In the first episode, it was Lauren's birthday and Lo and Audrina planned a surprise party for her. Heidi is purposely not invited but when Stephanie mentions to Heidi that there is a party, Heidi invites herself and Stephanie does not protest. So Heidi shows up at the party and it is obvious no one wants her there, but since the party is on a boat it isn't like Heidi can just leave. In other action, Spencer is at a bar with a friend and is flirting with the bartender. Stephanie's ex-boyfriend is at the bar and texts Stephanie this information; Stephanie then shows Heidi the text, which leads to Heidi freaking out. Spencer, at the end of the episode, gets into a fight with Cameron, punching him numerous times, for telling on him. Heidi is on the boat and starting drama, complaining about Spencer. In a weird scene with Lauren and Heidi they come to the agreement that they still love one another but that they can't be friends because of Spencer.
The second episode of this new season aired immediately following the first and was a continuation of the action from the night of the birthday party. Spencer confronts Stephanie and once again says she in not loyal to her family because she showed Heidi the text about his flirting. She then throws it in his face that he has no friends and cannot exist without Heidi, but that he should be preparing himself for the single life because he is ruining his relationship. In an odd, only-on-reality-TV scene, Heidi goes to the bar where Spencer was drinking the night before and talks with the bartender he was flirting with. She then goes home and confronts Spencer. He, not surprisingly, turns the fight around on her and says Heidi should not have had to talk with the bartender but instead should have just believed his side of the story. Heidi is still mad and in classice Heidi fashion decides to go home to Colorado to think. In a scene between Stephanie and Lauren, they start talking about Heidi. Stephanie does not understand why it wasn't OK to invite Heidi to the party and Lauren, who is visibly pissed at Stephanie, says it is not OK for her to push Heidi and Lauren together, especially since Lauren does not want it. Back to Spencer, he calls Brody and says he needs to talk because he is in a desperate situation. Brody and Spencer have not been friends for months, if not years, and yet Spencer calls Brody after his fight with Heidi because he has no one else to call. While in Colorado, Heidi's mom, who has never liked Spencer, sets it up so that Heidi's ex-boyfriend Colby shows up while they are at dinner and the mother constantly reminds them about how great they were as a couple. Also, in her interactions with her mom, Heidi keeps mentioning how her friendship with Lauren is back on track and getting better, but in reality Lauren still does not want them to be friends. Heidi must be living in a fantasy world. In the last scene of this episode we see Spencer back at the bar again flirting with the bartender. At this point he is obviously asking for trouble.
The previews for the season show a few interesting storylines: Audrina and Brody have some sort of romantic interlude that leads to each of their significant others freaking out; Lauren gets Stephanie a job at People's Republic and Kelly tells Lauren that she is responsible for her; Heidi invited Lauren to her wedding and Lauren questions why she would want her to be there; and, most surprisingly, Spencer calls Lauren and apologizes for his actions the past two years.
I don't know about you, but at this point I am already too sucked into the lives of these people, even though I HATE Spencer, to walk away. Did you watch the premiere? Did you enjoy it? Do you plan to watch the rest of the season?
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