Tuesday, November 3, 2009

OTH: "Camping is a good way to forget your life"

Here's a recap of last night's One Tree Hill episode where the guys went camping and the girls had a slumber party that included pot brownies.

- Sara points out to Clay that it is not healthy for him to put his real life on hold in order to spend time with his dead wife. When the subject of Quinn is brought up, Sara tells Clay he has to stop pushing her away. And, in the end, this is what he does. Clay finally lets Quinn in and tells her about his wife, which marks the first time he has ever opened up to another person about her death.
- Brooke continues to have doubts about her relationship with Julian. While camping, Julian admits to Nathan that he wants marriage but not necessarily kids. But after seeing Julian interact with Jamie, Nathan tells Julian he would make a great father, which gives Julian confidence.
- Dan, regardless of how he pretends to be a changed man, is still living a lie. Dan has already had a heart transplant but keeps telling people he could die at any moment. In reality, with Rachel's help, Dan went to a third world country, paid a family to take their son off life support, and bought a new heart. Now Dan wants to come clean, but Rachel thinks this would lead to the end of the show. At the end of the episode, Dan announces that he wants to go on a trip to Tree Hill.

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