimes the musical guests can be a bit boring.
Anyway, how do you feel about who was sent home? Any broken hearts out there? I'm sure teenage girls everywhere will miss Nathan, but I think it was definitely Noelle's time to go.
1) Noelle and Ryan danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This was a very sexy hip hop routine. The two dancers were very into the story and were grooving well with the music. The dancing was not hard hitting, by the choreography didn't really call for it. Overall, it was a fun dance.
2) Ashleigh and Legacy danced a contemporary routine choreographed by Garry Stewart
This was a very angry routine and I found the choreography a bit odd. They were supposed to be fighting, I believe, and they were definitely throwing themselves all over the stage. It was a very physical routine, but at times they seemed heavy on their feet. Nigel praised them, but I didn't think it was a routine worthy of votes.
3) Mollee performed the first solo of the night. While I don't really like her, it is difficult to ignore that her solos are always great and they always show her outstanding technique.
4) Every time Russell performs I am reminded how much strength and control krumping takes. I really enjoy him, especially when you get to see his softer side and wonderful personality.
5) Kathryn and Nathan performed a Spencer Broadway routine
This was a cute routine that showed off their adorable, nice personalities as well as their technique. I agree that the pair fit very well into the style and would say the best word to describe the dance is entertaining.
6) I didn't enjoy Noelle's solo at all. She seemed wobbly, wasn't straightening her legs and seemed off in some way. It was weird to watch.
7) Ellenore and Jakob danced a Tony quickstep
While this is usually the dance of death, these two danced the quickstep really well. They seemed so happy and it was a fun dance. While quickstep routines are usually very boring, I found myself enthralled and totally connected to the dancers.
8) Ryan's solo was very masculine and powerful. He was definitely flexing his muscles.
9) Watching Kathryn's solo proved that she is a very graceful dancer.
10) Mollee and Russell danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Mandy
It was very obvious that Russell was a great partner to Mollee is this routine. He was so there for her with all of the lifts, throws and other tricks. While I thought the dancing was great, I completely disagree with Mary. I did not believe their chemistry at all. Because of this, I don't think this performance deserved the praise it received from the judges.
11) While Nathan is always being criticized for acting his age - which is only 18 - instead of being more mature, I love that in his solos he always dances mature.
12) Noelle and Ryan danced a smooth waltz choreographed by JT and Tomas
For me, Noelle's frame seemed off, almost as if she needed to lower her shoulders. But Ryan was very in the moment and very graceful. The routine flowed really well and it was a good performance.
13) Ellenore's solos always stand out because they are not traditional and that makes them special.
14) Ashleigh and Legacy danced a Dave Scott hip hop routine
At times, they seemed off the beat and/or not synchronized. Honestly, I expected so much more, especially since this is Legacy's style. And I agree 100 percent that this is the fault of the choreographer who didn't give them much to work with. It held them back instead of helping them shine.
15) Kathryn and Nathan danced a Tony rumba
This was a very sensual dance; Nathan's hands were all over Kathryn's body. Overall, I only give it an OK, though.
16) Legacy's solo was full to the brim with tricks and I liked it.
17) Ellenore and Jakob danced a Sonya contemporary piece
This is a great partnership and I was completely enthralled by the routine. They were the perfect dancers for the choreography and I agree that it was brilliance on both the dancer and choreographer's part. A good word to describe the dance was artistic and I agree with Adam that it was comparable to The Garden. I think it deserved the standing ovation it received.
18) Ashleigh's solo was exciting regardless of it being a ballroom routine. She kicked it up a notch in speed and it kept you on the edge of your seat.
19) Mollee and Russell danced a jive choreographed by Anya and Pasha
This was a fun, entertaining, high energy routine. They had a great performance value and it was very playful. As Mary said, they brought it to life.
20) Jakob is such a technically great dancer that I honestly didn't want his solo to end.
I think it was weird that some of the dancers failed during the performances because the choreographers did not do well on their end. But I do appreciate the judges not sugar coating it and instead putting some of the blame on the choreographers. I love Legacy and Ashleigh as performers and, because I was worried they would not succeed following their bad hip hop routine, I voted for them a bunch of times. I hope it works out. I would hate to see them go when it is not entirely their fault. How about you? Who did you vote for?
UPDATE: Here's what happened on the results show.
The show opened with a Tyce group performance that was very sassy. There were tons of different styles highlighted and I liked that each dancer was given a chance to shine in the performance.
This was the first week where the pressure was off the judges. That said, it also means the wrong person could easily be sent home. With only a few more episodes until a winner is crowned, every vote counts.
The bottom two girls were Noelle and Kathryn, which for me makes sense because I think these are the two female dancers who do not have a strong following of fans. As for the bottom two guys, they were Ryan and Nathan, which kind of surprised me but then I remembered that someone has to be sent home. The talent level of all of the dancers in the top 10 is so high, I never want to see anyone sent home. Anyway, the two dancers who polled the lowest number of votes were Noelle and Nathan. Honestly, I think next week's results are only going to be harder.
As for a note about the rest of the show, I freaking love Quest. Also, I really liked that there were dancers performing during the musical guest's song. I think they should do that more often because sometimes the musical guests can be a bit boring.
Anyway, how do you feel about who was sent home? Any broken hearts out there? I'm sure teenage girls everywhere will miss Nathan, but I think it was definitely Noelle's time to go.
90210 - Mission take down Jen
Below is a brief recap of last night's 90210 episode.
- Navid is in the hospital following falling down the stairs and when he wakes up he cannot remember what happened. The first person he asks for is Adrianna, but she isn't there. When she hears Navid is in the hospital, it is like a wake up call for her. She throws away the pills and rushes to the hospital. Once there she tries apologizing for the hundredth time, but Navid still doesn't want her back. She swears off drugs, but he still won't forgive her. Throughout the rest of the episode we see her really trying to stay clean; she even goes to a meeting. As for Navid, at the very end of the episode he has a flash of a pair of boot and realizes someone pushed him and he knows exactly who.
- While Naomi and Dixon attend Silver's mom's funeral, noticeably not there are Teddy and Adrianna. Adrianna does try to apologize for being a bad friend, but Naomi tells her Silver only needs stable, supportive friends in her life right now, so Adrianna is forced to leave. Also, Teddy does send Silver flowers apologizing for not attending and when she goes to see him he opens up to her about how he has a problem with funerals. The two continue to bond and they finally kiss. But once it happens they are weird about it and choose to pretend it never happened. Later, we see Teddy giving Silver looks that seem to say he is really into Silver and may be willing to give up his player ways to be with her. And, as for Dixon, him and Silver agree that they miss one another and have a friendly conversation that shows they may have a future as friends.
- Jasper, at the beginning of the show, is really rude to Annie and asks her questions about Navid is a rushed, forceful manner. Once he finds out that Navid doesn't remember anything about his accident, he returns to a better mood. Annie also proclaims she won't let her parents get in the way of her relationship with Jasper. When her father sees her with Jasper and she is grounded, she even makes up a Saturday chemistry study group as a way to get out of the house and spend time with Jasper. When Deb finds a chemistry book in Annie's room, it seems like she is busted, but Dixon comes to her rescue, saying the book is his. Now that Dixon knows Annie did not sleep with Liam and lie about it, Dixon and Annie are back on the road to recovery. They are working to rebuild their friendship.
- When Ivy overhears Jen and Ryan's plans to go to the racetrack to see Jen's horse race, she runs to Liam to hatch a plan. We also see in this episode that Naomi and Ivy are both fighting for Liam's attention. Ivy even asks Liam to confirm that their plan is only to ruin Jen and has nothing to do with him wanting Naomi back. In a pretty intricate plan, Liam, as well as Teddy, Dixon and Ivy, work it out so Naomi overhears Jen talking about having sex with Liam. Naomi then tells Jen she never wants to see her again. While Liam, Ivy, Teddy and Dixon celebrate their victory, Naomi cries. When Liam sees this he wonders if what he did was worth it. Then, just as Naomi was about to go to Liam, she sees him and Ivy kiss, a kiss Ivy only performed because she saw Naomi coming. To tie up loose ends, Ryan also knows about Jen and they break up and Naomi calls Annie saying she owes her an apology.
Honestly, Jen's take down was a long time coming and I really hope this means she is off the show. I disliked her character so much; I think the show will be better off without her. I'm also looking forward to more Ivy/Naomi competition in future episodes. How about you? Did you like the episode?
- Navid is in the hospital following falling down the stairs and when he wakes up he cannot remember what happened. The first person he asks for is Adrianna, but she isn't there. When she hears Navid is in the hospital, it is like a wake up call for her. She throws away the pills and rushes to the hospital. Once there she tries apologizing for the hundredth time, but Navid still doesn't want her back. She swears off drugs, but he still won't forgive her. Throughout the rest of the episode we see her really trying to stay clean; she even goes to a meeting. As for Navid, at the very end of the episode he has a flash of a pair of boot and realizes someone pushed him and he knows exactly who.
- While Naomi and Dixon attend Silver's mom's funeral, noticeably not there are Teddy and Adrianna. Adrianna does try to apologize for being a bad friend, but Naomi tells her Silver only needs stable, supportive friends in her life right now, so Adrianna is forced to leave. Also, Teddy does send Silver flowers apologizing for not attending and when she goes to see him he opens up to her about how he has a problem with funerals. The two continue to bond and they finally kiss. But once it happens they are weird about it and choose to pretend it never happened. Later, we see Teddy giving Silver looks that seem to say he is really into Silver and may be willing to give up his player ways to be with her. And, as for Dixon, him and Silver agree that they miss one another and have a friendly conversation that shows they may have a future as friends.
- Jasper, at the beginning of the show, is really rude to Annie and asks her questions about Navid is a rushed, forceful manner. Once he finds out that Navid doesn't remember anything about his accident, he returns to a better mood. Annie also proclaims she won't let her parents get in the way of her relationship with Jasper. When her father sees her with Jasper and she is grounded, she even makes up a Saturday chemistry study group as a way to get out of the house and spend time with Jasper. When Deb finds a chemistry book in Annie's room, it seems like she is busted, but Dixon comes to her rescue, saying the book is his. Now that Dixon knows Annie did not sleep with Liam and lie about it, Dixon and Annie are back on the road to recovery. They are working to rebuild their friendship.
- When Ivy overhears Jen and Ryan's plans to go to the racetrack to see Jen's horse race, she runs to Liam to hatch a plan. We also see in this episode that Naomi and Ivy are both fighting for Liam's attention. Ivy even asks Liam to confirm that their plan is only to ruin Jen and has nothing to do with him wanting Naomi back. In a pretty intricate plan, Liam, as well as Teddy, Dixon and Ivy, work it out so Naomi overhears Jen talking about having sex with Liam. Naomi then tells Jen she never wants to see her again. While Liam, Ivy, Teddy and Dixon celebrate their victory, Naomi cries. When Liam sees this he wonders if what he did was worth it. Then, just as Naomi was about to go to Liam, she sees him and Ivy kiss, a kiss Ivy only performed because she saw Naomi coming. To tie up loose ends, Ryan also knows about Jen and they break up and Naomi calls Annie saying she owes her an apology.
Honestly, Jen's take down was a long time coming and I really hope this means she is off the show. I disliked her character so much; I think the show will be better off without her. I'm also looking forward to more Ivy/Naomi competition in future episodes. How about you? Did you like the episode?
DWTS problems: Can they be fixed?
TvGuide.com has this list of the six reasons Dancing with the Star may have lost its step. The reasons are as followed:
1) Bigger is not better
2) Casting
3) Too many dances, not enough dancing
4) Poor dance planning
5) Too few experienced pros
6) Judges need to judge
I must admit, I agree with all of this, especially the one about too many contestants. But the real question is, can the show be fixed? With such a strong following, I'm sure ABC isn't too worried about it, but I do agree that some of these problems should be cleared up. Do you agree with the list? Are there any other things you can think of that you would change?
1) Bigger is not better
2) Casting
3) Too many dances, not enough dancing
4) Poor dance planning
5) Too few experienced pros
6) Judges need to judge
I must admit, I agree with all of this, especially the one about too many contestants. But the real question is, can the show be fixed? With such a strong following, I'm sure ABC isn't too worried about it, but I do agree that some of these problems should be cleared up. Do you agree with the list? Are there any other things you can think of that you would change?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
OTH: "But what if I'm the one for him?"
Here is a recap of what happened on this week's One Tree Hill.
- Clay realizes he still has one client his agency doesn't know about, a high school quarterback who he is sure will sign with him regardless of whether or not he is part of an agency. When Clay meets with the player, it is clear Clay is great at his job and the kid seems to really trust Clay, but then he tells Clay that the agency had already contacted him. Because the kid's family is depending on his deal, working with Clay who isn't a legitimate agent may jeopardize his chances. Both know this and Clay walks away, heartbroken. He then goes back to his house and is packing his belongings when Quinn walks in. He tells her is leaving and she yells at him for running away. She then storms off. At the end of the episode we see her at his office, speaking to his assistant. Obviously she has a plan up her sleeve.
- Skills is still trying to get a job with that LA agency. He needs to send in a video of sports action he organized, so he has Jamie and his friend play basketball against a few older guys. The kids are funny and the clip comes out great. But when Jamie finds out Skills would have to move away for the job, he gets really sad. Jamie even talks about how he feels forgotten about, especially after Lucas left. But Skills promises to always be there because he loves him and Jamie ends up feeling a little better, though he does mention he never wants to leave Tree Hill.
- Nathan receives an offer to play basketball in Spain. While at first he thinks this is a bad deal since he wouldn't be playing in the NBA, he realizes that if he just took a year off he would have a more difficult time getting back into the NBA. The Spain position would keep him in shape and in the competition so it seems like a good deal considering that all of the NBA teams are full. Hailey knows she has to support his decision so she goes to the label wanting to put her album on hold, but she is told she is actually going on tour starting next week to promote the album while excitement is still high. With some help from Quinn, Hailey decides that finishing the album and touring is not important, but what is is supporting her family. So she goes to Nathan to tell him this, but he has already planned out her entire tour with highlights for her and Jamie to see at each stop. He wants them to both be able to live their dreams, so he will be going to Spain, while she is on tour and when her tour is done they will get to be together.
- Dan is shooting promos for his episode from the hallway where he shot Keith. While there, Jimmy's - the boy who started the shooting in the school all those years ago - mom stomps up to Dan, slaps him and refuses forgiveness. She also yells about him profiting off her loss and making her son out to look like a murderer. After this, Dan has second thoughts about the episode, as well as the show. He tries to get Rachel to see his side, but she doesn't. If she has her way, the show will continue. We'll see if it does.
- Mouth didn't even know Millie was arrested until Brooke stopped by the apartment to check on her. It was Victoria who bailed Millie out because she was looking out for the best interest of the company. Victoria also took this time to give Millie a lecture about acting professional. But Millie continues to feel the urge to do drugs. When she doesn't have the money to buy them, she makes a deal to steal an unreleased dress to give to a model is exchange for cocaine. When Millie goes through with this, Victoria witnesses her stealing the dress, so she won't get away with it. But in other news, Millie and Mouth are no longer together after she walked out on him. Skills even had Mouth make a deal that if Skills gets the job in LA, Mouth will go with him.
- Julian tells Brooke that having kids is not a big deal to him because being with her is all that really matters. While fighting with Alex later, Julian slips and mentions that Brooke cannot have kids while also saying he hadn't realized until recently that he wanted kids. He makes her promise to keep the information a secret, but of course she uses it to her advantage. Alex goes to Brooke with pamphlets about adoption and reproduction challenged women and gives Brooke a speech about how her and Julian talk about everything so of course he told her about their problem. When Brooke goes home you can she she is devastated by him telling Alex, but she is more upset because he told her kids were not important when in reality, to him they are. Brooke tells Julian she feels like she keeps holding him back - from having a family, in his work - so she tells him to take a job elsewhere and that maybe they should take a break.
- Alex goes to Julian and apologizes for sending him the text that said I love you. He kind of forgives her and they seem to be on OK terms. Later, while fighting with Millie, Millie slaps Alex in the face with the reality about Julian talking about how he will never love her. When Julian finds out Alex told Brooke he told her about their pregnancy issues, he storms to her hotel room and freaks out on her. He tells her he would never love her because he doesn't even really like her. At the very end of the episode Alex leaves Julian a voicemail telling him she will never be a problem again and, in a scene I was shocked to see, they show her attempt to commit suicide.
Well, that was a lot. We'll have to wait until next week to see if Alex really dies, if Dan stands up for himself, if Millie continues the downward spiral, etc. But I must admit that these high drama episodes are what I love about this show. Are you excited for the return of such episodes? Now all we need is for a limo to drive off a bridge and things will be back to normal.
- Clay realizes he still has one client his agency doesn't know about, a high school quarterback who he is sure will sign with him regardless of whether or not he is part of an agency. When Clay meets with the player, it is clear Clay is great at his job and the kid seems to really trust Clay, but then he tells Clay that the agency had already contacted him. Because the kid's family is depending on his deal, working with Clay who isn't a legitimate agent may jeopardize his chances. Both know this and Clay walks away, heartbroken. He then goes back to his house and is packing his belongings when Quinn walks in. He tells her is leaving and she yells at him for running away. She then storms off. At the end of the episode we see her at his office, speaking to his assistant. Obviously she has a plan up her sleeve.
- Skills is still trying to get a job with that LA agency. He needs to send in a video of sports action he organized, so he has Jamie and his friend play basketball against a few older guys. The kids are funny and the clip comes out great. But when Jamie finds out Skills would have to move away for the job, he gets really sad. Jamie even talks about how he feels forgotten about, especially after Lucas left. But Skills promises to always be there because he loves him and Jamie ends up feeling a little better, though he does mention he never wants to leave Tree Hill.
- Nathan receives an offer to play basketball in Spain. While at first he thinks this is a bad deal since he wouldn't be playing in the NBA, he realizes that if he just took a year off he would have a more difficult time getting back into the NBA. The Spain position would keep him in shape and in the competition so it seems like a good deal considering that all of the NBA teams are full. Hailey knows she has to support his decision so she goes to the label wanting to put her album on hold, but she is told she is actually going on tour starting next week to promote the album while excitement is still high. With some help from Quinn, Hailey decides that finishing the album and touring is not important, but what is is supporting her family. So she goes to Nathan to tell him this, but he has already planned out her entire tour with highlights for her and Jamie to see at each stop. He wants them to both be able to live their dreams, so he will be going to Spain, while she is on tour and when her tour is done they will get to be together.
- Dan is shooting promos for his episode from the hallway where he shot Keith. While there, Jimmy's - the boy who started the shooting in the school all those years ago - mom stomps up to Dan, slaps him and refuses forgiveness. She also yells about him profiting off her loss and making her son out to look like a murderer. After this, Dan has second thoughts about the episode, as well as the show. He tries to get Rachel to see his side, but she doesn't. If she has her way, the show will continue. We'll see if it does.
- Mouth didn't even know Millie was arrested until Brooke stopped by the apartment to check on her. It was Victoria who bailed Millie out because she was looking out for the best interest of the company. Victoria also took this time to give Millie a lecture about acting professional. But Millie continues to feel the urge to do drugs. When she doesn't have the money to buy them, she makes a deal to steal an unreleased dress to give to a model is exchange for cocaine. When Millie goes through with this, Victoria witnesses her stealing the dress, so she won't get away with it. But in other news, Millie and Mouth are no longer together after she walked out on him. Skills even had Mouth make a deal that if Skills gets the job in LA, Mouth will go with him.
- Julian tells Brooke that having kids is not a big deal to him because being with her is all that really matters. While fighting with Alex later, Julian slips and mentions that Brooke cannot have kids while also saying he hadn't realized until recently that he wanted kids. He makes her promise to keep the information a secret, but of course she uses it to her advantage. Alex goes to Brooke with pamphlets about adoption and reproduction challenged women and gives Brooke a speech about how her and Julian talk about everything so of course he told her about their problem. When Brooke goes home you can she she is devastated by him telling Alex, but she is more upset because he told her kids were not important when in reality, to him they are. Brooke tells Julian she feels like she keeps holding him back - from having a family, in his work - so she tells him to take a job elsewhere and that maybe they should take a break.
- Alex goes to Julian and apologizes for sending him the text that said I love you. He kind of forgives her and they seem to be on OK terms. Later, while fighting with Millie, Millie slaps Alex in the face with the reality about Julian talking about how he will never love her. When Julian finds out Alex told Brooke he told her about their pregnancy issues, he storms to her hotel room and freaks out on her. He tells her he would never love her because he doesn't even really like her. At the very end of the episode Alex leaves Julian a voicemail telling him she will never be a problem again and, in a scene I was shocked to see, they show her attempt to commit suicide.
Well, that was a lot. We'll have to wait until next week to see if Alex really dies, if Dan stands up for himself, if Millie continues the downward spiral, etc. But I must admit that these high drama episodes are what I love about this show. Are you excited for the return of such episodes? Now all we need is for a limo to drive off a bridge and things will be back to normal.
GG: "You don't get to judge me ever again"
As always, here is the link to the New York Magazine Daily Intel reality index about last night's Gossip Girl episode. I plan to add some of my own thoughts later tonight, but for now I will leave you with the quote of the night.
Blair: "Doing the right thing takes courage and strength... At least that's what I've heard."
UPDATE: Here are some reality additions of my own.
- Dan, who is one of the smarter guys on the show, turns to Nate, who is the dumbest guy on the show, when he needs someone to tell him he's not in love with Vanessa. Plus two only because it makes sense for Dan to need reassurance from a less superior male.
- Plus 100 for the return of Serena's pout. But was she really that oblivious to Nate's feelings for her? And, while I'm giving points, let me just point out that if Serena and Nate were to get together they would be the pout-happy couple.
- While trying to distract her mother, Blair points out that she would like to watch the parade. I,in no way, believe she would watch the parade. Minus one because the Waldorfs would have a front row seat right in the action, not be forced to watch it on TV.
- When Serena returns from her conversation with her mom, she walks up to Tripp and Maureen, who are standing in the middle of the room and very close to Nate and Chuck, and she proclaims her affair over. Minus five because even Serena would have the decency to pull them aside and have that conversation in a more private setting.
- Serena and Blair continue their ping pong relationship this week. Minus 10 because it has become rather difficult to remember if the two are speaking and for which reason they are/are not.
- When Lily continued her lie to Rufus, Cece would never have played along. Minus two because Cece is the first person to out her daughter and I find it weird that they seem to be in cahoots here.
So, what did you think of the episode? Feel free to leave your own tallies in the comments.
Blair: "Doing the right thing takes courage and strength... At least that's what I've heard."
UPDATE: Here are some reality additions of my own.
- Dan, who is one of the smarter guys on the show, turns to Nate, who is the dumbest guy on the show, when he needs someone to tell him he's not in love with Vanessa. Plus two only because it makes sense for Dan to need reassurance from a less superior male.
- Plus 100 for the return of Serena's pout. But was she really that oblivious to Nate's feelings for her? And, while I'm giving points, let me just point out that if Serena and Nate were to get together they would be the pout-happy couple.
- While trying to distract her mother, Blair points out that she would like to watch the parade. I,in no way, believe she would watch the parade. Minus one because the Waldorfs would have a front row seat right in the action, not be forced to watch it on TV.
- When Serena returns from her conversation with her mom, she walks up to Tripp and Maureen, who are standing in the middle of the room and very close to Nate and Chuck, and she proclaims her affair over. Minus five because even Serena would have the decency to pull them aside and have that conversation in a more private setting.
- Serena and Blair continue their ping pong relationship this week. Minus 10 because it has become rather difficult to remember if the two are speaking and for which reason they are/are not.
- When Lily continued her lie to Rufus, Cece would never have played along. Minus two because Cece is the first person to out her daughter and I find it weird that they seem to be in cahoots here.
So, what did you think of the episode? Feel free to leave your own tallies in the comments.
Monday, November 30, 2009
More than one Matt wants me to watch Modern Family

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving specials to watch

SNL announces December hosts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
SYTYCD: And the top 10 is...
Before I can reveal the top 10, here is a recap of the action on tonight's So You Think You Can Dance results show.
The episode opened with a Tabitha and Napoleon group dance that seemed to take place in some wacky fairytale land. The dancers, who all performed well, were dressed in weird costumes and the choreography definitely fit the theme they were trying to portray. It was an entertaining routine, but it wasn't memorable or as wonderful as I expect from NappyTabbs.
As for the bottom three, they are:
1) Karen and Victor
2) Mollee and Nathan
3) Ellenore and Ryan
Honestly, I am shocked that Ellenore and Ryan were voted into the bottom over Noelle and Russell, but I had faith they would perform well with their solos and be safe. Now, onto summaries of their solos:
- Karen didn't do much and her solo was pretty boring.
- Victor's solo showed off his intensity as well as highlighted his awesome technique.
- Mollee seemed a bit off balance at times, which worried me and may be because of this "bad ankle" we keep hearing about. But, she still managed to do tons of kicks, turns, jumps, etcetera.
- Nathan always impresses and used his solo to perform moves I have never even seen before.
- Ellenore has a quirky personality and she always lets this shine in her solos.
- Ryan played up his sex appeal with this solo. And, while ballroom solos are usually awful, this one was not boring.
In the end, Karen and Victor were sent home, but Nigel warned that if it had been solely up to him, Nathan would have been sent home. Anyway, here is a list of the top 10, who will now be dancing in their own right.
- Ashleigh
- Jakob
- Ellenore
- Ryan
- Noelle
- Russell
- Kathryn
- Legacy
- Mollee
- Nathan
When we vote, it is no longer for couples, instead it is for individuals. And our votes are now all that matters. That's a lot of responsibility, America. Are you prepared?
The episode opened with a Tabitha and Napoleon group dance that seemed to take place in some wacky fairytale land. The dancers, who all performed well, were dressed in weird costumes and the choreography definitely fit the theme they were trying to portray. It was an entertaining routine, but it wasn't memorable or as wonderful as I expect from NappyTabbs.
As for the bottom three, they are:
1) Karen and Victor
2) Mollee and Nathan
3) Ellenore and Ryan
Honestly, I am shocked that Ellenore and Ryan were voted into the bottom over Noelle and Russell, but I had faith they would perform well with their solos and be safe. Now, onto summaries of their solos:
- Karen didn't do much and her solo was pretty boring.
- Victor's solo showed off his intensity as well as highlighted his awesome technique.
- Mollee seemed a bit off balance at times, which worried me and may be because of this "bad ankle" we keep hearing about. But, she still managed to do tons of kicks, turns, jumps, etcetera.
- Nathan always impresses and used his solo to perform moves I have never even seen before.
- Ellenore has a quirky personality and she always lets this shine in her solos.
- Ryan played up his sex appeal with this solo. And, while ballroom solos are usually awful, this one was not boring.
In the end, Karen and Victor were sent home, but Nigel warned that if it had been solely up to him, Nathan would have been sent home. Anyway, here is a list of the top 10, who will now be dancing in their own right.
- Ashleigh
- Jakob
- Ellenore
- Ryan
- Noelle
- Russell
- Kathryn
- Legacy
- Mollee
- Nathan
When we vote, it is no longer for couples, instead it is for individuals. And our votes are now all that matters. That's a lot of responsibility, America. Are you prepared?
Glee: "We're nothing but distractions"
Tonight's Glee episode was all about distractions - from cars, to responsibility, to sexy clothing, to hair throwing. Below is a recap of the episode.
-From the very beginning of the episode, it is obvious that Sue is up to something. Will figures out she wants the glee club's set list so she can leak it to their competition and in turn will lose. Emma gives Will the idea to go to the competition to ask if this is true, which he does and the director denies it. While there, he invites the other school to a friendly scrimmage. After seeing them perform, really well I might add, Will is worried about their chances at sectionals. Rachel points out that their performance was all smoke and mirrors and that they have no real talent. This is also when Will starts to worry that his glee kids may not have enough raw talent to help them win competitions. So he starts throwing in hair-ography and other stunts to distract the audience instead of showcasing their singing ability. But by the end of the episode Will realizes the kids are talented on their own and that he only needs to have faith in them, which he does. And as for Sue, she is working it so that it looks like Will cheated. We'll see if she pulls it off, but for now the plan is in motion.
- Quinn thinks about possibly keeping the baby, which makes her think she might want to give Puck another chance. But for this to be possible, she needs Finn to be distracted. (More on that in a bit.) And, just as Terri begins doubting she can keep up her fake pregnancy charade, Quinn comes to her and tells her she wants to keep the baby. Terri's sister then has the idea to distract Quinn by showing her the reality of having kids. They have Quinn babysit the sister's three boys, who are terrors. She brings Puck along and, while at first they seem to be having a hard time, they sing and dance for them, which calms them down. They prove, not only to themselves, but to Terri and her sister that they are capable parents. Just as Quinn was starting to consider a future with Puck, one of her cheerleading friend tells her to back off her man. Apparently, Puck loves Quinn but needs to have his needs met, and he thinks it's OK if he looks elsewhere for this. He has a distorted sense of what his relationship with Quinn should be. Quinn realizes she should cut her loses and she walks away from him. She also decides she wants her baby to have a great father, and, having faith that this person is Will, she tells Terri their deal is back on.
- Quinn ropes Kurt into agreeing to give Rachel a makeover, hoping that Rachel will be the distraction Finn needs for Quinn to be able to spend time with Puck. Kurt helps Rachel sex herself up as a way to get Finn's attention. It works and while Finn is alone with Rachel in her bedroom, she pulls a Sandy from Grease. She comes in wearing a "catsuit," oozing sex, but Finn turns her down, saying he likes her better as herself. This is when Rachel realizes Kurt set her up to fail with Finn. When she later confront Kurt, she points out that she has more of a chance with Finn solely because she is a girl, but Kurt points out that no one has a chance because no one is Quinn. At the end of the episode, Quinn and Finn walk off holding one another after realizing they truly love one another.
Only two more episodes before the four month break. What are you expecting? And how did you like the episode? For me, it wasn't one of the best, but it was still very entertaining.
-From the very beginning of the episode, it is obvious that Sue is up to something. Will figures out she wants the glee club's set list so she can leak it to their competition and in turn will lose. Emma gives Will the idea to go to the competition to ask if this is true, which he does and the director denies it. While there, he invites the other school to a friendly scrimmage. After seeing them perform, really well I might add, Will is worried about their chances at sectionals. Rachel points out that their performance was all smoke and mirrors and that they have no real talent. This is also when Will starts to worry that his glee kids may not have enough raw talent to help them win competitions. So he starts throwing in hair-ography and other stunts to distract the audience instead of showcasing their singing ability. But by the end of the episode Will realizes the kids are talented on their own and that he only needs to have faith in them, which he does. And as for Sue, she is working it so that it looks like Will cheated. We'll see if she pulls it off, but for now the plan is in motion.
- Quinn thinks about possibly keeping the baby, which makes her think she might want to give Puck another chance. But for this to be possible, she needs Finn to be distracted. (More on that in a bit.) And, just as Terri begins doubting she can keep up her fake pregnancy charade, Quinn comes to her and tells her she wants to keep the baby. Terri's sister then has the idea to distract Quinn by showing her the reality of having kids. They have Quinn babysit the sister's three boys, who are terrors. She brings Puck along and, while at first they seem to be having a hard time, they sing and dance for them, which calms them down. They prove, not only to themselves, but to Terri and her sister that they are capable parents. Just as Quinn was starting to consider a future with Puck, one of her cheerleading friend tells her to back off her man. Apparently, Puck loves Quinn but needs to have his needs met, and he thinks it's OK if he looks elsewhere for this. He has a distorted sense of what his relationship with Quinn should be. Quinn realizes she should cut her loses and she walks away from him. She also decides she wants her baby to have a great father, and, having faith that this person is Will, she tells Terri their deal is back on.
- Quinn ropes Kurt into agreeing to give Rachel a makeover, hoping that Rachel will be the distraction Finn needs for Quinn to be able to spend time with Puck. Kurt helps Rachel sex herself up as a way to get Finn's attention. It works and while Finn is alone with Rachel in her bedroom, she pulls a Sandy from Grease. She comes in wearing a "catsuit," oozing sex, but Finn turns her down, saying he likes her better as herself. This is when Rachel realizes Kurt set her up to fail with Finn. When she later confront Kurt, she points out that she has more of a chance with Finn solely because she is a girl, but Kurt points out that no one has a chance because no one is Quinn. At the end of the episode, Quinn and Finn walk off holding one another after realizing they truly love one another.
Only two more episodes before the four month break. What are you expecting? And how did you like the episode? For me, it wasn't one of the best, but it was still very entertaining.
SYTYCD: Looking for a spot in the top 10
On last night's So You Think You Can Dance episode, each couple performed twice and for the last time with the partner they have become accustomed to. Starting next week, each dancer will pick randomly dance styles as well as partners. So last night was the last time we got to see rockstar couples Ashleigh and Jakob and Kathryn and Legacy. While losing their partners will be hard for all of the dancers, these two couples are the ones I will miss the most. Anyway, let's get to my opinion on each of the dances.
1) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Lindy Hop by new choreographer Carla
This performance was very high energy and it was obvious they had great stamina to perform full out throughout. The lifts were good and the coffee grinders they did were so impressive. Plus, they looked like they were really having fun, which made the audience want to smile along with them.
2) Kathryn and Legacy danced a Sonya jazz routine
This was a quirky dance, as is Sonya's trademark, but it was also very sexy and flirty. The choreography showed off her technique and also highlighted his breaking skills, which made the performance exciting to watch. They also hit everything perfectly with the music. This was a great routine.
3) Karen and Victor (this week's new couple) danced a tango choreographed by Tony
As necessary, this was an intense dance that was full of sharp movements. Honestly, I thought Victor was going to have a difficult time, but he didn't really lag behind Karen as much as I thought he was going to. And, I agree, they had really hot chemistry.
4) Mollee and Nathan danced a hip hop routine choreographed by Jamal
This routine was OK, but I wasn't really feeling it. I almost want to blame the choreography. They were not very hard hitting and the most exciting part was the last 20 seconds. Other than that I was almost bored.
5) Noelle and Russell danced a Tony samba
With this routine, the smiling made it a bit difficult to buy. I thought the technique was bad and they were not sexy. Some of Noelle's hip shakes actually looked awkward. Also, her costume was distracting and she should have been a little more covered up.
6) Ashleigh and Jakob danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Sonya
This was amazing choreography by Sonya and it was sustained by amazing performances from both these dancers. Honestly, the hair on my arms stood up. The lifts were breathtaking and their technique never stops impressing me. I could watch them dance forever. They are so wonderful together.
7) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Broadway routine choreographed by Spencer
This was great choreography and it called for mechanical movements, which these two dancers pulled off. They also got into character perfectly, which helped it have great performance value.
8) Kathryn and Legacy danced a Viennese waltz choreographed by Jean Marc
Their technique was, as expected, pretty bad, but I was not distracted by it because they are such an entertaining couple. It's obvious they look after one another in their movements and that they are a caring couple. While Legacy did look a bit clunky at times, Kathryn was very elegant. It was a pretty good routine.
9) Karen and Victor danced a Laurieann hip hop routine
Karen, especially, looked angry instead of passionate throughout the routine and, I agree with Adam who said, angry didn't match the idea behind the dance or the song. This wasn't a true hip hop routine and it barely registered as OK. It really wasn't memorable.
10) Mollee and Nathan danced a new style - the can can - choreographed by Tyce
This was a high energy, nonstop routine. There were tons of kicks, hopping, jumping, etcetera. Tyce really showed off Mollee's flexibility and gymnastics, while Nathan got to show off his incredible turning ability. Overall, this was a fun routine, but I agree with the judges who think this pair breaking up will be good for them.
11) Noelle and Russell danced a Tyce contemporary routine
This was an emotional dance and I am happy to report it flowed nicely. There were a lot of slow, controlled movements, and they were so into it, together. I really believed their chemistry and it made the dance memorable.
12) Ashleigh and Jakob danced the cha cha choreographed by Jean Marc
This was Ashleigh's chance to shine. She was in her element, but if Jakob truly lagged behind, I didn't notice. And it is true that for her to be as wonderful as she was, Jakob had to be an awesome partner. This routine was very sexy and as exciting as a cha cha can be.
1) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Lindy Hop by new choreographer Carla
This performance was very high energy and it was obvious they had great stamina to perform full out throughout. The lifts were good and the coffee grinders they did were so impressive. Plus, they looked like they were really having fun, which made the audience want to smile along with them.
2) Kathryn and Legacy danced a Sonya jazz routine
This was a quirky dance, as is Sonya's trademark, but it was also very sexy and flirty. The choreography showed off her technique and also highlighted his breaking skills, which made the performance exciting to watch. They also hit everything perfectly with the music. This was a great routine.
3) Karen and Victor (this week's new couple) danced a tango choreographed by Tony
As necessary, this was an intense dance that was full of sharp movements. Honestly, I thought Victor was going to have a difficult time, but he didn't really lag behind Karen as much as I thought he was going to. And, I agree, they had really hot chemistry.
4) Mollee and Nathan danced a hip hop routine choreographed by Jamal
This routine was OK, but I wasn't really feeling it. I almost want to blame the choreography. They were not very hard hitting and the most exciting part was the last 20 seconds. Other than that I was almost bored.
5) Noelle and Russell danced a Tony samba
With this routine, the smiling made it a bit difficult to buy. I thought the technique was bad and they were not sexy. Some of Noelle's hip shakes actually looked awkward. Also, her costume was distracting and she should have been a little more covered up.
6) Ashleigh and Jakob danced a lyrical jazz routine choreographed by Sonya
This was amazing choreography by Sonya and it was sustained by amazing performances from both these dancers. Honestly, the hair on my arms stood up. The lifts were breathtaking and their technique never stops impressing me. I could watch them dance forever. They are so wonderful together.
7) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Broadway routine choreographed by Spencer
This was great choreography and it called for mechanical movements, which these two dancers pulled off. They also got into character perfectly, which helped it have great performance value.
8) Kathryn and Legacy danced a Viennese waltz choreographed by Jean Marc
Their technique was, as expected, pretty bad, but I was not distracted by it because they are such an entertaining couple. It's obvious they look after one another in their movements and that they are a caring couple. While Legacy did look a bit clunky at times, Kathryn was very elegant. It was a pretty good routine.
9) Karen and Victor danced a Laurieann hip hop routine
Karen, especially, looked angry instead of passionate throughout the routine and, I agree with Adam who said, angry didn't match the idea behind the dance or the song. This wasn't a true hip hop routine and it barely registered as OK. It really wasn't memorable.
10) Mollee and Nathan danced a new style - the can can - choreographed by Tyce
This was a high energy, nonstop routine. There were tons of kicks, hopping, jumping, etcetera. Tyce really showed off Mollee's flexibility and gymnastics, while Nathan got to show off his incredible turning ability. Overall, this was a fun routine, but I agree with the judges who think this pair breaking up will be good for them.
11) Noelle and Russell danced a Tyce contemporary routine
This was an emotional dance and I am happy to report it flowed nicely. There were a lot of slow, controlled movements, and they were so into it, together. I really believed their chemistry and it made the dance memorable.
12) Ashleigh and Jakob danced the cha cha choreographed by Jean Marc
This was Ashleigh's chance to shine. She was in her element, but if Jakob truly lagged behind, I didn't notice. And it is true that for her to be as wonderful as she was, Jakob had to be an awesome partner. This routine was very sexy and as exciting as a cha cha can be.
Big Bang: "Always leave them wanting more"
As always, Monday's episode of Big Bang Theory was very funny, especially the two highlights I am going to point out below.
1) The girl Howard has been dating wants to know what he expects from her and whether or not he is looking for a relationship. Howard hesitates because he is looking for a girlfriend who is hotter, even though, as Penny points out, hotter women are out of his league. Howard finally realizes this and, jumping to the opposite extreme, asks this girl who he has only been on three dates with, to marry him. She thinks he is crazy and walks away, but then he sings her a ridiculous song and asks for her forgiveness, following which she melts and says no one has ever done anything that romantic for her before.
2) Sheldon has been asked to do an interview as an expert on NPR, which is an extreme honor. But Kripke plays a joke on him, feeding helium into his office so while he is answering questions he has an extremely high pitched voice. Sheldon is humiliated, but Raj and Leonard help him realize he needs to enact revenge. So Sheldon organizes a science experiment that produces a large amount of a foamy substance and sets it to go off when motion is detected. Only, Kripke does not enter his office alone, but instead with the university president, dean, etcetera, who are all covered with the foam.
1) The girl Howard has been dating wants to know what he expects from her and whether or not he is looking for a relationship. Howard hesitates because he is looking for a girlfriend who is hotter, even though, as Penny points out, hotter women are out of his league. Howard finally realizes this and, jumping to the opposite extreme, asks this girl who he has only been on three dates with, to marry him. She thinks he is crazy and walks away, but then he sings her a ridiculous song and asks for her forgiveness, following which she melts and says no one has ever done anything that romantic for her before.
2) Sheldon has been asked to do an interview as an expert on NPR, which is an extreme honor. But Kripke plays a joke on him, feeding helium into his office so while he is answering questions he has an extremely high pitched voice. Sheldon is humiliated, but Raj and Leonard help him realize he needs to enact revenge. So Sheldon organizes a science experiment that produces a large amount of a foamy substance and sets it to go off when motion is detected. Only, Kripke does not enter his office alone, but instead with the university president, dean, etcetera, who are all covered with the foam.
Castle: How well do you know the ones you love?
Monday's Castle episode made you think about how well you know those you love, as well as showed us a deeper glimpse into Alexis' character.
First off, a dead body is found and his wife AND fiance show up to identify the body. While investigating we find out that the victim had assumed a false identity to work for his office's competition and while there met a woman who was also living a double life in an attempt to take him down the wrong path. For most of the episode we thought the victim was a bad guy who was cheating on his wife of 10 years, but by the end we find out his was doing everything possible - and even died - trying to save the environment. He wasn't as bad a guy as first thought.
As for Alexis, for a school assignment she volunteers with Beckett at the NYPD. While it would seem her connection would help her get some cool responsibilities, she gets stuck organizing and cataloging some old evidence, but she seems happy to do it. When she finds a photo album full of old family photographs, Alexis takes it upon herself to find the owner even though there is no identifying information linked with it. It is through this we see her compassion as well as her own investigative strengths.
First off, a dead body is found and his wife AND fiance show up to identify the body. While investigating we find out that the victim had assumed a false identity to work for his office's competition and while there met a woman who was also living a double life in an attempt to take him down the wrong path. For most of the episode we thought the victim was a bad guy who was cheating on his wife of 10 years, but by the end we find out his was doing everything possible - and even died - trying to save the environment. He wasn't as bad a guy as first thought.
As for Alexis, for a school assignment she volunteers with Beckett at the NYPD. While it would seem her connection would help her get some cool responsibilities, she gets stuck organizing and cataloging some old evidence, but she seems happy to do it. When she finds a photo album full of old family photographs, Alexis takes it upon herself to find the owner even though there is no identifying information linked with it. It is through this we see her compassion as well as her own investigative strengths.
I don't even have words to explain how sad/disappointed I am

DWTS crowns a winner
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Al Gore talks Green agenda, acting crazy
Below is Al Gore's guest spot on SNL Weekend Update with Seth Myers as a part of NBC's Green Week. So funny.
Friday, November 20, 2009
PP: "You don't always know better"
While a lot happened during this week's Private Practice episode, below is a recap of only the highlights.
- Dell comes into work with some surprising news: he and Heather, Betsie's mother, got married. He swears she is sober and responsible and that they are very happy together. Everyone is a bit shocked, but Violet takes it upon herself to try to make him see that this is a wrong decision. By the end of the episode though, Dell makes her, and everyone else, realize that they need to respect his decision.
- When Charlotte tells Cooper she was married, he is very mad. While the marriage upsets him, he is more angry that she lied to him, but Charlotte tries to explain that she just didn't want to remember this painful part of her past.
- Addison's father shows up out of the blue and uninvited and she shows him the door. They later meet and it becomes obvious she wants nothing to do with him. Then, at the end of the episode, she goes to see him, which is a step forward, but she does point out to him that she has a family and doesn't need him.
- During an episode a few months ago, Cooper helped a father and son get medical attention and also go safely into hiding because the son claimed he was being abused by his stepfather. So when the mother shows up demanding Cooper tell her where her son is, he does not cooperate. Cooper is then arrested and bail is refused; The judge decides to hold him until he gives up the son's location, even though he has bruises covering his body, which means he is being beaten up in jail. Cooper does know where the boy is and he also knows he needs more medical attention, so he asks Charlotte to bring the boy antibiotics. She does, but Addison also steps in and does what she thinks is best, regardless of what others told her. Addison calls the police and the father is arrested, which means Cooper is released. While Cooper is happy to be free, he is mad at Addison because she essentially ignored the kid's well being. Regardless, by the end of the episode we find out the boy was never abused and he was only trying to get his parents back together.
- Dell comes into work with some surprising news: he and Heather, Betsie's mother, got married. He swears she is sober and responsible and that they are very happy together. Everyone is a bit shocked, but Violet takes it upon herself to try to make him see that this is a wrong decision. By the end of the episode though, Dell makes her, and everyone else, realize that they need to respect his decision.
- When Charlotte tells Cooper she was married, he is very mad. While the marriage upsets him, he is more angry that she lied to him, but Charlotte tries to explain that she just didn't want to remember this painful part of her past.
- Addison's father shows up out of the blue and uninvited and she shows him the door. They later meet and it becomes obvious she wants nothing to do with him. Then, at the end of the episode, she goes to see him, which is a step forward, but she does point out to him that she has a family and doesn't need him.
- During an episode a few months ago, Cooper helped a father and son get medical attention and also go safely into hiding because the son claimed he was being abused by his stepfather. So when the mother shows up demanding Cooper tell her where her son is, he does not cooperate. Cooper is then arrested and bail is refused; The judge decides to hold him until he gives up the son's location, even though he has bruises covering his body, which means he is being beaten up in jail. Cooper does know where the boy is and he also knows he needs more medical attention, so he asks Charlotte to bring the boy antibiotics. She does, but Addison also steps in and does what she thinks is best, regardless of what others told her. Addison calls the police and the father is arrested, which means Cooper is released. While Cooper is happy to be free, he is mad at Addison because she essentially ignored the kid's well being. Regardless, by the end of the episode we find out the boy was never abused and he was only trying to get his parents back together.
Grey's: "We're going to have to figure it out as we go"
Thursday's Grey's Anatomy episode spanned three holidays, starting the day before Thanksgiving and ending with New Year's. A lot happened, and while I'd love to recount it all, below is a shorter than usual recap that highlights the information that will be important in future episodes also.
- Richard is essentially bribing Meredith to keep his alcoholism a secret by offering her surgical lessons. So because he is being nice to her, she keeps ignoring the signs even when they are right in front of her. Then, at the end of the episode, Meredith finds a very drunk Richard acting stupidly at the bar and she is forced to come to his rescue.
- We find out that Bailey's family does not know she is divorced. But when her father comes for a visit, she is forced to talk to him about it. Bailey tries to explain her choice to him, but he says he is ashamed she chose work over her family. Then, in the middle of Christmas dinner, Bailey defends her choice and tells her dad her only fault was choosing not to settle.
- An 18-year-old girl comes to the hospital and tells Mark he is her father. A paternity test proves it and she moves in with Mark and Lexie. For weeks the new father/daughter pair barely look at each other, let alone talk, but then Lexie pushes him to open up to her. The daughter then confesses to Mark that she is pregnant. She says she dropped out of high school and that her mother kicked her out of the house so she has no where else to go.
- Things with Owen and Teddy are a bit awkward. Then the two get a moment alone and she opens up to him; She tells him she loves him and he admits he used to have feelings for her but that he now loves Cristina.
- Richard is essentially bribing Meredith to keep his alcoholism a secret by offering her surgical lessons. So because he is being nice to her, she keeps ignoring the signs even when they are right in front of her. Then, at the end of the episode, Meredith finds a very drunk Richard acting stupidly at the bar and she is forced to come to his rescue.
- We find out that Bailey's family does not know she is divorced. But when her father comes for a visit, she is forced to talk to him about it. Bailey tries to explain her choice to him, but he says he is ashamed she chose work over her family. Then, in the middle of Christmas dinner, Bailey defends her choice and tells her dad her only fault was choosing not to settle.
- An 18-year-old girl comes to the hospital and tells Mark he is her father. A paternity test proves it and she moves in with Mark and Lexie. For weeks the new father/daughter pair barely look at each other, let alone talk, but then Lexie pushes him to open up to her. The daughter then confesses to Mark that she is pregnant. She says she dropped out of high school and that her mother kicked her out of the house so she has no where else to go.
- Things with Owen and Teddy are a bit awkward. Then the two get a moment alone and she opens up to him; She tells him she loves him and he admits he used to have feelings for her but that he now loves Cristina.
Oprah to announce end date for her show

Personally, I'm not an avid watcher so this news doesn't disappoint me much, but I can imagine there are people out there who are devastated. I'm sure this doesn't mean there will be no more Oprah, she'll just be used in a different capacity. As far as I can tell, she isn't ever really going anywhere. But do let me know, how do you feel about the news?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Glee: "I really mean what I'm singing"
Here is a summary of how things ended on this week's episode of Glee.
- Kurt and Finn were paired together for a glee assignment and Kurt's feelings for Finn became even more clear. But the two did bond and Finn is starting to appreciate Kurt as a friend, turning to him for advice and assistance.
- Rachel, out of nowhere, realizes she is in love with Will. Will tries to let her down softly, but she just doesn't get the message. By the end of the episode she realizes her feelings are unwarranted and will not be reciprocated, so she moves on.
- Finn, while at dinner with Quinn and her parents, tells her family she is pregnant. Quinn's father calls her a disappointment and kicks her out of the house. Finn's mom then gives her permission to live with them.
- Puck blurts out to Mercedes that he is the father of Quinn's baby and, in a move I didn't see coming, Mercedes did not go spread the gossip, but instead told Puck he has to come to terms with the fact that Quinn chose Finn and not him.
- Kurt and Finn were paired together for a glee assignment and Kurt's feelings for Finn became even more clear. But the two did bond and Finn is starting to appreciate Kurt as a friend, turning to him for advice and assistance.
- Rachel, out of nowhere, realizes she is in love with Will. Will tries to let her down softly, but she just doesn't get the message. By the end of the episode she realizes her feelings are unwarranted and will not be reciprocated, so she moves on.
- Finn, while at dinner with Quinn and her parents, tells her family she is pregnant. Quinn's father calls her a disappointment and kicks her out of the house. Finn's mom then gives her permission to live with them.
- Puck blurts out to Mercedes that he is the father of Quinn's baby and, in a move I didn't see coming, Mercedes did not go spread the gossip, but instead told Puck he has to come to terms with the fact that Quinn chose Finn and not him.
SVU: "It's a whole new world"
On last night's Law & Order: SVU episode, a criminal Olivia put away for a string of rapes a few years ago, frames her for murder, even going as far as to fabricate DNA. The criminal thought Olivia had arranged for him to be raped while in jail as a form of punishment because he showed no remorse for his actions. So he killed his rapist and made Olivia look guilty. But Stabler was one step ahead and knew she was innocent so did everything he could to clear her name. When then finally figured out there is a scientist profiting from DNA fabrication, the detectives question him and point out that his work means people are being put in jail who did not commit the crimes. He is changing the way of crimes and sees nothing wrong with it. This episode, as many do, made you think. If we live in a world where innocent people can be sent to jail for crimes they did not commit, it is a scary place to live.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
SYTYCD: The judges continue to praise dancers with passes through to the top 10
But how can almost everyone be there? It isn't really possible and two more dancers were sent home tonight on the So You Think You Can Dance results show. But before I get to the doom and gloom of the week, let me start by recapping the dances that were performed last night.
1) Ashleigh and Jakob danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This dance had great emotion and was a wonderful story. The two dancers were really into it and they did well in the style, despite it being out of their comfort zone. And, I agree with the judges, Ashleigh stood out to me and she is definitely no longer in Jakob's shadow.
2) Karen and Kevin danced a Broadway routine by new choreographer Spencer Liff
This routine was by far the worst of the night. Their lack of technique was obvious. The performance was not hard hitting enough and their movement was cautious. Honestly, neither portrayed any personality and because Karen could not be sexy, she was awful, proving the point I made last week.
3) Noelle and Russell danced a foxtrot choreographed by Eddie Simon
This was the dance this pair pulled week one, but because of Noelle's injury, this is the first time we see her perform it. Throughout the dance they both seemed to really be enjoying themselves, which made me enjoy the performance. They were smooth and controlled as needed, which made the dance not horrible. Overall it was pretty great, but I had doubts it would pull in votes.
4) Channing and Victor danced a Tyce jazz routine
For this routine the dancers were asked to perform as birds. Tyce gave them quirky, intricate choreography that was weird, but I liked it. It was a pretty memorable dance.
5) Kathryn and Legacy performed a paso doble choreographed by Tony
This was a powerful, passionate, intense dance, as it should be. The pair also stayed very much in character throughout the dance. The last trick didn't go as well as it should have and they were not technically great but it didn't matter because it was entertaining and Legacy was shirtless.
6) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Travis contemporary routine
The judges LOVED this dance, but I kind of wish I had believed the emotion more, which made it not as great for me. But as usual, Travis did a wonderful job with the choreography. It flowed the way it should have and the lifts were awesome, so it was a good routine.
7) Mollee and Nathan danced a Laurieann choreographed pop jazz routine
Honestly, I didn't like this routine but I think it was because I didn't like the choreography. This was a very intense routine, which was difficult to believe from these two young, immature dancers. Overall, they were pretty good, but still not great for me. No matter what, it was definitely tons better than last week, which is what really matters. I also appreciate that the judges didn't praise them.
Tonight's results show opened with a Wade Robson group dance that was quirky and odd, but very very entertaining. The dancers were living art and they all performed so well. I didn't know what to expect next, which kept me on the edge of my seat. I was captivated from the first moment of the dance.
As for the bottom three, they were:
1) Karen and Kevin (no shock there)
2) Channing and Victor (I just don't think they have connected with the audience yet)
3) Mollee and Nathan (they weren't in the bottom last week, but are this week? weird)
They all then got to perform a solo. Karen danced frantically and didn't finish her movements, AGAIN; Kevin didn't do much, which left me expecting and wanting more; Channing performed with lots of unnecessary body throws; Victor showed his technique and performed lots of turns; Mollee was pretty good but almost did too many flips and her hair tossing was distracting at times; Nathan showed his power and performed unique choreography.
In the end, we said goodbye to Channing and Kevin. While I'm always sad to see people go, I wasn't too disappointed. As for next week, each couple will have to dance two dances. And then it's on to the top 10 where America makes all the decisions. Are you ready for that responsibility? Until next week.
1) Ashleigh and Jakob danced a Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop routine
This dance had great emotion and was a wonderful story. The two dancers were really into it and they did well in the style, despite it being out of their comfort zone. And, I agree with the judges, Ashleigh stood out to me and she is definitely no longer in Jakob's shadow.
2) Karen and Kevin danced a Broadway routine by new choreographer Spencer Liff
This routine was by far the worst of the night. Their lack of technique was obvious. The performance was not hard hitting enough and their movement was cautious. Honestly, neither portrayed any personality and because Karen could not be sexy, she was awful, proving the point I made last week.
3) Noelle and Russell danced a foxtrot choreographed by Eddie Simon
This was the dance this pair pulled week one, but because of Noelle's injury, this is the first time we see her perform it. Throughout the dance they both seemed to really be enjoying themselves, which made me enjoy the performance. They were smooth and controlled as needed, which made the dance not horrible. Overall it was pretty great, but I had doubts it would pull in votes.
4) Channing and Victor danced a Tyce jazz routine
For this routine the dancers were asked to perform as birds. Tyce gave them quirky, intricate choreography that was weird, but I liked it. It was a pretty memorable dance.
5) Kathryn and Legacy performed a paso doble choreographed by Tony
This was a powerful, passionate, intense dance, as it should be. The pair also stayed very much in character throughout the dance. The last trick didn't go as well as it should have and they were not technically great but it didn't matter because it was entertaining and Legacy was shirtless.
6) Ellenore and Ryan danced a Travis contemporary routine
The judges LOVED this dance, but I kind of wish I had believed the emotion more, which made it not as great for me. But as usual, Travis did a wonderful job with the choreography. It flowed the way it should have and the lifts were awesome, so it was a good routine.
7) Mollee and Nathan danced a Laurieann choreographed pop jazz routine
Honestly, I didn't like this routine but I think it was because I didn't like the choreography. This was a very intense routine, which was difficult to believe from these two young, immature dancers. Overall, they were pretty good, but still not great for me. No matter what, it was definitely tons better than last week, which is what really matters. I also appreciate that the judges didn't praise them.
Tonight's results show opened with a Wade Robson group dance that was quirky and odd, but very very entertaining. The dancers were living art and they all performed so well. I didn't know what to expect next, which kept me on the edge of my seat. I was captivated from the first moment of the dance.
As for the bottom three, they were:
1) Karen and Kevin (no shock there)
2) Channing and Victor (I just don't think they have connected with the audience yet)
3) Mollee and Nathan (they weren't in the bottom last week, but are this week? weird)
They all then got to perform a solo. Karen danced frantically and didn't finish her movements, AGAIN; Kevin didn't do much, which left me expecting and wanting more; Channing performed with lots of unnecessary body throws; Victor showed his technique and performed lots of turns; Mollee was pretty good but almost did too many flips and her hair tossing was distracting at times; Nathan showed his power and performed unique choreography.
In the end, we said goodbye to Channing and Kevin. While I'm always sad to see people go, I wasn't too disappointed. As for next week, each couple will have to dance two dances. And then it's on to the top 10 where America makes all the decisions. Are you ready for that responsibility? Until next week.
90210: "I forgive you"
Last night's 90210 was full of some sad moments as well as some just plain weird ones. Is anyone else completely sick of Jen and Ryan? I, for one, cannot wait for Liam to take her down. Anyway, below is a quick summary of the episode.
- Naomi, now that she is no longer dating the Dean of Admission's son, needs extracurriculars to get into college. So she asks Navid to let her join the Blaze. Also, she is still dating Jamie, but is hiding from Richard. But when Richard and his mom walk in on Jamie and Naomi kissing, she feels compelled to tell Jamie the truth. When she tells Jamie she only dated Richard to get to his mom, Jamie calls her a user and breaks up with her. Naomi then realizes this is true and comes clean with Richard. When Jamie finds this out he wants her back, but she turns him down for a reason that will be described in a minute.
- Adrianna, when confronted by Naomi, denies she is using drugs. She says Navid must be lying, which Naomi stupidly believes. Adrianna then confronts Navid and tells him to stop spreading rumors about her. She goes on to say some pretty harsh things, including that she never really loved him. Later, Naomi stops by unannounced and sees Adrianna try to hide a pill bottle. Naomi is pissed she lied to her and she ends their friendship.
- Annie, for the first time in a while, is in a really good mood and her parents notice. So she tells them about her relationship with Jasper and they plan a family dinner for the following night. Before he arrives, and while Annie is talking about how wonderful he is, Dixon blurts out that Jasper is a drug dealer. Needless to say, the dinner starts off on the wrong foot. Then Jasper temporarily fixes the problem by talking about how he only wants what's best for Annie. But after Jasper leaves her parents tell Annie to stop seeing Jasper because he's odd and a loner. When Annie tells him this he seems calm, saying they will figure it out, but then, at school the next day, he pushes Navid down a flight of stairs, assuming getting rid of Navid will solve his problem.
- Dixon, Ivy, Navid and Liam (no Teddy this week, sadly) are pulling together in their attempt to take down Jen. They brainstorm throughout the episode, and most of the ideas are stupid. But right before the end of the episode Ivy says she has the perfect plan. We'll have to wait until next week to see what it is and if it works. In other Liam news, while unpacking and moving things at the Blaze office, Liam gets tangled up and has to ask Naomi for help. He hurts his hand and she helps him get ice for it. While sitting together they share a moment during which Liam tells Naomi he wishes he could take things back and that he thinks about it every day. Later, when talking to Jamie, Naomi admits she is still not over Liam, which means they still might have a chance.
- Jen has been pulling Ryan to tons of fancy events/benefits/dinners. He points out that they spend a lot of time in her world, but little in his. He wants her to make a few sacrifices and spend time doing things he likes. So when he asks her to go camping, she says yes despite not really wanting to go. When it rains she makes it clear she doesn't want to be there. It becomes very clear that these two don't really fit together because they are so different. Yet, even after Jen opens up about her divorce, Ryan still likes her and vows to stand by her.
- Silver accompanies her mom to the hospital and is obviously very scared. She calls Kelly for support, which she provides, but Kelly refuses to see their mom. Later, Kelly goes into the hospital to pick up Silver and sees the room their mom is supposed to be in is empty, which freaks her out. Silver finds Kelly crying in the hallway, which proves that though she thinks she is done with her mom, she needs more closure. At this point the mom is not dead, so Kelly gets her chance to say goodbye. Their mom, who was always disappointed with Kelly, praises her, tells her she is proud of the woman she has become and apologizes for everything she ever did wrong. Not surprisingly, Kelly forgives her. Later, while holding hands with Kelly and Silver, their mom dies.
- Naomi, now that she is no longer dating the Dean of Admission's son, needs extracurriculars to get into college. So she asks Navid to let her join the Blaze. Also, she is still dating Jamie, but is hiding from Richard. But when Richard and his mom walk in on Jamie and Naomi kissing, she feels compelled to tell Jamie the truth. When she tells Jamie she only dated Richard to get to his mom, Jamie calls her a user and breaks up with her. Naomi then realizes this is true and comes clean with Richard. When Jamie finds this out he wants her back, but she turns him down for a reason that will be described in a minute.
- Adrianna, when confronted by Naomi, denies she is using drugs. She says Navid must be lying, which Naomi stupidly believes. Adrianna then confronts Navid and tells him to stop spreading rumors about her. She goes on to say some pretty harsh things, including that she never really loved him. Later, Naomi stops by unannounced and sees Adrianna try to hide a pill bottle. Naomi is pissed she lied to her and she ends their friendship.
- Annie, for the first time in a while, is in a really good mood and her parents notice. So she tells them about her relationship with Jasper and they plan a family dinner for the following night. Before he arrives, and while Annie is talking about how wonderful he is, Dixon blurts out that Jasper is a drug dealer. Needless to say, the dinner starts off on the wrong foot. Then Jasper temporarily fixes the problem by talking about how he only wants what's best for Annie. But after Jasper leaves her parents tell Annie to stop seeing Jasper because he's odd and a loner. When Annie tells him this he seems calm, saying they will figure it out, but then, at school the next day, he pushes Navid down a flight of stairs, assuming getting rid of Navid will solve his problem.
- Dixon, Ivy, Navid and Liam (no Teddy this week, sadly) are pulling together in their attempt to take down Jen. They brainstorm throughout the episode, and most of the ideas are stupid. But right before the end of the episode Ivy says she has the perfect plan. We'll have to wait until next week to see what it is and if it works. In other Liam news, while unpacking and moving things at the Blaze office, Liam gets tangled up and has to ask Naomi for help. He hurts his hand and she helps him get ice for it. While sitting together they share a moment during which Liam tells Naomi he wishes he could take things back and that he thinks about it every day. Later, when talking to Jamie, Naomi admits she is still not over Liam, which means they still might have a chance.
- Jen has been pulling Ryan to tons of fancy events/benefits/dinners. He points out that they spend a lot of time in her world, but little in his. He wants her to make a few sacrifices and spend time doing things he likes. So when he asks her to go camping, she says yes despite not really wanting to go. When it rains she makes it clear she doesn't want to be there. It becomes very clear that these two don't really fit together because they are so different. Yet, even after Jen opens up about her divorce, Ryan still likes her and vows to stand by her.
- Silver accompanies her mom to the hospital and is obviously very scared. She calls Kelly for support, which she provides, but Kelly refuses to see their mom. Later, Kelly goes into the hospital to pick up Silver and sees the room their mom is supposed to be in is empty, which freaks her out. Silver finds Kelly crying in the hallway, which proves that though she thinks she is done with her mom, she needs more closure. At this point the mom is not dead, so Kelly gets her chance to say goodbye. Their mom, who was always disappointed with Kelly, praises her, tells her she is proud of the woman she has become and apologizes for everything she ever did wrong. Not surprisingly, Kelly forgives her. Later, while holding hands with Kelly and Silver, their mom dies.
Because who doesn't love Aaron Sorkin
According to this story, Aaron Sorkin is planning to create another television show about a television show despite the failure of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Sports Night. He is being vague about the plans but does say this will complete a sort of trilogy of such shows. I was a fan of Studio 60 (yes, I know I was probably the only one) and am kind of excited about this news. But we'll have to see what the show is about and who it stars. Only then will I decide if it is worth my time.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
OTH - Picking up right where we left off
Last night's One Tree Hill episode began at the same point last week's episode ended. Below is a recap of the action.
- Nate, after hearing he is now unemployed, fires Clay for breaking his trust. Even Clay's boss is mad about how he handled the deal, which leads to him being fired from the agency. Later Clay admits he was being arrogant with the deal, but he says he did what he thought was best at the time. At the end of the episode Clay goes to Nathan and apologizes. He even says he will miss representing him, but most of all he will miss his best friend. Honestly, I can't imagine Nate staying mad at him for long. I just hope it isn't too late to find Nathan a position on another pro team.
- Everything going wrong between Nathan and Clay leads to Quinn and Hailey fighting. Quinn continues to be on Clay's side and her disgust with the situation (as in Nathan and Hailey turning their back on Clay) leads to her moving out of Hailey and Nathan's house. At first she tells Hailey she is moving in with Clay - and he does offer this option to her - but she actually goes to a hotel. When she stops by to say goodbye to Jamie, Hailey tells Quinn she seems lost and is being selfish. To which Quinn has no response.
- Brooke is still mad at Julian for choosing Alex over her. She even makes him sleep on the couch. Later, we find out that there is more than only this bothering Brooke. When she went to the doctors last week, she was told she can never get pregnant. When Julian finds out, he is very supportive and says all the right things. But I can't help but feel so sad for Brooke, who only wants to be a mom.
- Not only is Julian mad at Alex for lying about the cocaine, he also finds out that the script is not going to become a movie because there are similar storylined movies already in production. So without their work, there is no reason for Alex and Julian to be friends. But Alex doesn't want to give up. She even sends Julian a text saying she loves him. When he doesn't respond, Alex begins drinking again.
- In a storyline that seems to be leading to something bigger and better for Skills, Julian has helped Skills get in contact with people who can set him up with a sports coordinator position. But this job would most likely require him to move to Los Angeles, which is something he doesn't seem too happy to do.
- Millie is still doing drugs. She is also acting weird - staying awake all night, hanging out with strangers, having the jitters - so Mouth and Alex figure it out. When Alex confronts her, Millie swears she will stop. But she doesn't. Then Mouth confronts her and she swears she isn't using, but when her nose starts bleeding, she can't really hide from it. In other Millie news, she now has an agent and wants to be paid $500,000 to be the face of Clothes Over Bros. Brooke is so mad about this and calls her ungrateful. At the end of the episode, Millie and Alex get drunk, then get into a car. Brooke's mom (who made an appearance this episode but seemed unimportant) called the police who pulled the girls over for drunk driving. When Millie calls Brooke from jail, Brooke refuses to help her.
- Dan is still in Tree Hill and he is still in everyone's business. He even goes to talk to Clay, but when he accuses Clay of ruining Nathan's dream, things escalate into a fight. Dan even almost drowns Clay and calls the incident a baptism of sorts. Dan wants Clay to fix what he did, which almost didn't need to be said. Obviously Clay isn't going to just sit by and watch Nathan suffer. Plus Rachel has a great idea for sweeps: She wants to film an episode live from the high school hallway where Dan killed Keith. She is convinced this will be great television.
- Nate, after hearing he is now unemployed, fires Clay for breaking his trust. Even Clay's boss is mad about how he handled the deal, which leads to him being fired from the agency. Later Clay admits he was being arrogant with the deal, but he says he did what he thought was best at the time. At the end of the episode Clay goes to Nathan and apologizes. He even says he will miss representing him, but most of all he will miss his best friend. Honestly, I can't imagine Nate staying mad at him for long. I just hope it isn't too late to find Nathan a position on another pro team.
- Everything going wrong between Nathan and Clay leads to Quinn and Hailey fighting. Quinn continues to be on Clay's side and her disgust with the situation (as in Nathan and Hailey turning their back on Clay) leads to her moving out of Hailey and Nathan's house. At first she tells Hailey she is moving in with Clay - and he does offer this option to her - but she actually goes to a hotel. When she stops by to say goodbye to Jamie, Hailey tells Quinn she seems lost and is being selfish. To which Quinn has no response.
- Brooke is still mad at Julian for choosing Alex over her. She even makes him sleep on the couch. Later, we find out that there is more than only this bothering Brooke. When she went to the doctors last week, she was told she can never get pregnant. When Julian finds out, he is very supportive and says all the right things. But I can't help but feel so sad for Brooke, who only wants to be a mom.
- Not only is Julian mad at Alex for lying about the cocaine, he also finds out that the script is not going to become a movie because there are similar storylined movies already in production. So without their work, there is no reason for Alex and Julian to be friends. But Alex doesn't want to give up. She even sends Julian a text saying she loves him. When he doesn't respond, Alex begins drinking again.
- In a storyline that seems to be leading to something bigger and better for Skills, Julian has helped Skills get in contact with people who can set him up with a sports coordinator position. But this job would most likely require him to move to Los Angeles, which is something he doesn't seem too happy to do.
- Millie is still doing drugs. She is also acting weird - staying awake all night, hanging out with strangers, having the jitters - so Mouth and Alex figure it out. When Alex confronts her, Millie swears she will stop. But she doesn't. Then Mouth confronts her and she swears she isn't using, but when her nose starts bleeding, she can't really hide from it. In other Millie news, she now has an agent and wants to be paid $500,000 to be the face of Clothes Over Bros. Brooke is so mad about this and calls her ungrateful. At the end of the episode, Millie and Alex get drunk, then get into a car. Brooke's mom (who made an appearance this episode but seemed unimportant) called the police who pulled the girls over for drunk driving. When Millie calls Brooke from jail, Brooke refuses to help her.
- Dan is still in Tree Hill and he is still in everyone's business. He even goes to talk to Clay, but when he accuses Clay of ruining Nathan's dream, things escalate into a fight. Dan even almost drowns Clay and calls the incident a baptism of sorts. Dan wants Clay to fix what he did, which almost didn't need to be said. Obviously Clay isn't going to just sit by and watch Nathan suffer. Plus Rachel has a great idea for sweeps: She wants to film an episode live from the high school hallway where Dan killed Keith. She is convinced this will be great television.
DWTS: The top three is revealed
After watching the performances on Monday night's Dancing with the Stars, is there anyone out there who doesn't think Mya is by far the best dancer on the show? Regardless of this, I didn't think she was going to win because I thought Joanna and Derek were going to squeak by at the end because of their more mass appeal. But now they are out of the running after being eliminated Tuesday in the season's biggest upset.
The top three, who will perform on this season's finale Monday, are as followed:
- Donny and Kym
- Mya and Dimitry
- Kelly and Louis
Honestly, I don't think either Donny or Kelly deserve to be in the top three let alone the winner. In my mind, this is no contest and if Mya does not win then there is no justice. Thoughts?
The top three, who will perform on this season's finale Monday, are as followed:
- Donny and Kym
- Mya and Dimitry
- Kelly and Louis
Honestly, I don't think either Donny or Kelly deserve to be in the top three let alone the winner. In my mind, this is no contest and if Mya does not win then there is no justice. Thoughts?
No Julianne again next season

Big Bang: Soft kitty
On Monday's Big Bang Theory, Sheldon stays home, but the rest of the guys camp out to see the meteor shower that actually happened Monday night. While there, Howard makes friends with some older women at a nearby campsite and the guys eat some homemade cookies that seem to have been laced with drugs. The guys then spend the rest of the night in fits of laughter, uncontrollably hungry and telling secrets no one would ever want to know. It led to some funny moments.
In other happenings, Penny fell in the show and dislocated her shoulder. She yells for help and Sheldon comes to her rescue. She refuses his offer to call an ambulance because she needs to get to the hospital asap, yet things with Sheldon move at a glacier pace. They eventually get to the hospital and she gets help, but once home again, she is on pain meds and muscle relaxers so she acts pretty loopy. She even asks Sheldon to sing Soft kitty to her, which he does, reluctantly.
In other happenings, Penny fell in the show and dislocated her shoulder. She yells for help and Sheldon comes to her rescue. She refuses his offer to call an ambulance because she needs to get to the hospital asap, yet things with Sheldon move at a glacier pace. They eventually get to the hospital and she gets help, but once home again, she is on pain meds and muscle relaxers so she acts pretty loopy. She even asks Sheldon to sing Soft kitty to her, which he does, reluctantly.
GG: "The third person is always supposed to be a stranger"
As always, here is the link to the New York Magazine Daily Intel blog reality index about last night's Gossip Girl. And below are a few additions of my own.
- While Jenny was on the couch reading, Lily was making suggestions about who she could take to an upcoming event. On one hand, I would normally think it is weird that Jenny was having her stepmother find her a date, but I give this a plus three because we all know Jenny cannot find her own dates following last week's cotillion disaster.
- If Trip was moving to DC ahead of schedule, he would still need more than a day's notice. But plus two because in the world of rich people, they can make last minute decisions like that when they have maids and servants - oh, and Serena - to pack for them.
- Now let's talk about the whole Serena/Nate thing. Am I the only person who remembers how much they hated one another up until LAST WEEK? There is no way they would have forgiven one another quickly enough to not only spend the whole day together, but for him to give her advice, reminisce about the good old time (like when they had sex), plus they almost kissed. I find this completely unbelievable so minus five.
- I don't usually comment about wardrobe choices, but I can't help but bring up the very ugly patchwork, colorful jacket Vanessa had on multiple times during the episode. What was she thinking? Minus three.
- No matter how many times Blair is shut down, she keep trying to fit in and last night she reiterated her plan to take over the school. At least she has perseverance. Plus two.
- Jenny always does what she thinks is expected of her and she can never just walk away from bad situations. Does she have no moral compass? But I guess when you dress the way she does and wear as much eye makeup as she does, acting like the bad girl is only so far behind. No points, I'll call it even. But her desire for excitement is only going to lead to bad things. She should take Chuck's advise. (I feel weird even typing that last sentences since he usually isn't the best role model. )
So, here are some other thoughts:
- I actually feel a little bad for Dan. He is finally going to realize his feelings for Vanessa, and she has absolutely no feelings for him. Plus, he had to lose his movie star girlfriend to get where he is now, which is alone.
- The Trip/Serena affair is just plain stupid. I second the entry on the reality index that talked about how Trip and Maureen get in one fight and Serena quickly swoops in. She is a slut. Of course things were simpler when she was younger. Maybe she should just stop being so promiscuous and then Blair would have no reason to be mad at her.
- While on the subject of Blair, there wasn't enough Blair/Chuck tonight. I love them together and need to be reminded of how adorable they are as often as possible.
Quote of the night, uttered by Chuck and not the usually witty and wonderful Blair: "Dude, I'm Chuck Bass. Even Europeans must know what that means."
Overall, I really liked this episode, minus the Snow White stuff. (Was I the only person who didn't find it funny?) Anyway, feel free to leave comments. And, since there isn't a new episode for a few weeks, enjoy the time off. But as always, I'll still be looking forward to the next new episode.
- While Jenny was on the couch reading, Lily was making suggestions about who she could take to an upcoming event. On one hand, I would normally think it is weird that Jenny was having her stepmother find her a date, but I give this a plus three because we all know Jenny cannot find her own dates following last week's cotillion disaster.
- If Trip was moving to DC ahead of schedule, he would still need more than a day's notice. But plus two because in the world of rich people, they can make last minute decisions like that when they have maids and servants - oh, and Serena - to pack for them.
- Now let's talk about the whole Serena/Nate thing. Am I the only person who remembers how much they hated one another up until LAST WEEK? There is no way they would have forgiven one another quickly enough to not only spend the whole day together, but for him to give her advice, reminisce about the good old time (like when they had sex), plus they almost kissed. I find this completely unbelievable so minus five.
- I don't usually comment about wardrobe choices, but I can't help but bring up the very ugly patchwork, colorful jacket Vanessa had on multiple times during the episode. What was she thinking? Minus three.
- No matter how many times Blair is shut down, she keep trying to fit in and last night she reiterated her plan to take over the school. At least she has perseverance. Plus two.
- Jenny always does what she thinks is expected of her and she can never just walk away from bad situations. Does she have no moral compass? But I guess when you dress the way she does and wear as much eye makeup as she does, acting like the bad girl is only so far behind. No points, I'll call it even. But her desire for excitement is only going to lead to bad things. She should take Chuck's advise. (I feel weird even typing that last sentences since he usually isn't the best role model. )
So, here are some other thoughts:
- I actually feel a little bad for Dan. He is finally going to realize his feelings for Vanessa, and she has absolutely no feelings for him. Plus, he had to lose his movie star girlfriend to get where he is now, which is alone.
- The Trip/Serena affair is just plain stupid. I second the entry on the reality index that talked about how Trip and Maureen get in one fight and Serena quickly swoops in. She is a slut. Of course things were simpler when she was younger. Maybe she should just stop being so promiscuous and then Blair would have no reason to be mad at her.
- While on the subject of Blair, there wasn't enough Blair/Chuck tonight. I love them together and need to be reminded of how adorable they are as often as possible.
Quote of the night, uttered by Chuck and not the usually witty and wonderful Blair: "Dude, I'm Chuck Bass. Even Europeans must know what that means."
Overall, I really liked this episode, minus the Snow White stuff. (Was I the only person who didn't find it funny?) Anyway, feel free to leave comments. And, since there isn't a new episode for a few weeks, enjoy the time off. But as always, I'll still be looking forward to the next new episode.
Friday, November 13, 2009
NBC sheds peacock colors to be green
NBC will turn green once again for its annual Green Week Nov. 15-22. The full story is here and below is a list of some of the green storylines being written into NBC shows.
- In Community, Greendale Community College is renamed "Environ-Dale," and plans a green concert.
- The Jay Leno Show will showcase the Ford "Green Car Challenge."
- Dwight Schrute from The Office gets into a green character, assuming the role of "Recyclops."
- The Biggest Loser trainers will offer green tips, such as buying locally grown, organic produce and bringing a mug to your local coffee shop, instead of using a paper cup.
- Heroes includes a scene with members of the carnival loading a pick-up truck with recyclables. Samuel, talks to Hiro about giving back to the Earth.
- Law & Order presents a case involving a cash-for-clunkers scam.
- In Law & Order: SVU, an accused killer has to resort to alternate means to make money after too many people have started recycling their own bottles and cans.
- In Mercy, Dr. Gillian Jelani is aided by Dr. Chris Sams as they organize a "Bike to Work Friday."
- One of Trauma's lead characters rents a hybrid car.
- The Parks and Recreation workers explore the great outdoors and make sure that nothing goes to waste.
- In the Nov. 19 episode of Days of Our Lives, three of the daytime drama's characters create a green space on the hospital rooftop.
- In Dateline, an anchor will address the "Green is Universal" initiative and will urge viewers to go to the Web site where they can watch green-related stories featured on previous Dateline episodes.
PP: "But that doesn't cancel out the love"
Last night's Private Practice episode was high energy, high stress and, at times, high laughs. Below is a short summary of the episode.
- Pete and Sheldon find themselves at the same bar and hitting on the same women. For a few seconds the two seem to be bonding, but in reality they are only continuing their competition with one another. By the end of the episode, Pete sends the woman they both want home with Sheldon, mostly because he is realizing he is still in love with Violet and is not ready to completely turn his back on her.
- Violet and Charlotte, who find themselves working on a recently married husband and wife, are forced to work together, despite neither wanting to. This, of course leads to tension, and Violet ends up yelling about how, at this practice, they are a team and work with their patients to help them in every way possible. Without saying the words, Violets joins the list of people who have told Charlotte she is heartless. Though Charlotte doesn't seem to be listening to Violet's lecture, Charlotte talks with her patient about being married. She tells him her husband did something unforgivable and she left her fairy tale life behind, thus showing the newlywed he should give his wife a second chance. When Violet asks her, Charlotte says she made the story about being married up, but at the end of the episode Charlotte tells Cooper she needs to tell him something important.
- Addison and Sam are on a hike when they find a husband and wife badly injured after a car crash. The two doctors devise a plan - Addison will stay with the patients while Sam goes to find help (because, of course, their cell phones don't work) - but then the car slides down a cliff further into the canyon and Addison finds herself also stuck in the car with the wife. Oh, and by the way, the wife is pregnant. The husband and wife are in so much pain and have very serious injuries. Addison realizes that it is possible all three will die, which freaks her out. But, while Sam goes to get help, Addison stays strong and helps the woman deliver her baby. By the time help arrives it seems like all three are going to survive, but while getting her out of the car, something happens and the woman bleeds to death. This is too much for Addison to take and she snaps, freaking out and screaming about needing to get out of the car immediately. It was a powerful scene and brought me close to tears.
I really enjoyed this episode, mostly because of the storyline with Addison and Sam. As a side note, I'm glad they laughed off their kiss because a romance between them would be highly unbelievable. Do you agree? Did you also enjoy the episode? Leave me comments.
- Pete and Sheldon find themselves at the same bar and hitting on the same women. For a few seconds the two seem to be bonding, but in reality they are only continuing their competition with one another. By the end of the episode, Pete sends the woman they both want home with Sheldon, mostly because he is realizing he is still in love with Violet and is not ready to completely turn his back on her.
- Violet and Charlotte, who find themselves working on a recently married husband and wife, are forced to work together, despite neither wanting to. This, of course leads to tension, and Violet ends up yelling about how, at this practice, they are a team and work with their patients to help them in every way possible. Without saying the words, Violets joins the list of people who have told Charlotte she is heartless. Though Charlotte doesn't seem to be listening to Violet's lecture, Charlotte talks with her patient about being married. She tells him her husband did something unforgivable and she left her fairy tale life behind, thus showing the newlywed he should give his wife a second chance. When Violet asks her, Charlotte says she made the story about being married up, but at the end of the episode Charlotte tells Cooper she needs to tell him something important.
- Addison and Sam are on a hike when they find a husband and wife badly injured after a car crash. The two doctors devise a plan - Addison will stay with the patients while Sam goes to find help (because, of course, their cell phones don't work) - but then the car slides down a cliff further into the canyon and Addison finds herself also stuck in the car with the wife. Oh, and by the way, the wife is pregnant. The husband and wife are in so much pain and have very serious injuries. Addison realizes that it is possible all three will die, which freaks her out. But, while Sam goes to get help, Addison stays strong and helps the woman deliver her baby. By the time help arrives it seems like all three are going to survive, but while getting her out of the car, something happens and the woman bleeds to death. This is too much for Addison to take and she snaps, freaking out and screaming about needing to get out of the car immediately. It was a powerful scene and brought me close to tears.
I really enjoyed this episode, mostly because of the storyline with Addison and Sam. As a side note, I'm glad they laughed off their kiss because a romance between them would be highly unbelievable. Do you agree? Did you also enjoy the episode? Leave me comments.
Grey's: "I think she'll be back"
Though last night's Grey's Anatomy episode lacked a certain character named after a ship who has become the highlight of the show in my eyes, the episode was still entertaining. Below is a recap.
- It is Meredith's first day back at work following her liver surgery and she is finding it difficult to cope now that she is behind in getting to know the new doctors. As I said before, I didn't even really miss her while she was gone and I think the show has evolved so far beyond this main character that she is unnecessary.
- Izzie is back in Seattle and only because her high school mentor has recently been diagnosed with dementia, but she thinks there is something more seriously wrong with him. When Alex sees Izzie, he doesn't even really acknowledge her, instead just walking away. When they finally do talk, Alex stands up for himself and tells her he did not get her fired. At the end, they agree to not forgive one another and things are still rocky between them. At this point we don't even know if Izzie is back for good or if she will go back to live with her mother. But as a side note, Izzie's persistence does lead to the doctors finding out what was truly wrong with her mentor and he leaves the hospital with years of healthy living in front of him.
- As a present to Cristina, Owen has brought a cardio doctor named Teddy to work at the hospital. Cristina is very skeptical of the new doctor and does not think she is good enough. Cristina is known to scare away cardio doctors and we see her being extremely critical of the new doctor, even thinking she is better than her. But then, while in surgery, Cristina realizes Teddy is a great teacher for her, one who has faith in Cristina's abilities and allows Cristina to think for herself. By the end of the episode Cristina is very thankful to Owen for her present, though she does not yet know that Teddy has romantic feelings for Owen, which will probably change her perspective.
- There is something obviously going on with the chief. His wife, Adelle, goes to Bailey and demands to know who the chief is having an affair with, even accusing Bailey of the crime. So Bailey begins putting the pieces together and even does some detective work of her own to see who he is sleeping with. But the chief is not having an affair, instead he is extremely distracted. During a surgery he makes a very serious mistake and Bailey has to fix it. Richard then tells Bailey he is stepping back from surgery and he wants her to take on his responsibility. We then see Richard at the bar, complete with a montage highlighting how difficult a time he has been having lately, and we see that he is drinking, which is probably leading to his mistakes and distractedness.
Among other things, next week Mark finds out he has a teenage daughter! Promises to be a good episode.
- It is Meredith's first day back at work following her liver surgery and she is finding it difficult to cope now that she is behind in getting to know the new doctors. As I said before, I didn't even really miss her while she was gone and I think the show has evolved so far beyond this main character that she is unnecessary.
- Izzie is back in Seattle and only because her high school mentor has recently been diagnosed with dementia, but she thinks there is something more seriously wrong with him. When Alex sees Izzie, he doesn't even really acknowledge her, instead just walking away. When they finally do talk, Alex stands up for himself and tells her he did not get her fired. At the end, they agree to not forgive one another and things are still rocky between them. At this point we don't even know if Izzie is back for good or if she will go back to live with her mother. But as a side note, Izzie's persistence does lead to the doctors finding out what was truly wrong with her mentor and he leaves the hospital with years of healthy living in front of him.
- As a present to Cristina, Owen has brought a cardio doctor named Teddy to work at the hospital. Cristina is very skeptical of the new doctor and does not think she is good enough. Cristina is known to scare away cardio doctors and we see her being extremely critical of the new doctor, even thinking she is better than her. But then, while in surgery, Cristina realizes Teddy is a great teacher for her, one who has faith in Cristina's abilities and allows Cristina to think for herself. By the end of the episode Cristina is very thankful to Owen for her present, though she does not yet know that Teddy has romantic feelings for Owen, which will probably change her perspective.
- There is something obviously going on with the chief. His wife, Adelle, goes to Bailey and demands to know who the chief is having an affair with, even accusing Bailey of the crime. So Bailey begins putting the pieces together and even does some detective work of her own to see who he is sleeping with. But the chief is not having an affair, instead he is extremely distracted. During a surgery he makes a very serious mistake and Bailey has to fix it. Richard then tells Bailey he is stepping back from surgery and he wants her to take on his responsibility. We then see Richard at the bar, complete with a montage highlighting how difficult a time he has been having lately, and we see that he is drinking, which is probably leading to his mistakes and distractedness.
Among other things, next week Mark finds out he has a teenage daughter! Promises to be a good episode.
Glee: The sad episode
Every week, TvGuide.com puts together a list of the best moments on television from the past week. This week's No. 1 came from Wednesday's Glee, and it is explained below. Following that you will find a few more bullets of important information from the episode.
1. Squishiest Reveal: Glee showed us a softer side of Sue Sylvester this week. When forced to hold open auditions for the Cheerios, Sue selects Becky, a student with Down Syndrome, for the squad — much to the befuddlement of everyone. The principal tells Will that Sue has paid to install wheelchair-access ramps at the school. And at the episode's close, we meet Sue's mentally disabled sister, and for the first time, we see compassion flow like honey from McKinley High's torturer-in-chief.
- The school cannot afford to pay for a wheelchair accessible bus for Artie to ride in to sectionals. When Will goes to the club and asks them to raise the money, they all say Artie doesn't mind driving with his dad, which hurts Artie's feelings because he wants to be part of the team. As a way to give them perspective, Will makes the club spend time in wheelchairs. They have a hard time adjusting and gain a new respect for Artie. The club also holds a bake sale to raise money. While at first unsuccessful, Puck steps in and bakes cupcakes with drugs in them. The new cupcakes are sold quickly and the club makes tons of money.
- Quinn and Finn need money for her medical expenses and other baby necessities, so she is pushing Finn to prove he is a real man who can support his family. Thus, Finn spends much of the episode looking for a job, but with no success. (Until the end when he gets a job only because he pretends to be in a wheelchair and cites discrimination.) In the episode, we also see Quinn and Puck interact more than once, which makes it clear that they have strong feelings for one another. Puck and Finn even fight because Puck thinks Finn doesn't deserve Quinn. Puck tries repeatedly to prove he would be a great father so that Quinn will take him back. But by the end of the episode, Quinn is still with Finn.
- When Will announces that the glee club will be performing a song from Wicked at sectionals, he immediately tells Rachel she can be the lead. But the song is a personal favorite of Kurt's and he demands an opportunity to audition for the part. Kurt's father even gets involved, citing discrimination, so Will has to allow him the chance. The two perform in front of the club and the others vote on who should get to sing it. Kurt doesn't hit a high note he must to sing the song, so Rachel gets the lead. Later, Kurt opens up to his dad and tells him he purposely blew the audition because he is trying to make it easier for him, since Kurt's homosexuality has begun affecting his family.
- Also, Tina and Artie begin a romantic relationship, but then Tina opens up about how she fakes her stutter and Artie pulls away because they no longer have a disability in common.
This episode was oddly sentimental and heartwarming. It was great to see a different side of some of the characters. I hope Sue continues to have a heart, I hope Puck continues to show he is a good guy, I hope Rachel and Finn stop ignoring their feelings, I hope we continue to get glimpses into the characters who are sometimes overlooked on the show, including Artie and Tina, etcetera. Agreed?
1. Squishiest Reveal: Glee showed us a softer side of Sue Sylvester this week. When forced to hold open auditions for the Cheerios, Sue selects Becky, a student with Down Syndrome, for the squad — much to the befuddlement of everyone. The principal tells Will that Sue has paid to install wheelchair-access ramps at the school. And at the episode's close, we meet Sue's mentally disabled sister, and for the first time, we see compassion flow like honey from McKinley High's torturer-in-chief.
- The school cannot afford to pay for a wheelchair accessible bus for Artie to ride in to sectionals. When Will goes to the club and asks them to raise the money, they all say Artie doesn't mind driving with his dad, which hurts Artie's feelings because he wants to be part of the team. As a way to give them perspective, Will makes the club spend time in wheelchairs. They have a hard time adjusting and gain a new respect for Artie. The club also holds a bake sale to raise money. While at first unsuccessful, Puck steps in and bakes cupcakes with drugs in them. The new cupcakes are sold quickly and the club makes tons of money.
- Quinn and Finn need money for her medical expenses and other baby necessities, so she is pushing Finn to prove he is a real man who can support his family. Thus, Finn spends much of the episode looking for a job, but with no success. (Until the end when he gets a job only because he pretends to be in a wheelchair and cites discrimination.) In the episode, we also see Quinn and Puck interact more than once, which makes it clear that they have strong feelings for one another. Puck and Finn even fight because Puck thinks Finn doesn't deserve Quinn. Puck tries repeatedly to prove he would be a great father so that Quinn will take him back. But by the end of the episode, Quinn is still with Finn.
- When Will announces that the glee club will be performing a song from Wicked at sectionals, he immediately tells Rachel she can be the lead. But the song is a personal favorite of Kurt's and he demands an opportunity to audition for the part. Kurt's father even gets involved, citing discrimination, so Will has to allow him the chance. The two perform in front of the club and the others vote on who should get to sing it. Kurt doesn't hit a high note he must to sing the song, so Rachel gets the lead. Later, Kurt opens up to his dad and tells him he purposely blew the audition because he is trying to make it easier for him, since Kurt's homosexuality has begun affecting his family.
- Also, Tina and Artie begin a romantic relationship, but then Tina opens up about how she fakes her stutter and Artie pulls away because they no longer have a disability in common.
This episode was oddly sentimental and heartwarming. It was great to see a different side of some of the characters. I hope Sue continues to have a heart, I hope Puck continues to show he is a good guy, I hope Rachel and Finn stop ignoring their feelings, I hope we continue to get glimpses into the characters who are sometimes overlooked on the show, including Artie and Tina, etcetera. Agreed?
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