Wednesday, September 30, 2009
90210: Another episode where everyone lies
- The Blaze is working on a story about the homeless guy who was killed in the hit and run accident for which Annie is responsible. In his will he donated $100,000 to the school because he was an alum. His nephew also goes to the school and he is the one being interviewed for the Blaze story. Annie goes up to the nephew, whose name is Jasper, and tells him she is really sorry. But she acts weird, is almost brought to tears, and Jasper seems a bit suspicious. The nephew then befriends Annie, asking her to hang out because he wants to talk about his uncle.
- Adrianna has a dream about Teddy in which he takes off his shirt and looks all seductive. Later, when she sees Teddy, she is weird around him. Also in Adrianna news, her mom is pressuring her to go to auditions. Adrianna truly does love acting so she considers going on the audition even though she said she was taking a break. This angers Navid because he wants her to stay away from that lifestyle. He knows what trouble it brought her last year and he wants to protect her from it. Adrianna does go on the audition and is also offered the part. While trying to decide if she is ready to reenter the acting world, she is vulnerable and Teddy takes this as an opening to kiss her. Also, Silver sees. In the end, she does not take the role and is dropped from her agent, but she is OK with this because she is willing to continue to be drama free and with Navid. She even decides that she is ready for them to have sex.
- While Dixon is spending a romantic weekend with Sasha, at Navid's expense, Navid is not only paying for everything but is covering for Dixon also. But when Navid tells Dixon he needs to come clean with Sasha about his age, he refuses saying he'll do so when the time is right. On Monday, Dixon walks in just in time to save Navid who was being questioned by Mr. Wilson. While in the car together later, Sasha opens up to Dixon about how she has little money. This would have been the perfect time to tell her his secret but he chickens out. Dixon then gets a flat tire in Navid's dad's car and when Sasha tries to find the spare tire, she finds a porn stash. As a cover-up, Dixon adds another lie to his bunch; He tells her he isn't really in the music industry yet, but that he has made all his money in the porn industry. She says she feels like she doesn't even know him anymore and that is when he promises no more lies, while still keeping the biggest of them all. Later, after accidentally switching phones, Sasha goes to Dixon's house to get hers back and she sees him driving another car and also hugging his mom, which makes her suspicious.
- In front of Liam, who was close to getting Naomi to trust him again, Jen gives a speech about how trust is the most important thing and how she and Naomi have a trustworthy bond blah blah blah. Liam then finds pictures and information about Jen in a magazine that shows she is married and broke. Liam uses this information to blackmail Jen, telling her she has to tell Naomi about them having sex on prom night. Jen agrees and says she will do it within 24 hours. And Jen does come clean, but only about being married and broke. She then backtalks Naomi into agreeing to continue to use her trust fund to pay for everything because this is a better option than allowing Jen to return to a loveless marriage. But in the end Liam has the winning ticket: He has a voice recording of Jen saying that Naomi would never believe they had sex.
Big Bang: "I wonder what all the nonpathetic people are doing tonight"
In other happenings during the episode, Sheldon and Wolowitz make a bet on the type of species of the cricket they can hear in the apartment. They have to search for the cricket and once they find it they go to an expert who proves that Wolowitz is correct. In the bet Sheldon loses one of his prized comic books and is distraught that he could have been wrong.
This was a funny episode. I suggest watching it for anyone who missed it.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
OTH: "You could have protected him from all this"
- Millie goes to Alex's hotel room to pick her up for a photoshoot to find her just walking in from a night out. Alex says she needs sleep, but Millie threatens to pull her $500,000 if she doesn't get to the shoot, so Alex storms into the bathroom to get ready and makes it there. Once there she is her usual annoying self, but she is ever the professional while in front of the camera. Then, when Julian gets there, she announces how cute she thinks he is. She flirts with him a bit and at the end of the episode shows up at Brooke's house with a script for him to read, promising that is will be worth it.
- Mouth is still trying to get Skills to move out. They have moved on from the naked stand, but now Mouth planted a "creature" in the bathroom that freaks out Skills and leads him to a girlish scream. Skills gets Jamie to help him capture the creature and while Skills is so afraid of the animal, Jamie is fearless. Come to find out it is an iguana (or at least looked like one) and Jamie decides he wants to keep him as a pet, but not at home since he already has his rabbit. Skills tells Jamie that the problem with Mouth wanting him to move out is that Lauren will want him to move in and he is not ready for that pressure yet. Jamie, always much wiser than he should be, points out that Mouth and Skills need to talk. When Skills tells Mouth his concern and that he does not feel ready to make such a commitment to Lauren, Mouth understands and tells Skills he can stay as long as he wants.
- During a taping of Dan's show a fan stood up in the audience and starting yelling murderer at Dan. When someone asks Rachel if they should stop filming, Rachel says no because "he is one." So Dan takes some time to talk about being a murderer, pointing out that he can't hide from it. During this episode we also learned a bit about how Dan and Rachel "met." They obviously had known each other from before, but they met up again while Rachel was a stripper and the first time they had sex was a prostitution arrangement. As the episode ends we hear a confession from Rachel: She hired the man to yell out during the taping because, as she put it, it makes for good TV.
- Quinn is the photographer Brooke decided to use for the photoshoot. Throughout the shoot Brooke keeps praising Quinn's ability. Then, at the end of the episode, her husband shows up after weeks of unanswered phonecalls. Maybe now we will learn the real reason for Quinn leaving him.
- Hailey, after seeing the pictures of Nathan and the woman starting trouble, says that it looks bad, but Nathan continues denying anything happened. Of course, Hailey believes him because Nathan is a good man. But none of this means that his public image will not change if this news becomes public. The woman tells Clay she wants $200,000 and she will then sign a confidentiality agreement to stay away from Nathan and keep the secret. Clay points out that there are career implications to this problem too since until now he has been seen as a good guy in the media. But Nathan says that he thinks paying her is essentially admitting he did it. When Nathan tells Hailey that Clay suggested they just pay her, Hailey freaks, but not on Nathan, instead on Clay. She yells at him and blames him for all the partying he promotes. Hailey, later and after confiding in Brooke and Quinn, says she knows the confidentiality agreement would not stop this woman from going public after they give her the money, but she also admits that this is Nathan's decision to make. So Hailey gives Nathan permission to pay her off, mostly because she is thinking that they need to protect Jamie from finding out. But in the end, Clay shows up at a restaurant to give her their agreed upon amount, but pushes an empty envelope to her. They have decided not to pay because they don't believe her. They all know that from here it is going to get worse, so as the episode ended we saw Nathan going to sit with Jamie on the swings to tell him.
Castle: "Are you really rooting against solving a murder?"
Again, I loved the witty banter, especially at the very end, and the relationship between Castle, his mother and his daughter is always entertaining. I was also a bit shocked when Beckett opened up about her mother's murder, telling Castle that while finding a murderer may be important knowing why your loved one was killed is always the most important thing. And, to end on a funny note, I just want to point out that I too would have been so caught up on the wrong usage of your if I had found it written incorrectly on a victims face.
GG: They say some guys just are who they are, but then they prove this theory wrong
- As Blair walked away from Serena after their meeting in the park, Blair yells over her shoulder, "Oh, and you really are making a huge mistake. Bye." Plus 10 because only Blair would be that blunt.
- I cannot believe that, when questioned, Scott just came right out and told Vanessa the real truth. Minus five because I feel like the lie should have been played a little longer. I don't believe that he ever would have told her about being Rufus' son.
- While I too am a master Google user, I'm not so sure Georgina would have found all that information about Scott. Minus two for the unbelievability there, but plus two for the fact that they Googled him at all.
- I am loving Georgina as the psycho girlfriend, I just wish they would unleash her a bit more. Plus two for what has already happened, but minus one that more hasn't happened.
- How much did that big family breakfast make you want to barf? Minus one because why do they not have a home chef? And, minus another one because there is no way they all had nothing better to do on a Saturday morning.
So here are a few other things I want to point out: I too am a bit caught off guard by all the backstabbing and lying going on. Between Georgina playing tricks, Scott lying, Blair and Chuck setting up Carter, Carter's past with Bree, I can't keep it all straight. Yet it does make for really interesting television, so I guess I'll stop complaining. Also, what is with all these womanizer billionaires suddenly making good and being faithful to their girlfriends? There is no way both Chuck and Carter would have changed their ways. In real life, this doesn't happen.
Blair's best line of the night: "From Serena to Georgina. Quite a fall, even for you." I think I liked it even more because it rhymed a bit.
What did you think of the episode? Leave your own tallies in the comment section if you can think of any more real/not real parts of the episode.
Is it really reality TV when the stars make thousands of dollars?
- Kristin Cavallari earns $90,000 an episode.
- Audrina Patridge and Lauren "Lo" Bosworth each rake in $100,000 per episode.
- As for Heidi and Spencer Pratt, she rakes in $100,000 an episode while he gets $65,000 an episode.
- Who makes the least, you might ask. Well that would be Brody Jenner, who gets $45,000 per show.
- As for Lauren Conrad, the one who has been the center of it all since the beginning but starting tonight will not even be around, she earned $125,000 per episode.
The new season, with Kristin at the helm, starts tonight. I won't be watching, and don't plan to watch at all this season, but if you do and feel the need, leave comments here about what happened.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Entourage: "It's your job to lose"
- Drama is preparing for his Melrose Place audition. Going into it he feels prepared and psyched, even confident in his ability. But when Drama finds out who is directing the show, and realizes he has a negative history with the guy, he freaks out a bit. Then, while in front of those who will be making the casting decision, Drama gets really tense and has to run out of the room. He calls Vince who takes Drama to the hospital because he thinks he had a heart attack. Come to find out it was not a heart attack, but instead a condition that shares similar symptoms with a heart attack and is brought on by stress. Even though it seemed like Melrose was now a near-impossible opportunity, Lloyd managed to get them to agree to another audition. But Drama turns it down, saying he wants time to reassess his life.
- Eric is spotted making out with a girl in public who about four months ago Drama slept with. Drama thinks she may have given him something, so E immediately goes in for STD testing. In the end, Eric is STD free, but the lesson he learned from the experience was that he does not want to date; He wants to be in a relationship - with Sloan. He makes a vow to win her back.
- Turtle is sad Jamie is leaving but they have agreed to try the long distance thing. To help with the separation, they plan to make their last moments together special. But then Jamie sees that Turtle is Facebook friends with that sorority girl from the last few episodes. This causes a fight and it brings into light that they have trust issues. Then, while at the airport, Jamie announces that she has decided that it would be OK for Turtle to see other people. He denies the need, but she says she is doing it because she loves him. Later in the episode, while rehashing this to the guys, they are all very dramatic about it saying that she ended it. Really, I just think she is testing him.
- Terrance visits Ari and says that he wants Ari to buy him out. He wants $100 million for the deal and says he offered it to Ari first because he wants it done quickly. Ari knows that acquiring this agency would make them the largest agency in the world, but the price is too high. Ari needs help understanding why he was offered the first, and potentially only, bid, so he starts digging. When Ari's private investigator refuses to look into Terrance because of a conflict, Ari goes to Terrance's wife for answers. Through her he finds out that not even she knew about the sale and he also learns that Terrance is having an affair. Ari figures out that Terrance needs to sell his agency quickly and quietly before his wife can divorce him, so Ari uses this to get Terrance to agree on a more reasonable price - $75 million. And, just to point out, this merger would now mean that Lloyd again works for Ari.
And, as is becoming the norm, Vince had no real role in this episode. The one time he was on screen and not with the guys as a group, he was shown having sex with some random girl while on the phone with Drama. Apparently, sex is all he is good for these days.
Anyway, what did you think of the episode? Are you sad next week is the finale? At the end of tonight's episode Vince mentions that in a week he is leaving for four months to film his movie so in preparation I am expecting a crazy party and some unexpected events. Here's to a great finale next week.
Did she really just say what I think she just said?
Friday, September 25, 2009
The first new show of the fall season to be canceled is...
Dollhouse: "I'm all of them, but none of them is me"
Boyd continues to worry about Echo constantly; Dr. Saunders is having a difficult time fitting into this world now that she knows the truth about her identity; Adelle orders expensive operations to fix the scars on Victor's face though she never went that extra mile to fix Whiskey; Paul becomes a client and takes Echo in as his assistant on an FBI case; DeWitt mentions her desire to have Paul be Echo's handler since she would then know she is always in good hands. Throughout the episode Echo continued to glitch and at the end of the episode Paul actually triggers Echo so that she will fight back and get them out of the sticky situation in which they find themselves. Later, once her memory has been swiped, she talks to Paul and makes it clear that she understands how she is imprinted. She talks about knowing she has been other people and even asks Paul for help, which means he now has even more reason to help her return to her Caroline identity.
Grey's: "This doesn't feel real? Does this feel real to you?"
Day 1: Izzie, after seemingly dying in Alex's arms, wakes up after her cardiac arrest. On the other side, there is nothing more the doctors can do to save George. Then Lexie walks into the OR and announces that the body cannot possibly be George because the feet are too big and the legs are too long. But Cali goes in and looks for a birth mark on his hand that she knows is there. She finds it and confirms that the body belongs to George. Alex, once he hears the news, decides that Izzie is not strong enough and he refuses to tell her about George because it would crush her. Meanwhile the chief yells at the staff, saying he understands they are all grieving, but that there are still patients alive in the hospital who need their help so they can continue to live. On this note, two medical cases that are present throughout the episode are 1) a teenager who is in pain all the time and so far has only been diagnosed with growing pains and 2) a woman who was in a boating accident and lost both arms and one of her legs when they got caught in the propeller. In other hospital news, Derek is cornered by a member of the hospital board and is told that he is wanted as the new chief of surgery and that Richard is being pushed out. George's mom shows up at the hospital and, since George's brothers are on an expedition and unreachable, she is alone to deal with things. The mom turns to Cali for help in making decisions, specifically whether or not George should donate his organs. Cali does not know how to make the decision so she makes Alex tell Izzie so that Izzie can help make the decision. In the end, Izzie decides George would want to donate all of his organs. As they are being donated, Bailey asks to be told exactly who would be receiving the organs.
Day 7: One week has passed and it is the day of George's funeral. During the ceremony, Izzie has a laughing attack and is joined by Cristina, Meredith and Alex who all laugh at the absurdity of it all. It is clear that they just have not yet felt the magnitude of the situation. Later, we find out that Cristina and Owen are not having sex because his therapist does not think it is safe for him to do so out of fear that he will only love her and never come to terms with his problems. Also, Lexie breaks down because she feels like she was not a good friend to George.
Day 10: In really good news, Bailey examines Izzie and sends her home. Just 10 days after almost dying, she is in good enough health to go home. In less wonderful news, the patient who was in the boating accident, who has a prosthetic leg and two reattached arms, is making slow progress but refuses to let her mom know about the accident. Instead she has Lexie write her mom false emails telling about the trip she isn't really on. Cali freaks on the chief because she is pissed that she was not offered an attending position. In the midst of this, Derek pulls the chief aside and tell him that time is running out; Derek has been trying to buy the chief time so he can devise a plan to keep from being pushed out, but the board wants Derek to give them an answer about whether or not he will take the position sooner rather than later.
Day 11: The girl whose life George saved by pushing her out of the way of the bus, Amanda, is in the ER because she cannot sleep. She is visibly a mess and Meredith prescribes her sleeping pills. Meanwhile, the boy with the apparent growing pains has still not been diagnosed with a fixable problem. Arizona has been working hard on the case, but when the chief sees that she has requested an expensive test, he tells her to stop helping him.
Day 13: Cali is falling apart and Mark is the only one who can help her. Luckily she picks up the pieces rather quickly and seems to be doing better soon. Meredith and Derek, who continue to stand by their post-it wedding, begin acting like newlyweds, having sex all the time and in different areas of the house, which makes for interesting run-ins with Meredith's roommates. George's mom stops by the hospital to talk to Owen because she says she needs to understand why George joined the army. In a moving speech, Owen talks highly of George and all the good he accomplished and would have continued to accomplish. The girl who was in the boating accident yell at Lexie, who up until this point has been nothing but nice to her, and says that they had no business saving her; that she would have rather died.
Day 21: The boating accident patient is off suicide watch but is now refusing a surgery that is necessary to save her life. It becomes obvious that the chief is, for some weird reason, much more worried about saving money than saving patients. Bailey, who has had a minimal role in the episode except to show her in a bad mood, yells at Cristina for having no tact with patients.
Day 22: Cali is now an attending at Mercy West. Mark has also moved into an apartment across the hall from Cali, which weirds out Lexie a bit. Richard, while driving and practicing his speech for the board, runs a red light and gets into a car accident. Cali is the doctor placed on his case and she leaves him in the hands of an intern who has only been working a few days.
Day 23: Amanda continues to sit outside the hospital on a bench all day every day. Cristina joins Owen for a therapy session and the therapist says they need to be more comfortable with one another. She says he needs to open up about the war, talk about the night he choked her and express his PTSD before they can become intimate. Arizona sends the teenager in pain to Cali at the other hospital knowing that Cali would do the test Arizona cannot do. Cali does it, but finds nothing so they are back at square one. Meanwhile, Lexie gives the boating accident patient an ultimatum - she tells her mom about the accident or she has the surgery. After some bickering, Lexie forces her to have the surgery.
Day 30: Alex and Izzie are having problems. She notices that he does not act like himself around her anymore and she tries to fix it. She even opens up about how she misses George so much that she finds herself wishing a tumor would grow in her brain so that she could hallucinate him. Alex seems extremely jealous and we continue to see the rift in their relationship.
Day 36: Lexie, who is very jealous of the relationship between Cali and Mark, questions Cali's gayness. Cali reassures Lexie that Mark is in love with her. Throughout the hospital there are tons of rumors swirling about what is happening with the chief and even Derek does not know what is the truth. Lexie is worried that her boating accident patient is depressed so tries to fix it. Meanwhile, Arizona works with Derek and they figure out that the teenage boy always in pain has a problem where his spinal cord and tailbone are connected, which is something they can fix with surgery. Meredith and Cristina, while alone, open up a bit. Meredith admits she has not yet cried following George's death and Cristina announces that she misses sex. Izzie goes to a doctor who gives her great news - they are going to continue to watch it and hope that it doesn't start to grow again, but for the time beings her cancer is under control. She should be able to go about living a normal life.
Day 37: Arizona did not stop fighting to find the cause of her teenage boy's pain and it is because of her that he will get the chance to live a normal life. Derek commends her and allows her to perform a piece of the surgery. The boating accident patient is refusing physical therapy, but Owen, who has been in similar circumstances, talks sense into her.
Day 39: Izzie confesses that she does not know how to deal with life now that she is not dying. She notices it is very surreal. Also, Izzie confronts Amanda, who has continued to spend every day sitting on the bench outside the hospital, and tells her that George may be dead but she is alive. Izzie tells Amanda that she needs to go out and do something. And, as if that is not enough, Izzie threatens to beat her up if she sees Amanda sitting there anymore. Owen opens up to Cristina and admits that he was fighting for his life when he choked her and that he would never hurt her intentionally, which the therapist calls progress. After the boating accident patient walks a few stops she is very excited about the progress and wants Lexie to call her mom. Lexie finally feels ready, and comfortable enough, to move in (at least partially) with Mark. Alex, when confronted by Izzie, admits that the reason he is pulling away from her is that he is so afraid of everything, but most of all losing her since he has already seen it happen and he doesn't think he could make it through if she really died. Miranda, after sulking for most of the episode, is cornered by Derek in the elevator. Without him even saying anything she finally opens up about what is bothering her. She says she feels like she cannot care anymore; that she needs to stop caring so much because it is too hard. She feels like she needs to stop giving away those feelings at work because she has a child at home who needs all of her love and devotion. Also, a janitor cleans out George's locker and once it is empty, Meredith sits in front of it and finally lets herself cry.
Day 40: The chief addresses the staff and announces that the hospital is merging with Mercy West as a measure to save money, which means some people will lose their jobs.
This episode was all about grief - how to deal with it, what you have to do to move on with your life. It was a great episode in that is allowed us to be apart of this process and see it through some of the most likable and life-like characters on television. The episode reminded us why it is we love this show. Agreed?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
FlashForward: "Maybe because you saw it you can change it"
Worldwide, everyone blacked out for two minutes 17 seconds, which caused mass destruction by means of car crashes, plane crashes, head trauma from falling, etcetera. People are trying to figure out why it happened and also if it will happen again. Then people start discussing what happened during the blackout and people realize that it was a glimpse of their future. And, not just any future, but a specific time and date - April 29, 2010 at 10 p.m. Everyone's conciousness jumped forward six months for those two minutes. They are so positive about this because people in each other's blackout had the same "memory." Meanwhile, some people decide they want their futures to come true, while other will do anything to make sure they do not. As the episode ended, one of the FBI agents working on the case found video surveillance of a man at a baseball game who, while everyone else was "asleep," was walking around the stadium. So not EVERYONE blacked out.
After the show I spoke with a friend who also watched. When I admitted that I really enjoyed the show, he said he was hooked when they showed the one person not affected, the person who didn't black out. I agree that this piece of otherness makes the show worth watching. I can't wait to see what happens next. Did you watch? Do you agree that your interest is peaked? Will you continue watching?
DWTS: Three shows down, two dancing casualties
Mercy: "You're just some stupid nurse"
On the outside, Veronica seems like a very confident woman, especially when you see the way she takes control if it is needed. But as we get to know her we learn that she has a lot of insecurities. Much of this leads from her messed up personal life - she was in Iraq and refuses to go to counseling; both of her parents are alcoholics; and her husband cheated on her while she was away at war. Veronica's personal life only gets more confusing when she decides to recommit to her husband the day before the lover she had in Iraq shows up to work at the hospital where she works. She tells her lover that she feels like she has to do the responsible thing and stay with her husband, but the doctor signed a two year contract with the hospital so he is not going anywhere.
As for more medical stuff, when we see Veronica in the hospital environment, it is in contrast to a new nurse, just out of school, who is completely useless. While this new nurse cannot even correctly shut down monitors on a man who is dead, Veronica takes on responsibilities only doctors should have. She is progressive in her medical thinking since she saw a lot of experimentation and trial and error while working on patients in Iraq. She doubts her abilities as a nurse, yet is commended by her patients who look to her for straight answers.
I do enjoy the wit of this show. Last night's episode ended with a cute scene where the three nurses are all fawning over the hot bartender who works at the bar they always go to. He is bleeding and all three want to help him, even suggesting he take off his shirt because it couldn't hurt. When he looks at them like they might be crazy they explain it is OK because they are nurses.
If you watched last night I would love to hear what you thought of the first episode. I too am looking for a show to fill my ER void and I think this may be it. I'm not sure yet if I will watch it religiously, but for now it is entertaining enough to get lost in for an hour each Wednesday.
SVU - Now protecting Wednesday nights
Wentworth Miller guest stars on the episode as a hot yet totally bad ass police officer. He has a completely different style as a detective and he buts heads with Benson and Stabler. They work with him on a rape case where the victim is completely hysterical and is only at ease when Wentworth is in the room. While investigating they find that there is a 10 year old case that lead to a conviction that shares similar evidence to this newest rape. So Stabler realizes that he may have been responsible for sending the wrong man to prison for 10 years. After finding more victims and putting together a bunch of pieces, they find the man who has been committing the crimes and he is brought to the police department. While transporting him to a jail cell, he makes a stop at the bathroom and either jumps or is pushed out the window, landing on the cement outside and dying.
A few minutes earlier, Stabler had met with the guy who had been wrongly convicted of the original rape 10 years ago and told him that they found the guy who really did it so he would be released soon. But when the new suspect died, prior to standing trial, his confession could no longer be used as evidence. The man who they know did not commit the crime will have to remain in jail for the rest of his sentence even though he is innocent.
I love SVU for the twists thrown in at the end of episodes. And this week definitely met my expectations. It was a great season premiere and I look forward to many more exciting episodes this season.
Glee: "Why do you have to hurt me to make her feel good?"
-Will's wife is freaking out about not being pregnant, yet is continuing to pretend she is. The wife's sister is also now in on the scheme and the two decide that she has to find a baby, like it is something you just pick out of a catalog.
- Quinn tells Finn that she is pregnant, yet they never had sex (but there was this time in a hot tub...). Because Quinn is so religious, an abortion is out of the question. We then find out that Finn's friend, Puck, got Quinn drunk and they had sex a few weeks ago. So Finn isn't the baby's father, Puck is. Also, Will's wife corners Quinn late in the episode, offering her prenatal vitamins and a shoulder to cry on. In the wife's mind, this baby could be a substitute for the one she cannot have.
- After finding out that Quinn is pregnant, Finn goes to Will crying, and confides in him. Finn does not want to be stuck in a meaningless life so he needs to go to college. Finn knows that the only way he'll get to college is if he gets a football scholarship, so Finn asks Will to work with the football team and teach them dance. Finn decides that loosening up the team will help them win and the coach decides that they have nothing to lose. The football team practices and with only seconds to go in a game, the boys break into dance, catch the other team off guard and end up winning the game. Something else good that comes from this plan: three more guys joined glee after realizing they enjoy singing and dancing.
- Kurt, when caught dancing to the song "Single Ladies" in costume with two female friends, lies to his dad and tells him he is on the football team. When his dad asks to be invited to a game, Kurt goes to Finn to help him get on the team. It just so happens that the team is down one kicker, so Kurt "auditions" and he makes the team. After playing well in front of his father, Kurt decides to come clean about his sexuality. Kurt tells his dad he is gay and he dad says he has known since Kurt was 3 years old. His dad accepts Kurt's news, even telling him he loves him just as much as before.
- Sue gets her own segment on the local television news, and she has tons of fans, but also tons of enemies. This plan to spread her reign also backfires when she receives added outside pressure to win nationals. So Sue decides to take matter into her own hands and sets into motion another plan to take down glee club. Sue blackmails the principal into hiring back Sandy, but this time he will be the school's arts director. Sue's plan is to use Sandy to help lure Rachel away from the club. Meanwhile, Rachel freaks when Will chooses Lisa to sing the lead in a West Side Story song. Will later tells Rachel that he is trying to boost the other member's self esteem by making them all think they are stars, but Rachel does not get it. She knows she is the best singer and to her that means she should always be the lead. Tina, also recognizing that Rachel is the better singer, decides to take one for the team and gives her spot to Rachel, but Will insists that Tina sing the lead. Rachel then quits, committing herself completely to the school musical instead of glee club.
So what did you think of the episode? I have to admit that when the football players all started dancing to "Single Ladies" on the field, it was a bit surreal, yet pretty amusing. Plus, I really wish Rachel would stop being such a drama queen.
SYTYCD hits Boston
But I do want to write a bit about Tyce, who was the guest judge this week. At times, Tyce is a valuable judge, and while I love his choreography, he can also be extremely rude. He is sometimes too blunt and sarcastic. At these times he is not being constructive, but instead is throwing insults full of attitude at the dancers. Did anyone else notice his lack of respect for the dancers last night? By the end, I actually felt bad for the performers.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
90210: The show where everyone is psycho
- Navid makes a romantic video for Adrianna as a way of apologizing and they make up. He also hatches a new plan - instead of being jealous of Teddy, he is going to be all buddy buddy with him in a keep your enemies closer kind of way. So when Teddy throws a party on his father's yacht, Navid insists that he and Adrianna attend. Teddy ends up comforting Navid as he is seasick and Navid learns that part of Teddy's history may not be true, proving that Teddy may not be as much of a sleaze as he first thought. But then, while alone in the kitchen, Teddy and Adrianna are reminiscing about old times and he almost kisses her. Maybe Navid has reason to be worried.
- Silver returns Dixon's things and they get into a fight that leads to him saying that he hates that he could never really be himself around her. So Dixon decides he is looking for a female version of himself in his next girlfriend. When he walks into a pizza place to pick up food for Navid and meets Sasha, an older woman who is a professional DJ, he is smitten - so much so that he lies to her about still being in high school. Then Dixon shows up at Teddy's party and Sasha is the DJ. The guys agree to follow through with his lie, but he has to make sure Sasha stays away from Silver. But Silver and Sasha both end up at the bar together and Silver keeps up Dixon's charade instead of outing him, which I think only further proves how much she loves him. At the end of the episode, Sasha and Dixon drive off and because she thinks he is an adult I'm sure he is going to miss curfew.
- Harry found out about Annie's naked picture while reprimanding Dixon for punching Mark. At home, Debbie sits Annie down and gives her a sex talk throwing in information about how women have to be careful so they are not taken advantage of. But Harry steps in and grounds Annie, saying she needs punishment and not guidance, which pisses Debbie off because she feels like Harry took power away from her. Later, Harry talks to Kelly about the issue and Kelly says maybe everyone seeing the picture was punishment enough. When Harry says this to Debbie she only gets more angry because that was her point the entire time. At the end of the episode we see Harry talking to Kelly online and them making a lunch date. All signs point to an affair if you ask me.
- Annie, instead of trying to move on with her life, continues to be bitter and even confronts Liam again, yelling at him about how all of her problems are his fault since he still refuses to tell who he really slept with. Later, when Annie asks for her to come clean, Naomi denies sending the text, but only because she is in front of her friends. Annie then promises to expose Naomi for the bitch she is. Annie goes to Mark and they hatch a plan, but he says it will cost her. They show up at Teddy's party together and, in front of a few people, Mark announces that Naomi had access to the sext. Annie then decides that this is not punishment enough for Naomi and, with Liam standing behind her, Annie goes into detail about how she really did sleep with Liam. But it isn't until she says, "Everyone you love keeps loving me more," that Naomi is brought to tears. As the episode ends we see that Liam has snapped. First he yelled at Dixon about how angry he is at Annie and then he is alone in what looked like a garage looking at blueprints. Who knows what he is going to do, but I am sure it is not something rash.
Big Bang Theory: "We'll always have the night the heat went out"
As always there were many funny moments during the episode. especially when they made fun of Wolowitz for what he was wearing by asking him what he was trying to fit in to - Toy Story! And, for the record, he did look a bit like Woody. Anyway, what did you think of the season premiere? This show is still one of the funniest on television, in my opinion, and I look forward to the laughs it provides week after week.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Old star, new show
Glee isn't going anywhere
OTH: "Until it's real, it's not real"
- Brooke is looking for someone to be the new face of Clothes Over Bros. She decides on an actress, Alex, who seems to be a perfect role model in public but once in private she is a train wreck. Alex is vulgar, rude, whiny, and Brooke immediately hates her. While Brooke and Millie plot ways to get out of paying her $500,000 to be the face of the line, Alex overhears them and pulls herself into actress mode. Alex gives what we think is a heartfelt speech about how one of Brooke's dresses changed her life after rehab, but we later see that the speech she gave was actually lines from a movie she had recently made. This just further proves that she is a sleazeball.
- Quinn continues to refuse to explain to Hailey what really happened in her relationship with her husband. Hailey is convinced that she has to try to "fix" her sister, but Quinn refuses to let Hailey in. Quinn just keeps saying things like we grew apart and we weren't happy. The truth has to come out at some point. (I bet she killed him! lol)
- Hailey has to deal with the label being shut down. When confronted by the woman sent to close the label, Hailey stands up for smaller record labels because they take the time to nurture artists, but it doesn't work. They still want the label gone. So Hailey threatens to not finish her record if they close the label. But when a loophole is pointed out, Hailey gets Mia involved. Mia, who is the label's biggest selling artist, says she won't record another record unless it is with Red Bedroom Records. So in the end the label is kept open, but a deadline is put on Hailey's record; She only has six months to finish it.
- Julian is moving in with Brooke. While unpacking, Julian answers the door to find his father standing there. The father said he flew to Tree Hill to try to stop Julian for making the biggest mistake of his life. Julian's father thinks it is wrong for him to put a relationship before his career. When Brooke asks about the reason for the visit, Julian says his father also asked if the plan was for the two to get married, and Julian dismisses the idea. This makes Brooke sad because she is secretly hoping Julian will propose soon. Julian later opens up to Brooke about his relationship with his dad. Apparently there were only a select few days in Julian's whole life when he felt appreciated by his father. So Brooke invites the father back and stands up to him. She even tells him to fix the problems with Julian, which he attempts to do, but I'm not sure their relationship will now magically be better. But before he leaves, Julian's father does tell him to live his life and be happy.
- Dan is again present in this episode and we see that he is wearing a wedding ring. I couldn't wait to see who his wife was (I had a feeling it would be a familiar face), but when they finally revealed her identity, I was shocked. Dan is married to Rachel and it seems, especially from his side, that they are in love. We see in this episode that Dan may actually really be attempting to make good with his life. At one point he sits down with a homeless man, giving him advice and his book to read. From the pieces of Dan and Rachel's relationship we have seen so far, it is easy to see that Dan seems to care about people, while Rachel cares about Dan's career. She seems to be "in love," but more so as a way to control Dan's career - she tells him what to wear, what to say, how to act. I'm looking forward to seeing more about them and watching their relationship evolve.
- Nathan denies having an affair and Clay tells him to let him handle it. What Clay and Nathan do not understand is why is she targeting him? There are tons of other famous, rich people she could go after. So Clay meets with her at a restaurant and things could have gone well, but before they say anything important Nathan barges in and causes a bit of a scene. Clay meets with her again later and she says she has pictures that are proof. She also tells him the exact day the hook-up happened, after one of Nathan's big games at a party Clay threw. Clay confronts Nathan and they remember that they were both pretty wasted at the party. As for the proof, it is an ultrasound - she is pregnant and is claiming the baby is Nathan's. So, in a move that I think only further proves what a great guy Nathan is, Nate goes home and tells Hailey.
As avid One Tree Hill fans, the shocks around every corner - first with Dan and Rachel and then with the affair pregnancy - are an element of the show we are used to. I love watching OTH and never really knowing what to expect. I think last night's episode was a return to what makes the show great and I hope it continues in the coming episodes.
Castle: "It's raining men"
But to backtrack, the episode begins with Castle and Beckett being interviewed and photographed for an article in Cosmopolitan magazine. This is interrupted when a dead body is found in a tree. Beckett makes Castle ride with the body to the morgue and the truck is held up on the way, with the body stolen. Because he is a witness, Beckett tells Castle he can only help with this one last case if he agrees to walk away once it is solved. Castle agrees because he is certain that he will be able to win Beckett back using his charm.
In the end, the crime is solved, mostly because Castle was willing to put his life at stake to participate in a poker game with a bunch of gangsters, but Beckett refuses to allow him back in. Later, at home, Castle's daughter makes him realize that all he needs to do is apologize. So he does, and because Beckett is beginning to realize they make a great team, she invites him to return the next day.
As I have already made pretty clear, I love this show. I like Law & Order: SVU, but other than that I'm not really into crime shows. But what makes me love this one, and what sets it apart from the other shows, is that it is very witty. Castle isn't all drama, there are lighthearted moments that make you smile, and I appreciate the show for being this way.
So what did you think of the premiere? I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the relationship between Castle and Beckett evolves during the season.
GG: Welcome to college
- Plus two for the scene at the very beginning of the episode where Dorota hands Blair a headband and Blair puts it on carefully, like it is a crown.
- When Blair sees Dan and Vanessa outside her residence hall she says to them, "we don't know each other here." Plus five because of course Blair would say something like that.
- Minus 10 for everything Nate and Bree. Their storyline was sickening this week. I hope next time we see them they are wearing clothes and out of bed. There is a real world out there. They should meet it.
- The "movie" everyone was so interested in watching instead of going to Blair's sushi party was Vanessa's DOCUMENTARY? Yes, there are tons of intellectuals in college, but no one would have been all that interested in it. Minus only one because maybe Vanessa really is a wonderful movie maker and we just don't know it yet.
- What right does Chuck have to call Serena a train wreck? He is just as awful as she is. But I'll call it even because this could just be sibling mudslinging.
- Minus five for the odd way Serena and Dan's relationship has evolved. First the phonecall they share, then she stays at the loft and then he makes her breakfast. Totally weird.
- I love that Dan took the headband off Blair's head and said, "No headbands in college." Plus like a million.
- Minus four for the immature way Serena handles everything. Did she really feel the need to ruin Chuck's deal? She is truly awful sometimes and so self-centered.
- No real points here, but what is Serena planning to do all day now that she is not going to college?
Quote of the night:
Georgina: "Jesus and I have redefined our relationship."
Blair: "You mean he dumped you when he found out you were Satan."
For other GG news, follow this link. There really are no words to describe it, you just have to read it to understand the insanity.
So what did you think of last night's episode? Were you as shocked by the Dan/Georgina kiss as I was? I don't care what the circumstances, there is no way Dan could have forgotten everything he knows about her. And, on a positive note, how totally adorable was the scene at the end where Blair climbed into bed with Chuck? I love them. Anyway, feel free to leave reality points of your own in the comment section. Until next time - xoxo
Monday, September 21, 2009
Entourage: Meet Rupert Pupkin
- Drama is still being screwed with bad storylines on his television show, so when he runs into a producer who fired him off the first Melrose Place and is offered a chance at a role on the remake, he decides he wants out of his Five Towns contract. So Drama calls Lloyd who gets to work on making it all happen, but Drama also calls Ari. This only makes things worse between them. Ari steps on Lloyd's toes to get things done for Drama, making personal deals and doing things non-professionally. Ari even offers to sign Drama as a client. But when Lloyd shows up and begs for Drama to stay as his client, saying how talented he thinks Drama is, it was easy to see that Lloyd deserves Drama as a client much more than Ari. So with this battle, Lloyd won.
- The episode starts with Ashley snubbing Eric, and he has no idea what he did wrong. So he confronts her and her decision is that she wants to read his email as a way to make sure she can trust him. He feels like this is a bit extreme, but he allows it. Later he realizes that all her actions and requests throughout their relationship proves what he has thought all along, which is that she is crazy. So he breaks up with her and she proves just how psycho she is by creating a bit of a scene in a restaurant. Personally, I am happy they are through. He is too good for her.
- Jamie is a bit jealous of the sorority girls, specifically the pretty brunette leader, who stole Turtle's underwear. And while Turtle swears he loves Jamie, he has never been caught between two girls who want his attention so he is a bit thrown as to how he is supposed to act. At the end of the episode Jamie calls Turtle to tell him that she has received a job offer as the star of a new television show. The only problem is that it shoots in New Zealand. Turtle would be really stupid to ruin things with Jamie, so I hope they figure out a way to work this out.
And missing from the episode, was Vince. He was there is the background, but he had no real storyline, which got me thinking. Most of this season, other there the stalker stuff the last two weeks, has revolved around the other characters and Vince has just been on the outskirts. It is almost like this show, that used to be all about Vince, could almost do without its main character. Anyone agree? And what did you think of the episode? Are you glad Ashley is gone? Leave it here. Oh, and by the way, Rupert Pupkin is Vince's alias.
Dancing with the Stars returns
Jack will be back
Here is a complete list of last night's Emmy winners
Drama Series: "Mad Men," AMC.
Comedy Series: "30 Rock," NBC.
Actor, Drama Series: Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad," AMC.
Actress, Drama Series: Glenn Close, "Damages," FX Networks.
Actor, Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock," NBC.
Actress, Comedy Series: Toni Collette, "United States of Tara," Showtime.
Supporting Actor, Drama Series: Michael Emerson, "Lost," ABC.
Supporting Actress, Drama Series: Cherry Jones, "24," Fox.
Supporting Actor, Comedy Series: Jon Cryer, "Two and a Half Men," CBS.
Supporting Actress, Comedy Series: Kristin Chenoweth, "Pushing Daisies," ABC.
Miniseries: "Little Dorrit" PBS.
Made-for-TV Movie: "Grey Gardens," HBO.
Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Brendan Gleeson, "Into the Storm," HBO.
Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Jessica Lange, "Grey Gardens," HBO.
Supporting Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Ken Howard, "Grey Gardens," HBO.
Supporting Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Shohreh Aghdashloo, "House of Saddam," HBO.
Directing for a Comedy Series: "The Office: Stress Relief," Jeff Blitz, NBC.
Directing for a Drama Series: "ER: And in the End," Rod Holcomb, NBC.
Directing for a Variety, Music, or Comedy Series: "American Idol: Show 833 (The Final Three)," Bruce Gowers, Fox.
Directing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special: "Little Dorrit: Part 1," Dearbhla Walsh, PBS.
Variety, Music, or Comedy Series: "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," Comedy Central.
Reality-Competition Program: "The Amazing Race," CBS.
Writing for a Comedy Series: "30 Rock: Reunion," Matt Hubbard, NBC.
Writing for a Drama Series: "Mad Men: Meditations in an Emergency," Kater Gordon and Matthew Weiner, AMC.
Writing for a Variety, Music, or Comedy Series: "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," Comedy Central.
Writing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special: "Little Dorrit," Andrew Davies, PBS.
Host, Reality or Reality-Competition Program: Jeff Probst, "Survivor," CBS.
Original Music and Lyrics: "81st Annual Academy Awards: Song Title: Hugh Jackman Opening Number," ABC.
Any shockers? Did you watch the ceremony? Did anything exciting happen? For those who missed it but still want to see what everyone wore, like me, here is a link to a slideshow of some of the night's fashion. And here is another link for a critique of the show, written by Matthew Gilbert.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Programming alert
Friday, September 18, 2009
Really(?) funny
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Glee: Do you have the guts?
The Cheerios convince Rachel that she needs to confront Will about his bad choreography. So she does just that, in the middle of rehearsal, and suggests they hire a professional, well-known choreographer. Once Will comes to grip with the fact that he apparently can't dance, he decides to form an all male a capella group with his grown adult friends that they title Acafellas. Because of this new group, Will does not have time for glee club anymore and the students are left to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, the Acafellas perform and are a huge success. There is even an article in the newspaper praising their efforts. But the group members crack under the pressure and the group looks for some new members. Finn and another football player step up, refusing to allow stereotypes and fear keep them from joining the group. They perform successfully, but I think it is safe to say that there won't be too many more performances from them. In other happenings, Finn eventually speaks up and tells Rachel he thinks hiring another choreographer is backstabbing Will; He even threatens to quit glee if she follows through. But Rachel goes ahead with the plan anyway, only to find out that the choreographer they want is extremely high priced. They have a car wash and raise the money only to spend a few minutes with the choreographer, realize he is an ass and fire him. They realize that they don't mind being the misfits and that they will only be able to pull through if they stick together. So with that everything is back on track and the Cheerios will have to come up with another way to derail them.
Also during this episode we got a glimpse further into the lives of Kurt and Mercedes. Rachel and Tina stage a gay intervention when they realize that Mercedes is romantically interested in Kurt. But Mercedes gives a speech about how all she is looking for is companionship and she refuses to listen to them. Later, when Mercedes asks Kurt to make their relationship official after going on three "dates," Kurt tells her he is in love with someone else. At the end of the episode Kurt tells Mercedes he is gay and admits to having never told anyone else. I like that we were provided with a storyline outside of the usual Rachel/Finn/Quinn and Will/Emma storylines. I hope they explore the other characters in coming episodes.
As for the episode as a whole, did you enjoy it? I liked when Rachel called out Finn for not having the guts to admit he has feelings for her. It worked well with the theme of the episode. Also, a lot of talk on blogs has been about how distracting the lip synching on the show is. I want to know what you think about it. Does it actually hinder your ability to enjoy the show?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
SYTYCD: They're not just looking for dancers, they are looking for stars
Tonight's episode also made me realize something: To be shown during the audition episodes the dancers have to be one of four things. 1) You have to have a back-story worth airing. 2) You have to be really really good. 3) You have to be so so horrible. 4) You have to be crazy/funny/weird. So keep that in mind if you ever decide to audition :)
Next week's episode brings us to my second home, Beantown. I am expecting greatness and I hope my fellow Bostonians have it in them.
Permanent SYTYCD judge named

90210: "They've all seen me naked too"
-Silver wants to try apologizing to Dixon again, but Naomi and Adrianna tell her she should give it a week so he has time to cool down. Silver doesn't listen and leaves a bunch of pathetic messages on his phone. At one point she even calls him while they are within earshot of one another and she watches as he ignores her call. This is the breaking point for her and she falls apart.
- Navid is so jealous of Teddy. Navid is also in charge of the school's TV news magazine show. One of the other reporters suggests doing a piece on Teddy because he is a tennis star and Adrianna sets it up. But during the interview Navid is really mean, only asking questions about the negative aspects of Teddy's life. Following the interview Adrianna calls out Navid and tells him it was unfair to bombard Teddy the way they did. Navid later tries to apologize to Adrianna but in the midst of this apology he adds that he does not want Adrianna to be friends with Teddy. This angers Adrianna because she feels like Navid does not trust her.
- As a side note, something that may be of some importance later, this episode featured surf team tryouts. Liam, Teddy and Dixon all try out and they all make the team. This will probably lead to lots of beach scenes in the coming episodes.
- I am beginning to hate Jen more and more. Regardless of the way she treats Liam, which will be explained in a minute, she is also such a bitch to Ryan. While Ryan is kind of looking like crap in this new episode, that doesn't mean he should be treated so badly. Jen pulls out of a date with Ryan at the last minute so she can go on a more glamorous date with a rich man and we later find out that she is only stringing Ryan along so that she will not be labeled as a gold digger. She doesn't even have real feelings for her while we know that Ryan really likes her and sees a future with her.
- Naomi refuses to talk to Liam, but he eventually forces her to listen to him. He tells her he did not sleep with Annie, but when Naomi asks who it was, he does not sell out Jen. Later, Jen shows up at Liam's house and enlists his mother's help in getting him to stay away from Naomi. Liam is about ready to give up on Naomi when Teddy and Dixon convince him that when Naomi says she wants him to leave her alone, what she really means is that he needs to try harder. So Liam goes to Naomi's house but Jen refuses to let him see Naomi. (As a side note, we found out some background information about Liam in the episode. Apparently his father/stepfather - I'm not sure which - has some information on him that could lead to him being sent to jail. So Liam needs to be on his best behavior at all times to keep out of serious trouble.)
- Last week Naomi took into possession the naked picture of Annie. This week we see her talking with some nerd who she wants to help her send a text anonymously. When the rumor that the sext exists gets back to Annie, she begs the guy she slept with, Mark, not to send it. When he tells her Naomi has a copy of the picture, she really begins to worry. Annie first goes to Liam and tries to get him to agree to tell Naomi who he really slept with. When that doesn't work, Annie goes to Naomi and even lies, saying she slept with Liam, because she thinks this will get Naomi to sympathize with her. Naomi almost takes the high road and doesn't send the sext, that is until Jen the monster gives her a "you're too perfect and nice" speech. So Noami sends the sext and everyone in the school sees Annie naked. As if Annie was not already having a bad day, while watching the Navid/Teddy interview Teddy mentions how a few months ago he found a homeless man near death following a hit and run.
Rumer Willis made a guest appearance on the episode but her role was small. She signed on for two episodes so maybe next week she will play a bigger part. As for the rest of the episode, things happened exactly as I would have guessed following last week's premiere. The episodes are starting to become a bit predictable. Something crazy needs to happen to spice things up. Agreed?
Biggest Loser contestant tragedy
The Jay Leno Show - Comedy at 10 p.m.
As for the set-up of the show, it still starts with a monologue and there will be a guest every night, though musical guests will only appear under special circumstances. I like the new set and think it is very modern looking. I also like that instead of a desk for the interview segments, Jay and the guest just sit at chairs next to one another. It is less formal and I think it will help put people at ease. Also, some of the Jay usuals - Headlines and Jaywalking, most importantly - are still there, which is nice.
The first guest on the show was Jerry Seinfield, who came out wearing a tuxedo and was his usual humorous self. He even pulled off a live-feed interview with Oprah. This, as well as the continuation of A-list celebrity appearances throughout the week, proves that Jay is going to get all the good guests, which further makes me want to watch.
Before I end, it would be impossible to not talk about Kanye, but I do not want to dwell on it. I'm still not sure he is sorry for his actions. As for Jay, I give him credit for having the guts to pull the mom card. What Kanye did was wrong and to ask if he thought his mom would be disappointed may have been out of line but it was also something people were wondering.
Well that's enough for now, but here are a few questions: Have you watched either of the last two nights? Do you plan to watch in the future? Do you think NBC made a good choice with the show?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
OTH: " You have it all right here"
- The episode takes place on Jamie's seventh birthday. This was a great reason to get everyone together. They throw an elaborate party complete with a guest appearance and football game by Jerry Rice who showed up after Nathan's agent Clay called him to sign Jamie's jersey. Something else that this episode made me realize is that Jamie is such a cool kid because his parents treat him with respect. I love scenes with Jamie in them. He makes the show. Also important to note is that one of the presents they show Jamie opening is Lucas' basketball, which was a gift from Keith for Lucas' seventh birthday. In the note in the card Lucas said he misses Jamie, but there were no real hints as to where they are.
- The voiceover this week was done by ... Dan. I knew someone had to take over for Lucas, but Dan wouldn't have been my first choice. Maybe the task will now rotate, or maybe it will continue to be Dan each week. Regardless, Dan is still alive though he only had days to live last we heard. Then at the end of the episode we see Dan again, after not being in the rest of the show, and we find out that he has some sort of television show on which he talks about forgiveness. The show is titled Redemption and in his role as motivational speaker, he talks about how you can learn from your past and move forward in your life.
- In a shot of Millie at work at the Clothes Over Bros headquarters in New York, we see that Millie is the new Brooke - demanding, bossy, yet wonderful at her job. Back in Tree Hill, Mouth kindly asks Skills to move out of their apartment. Skills is offended, but Mouth is only doing it because he wants to move his relationship with Millie forward. In a funny scene, Mouth tries to force Skills out by spending time in the apartment naked. But Skills fired back and played the same trick.
- Hailey's sister Quinn is in town for a short stay that I am thinking may turn into a more permanent move. When she first gets there it seems all carefree and "I'm just here for a visit." But by the end of the episode we find out that she has left her husband because he had changed into a different person.
- Nathan is still playing basketball, but his NBA contract has not yet been renewed. For a little extra revenue Nate is doing commercials and other sponsoring. We also meet Clay (played by the extremely hot Robert Buckley). Clay is very involved in Nathan, Hailey and Jamie's life, which I can't yet tell is a good thing or bad thing. He seems to have some mystery surrounding him. At the end of the episode he leaves himself a message to remember to send flowers and says he doesn't believe in love. Something fishy is going on with him.
- Hailey is recording a new album. Later in the episode we find out that when Peyton left she left the record studio and label to Hailey. So when the company that owns them sends someone to "help" Hailey assumes they were coming so she could focus on her record instead of the day-to-day of running the studio. But instead, the woman tells Hailey she is in Tree Hill to shut down the label.
- Brooke and Julian are still together and very much in love. But they both have careers, are busy and sometimes have to spend time apart. Julian points out that without Peyton there is nothing in Tree Hill that is keeping her living there. But Brooke does not want to move; Tree Hill is her home, she says. While spending a romantic night on the beach, Julian tells Brooke he has signed on to produce a movie that would keep him away from her for eight months. He is essentially asking her to put their life together on hold and this is while Brooke was in the process of asking him to marry her - she had written Marry Me in the sand. At one point in the episode Brooke is obviously angry that she cannot get in touch with Julian, who is in New Zealand, but then he shows up unexpectedly to surprise Brooke. We also then find out that when the movie he was working on went off schedule and was going to need two more months of his time, he walked away because he needed more to be with Brooke.
- At Jamie's party some girl walked up to Nathan and asked to have her picture taken with him. She then asked him if he remembered her. It seemed pretty random until the end of the episode. Clay calls Nathan to meet him in the middle of the night and Clay says the girl is claiming she had an affair with Nathan and is threatening to go public.
Wow! Apparently a lot happened. And may I just add that I really hope this affair is not real and is just blackmail. Nathan is one of the good ones; He would never do that to Hailey and Jamie, or at least I hope not. As for the new cast members, do you like them? I think it is interesting that they both have such deep pasts. Also, let's come up with possible missing Lucas/Peyton scenarios. It will probably be boring, like they are living with Karen wherever she is, or maybe it is more interesting like Peyton has a psycho stalker who they are hiding from lol.
GG: "What happens in summer, stays in summer"
- Plus three for Lily being "away" yet still taking her role as mom seriously and planning things for everyone so they can at least pretend to be a happy family without her.
- I have said this before and I will say it again: Serena is a sucky friend. Minus 10 for how she made Blair have even the smallest of doubts about her relationship with Chuck when she was perfectly happy before Serena returned home.
- Minus one for the "Carter is stalking me" lie Serena used. She couldn't think of something better?
- Plus two for the Blair/Dan alliance. I love that they turn to one another when they know Serena is in trouble and an intervention is needed.
- Minus one for the awful line Nate used with Bree about how he is great at secret relationships. No one would ever say that.
- Did no one else realize how short Scott is? Minus one because someone should have made Vanessa wear flats in the scene where they kiss so as to mask this very obvious height difference.
- I, in no way, believe Blair would ever be into role playing. That seems like something Chuck would love but Blair seemed too willing to participate. Minus only one because Chuck can be quite persuasive.
So what did you think of the premiere? Was it worth the wait? What are you expecting from this season? Leave it here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Entourage: The only time Ari looked like he might cry
- Ashley does not trust Eric. When E gets a phone call early in the morning, she asks him tons of questions, wonders why he spoke cryptically and even checks his phone once he gets out of bed. The guys say E needs to earn her trust back, but it seems like this is a little more than her just not trusting him. She is being too clingy, even showing up at the office later in the episode and questioning why he wasn't at work when he wasn't there.
- One of Ari's enemies, Adam, who is also a mega-agent, wants to get back at Ari for stealing Zac Effron as a client so Adam calls and offers Lloyd a job as an agent and even promises triple the pay. Lloyd tells Ari about the offer and asks Ari about their deal that would eventually lead to Lloyd becoming an agent. Ari freaks that Lloyd is questioning his word and Ari sends Lloyd on a bunch of errands. While driving Ari's car, Lloyd is hit from behind by another car and, in a fight with Ari, essentially quits. We later see Ari visibly upset when a new assistant is sent down from HR.
- The bodyguards are pushing the guys' patience - they are using the bathroom, eating their food, talking loudly and waking them up early in the morning, etc. When the security boss comes by the house to deal with the problem, he brings with him information about the guy whose ID they found in the sofa. Apparently he has a criminal history, so to be safe he is being followed. At some point in the day, the follow loses the guy and for safety reasons Vince is ordered to stay at the house. Drama finds out where the apparent stalker works and is a regular at the store. So Drama takes matters into his own hands and tries to scare the guy into leaving Vince alone. Meanwhile, there are girls following Turtle around campus who giggle every time he walks by. We find out that as a sorority prank a bunch of girls broke into the house and stole Turtle's underwear. Vince does not have a stalker; the ID was in the couch because the man used to work at the used furniture store where the guys bought the sofa.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
One more thought about Glee
Friday, September 11, 2009
More proof that vampires are cool

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Maura Tierney focusing on personal life
SNL pulling out the big guns
1) Megan Fox with U2
2) Ryan Reynolds with Lady GaGa
3) Drew Barrymore with Regina Spektor
4) Gerard Butler with Shakira
The new episodes begin airing during consecutive weeks starting Sept. 26. I'm looking forward to all of these episodes and hope the hosts live up to the funny end of the deal.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Glee - "Everybody loves disco"
The glee club needs 12 members to be able to compete at regionals and they need to place at regionals so that they are not disbanded as a student group. So, they need to recruit six more students. To do this the six original members are performing at an assembly as a way to gain interest. Will pushes the members to perform a disco song even though the kids know they will be made fun of for not being hip, and in the end Rachel helps the club put together a new performance - one where it is all about sex. Their performance is hysterical, yet offensive, and the students love it. The principal is now showing support for the glee club since the student body hasn't been so excited about something like this in a while. Glee club is on its way to being great.
Some other things I would like to point out:
1) Will's wife is so awful. He is much too wonderful to be with her. I cringe during her scenes.
2) The scene between Rachel and Emma in the guidance counselor office was way too funny.
3) I loved when Sue Sylvester referred to glee club as the island of misfit toys.
4) I think the hysterical pregnancy storyline - and all of the lies that are sure to come from it - works perfectly with the soap opera side of the show.
5) I love that the "cheerios" are going to try to bring down glee from within.
SYTYCD - These dancers need to be near perfection
The one thing I do want to point out, and it was something the judges pointed out tonight, is that this season may be the year of the tapper. As a dancer who loved to tap more than any other style, the tappers shown so far this season are wonderful. They leave me speechless. Evan's brother, Ryan, as well as Bianca, both returning from last season, got the chance to battle and I agree with Adam who said it was one of the most exciting moments in the show's history. No tapper has ever made it to the top 20, but I am confident that this year things may change.
Permanent fourth Idol judge named
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Melrose Place: "I love love. I just hate monogamy."
The show is set around a group of people who are connected because they all live in the same apartment complex. When the body of the landlord is found in the courtyard pool after she has been stabbed, all of the tenants seem upset. Throughout the premiere episode there is tons of backstabbing and all of the characters are using one another. Everyone lies and has secrets; Almost everyone seemingly had a reason to have killed the landlord.
This is not some high school show, but it is just as smutty as, say, Gossip Girl. But I do think this was an intriguing pilot. It peaked my interest, but I'm still not sure it makes me want to watch every week. We'll have to see if I end up following it. But as for you, I'd love to hear if you watched and if so if you enjoyed it. Also, are there any diehard Melrose Place fans who watched the original and also watched tonight's new episode? If so, does it satisfy those who have waited years for another taste?
90210: "I'm done with drama - on screen and off"
- Naomi starts the episode obsessed with a man twice her age. When she finds out he is married with two kids she moves on to a hot guy she sees playing tennis. While flirting with him we find out he is Adriana's ex-boyfriend from about four years ago. So Naomi can't have Teddy, the tennis player, and she walks away from the older man, Jason, even when he tries to explain because she is a lot of things but cheater is not one of them. On the first day of school, Naomi goes through a list of available guys and Adriana and Silver tell her to slow down. It is only then that Naomi opens up and admits that she needs to find another guy because if she doesn't all she thinks about is Liam. Though she says she is, Naomi is not over Liam. So when she sees him at school, very unexpectedly, she runs in the opposite direction.
- Adriana doesn't want to act anymore; She just wants to be a normal teenager and live a drama free life. We also find out that Navid and Adriana have yet to have sex. She wants to wait because she doesn't want things to change between them and Navid has been going along with it, but we know that he really doesn't want to wait. Navid, who has always been there for Adriana, is starting to become impatient.
- At the beginning of the episode Silver is still trying to decide between Ethan and Dixon. She ends up choosing Dixon and the two share a kiss. Then we find out that Ethan had sent Silver a text announcing that he planned to stay in Montana. Teddy also saw this text and when Dixon is looking for Silver Teddy tells him she is probably off texting Ethan. Dixon freaks and tells Silver he is through with them. Silver is broken by this and we find out that though Dixon was the reasonable choice once she found out Ethan was moving halfway across the country, she really does love Dixon. So while Dixon is ready to move on and says he is so very over Silver, Silver refuses to give up because she knows they are not through yet.
- Annie is miserable, cranky and mean. Everyone thinks she is being a bitch because her friends are mad at her, but no one knows about the hit and run. Her dad is even fed up with her and says she needs to deal with her friends and get over it. But we see Annie checking her computer and reading a story about a man who died after a hit and run so I think we are to assume that this is now a case of manslaughter. She even tries to tel Dixon about the accident but he jumps to the conclusion that her secret has to do with Liam and they get in a fight. She ends up at the beach party against her will and is surrounded by people who hate her. A guy she knows a little from school - Mark - comes up to her and she ends up drinking with him. Soon after, Navid gives Mark the keys to his unused cabana and he and Annie use it. Earlier in the episode we heard Naomi say she wants Annie to pay for supposedly sleeping with Liam and calling the cops about the party. So when Naomi sees that Mark has sex pictures of Annie, Naomi sends them to her own phone. Now that Naomi has them in her possession, who knows what she'll do with them.
ABC show recaps
Grey's Anatomy - premieres Thursday, Sept. 24 with a two-hour episode airing at 9 p.m.
Here is where things left off: Cristina admitted to Owen that she loves him; Bailey begged the chief to let her back on as a general surgeon after deciding to divorce her husband; Meredith and Derek realized that there will always be something getting in their way so instead of waiting for the perfect marriage they wrote out make-shift marriage contracts on post-it notes and used this as their wedding; George was an injured John Doe after pushing a woman out of the way of a moving bus and as the episode ended Meredith realized it was him and the doctors flew into action and tried to save him; In the same vain, Izzie began coding as the episode came to a close and because she is DNR the doctors were not supposed to try to save her but Alex begged the chief and they began trying to resuscitate her.
Here is what we know: George dies and Izzie lives. Or at least T. R. Knight is no longer on the show and Katherine Heigl is.
What I want/expect to see: More of the same. With a few new cast members there will probably be a few new love triangles. Plus, Meredith and Derek have been too happy for too long. I expect something to come between them in early episodes.
Private Practice - premieres Thursday, Oct. 1 at 10 p.m.
Here is where things left off: Naomi announced she is leaving the practice to build another one from the ground up, which angered Sam because he admitted he still loves her; Addison realized that her almost-affair with Noah was wrong and unprofessional and in the end cannot even deliver Morgan's baby; Violet and Pete realized they love one another and were on the verge of being happy, but crazy-patient Katie took matters into her own hands and just as the episode ended was about to extract Violet's baby out of the womb so that she could take her as her own.
Here is what we know: The episode picks up right where the finale left off. Who finds Violet? Does Violet live? Where is the baby? All of these questions have to be answered.
What I want/expect to see: I expect to see many more cutting edge storylines - more baby switches, androgynous babies, etcetera. I love that this show is the one medical show that is willing to push the boundaries.
Castle - premieres Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 p.m.
I know I have not been following Castle on this blog, but during the summer I caught up on the series and truly enjoy it. So when the show premieres in a few weeks I will be watching.
Here is where things left off: For those who need a reminder, the only real thing you need to know is that at the end of the last season Castle went behind Beckett's back to find out information about her mother's murder. He was about to reveal what he had found out right as the episode ended.
What I want/expect to see: Even though Beckett said she would never forgive Castle for snooping into her background, it is only a matter of time before she does. But for the first few episodes we can expect her to give Castle a very hard time. I also think it is only a matter of time before Beckett stops ignoring her feelings for Castle and the two kiss.