Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spoiler: SVU guest star stole the show

Tonight's Law and Order: SVU guest starred Hilary Duff and her performance was pretty memorable. The storyline was also interesting with a great twist at the end. Here is what happened, summarized in a short and direct way.

Duff's baby is missing and it was reported by the baby's grandmother. At first the mother sends the police officers off track by saying the babysitter must have kidnapped the baby, but then the detectives find enough evidence to prove the mother killed the baby and buried her in an abandoned area. Or at least they thought the mother killed her until they found out that the baby wasn't killed, but died due to the measles. The episode then centers around the detectives trying to prosecute a mother who chose to not vaccinate her son and when he got the measles it spread to the other baby and killed her. She was arrested for not immunizing her son, which lead to the death of another child. In the end she was found not guilty, but it was interesting to frame this personal choice as something that effects so many other people.

I really liked this episode and, as I said at the top, I loved Hilary Duff's performance. It was very unlike her, especially since I still think of her as her Disney-owned self. I recommend those who did not see it to watch.

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