Tuesday, September 22, 2009

GG: Welcome to college

I am going to start by saying that I truly enjoyed last night's Gossip Girl episode, almost more than last week's premiere. It was witty and entertaining. I hope this upward trend continues throughout the season. Anyway, here is the New York Magazine Daily Intel reality index for the latest episode. Read it and then come back here for a few additions of my own.

- Plus two for the scene at the very beginning of the episode where Dorota hands Blair a headband and Blair puts it on carefully, like it is a crown.
- When Blair sees Dan and Vanessa outside her residence hall she says to them, "we don't know each other here." Plus five because of course Blair would say something like that.
- Minus 10 for everything Nate and Bree. Their storyline was sickening this week. I hope next time we see them they are wearing clothes and out of bed. There is a real world out there. They should meet it.
- The "movie" everyone was so interested in watching instead of going to Blair's sushi party was Vanessa's DOCUMENTARY? Yes, there are tons of intellectuals in college, but no one would have been all that interested in it. Minus only one because maybe Vanessa really is a wonderful movie maker and we just don't know it yet.
- What right does Chuck have to call Serena a train wreck? He is just as awful as she is. But I'll call it even because this could just be sibling mudslinging.
- Minus five for the odd way Serena and Dan's relationship has evolved. First the phonecall they share, then she stays at the loft and then he makes her breakfast. Totally weird.
- I love that Dan took the headband off Blair's head and said, "No headbands in college." Plus like a million.
- Minus four for the immature way Serena handles everything. Did she really feel the need to ruin Chuck's deal? She is truly awful sometimes and so self-centered.
- No real points here, but what is Serena planning to do all day now that she is not going to college?

Quote of the night:
Georgina: "Jesus and I have redefined our relationship."
Blair: "You mean he dumped you when he found out you were Satan."

For other GG news, follow this link. There really are no words to describe it, you just have to read it to understand the insanity.

So what did you think of last night's episode? Were you as shocked by the Dan/Georgina kiss as I was? I don't care what the circumstances, there is no way Dan could have forgotten everything he knows about her. And, on a positive note, how totally adorable was the scene at the end where Blair climbed into bed with Chuck? I love them. Anyway, feel free to leave reality points of your own in the comment section. Until next time - xoxo

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