Wednesday, November 11, 2009

OTH: "I'm tired of being afraid"

Below is a recap of this week's One Tree Hill episode.

- After spending a day volunteering together with underprivileged kids, Clay and Quinn are even closer than ever. By the end of the episode they finally share their first kiss and seem to be on the road to happiness.
- Hailey is performing a free show for her fans in Tree Hill. She is taking this opportunity to pass her new material by them and the label is worried she will disappoint and her CD will flop when it is finally released. But there is a huge turnout for the free performance and the fans love her new stuff. She ends the night even more popular than when she started and with a bunch of very pleased fans.
- Brooke's patience is wearing thin. She hates that Julian and Alex work late almost every night and spend so much time together. But the script is almost finished so there is light at the end of the tunnel. But Alex doesn't want her time with Julian to end. So when she is alone in her hotel room and contemplating using coke, she calls Julian and begs him to come keep her company and keep her away from drugs. Julian agrees and leaves Brooke alone on a night they were supposed to spend together. In other Brooke news, at the beginning of the episode she thinks she is pregnant. But then she goes to the doctor and finds out she isn't. Brooke is obviously sad she is not pregnant and at the end of the episode she looks in the mirror and asks herself why she isn't the girl who gets the guy and the baby. She then throws away her birth control pills.
- Millie is a totally different person. She is rude, worried solely about her appearance, parties all the time, etcetera. Alex even notices Millie is skinnier. Mouth confronts Millie about all her recent changes, especially after she wears a dress she knows she isn't supposed to because it is from Brooke's not-yet-released line and talks back to Brooke, but no one can seem to get through to her. At the end of the episode we see that Millie is doing coke. Her downward spiral continues and someone needs to snap her out of it.
- Dan is in Tree Hill. Though initially Nathan closes the door on Dan, Jamie sees him and is very excited to see his grandfather and meet Rachel. Later, Jamie tells Nathan he wants him to forgive Dan. It is so cute how Jamie, the all-too-wise 7 year old, can only see Dan as a caring grandfather. If only it were that simple and Dan were not so evil. Nathan then runs into Dan at Hailey's show and tells him he will tolerate him for Jamie, but that in his eyes, Dan is dead. At the end of the episode, Dan announces to Rachel that he does not plan to leave Tree Hill until he gets what he came for, which is redemption. Meaning: Dan is going to be around for a while.
- Nathan's basketball team is offering him a two year deal, but Clay says it isn't enough so he pushes for a four year deal, telling Nathan he'd agree to a three. Clay is confident things will work out and the audience had no reason to doubt him. Then, at the close of the show, Hailey and Nathan see a sports story on the news announcing that his team has picked up another player, thus replacing him on the team. Nate now has no prospects and could be done playing professional basketball.

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