Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ABC show recaps

Here is another batch of recaps - this time for the ABC shows I watch.

Grey's Anatomy - premieres Thursday, Sept. 24 with a two-hour episode airing at 9 p.m.

Here is where things left off: Cristina admitted to Owen that she loves him; Bailey begged the chief to let her back on as a general surgeon after deciding to divorce her husband; Meredith and Derek realized that there will always be something getting in their way so instead of waiting for the perfect marriage they wrote out make-shift marriage contracts on post-it notes and used this as their wedding; George was an injured John Doe after pushing a woman out of the way of a moving bus and as the episode ended Meredith realized it was him and the doctors flew into action and tried to save him; In the same vain, Izzie began coding as the episode came to a close and because she is DNR the doctors were not supposed to try to save her but Alex begged the chief and they began trying to resuscitate her.

Here is what we know: George dies and Izzie lives. Or at least T. R. Knight is no longer on the show and Katherine Heigl is.

What I want/expect to see: More of the same. With a few new cast members there will probably be a few new love triangles. Plus, Meredith and Derek have been too happy for too long. I expect something to come between them in early episodes.

Private Practice - premieres Thursday, Oct. 1 at 10 p.m.

Here is where things left off: Naomi announced she is leaving the practice to build another one from the ground up, which angered Sam because he admitted he still loves her; Addison realized that her almost-affair with Noah was wrong and unprofessional and in the end cannot even deliver Morgan's baby; Violet and Pete realized they love one another and were on the verge of being happy, but crazy-patient Katie took matters into her own hands and just as the episode ended was about to extract Violet's baby out of the womb so that she could take her as her own.

Here is what we know: The episode picks up right where the finale left off. Who finds Violet? Does Violet live? Where is the baby? All of these questions have to be answered.

What I want/expect to see: I expect to see many more cutting edge storylines - more baby switches, androgynous babies, etcetera. I love that this show is the one medical show that is willing to push the boundaries.

Castle - premieres Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 p.m.

I know I have not been following Castle on this blog, but during the summer I caught up on the series and truly enjoy it. So when the show premieres in a few weeks I will be watching.

Here is where things left off: For those who need a reminder, the only real thing you need to know is that at the end of the last season Castle went behind Beckett's back to find out information about her mother's murder. He was about to reveal what he had found out right as the episode ended.

What I want/expect to see: Even though Beckett said she would never forgive Castle for snooping into her background, it is only a matter of time before she does. But for the first few episodes we can expect her to give Castle a very hard time. I also think it is only a matter of time before Beckett stops ignoring her feelings for Castle and the two kiss.

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