Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Important news to announce

For those who follow my blog, I have an announcement to make: I now have a DVR on my personal television! This is exciting because it means I will be able to keep up with this blog in the coming months. Now to backtrack, let me explain a bit. Since graduating from college a few months ago, I have been living at home with my parents in Rhode Island. We have a DVR on our living room television but there are nights, Monday for sure, when there are multiple shows the four people who live in the house want to tape. So now that I have my own DVR, I will be able to tape all of the shows I want to watch without having to worry about what else needs to be taped.

While I am spilling about my personal life, now is probably also the time to make another announcement: While I am looking for a journalism job, I have been working two waitressing jobs. One of them has me working usually about four or five nights a week, until about 11 p.m. each shift. This will make it difficult to watch episodes on time and update this blog quickly. I hope you understand and continue to read even if it takes a day or two for me to post. I promise to stay consistent and write recaps, thoughts, questions, etc. about every show I follow as well as continue to post industry news; I just can't nail down exactly when I will be able to do it.

One last thing: Per the request of a friend, who is more of a television buff than me, I will no longer write spoiler in the titles of my posts. Understand that most of what I write could be considered spoilers and read with caution.

Well, that's it for now. I'll also take this time to thank all who read my blog. I enjoy writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :)

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