Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Entourage: "What's worth more - your car or your head?"

Here is a rundown of what happened on this week's Entourage episode:

- Sloan has made a reappearance in Eric's life. After a few weeks ago when she told him she no longer could be friends with him, Sloan calls Eric repeatedly until he talks to her. The reason for her call? She wants to make sure he is not mad at her. Sloan admits she has a "boyfriend" yet she suggests Eric and her meet for drinks. Later in the episode Ashley calls Eric, apologizes and says she misses him. Eric tells Sloan he does not want to wait while Sloan makes up her mind about them so E chooses Ashley over Sloan.
- Andrew is found sleeping in Ari's office because his wife will not let him in the house. Barbara sees him walking around the office in a bathrobe and freaks. She tells Ari that if Andrew does not sign Aaron Sorkin that day, then he will be fired. Later, in a fight with his wife, Andrew runs his car into his house and ends up in jail. This ruins the Sorkin meeting yet Aaron likes Andrew so much he is willing to go to jail to talk with him. Andrew breaks down crying and because Aaron has also been through a painful divorce he understands and agrees to be represented by Miller/Gold.
- Vince has a stalker and Ari recommends a security guy whom he has total confidence in. The security guy shows up and it is a bit intense. They even have practice drills on how to react in certain situations. The cost is astronomical and Vince has to walk around with bodyguards, but, as it is pointed out, it is only for his safety. At the end of the episode the security guy finds a license in the couch and no one recognizes him so they think they now know the identity of the stalker.

There is no new episode this week because of the holiday weekend. I'm sad to say that I may actually miss the show while it is gone.

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