Tuesday, November 17, 2009

OTH - Picking up right where we left off

Last night's One Tree Hill episode began at the same point last week's episode ended. Below is a recap of the action.

- Nate, after hearing he is now unemployed, fires Clay for breaking his trust. Even Clay's boss is mad about how he handled the deal, which leads to him being fired from the agency. Later Clay admits he was being arrogant with the deal, but he says he did what he thought was best at the time. At the end of the episode Clay goes to Nathan and apologizes. He even says he will miss representing him, but most of all he will miss his best friend. Honestly, I can't imagine Nate staying mad at him for long. I just hope it isn't too late to find Nathan a position on another pro team.
- Everything going wrong between Nathan and Clay leads to Quinn and Hailey fighting. Quinn continues to be on Clay's side and her disgust with the situation (as in Nathan and Hailey turning their back on Clay) leads to her moving out of Hailey and Nathan's house. At first she tells Hailey she is moving in with Clay - and he does offer this option to her - but she actually goes to a hotel. When she stops by to say goodbye to Jamie, Hailey tells Quinn she seems lost and is being selfish. To which Quinn has no response.
- Brooke is still mad at Julian for choosing Alex over her. She even makes him sleep on the couch. Later, we find out that there is more than only this bothering Brooke. When she went to the doctors last week, she was told she can never get pregnant. When Julian finds out, he is very supportive and says all the right things. But I can't help but feel so sad for Brooke, who only wants to be a mom.
- Not only is Julian mad at Alex for lying about the cocaine, he also finds out that the script is not going to become a movie because there are similar storylined movies already in production. So without their work, there is no reason for Alex and Julian to be friends. But Alex doesn't want to give up. She even sends Julian a text saying she loves him. When he doesn't respond, Alex begins drinking again.
- In a storyline that seems to be leading to something bigger and better for Skills, Julian has helped Skills get in contact with people who can set him up with a sports coordinator position. But this job would most likely require him to move to Los Angeles, which is something he doesn't seem too happy to do.
- Millie is still doing drugs. She is also acting weird - staying awake all night, hanging out with strangers, having the jitters - so Mouth and Alex figure it out. When Alex confronts her, Millie swears she will stop. But she doesn't. Then Mouth confronts her and she swears she isn't using, but when her nose starts bleeding, she can't really hide from it. In other Millie news, she now has an agent and wants to be paid $500,000 to be the face of Clothes Over Bros. Brooke is so mad about this and calls her ungrateful. At the end of the episode, Millie and Alex get drunk, then get into a car. Brooke's mom (who made an appearance this episode but seemed unimportant) called the police who pulled the girls over for drunk driving. When Millie calls Brooke from jail, Brooke refuses to help her.
- Dan is still in Tree Hill and he is still in everyone's business. He even goes to talk to Clay, but when he accuses Clay of ruining Nathan's dream, things escalate into a fight. Dan even almost drowns Clay and calls the incident a baptism of sorts. Dan wants Clay to fix what he did, which almost didn't need to be said. Obviously Clay isn't going to just sit by and watch Nathan suffer. Plus Rachel has a great idea for sweeps: She wants to film an episode live from the high school hallway where Dan killed Keith. She is convinced this will be great television.

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