I have been waiting a few weeks for an excuse to write about Lipstick Jungle and now seems like a good time.
I honestly think Lipstick Jungle is one of the best new shows NBC has made in quite a few years. The show is smart and enthralls the viewers. The main characters, three best friends - Nico, Wendy and Victory - are always there for one another and love each other so much you can't help but want to be their friends.
Since Sex and the City there has not been such a great show focused on the lives of female characters. The show has only had a handful of episodes so far, and I fear it will not return, but while it was on regularly it was the one show I looked forward to each week. I can do without 90210 and ER, but Lipstick Jungle? No way.
That said, after watching their season finale two weeks ago, I was convinced the show would not be returning. The true fate of the show had not yet been announced, but why else would they end the episode with a montage recapping the best moments of the series, unless it was a way to say goodbye?
After months of pulling our strings - is it or isn't it being canceled - the most recent announcement is that the network is looking for ways to keep the show, especially after the outcry from viewers following the initial announcement of the show's cancellation. So, needless to say, my fingers are crossed that the show does find a way to make a return. And honestly, I would rather it be sooner rather than later. I'm not sure how long I can go without my fix.
Thanks for sharing that awesome post, Lipstick Jungle TV Show tops my list of favorite shows. All the Lipstick Jungle seasons are worth watching. I usually Watch Lipstick Jungle Episodes Online at lipstickjungle.edogo.com.