Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Jay Leno Show - Comedy at 10 p.m.

On Monday night, 17.7 million people tuned in to watched the premiere of The Jay Leno Show. Was this because people are interested in comedy at 10 p.m. or because they knew Kanye West was a guest? We'll have to wait and see if the numbers stay high, but for now the new show seems like it may have been a good idea. The show is very similar to when Jay hosted the Tonight Show, but it is a refreshing option when at 10 p.m. almost everything else on television is dramatic and action-packed. Sometimes a good laugh before bed is what a person needs.

As for the set-up of the show, it still starts with a monologue and there will be a guest every night, though musical guests will only appear under special circumstances. I like the new set and think it is very modern looking. I also like that instead of a desk for the interview segments, Jay and the guest just sit at chairs next to one another. It is less formal and I think it will help put people at ease. Also, some of the Jay usuals - Headlines and Jaywalking, most importantly - are still there, which is nice.

The first guest on the show was Jerry Seinfield, who came out wearing a tuxedo and was his usual humorous self. He even pulled off a live-feed interview with Oprah. This, as well as the continuation of A-list celebrity appearances throughout the week, proves that Jay is going to get all the good guests, which further makes me want to watch.

Before I end, it would be impossible to not talk about Kanye, but I do not want to dwell on it. I'm still not sure he is sorry for his actions. As for Jay, I give him credit for having the guts to pull the mom card. What Kanye did was wrong and to ask if he thought his mom would be disappointed may have been out of line but it was also something people were wondering.

Well that's enough for now, but here are a few questions: Have you watched either of the last two nights? Do you plan to watch in the future? Do you think NBC made a good choice with the show?

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