Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spoiler: 90210 - "I don't want my whole life to be about that"

This week's episode was a chance for Silver to move past her disorder and reclaim her life. It was also the show that included the return of Tori Spelling aka Donna. Here is what happened.

- Kelly will not give Silver space to live her life. Kelly has Silver on a very strict schedule and says she needs consistency in her life, which essentially sucks all of the excitement out of her existence. Even when Donna shows up on their doorstep, Kelly refuses to let Silver break routine. At the end of the episode Silver gets Kelly to realize that a little spontaneity is necessary and they both loosen up a bit.
- Donna is in LA from Japan where she is a very successful fashion designer. She traveled to California to check in on Silver after hearing about her problems. During the episode she runs into and ends up designing a dress for Diablo Cody to wear on the red carpet. By the end of the episode, Donna was hinting at moving her fashion line to California.
- It is spring break and Dixon proposes that he and Annie go on a road trip to Arizona under the guise that there are really great water parks there. They tell their parents that they will be at their grandmother's home in Palm Springs and instead drive to Arizona. Once there, Dixon reveals that he really wanted to go to Arizona because that is where his birth mother lives. Dixon needs to tell his mother he is sorry because when he was 8 years old he was asked if he wanted to live with his mom or be adopted. Because at the time she was dealing with her bipolar disorder, Dixon chose adoption and now feels guilty. Annie and Dixon go find his mother but Dixon realizes he is not ready to talk to her, so Annie does.
- Ethan, Liam and Naomi participate in a Habitat for Humanity project. Liam is not giving Naomi the attention she wants so she starts having doubts about what his signals have meant. She even goes as far as to send Ethan to talk to him. But once Naomi and Liam have sex in the woods, there really isn't much room for her to misread the signals. Yet he continues to ignore her and treat her badly. She is trying to hard yet he is being a jerk to her except when they are alone.
- Ethan asks Liam for some peyote, which is a drug supposedly found in the area where they are building a house. Liam gives Ethan tea, which Ethan thinks is made with the leaves of this drug. Thinking he is tripping, Ethan goes on a rant about how his entire life he always has on a happy face and doing what is expected of him but that on the inside he is sad; He does not want to be a phony any more. Then Liam tells Ethan they drank regular old tea, thus his confession was not drug based. Ethan punches Liam but in the end they bond and become friends.

As a side note, did anyone notice the product placement of Dr. Pepper? Could they have been hitting us over the head with it any more obviously?

I have been interested in the last few episodes of 90210. Have you also been enjoying? What do you like or dislike? How did you feel about the return of Donna? Leave it here.

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