Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm disappointed the SYTYCD people think we are idiots

After tonight's performance show, are we really supposed to believe that So You Think You Can Dance is truly random, because I have never been more sure that it is not. The show featured the first ever classical pas de deux and it was danced by this season's ballerina? That doesn't seem so random. AND after struggling for the past few weeks, fan favorite Phillip again drew hip hop? It has only been four weeks and he and Janine have already danced hip hop twice. Plus, both times Tabitha and Napoleon were the choreographers. That seems a bit too coincidental to me.

Anyway, this said, I liked the dances this week. I am just a bit disappointed overall. But all I had to do was look at Cat's gorgeous dress and I smiled. Hot pink is so her color.

For the record, this week's guest judge was Mia Michaels and at the top of the show Cat prompted her by asking a question about "a male dancer." We all knew Cat was talking about Brandon and Mia admitted that she no longer hates him. Thank goodness, because I don't think I could have taken any more of Mia's bitchiness.

Here is the usual recap of the dances along with my opinion on how the couples performed.

1) Janette and Brandon danced a cha cha choreographed by Jean Marc
Though Nigel did not point it out as I would have liked, Brandon very obviously performed to the audience throughout this dance, which left his partner loveless. After the performance, Nigel called it the best cha cha ever performed on the show and Mary put the pair on the hot tamale train. I liked it, but I don't know if I would have praised it so highly. I thought the dance seemed rushed at times and the beginning seemed very choppy to me.
2) Kayla and Kupono danced a contemporary routine choreographed by Sonya
This was what Sonya called a death dance and I loved loved loved the choreography. Sonya at times is a bit too out there for me, but I thought this was a great dance both in terms of choreography and execution. The dancers really hit their movements and the choreography really showcased the dancers' technical strengths. I believed the story and found the dance to be memorable. I enjoyed it immensely.
3) Randi and Evan danced a broadway routine choreographed by some woman I have never seen before Joey Dowling
I do not think the dancers did anything wrong during their performance but I did think the choreography was bad. It was a very character-driven dance and it was entertaining, but I don't think it was memorable. Mia blamed Randi and Evan for the dance failing, but I really think the blame should be put on the choreographer here. This was Evan's genre and he couldn't succeed. I'm worried about them. They are my favorite dancers, but I think they may find themselves in the bottom tomorrow.
4) Caitlin and Jason danced a pop jazz routine choreographed by Brian Friedman
This "alien dance" was so weird, which worries me because the last Brian choreographed dance led to Kayla losing Max even though the pair did not belong in the bottom. Regardless, as weird as I thought the dance was, I believed it. Caitlin totally dominated everything from her movements to the stage to Jason. She was in control. While I think this performance deserves votes, I don't think people will get it so they may find themselves in the bottom and this week who knows if they will be saved.
5) Janine and Phillip danced hip hop choreographed by NappyTabbs
For this dance the two were chained together. And might I point out that I loved the choreography. Tabitha and Napoleon are amazing. What was even better was that Phillip and Janine were really executing the dance. They were hitting it! I loved it, but I wonder if that is only because Phillip is so spectacular in his own field? Also, I would like to say that Janine is just as great as Phillip when it comes to hip hop, which is saying a lot.
6) Melissa and Ade danced a classical pas de deux choreographed by Thordal Christensen
These two were asked to dance Romeo and Juliet. And while I think the dance was beautiful, I was expecting more. Melissa again proved that she has wonder ballet technique and Ade got more chances to prove how strong he is, but overall I feel like they did little. But, as Mia pointed out, you can't really fake ballet, so overall it was pretty good.
7) Karla and Vitolio (the new couple) danced a quickstep choreographed by Jean Marc
The quickstep always gets dancers in trouble and is notoriously known as one of the most difficult dances. But tonight the dance was so entertaining and they really did a great job. I do have to agree with the judges who said the amazing choreography made the dance.

That's it for tonight. Who do you think should be sent home? Are you excited about the Dizzy Feet Foundation announcement? Or maybe you are more looking forward to the Katie Holmes broadway routine performance on the 100th episode July 23. Leave me comments about your thoughts about tonight's episode.

1 comment:

  1. Well the SYTYCD people know their audience is already watching their show, so it it really a huge leap to think they're idiots?

    (jk, kinda... lol)
