Thursday, October 1, 2009

Private Practice: "Where's the baby?"

This episode picks up right where the season finale left off, but it also shows flashes of when the practice was first started and, more specifically, how Pete and Violet met. The first shots of the episode show Pete, Sam and Naomi at a funeral, which leaves us thinking the worst. Here is a recap of what happened during the episode.

Pete finds Violet and with Naomi's help they get her to the hospital. Addison rushes in to be her doctor and spearheads the surgery. Everyone wants to blame themselves, especially Cooper, but they all need to realize that there wasn't much they could have done; Only Katie is really to blame. While in the waiting room, the men are freaking out and Sheldon and Pete are even fighting. This causes Dell to go into the operating room with the hope of taking back some promising news. He ends up sitting by Violet's side and talking with her.

Then Violet gets worse. She is bleeding faster than they can sew up her insides and faster than they can transfuse more blood in. Naomi suggests Addison do a hysterectomy, but before she does she wants approval from Pete/Sheldon. Pete and Sheldon agree that Addison should do everything in her power to save Violet, even if that means doing a hysterectomy. Then Addison looks to Cooper for help and Cooper says Violet would never want a hysterectomy especially since at this point they still have no idea where the baby is. Addison agrees and decides to do all she can without going to the extreme length of a hysterectomy.

Throughout all this Cooper has been receiving pages from the hospital, but he refuses to answer because he is not in the right state of mind to be a doctor. But after five pages, he storms to the nurses station and tells them to stop, which is when the nurse says he was being paged instead of someone else because the mother said he was the only doctor she wanted for her baby. Cooper turns to see Katie sitting in the waiting room holding Violet's baby. It is clear that Katie thinks the baby is hers. She even tells Cooper she heard about Violet on TV and is sorry. Cooper, with Pete's help, gets Katie to hand over the baby by saying he looks a little pale and needs to be checked, and security swoops in to take her into custody.

While checking the baby, the doctors find something wrong and he also needs surgery. Violet seems to be doing a bit better so Addison runs to rescue the baby, leaving Naomi alone with Violet. Violet codes, but Naomi works on her and gets her to respond only to watch her get worse. Dell pulls Addison away from the baby and the drug Addison decides to give to Violet will either help or kill her. The drug works, but both Violet and the baby are not doing well. Addison did all she could but it is still possible neither will recover.

To back track, here is a bit of other stuff you need to know about tonight's episode.
- We learn through flashes of the past that right after Pete's wife died he was a patient of Violet's. This was also right when the practice was started. When a position opens up and they need a doctor to fill it, Sam and Naomi want Pete, but Violet thinks his wife's death messed him up too much for him to be a successful doctor. But during the course of a few days, Violet sees Pete multiple times and he finally admits to her that he hated his wife and that he was almost happy when she died. After this breakthrough, Violet says they should hire Pete and that he would be good for the practice.
- Addison and Naomi find time to have a fight about Naomi leaving the practice. Addison says the reason she felt she had to save both Violet and the baby is that they are "her people" and since Naomi left them, she has no right to lay claim anymore.
- Dell has his daughter back, which is all he ever wanted, but now he has to find a way to be a successful single dad. Cooper gives him some advice - love her unconditionally and don't be afraid to ask for help.
- Violet tells Pete when they first start working together that what happened with his wife, particularly how he felt after she died, does not make him a bad man. It only means he married the wrong person. She even tells him she's sure he will find the right person in the future. (How cute is it that the right person is her?)

Just as the episode came to an end, Violet woke up! Oh, and as for the funeral they attended at the beginning of the episode, it was a flashback of Pete's wife's funeral.

This is what a season premiere is supposed to be like. I enjoyed the episode and rooted for the characters the entire time. Personally, I would have been heartbroken if Violet had died. Luckily Addison is a brilliant surgeon who was able to save them both.

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