Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spoiler: SVU - "Unlimited access"

The cops have a handful of women being killed in the same manner and all are posed to shock the person who finds the bodies. There is a police officer from another unit who had been working on the case before SVU became involved and he refuses to share the case. It is later pointed out that he is obsessed with finding the killer, but eventually he does allow the SVU cops to assist and they work together.

Not too long into the episode they find a witness to the most recent murder who gives a good enough description that they can put together a sketch of the man she saw in the hallway of the apartment building before the woman was killed. Once the sketch is released a man who looks like the sketch is chased down by men who think he is the killer. After being taken into custody and questioned, the officers leave him alone in the interrogation room and he tries to kill himself. While he is in the hospital, another woman turns up dead in the same fashion.

Because of partial DNA found at one of the crime scenes, the police are able to narrow the search down to a particular family. One of the men works for an airport as a man who delivers lost luggage to homes. They connect the dots and realize that more than one of the women had just returned from trips. Though at first his lawyer says he had an alibi for when the murder took place, the detectives figure out that he had been studying murders and serial killers, thus was working to make sure he got off. He had planted an alibi for a certain day and had used extreme heat to accelerate the decaying process of one of the bodies so that it would look like she was killed much more recently than it actually had. At the end, we are told that he confessed to a few of the murders.

In side news, I'm not sure what made me think of this tonight since I very frequently watch Law & Order, but embedded below is a rather funny SNL skit from a few years ago. I highly recommend watching it. It makes me smile :)

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