Thursday, November 19, 2009

SVU: "It's a whole new world"

On last night's Law & Order: SVU episode, a criminal Olivia put away for a string of rapes a few years ago, frames her for murder, even going as far as to fabricate DNA. The criminal thought Olivia had arranged for him to be raped while in jail as a form of punishment because he showed no remorse for his actions. So he killed his rapist and made Olivia look guilty. But Stabler was one step ahead and knew she was innocent so did everything he could to clear her name. When then finally figured out there is a scientist profiting from DNA fabrication, the detectives question him and point out that his work means people are being put in jail who did not commit the crimes. He is changing the way of crimes and sees nothing wrong with it. This episode, as many do, made you think. If we live in a world where innocent people can be sent to jail for crimes they did not commit, it is a scary place to live.

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